Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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We're all sold out of Shadow Complex. Total time on sale was about 27 hours if you don't count the hours it wasn't live between batch 1 and 2. I'd say this was really successful for our biggest print run yet.
We're all sold out of Shadow Complex. Total time on sale was about 27 hours if you don't count the hours it wasn't live between batch 1 and 2. I'd say this was really successful for our biggest print run yet.
Thanks for keeping the prices down. It's really important. Love what you guys do!

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Spent so much on limited run games this year and so much more to spend :)

I have picked up every release since day one along with Breach when it was only 25 and no set limit on number of copies ordered :)
Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
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I think that's probably useful information to give as well when you do future surveys of whether or not people would be interested in you pursuing particular titles.  I know for me, my responses to some of your surveys would be different if I knew the costs on my end that would be involved, and I am sure others would also have a change in their feedback.  If Dariusburst was $60, or even $50, I would most certainly not pick up the title since it's just ridiculously priced. 

I would rather have you guys focus on continuing to pursue games that are affordable, but also ones that pique my interest.

Thanks for the info, Josh.

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Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
Sounds good. Any chance of a Binding of Issac print? :) Would be awesome to have a physical copy of it and all DLC.

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Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
I would easily throw $60 at you for a physical copy of the latest Fatal Frame on WiiU. More if you decide to do a proper CE for it. Though I'm guessing that game will be a long shot at best.

Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
I wonder if that's the case for Rez Infinite then... maybe it's not all iam8bit's own premium on the price? :whistle2:k

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Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
I hope you guys don't let higher prices deter you from perusing games. I'd have absolutely no problem forking over $60+ for Fatal Frame V on Wii U :D

Yeah, I've paid double and even triple the cost of some games in the past for physical games that where released in EU or ASIA. Unless something was just beyond ridiculous in the pricing dept, I would be all for more expensive releases.

I think Phoenix Wright DD is about $30 on the e-shop right? So paying $40 or even $50 for physical and limited version of that is a no brainer for me.

It's great LRG is cheap, for what is normally cheap "digital" games, but that has never been a factor for me personally. Physical in general is what draws me to this business model, so any games in the $40, $50 or even $60 would still be a draw to me depending on the game in question.

EDIT: @Doomstink

Don't assume that just because a release is more expensive, it will sale less. I think that is really going to depend on the title in question. "Limited" is still limited, and as such I think even a $50-60 game would sale out in minutes depending on the game and the qty's produced.

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I'll even pay $80+ for a physical FF5 on Wii u.
Same here.

I have no problem with there being a premium for physical releases of games that otherwise would never see them. There are times to be cheap just like there are times to put your money where you mouth is, and for me, supporting those types of physical releases definitely qualifies.

That is of course to say if LRG can decrease the price of a really great title, that they should still try to do their best to negotiate it down with the developers. ;D

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Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
The #1 thing that has kept me from picking up Dariusburst so far is that I can't bring myself to spend $60 on a digital game, so I'd be very interested in a physical run of that in spite of the price. As others have mentioned, I'd also be interested in others that would end up costing more such as Fatal Frame 5 and Yakuza 5. I think as long as you keep a balance of cheaper & more expensive games, no one will have grounds to complain.

They WILL complain, of course. But you are doing business on the internet, so you're probably used to that by now. ;)

Just for full transparency and so there are no surprises in the future, our prices are based on our games' digital prices. There is always a possibility we could have a $40 or $50 release. For instance, everyone keeps requesting Dariusburst CS, which is $60 digitally. If we pubbed that it wouldn't be any less than $60 unless the dev granted us permission to go cheaper. Run sizes would scale back at higher prices because we assume less people would be interested.

Vast majority of our releases will end up at $24.99 or $29.99, though. :)
I would pay $60 for a physical version of Dariusburst.

All I want is the Konami Rebirth games in a collection or separate... Too many people haven't played Contra, Gradius and Castlevania Rebirth due to them being digital only releases on the Wii.  All 3 are REALLY solid games that are going to basically vanish.

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Honest I heard rez was 30 on psn and bought the physical now. I was really against it but my entire gripe was the price.

I don't mind paying lrg for a 60 dollar drop, but if that's the case it should really be only one game that week. It'd really help me make that decision.
The $29.99 digital price came from the press release for Rez.

