Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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What about this is highly quality? Didn't they say a while back that were swamped with offers so they had to stop saying yes to every game and the selection would be more selective?
Steam reviews are "overwhelmingly positive" and the game looks like it could actually be fun based on the videos I watched. It's an odd shooter territory conquering hybrid type thing.... not at all what I imaged by the name and cover art. This, for LRG, is closer to their top tier. Remember what LRG publishes. They get games that would have a very hard time getting a regular retail publishing deal. I'm sure there are games they rejected that makes this look AAA where as it's probably a C grade game in the retail world.

I bought Ace of Seafood on PSN, it's a fun lil game tbh, I'll probably support.

Honestly, I think LRG has to 180 on the "less games and higher quality" plan once a bunch more players came into the 'limited release' market. With more players in the field LRG probably can't afford to start turning away games.

If they say no to every publishers smaller titles that they didn't really want, then when it comes time for a bigger release it's probably unlikely the publisher is going to bring it to LRG first when someone else has been busy taking risks on all their smaller titles already and has established loyalty.

Sure be nice if they would actually address these concerns on the forum though, not much communication lately

Sure be nice if they would actually address these concerns on the forum though, not much communication lately
Yeah, I think LRG is "limiting" the information as well at this point. LOL

I know Doug said awhile back Josh is busy behind the scenes dealing with the NS deals, as those are new and the learning curve is there I suppose(Sony/PSN is 2nd nature at this point). I do miss having info every few days, but going dark is far better, as most comments only opened up the flood gates of more haters. Unless some form of issue is getting out of control in regards to some CS issue, they should probably stay silent.

Business is of course doing well, so why not focus on that, and less on some guys complaining the same things of to many games, or crap ones. Why the hell it's so hard for some here to see we all don't like the same things, and just because a game isn't rated 9 or 10's, it can still be great to some. I personally couldn't finish BotW, and I would have given it a 6.5 at most, but for those who loved it, I'm happy it sold well. I've also played games that may have an average review of 6 or 7, that I would have rated 8-9. It's all personal opinions in the end.

At this point, I would be happy just to get a potential list of possible offerings and the planned release days for that month. Then I can plan in regards to whats needed for that month and not flying so blind. But for them to continue to address higher quality and less offerings, I think without some exact info, it will do more harm than good.

yeah finally stepping back and not auto buying every release every week sure makes it easier to pick and choose a smaller game to appreciate owning then derailing about having to spend another $100 on lrg this week. I'm passing on the current switch rels since I've had mercenary kings since almost ps4 launch, and have flinthook on ps4 and pc

Josh has had it up to here with the likes of you/us/me.

He has no time for our petty squabbling.  He has thousands of units of mediocre indie games to deliver to the commonfolk several times per month.  Pay your ESRB taxes and stfu. 

It's gunna be a good mud crop this year, I reckon.


This is a first time I'd be skipping vita release, should have done this for quite a few titles a long time ago, I'll try to get it later on ebay for lower price.

I will be skipping today's offerings after having bought almost everything since SMRPG. Funny thing is, I just finished playing SRW V and realized how I used to only buy games I really wanted to play and somewhere along the way I got caught up in this whole "Oh MY GAWD SO RARE!! I have to have all of it!" mentality.

Well, good luck to everyone else and hope you get the games you want today.
Pass on these games too. I think Siralim may be a good game, but it's been so cheap in an older IG bundle, and yeah I doubt i'd play it much. Ace of Seafood seems OK, but i'll save money there too. 

It’s so hard to gage interest because these limited companies put up such a small allocation in the first batch to make the games seem like fast sellers. I’ve seen games sell out in 5 min in the first batch but last 5+ days in the second batch. This tells me they only put up a small amount in the AM so people will perceive rarity due to a fast sell out and buy in the PM batch.
I think Siralim Vita may go legitimately fast in the 2nd batch too. It was only 1800 total and they limited it to 2 instead of 1. Plus its a Vita RPG.

