Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Done with my order. 1 PS4 and Vita on both items, plus the soundtrack.  Shipping was the same for all of it versus the single soundtrack, so I'm glad I waited. 

EDIT: This time, the "it's available!" email was at 10AM ET, not 10:20AM ET like last time. 

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Got Mystery Chronicles Vita...which i'll then likely play when it goes cheap on a psn sale and leave this one to remain sealed forever. Only got the first 2 games for the Vita (Breach, Saturday Morning). Only really get games I may play though Breach is a no way in heck....haha...was a major impulse purchase back then.

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Boom. Got what I came for. Sadly, I did not exercise as much restraint as I wanted. I got one copy of each available. I just like having these limited releases too much.

Got Mystery Chronicles Vita...which i'll then likely play when it goes cheap on a psn sale and leave this one to remain sealed forever. Only got the first 2 games for the Vita (Breach, Saturday Morning). Only really get games I may play though Breach is a no way in heck....haha...was a major impulse purchase back then.
i got



x soilder


and the last game and these

Got my copy of Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics.

Skipping Thomas Was Alone. I have played and finished it and have no intention of ever playing it again. It was a great experience.

I was sitting in cart with Vita copies of each... they're going slowly enough, I might wait until the evening batch before I commit. 

Got all 4 and used Paypal checkout as always (which hasn't failed me since the 3rd release.)

Boom. Got what I came for. Sadly, I did not exercise as much restraint as I wanted. I got one copy of each available. I just like having these limited releases too much.
Same here, I look forward to these releases now. :bouncy:

In for both on PS4. Which brings me up to four LRG games. Shadow Complex, Rainbow Moon, and these two.

But I came late to the game, as it were, and I'm only buying ones I actually want to play. Which I guess is weird?

Shantae next!

In for both on PS4. Which brings me up to four LRG games. Shadow Complex, Rainbow Moon, and these two.

But I came late to the game, as it were, and I'm only buying ones I actually want to play. Which I guess is weird?

Shantae next!
Nah, my intention is to play all of these, which I've done for some. Unfortunately, time constraints, life, and a backlog that I could build a small shelter out of do not help.

wow very easy skips on those

Just went with the Vita version of Mystery Chronicle. I almost forgot about it but happened to look at Facebook at 10:02 and saw the CAG post. I knew having CAG be my first post on Facebook would pay off.

They actually sent the reminder email on time this time (one minute before they went live at 10).  Not that it really matters to us here lol.

I wonder why the PS4 games sell out so much slower than the vita...
Because there are a lot more "Vita Completionist" collectors.

Well, 15 minutes and none sold out yet! Gotta chuckle at all the future "I couldn't get it!!" posts.

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I guess that makes sense. I am glad I've never felt the completionist need for a system that sounds intense.

Now I will sit here and wonder when Cosmic Star Heroine will be out. hehe. I'll get that for both! Along with...everyone else probably.

I personally only ever go after Vita releases because the PS4 doesn't interest me as a platform, what with it just being a pc internally. Also the mini Vita game cases are adorable.

Welp, this afternoons drops should be in stock for a lonnnng time at this rate.

Thomas Was Alone on Vita was the first game to just sell out.  Rest are still available. (30min after initial drop)

Welp, this afternoons drops should be in stock for a lonnnng time at this rate.

Thomas Was Alone on Vita was the first game to just sell out. Rest are still available. (30min after initial drop)
They probably would have sold out faster if the line was different. Like, if it was One Way (not popular) with one of the Shantae (I'd think, very popular), someone who only wanted Shantae might pick up One Way for the hell of it.

Thomas Was Alone might be a good game but I can't imagine some people wanting a puzzle game. And I think the demo for One Way pretty much killed all hype for that game...

bread's done