FWIW, we want games to be cheap but there may be several times where it isn't feasible. If we ever got the opportunity to make FF5 a reality, we'd likely be at $49.99 or $59.99 - we'd have to make it worth Nintendo and Koei's time.
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The $29.99 digital price came from the press release for Rez.

FWIW, we want games to be cheap but there may be several times where it isn't feasible. If we ever got the opportunity to make FF5 a reality, we'd likely be at $49.99 or $59.99 - we'd have to make it worth Nintendo and Koei's time.
Ill bite on nintendo games
Yeah, I've paid double and even triple the cost of some games in the past for physical games that where released in EU or ASIA. Unless something was just beyond ridiculous in the pricing dept, I would be all for more expensive releases.

I think Phoenix Wright DD is about $30 on the e-shop right? So paying $40 or even $50 for physical and limited version of that is a no brainer for me.

It's great LRG is cheap, for what is normally cheap "digital" games, but that has never been a factor for me personally. Physical in general is what draws me to this business model, so any games in the $40, $50 or even $60 would still be a draw to me depending on the game in question.

EDIT: @Doomstink

Don't assume that just because a release is more expensive, it will sale less. I think that is really going to depend on the title in question. "Limited" is still limited, and as such I think even a $50-60 game would sale out in minutes depending on the game and the qty's produced.
I'd happily pay $40 for Phoenix Wright DD (with it's DLC)... or the updated trilogy. I wouldn't be so happy paying $40 to $60 for generic gingerbread men the game... or whatever lower end random game everyone will buy because it's limited to 3000 copies world wide. But for a real quality game, no problem. I think for a lot of people Quality trumps Limited. Look at Rez Infinite. Certainly cheapos are balking at the price and unknown final limit of what they will produce (cause of the resell value), but people that love the series, no problem.

The $29.99 digital price came from the press release for Rez.

FWIW, we want games to be cheap but there may be several times where it isn't feasible. If we ever got the opportunity to make FF5 a reality, we'd likely be at $49.99 or $59.99 - we'd have to make it worth Nintendo and Koei's time.
There should be several titles where it's not feasible... but also where the quality and fanbase of the game is such that you shouldn't short change the developer or consumer through too small a production run or price. You guys already leave a LOT of money on the table for the resellers which should be going to the developers. I know guessing production runs is probably a pretty scary thing... but maybe seek some people outside the LRG community and fanbase to get feedback from about demand for certain games. Shadow Complex seemed a much better guesstimate of demand. It lasted long enough that people that showed up could get a copy without issue and it lasted long enough that there wasn't much excuse for working or most life complications. There was probably still money left on the table for it, but no where near as much as a lot of these vita games that sell out (or have all stock locked down in carts) in a few minutes. That kind of demand is toxic. Sure it may sell out a game pretty quick, but 2x the production run would have still sold out pretty quick but it would have given people a better chance to get the game that actually want it. What you currently have going with the Vita is a cash grab. There are so many resellers that you had to come up with a workaround to delete the listings and repost them in order to get these people to not pre-load their carts thus beating out a lot of the actual consumers that want these games in their collections but aren't looking at this as easy money. That should be a major issue. Sure you still sell out, but to whom and why? Are any of the games even going to get played that resellers are buying and marking up to the point that only hardcore collectors will pay those prices for? If you guys really care about the legacy of some of these digital only games... there should be more effort to get the games into peoples hands so more copies actually get opened and played.

The $29.99 digital price came from the press release for Rez.

FWIW, we want games to be cheap but there may be several times where it isn't feasible. If we ever got the opportunity to make FF5 a reality, we'd likely be at $49.99 or $59.99 - we'd have to make it worth Nintendo and Koei's time.
That's absolutely fair, and I understand. But like I said, the price should be taken into consideration when planning the release. If you drop 2 games a lot of people are gonna have trouble paying $90-120 in one week, ya know? I have no problem with 60 (which I've regularly been doing for 2 games anyway) but when it gets more expensive people are gonna struggle. I'm sure it's not just me :p
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Wall of text
We get it, you hate LRG.

Just stop now.

I think it's great that we've gotten to the point that you're even blaming LRG for resellers now.