I will be skipping today's offerings after having bought almost everything since SMRPG. Funny thing is, I just finished playing SRW V and realized how I used to only buy games I really wanted to play and somewhere along the way I got caught up in this whole "Oh MY GAWD SO RARE!! I have to have all of it!" mentality.

Well, good luck to everyone else and hope you get the games you want today.
Today was only my 3rd Limited Run Games order, but I understand what you mean. It won't be long (probably next month) before I start saying the same thing. You definitely must not be the only one because I still see Volume and Siralim still able to add to cart. I can maybe stomach 1 game a month (if they have decent reviews and look like something I'll actually knock off of the backlog), but I just ordered 3. At least I talked myself out of any Collector's Editions.

Has LRG ever stated how often they plan to release Switch games or PSVR games? I love the Vita and PS4, but I've somehow managed to not place an order until the Switch releases.

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It’s so hard to gage interest because these limited companies put up such a small allocation in the first batch to make the games seem like fast sellers. I’ve seen games sell out in 5 min in the first batch but last 5+ days in the second batch. This tells me they only put up a small amount in the AM so people will perceive rarity due to a fast sell out and buy in the PM batch.
That's just not accurate for LRG. They generally put up a larger portion in the first batch then in the second. I believe the other companies that do batches do 50%/50% but I'm not aware of any company that does a smaller batch first and then a larger batch later. What specific company are you referring to or are you just generally trolling?

Siralam went fast on the Vita. It's a legitimately good game with a small print run, so I'm not surprised. One of the better games I've seen in their recent release schedule, so I was happy to put an order in.

Today was only my 3rd Limited Run Games order, but I understand what you mean. It won't be long (probably next month) before I start saying the same thing. You definitely must not be the only one because I still see Volume and Siralim still able to add to cart. I can maybe stomach 1 game a month (if they have decent reviews and look like something I'll actually knock off of the backlog), but I just ordered 3. At least I talked myself out of any Collector's Editions.

Has LRG ever stated how often they plan to release Switch games or PSVR games? I love the Vita and PS4, but I've somehow managed to not place an order until the Switch releases.
IIRC, they said something like 1-2 releases every two weeks.

It’s so hard to gage interest because these limited companies put up such a small allocation in the first batch to make the games seem like fast sellers. I’ve seen games sell out in 5 min in the first batch but last 5+ days in the second batch. This tells me they only put up a small amount in the AM so people will perceive rarity due to a fast sell out and buy in the PM batch.
LRG typically puts up 2/3 of the stock in the first batch...
The Siralim box art isn't exactly screaming "buy me!", passed on it. Yeah I know that's shallow, it's just one of the many filters I have in place to reduce additions to the back log.

I'm confused about the cover art for Volume.

The "VR Mode Compatible" banner is missing from the soundtrack bundle.  Since nowhere does it mention there is a variant cover, I assumed this is a simple mistake and they will all carry the same VR emblem.  I ordered the soundtrack bundle, and I expect to get the PSVR emblem, but now I'm starting to worry.

Anyone know for sure?

I'm confused about the cover art for Volume.

The "VR Mode Compatible" banner is missing from the soundtrack bundle. Since nowhere does it mention there is a variant cover, I assumed this is a simple mistake and they will all carry the same VR emblem. I ordered the soundtrack bundle, and I expect to get the PSVR emblem, but now I'm starting to worry.

Anyone know for sure?
There is only one cover. You will get the same cover if you ordered it alone or in the soundtrack bundle.

Nice!  I'm assuming they responded to this on some channel already?  I figured it was nothing.  But since it still hasn't been corrected, I began to believe it was intentional.

The Siralim box art isn't exactly screaming "buy me!", passed on it. Yeah I know that's shallow, it's just one of the many filters I have in place to reduce additions to the back log.
I'm not going to rip on you too hard, as I can certainly appreciate not wanting to add to an already substantial backlog.