You don't have to pay their bills, you don't have to pay their employees, you don't have to pay for any of their operating costs.

Stop acting like an entitled bitch all of the time, and whining about everything that has to do with LRG.

Your arguments always lack any actual substantive points for change, and it's just you continuously droning on for something that no longer makes any sense. Just because you type a lot, doesn't mean there's a valid point inside that wall of text.

Stop speaking as if you know how the industry works because you clearly have no idea how it actually works. You are not from the industry, it's clear you do not know anybody in the industry personally, and no, we do not count the online blogs and reddit posts you read as "you knowing the industry".

Get off your high horse you incompetent twit, and get over it.

We get it, you hate LRG.

Just stop now.

I think it's great that we've gotten to the point that you're even blaming LRG for resellers now.

You don't have to pay their bills, you don't have to pay their employees, you don't have to pay for any of their operating costs.

Stop acting like an entitled bitch all of the time, and whining about everything that has to do with LRG.

Your arguments always lack any actual substantive points for change, and it's just you continuously droning on for something that no longer makes any sense. Just because you type a lot, doesn't mean there's a valid point inside that wall of text.

Stop speaking as if you know how the industry works because you clearly have no idea how it actually works. You are not from the industry, it's clear you do not know anybody in the industry personally, and no, we do not count the online blogs and reddit posts you read as "you knowing the industry".

Get off your high horse you incompetent twit, and get over it.
Well said!
I'd happily pay $40 for Phoenix Wright DD (with it's DLC)... or the updated trilogy. I wouldn't be so happy paying $40 to $60 for generic gingerbread men the game... or whatever lower end random game everyone will buy because it's limited to 3000 copies world wide. But for a real quality game, no problem. I think for a lot of people Quality trumps Limited. Look at Rez Infinite. Certainly cheapos are balking at the price and unknown final limit of what they will produce (cause of the resell value), but people that love the series, no problem.

There should be several titles where it's not feasible... but also where the quality and fanbase of the game is such that you shouldn't short change the developer or consumer through too small a production run or price. You guys already leave a LOT of money on the table for the resellers which should be going to the developers. I know guessing production runs is probably a pretty scary thing... but maybe seek some people outside the LRG community and fanbase to get feedback from about demand for certain games. Shadow Complex seemed a much better guesstimate of demand. It lasted long enough that people that showed up could get a copy without issue and it lasted long enough that there wasn't much excuse for working or most life complications. There was probably still money left on the table for it, but no where near as much as a lot of these vita games that sell out (or have all stock locked down in carts) in a few minutes. That kind of demand is toxic. Sure it may sell out a game pretty quick, but 2x the production run would have still sold out pretty quick but it would have given people a better chance to get the game that actually want it. What you currently have going with the Vita is a cash grab. There are so many resellers that you had to come up with a workaround to delete the listings and repost them in order to get these people to not pre-load their carts thus beating out a lot of the actual consumers that want these games in their collections but aren't looking at this as easy money. That should be a major issue. Sure you still sell out, but to whom and why? Are any of the games even going to get played that resellers are buying and marking up to the point that only hardcore collectors will pay those prices for? If you guys really care about the legacy of some of these digital only games... there should be more effort to get the games into peoples hands so more copies actually get opened and played.
Downvote this -10000

You don't seem to understand what is going on. If there is as much artificial demand as you say there is, then increasing production runs is a very slippery slope that would lead to no sell-outs when flippers or collectors cease purchasing. People buy these BECAUSE they are limited. It's the namesake of the company. Doubling a run accomplishes nothing when 1/2-2/3 of people that were going to buy it, then change their minds.

Lastly, I don't think anyone else appreciates you coming in here to lobby for HIGHER prices to take copies out of the hands of flippers or whatever. That doesn't help anyone that wants to buy and play games.

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Thank god squarehard for your words of wisdom. I thought it was just me who wanted this guy to go to a site called expensive ass gamer and quit whining here. Plus that guys avatar is so ugly. I cant get over it with all the nonsense he spews.
Sweet, keep em coming LRG, you guys are the best.

WOW, a year ago, I would have never in a million years thought I would be buying two new Vita releases a month, especially at this point in it's life cycle, but Sony be damned, Vita FTW!

bread's done