At the same time, I think Siralim is actually one of the more promising releases we've seen in a while. It certainly is if the reviews are anything to go by. The basic graphics of the game are extremely simplistic, which makes it show poorly in screenshots and basic gameplay videos. But the reviews for the game are plentiful, and extremely positive. There are clearly enough people out there who have played and loved the game, despite its throw-back graphical leanings.

I missed out this morning, but not intentionally. I was really tired yesterday, and just went to bed without setting my clock. I'll be trying to get some copies in the afternoon. Of course, if I miss out for any reason, I always have the option of getting Siralim digitally, so there's no particular harm.

I'm not going to rip on you too hard, as I can certainly appreciate not wanting to add to an already substantial backlog.

At the same time, I think Siralim is actually one of the more promising releases we've seen in a while. It certainly is if the reviews are anything to go by. The basic graphics of the game are extremely simplistic, which makes it show poorly in screenshots and basic gameplay videos. But the reviews for the game are plentiful, and extremely positive. There are clearly enough people out there who have played and loved the game, despite its throw-back graphical leanings.

I missed out this morning, but not intentionally. I was really tired yesterday, and just went to bed without setting my clock. I'll be trying to get some copies in the afternoon. Of course, if I miss out for any reason, I always have the option of getting Siralim digitally, so there's no particular harm.
I had never even heard of Siralim until about a week ago, and looking up reviews was the first thing I did. It for sure didn't look like my type of game, but the reviews sold me on it for sure. I totally agree this is probably top 5 in regards to LRG best reviewed releases for sure. Then with qty's being so low, I said why not? If I decide a year or two from now I want the game, I could easily see this one going up in value pretty good and being hard to get later on.

I grew up at a time when box art was everything, as the games looked like such shit. LOL So I had to learn pretty early on to not judge the book by it's cover. Some of the worst art, had the best games, and some of the worst games, had the best art(See what I mean). I got burned once to often back then and decided to stop buying stuff based on art, especially once TrU stopped allowing open returns on games.

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I think the fish game should of had a 80s retro type cover showing the lobster lazer beam a squadron of fish shooting at it from a distance. And make it in space.
IIRC, they said something like 1-2 releases every two weeks.
Thanks. That's pretty reasonable. If it ends up that there are two games two weeks back to back, I will just have to start picking and choosing.

I'm curious has LRG ever released a statement giving a really good reason why all releases aren't handled like the switch releases? I really like having two weeks to place the order instead of two seconds. :D

Is it the long wait times for delivery? Is it that they couldn't make a deal with Sony game manufacturing facilities like they did with Nintendo game manufacturing facilities? Or am I just a cynical jerk for thinking they like the business model of having a specified number of games available for only a moment because they will earn more revenue overall compared to open preorders? I know I'm over analyzing this.

Thanks. That's pretty reasonable. If it ends up that there are two games two weeks back to back, I will just have to start picking and choosing.

I'm curious has LRG ever released a statement giving a really good reason why all releases aren't handled like the switch releases? I really like having two weeks to place the order instead of two seconds. :D

Is it the long wait times for delivery? Is it that they couldn't make a deal with Sony game manufacturing facilities like they did with Nintendo game manufacturing facilities? Or am I just a cynical jerk for thinking they like the business model of having a specified number of games available for only a moment because they will earn more revenue overall compared to open preorders? I know I'm over analyzing this.
Probably because a company called "Limited Run Games" should not have OPEN RUNS of everything that they do.

That's just not accurate for LRG. They generally put up a larger portion in the first batch then in the second. I believe the other companies that do batches do 50%/50% but I'm not aware of any company that does a smaller batch first and then a larger batch later. What specific company are you referring to or are you just generally trolling?
I didn’t know pointing out an observation was trolling. Siralim for vita is a good example. It sold out in less than 5 min this morning and we’re 20 min in the second batch with 20% remaining. I would expect the second batch to sell out just as quick if the split was truly 67%AM/33%PM since there are so many less copies available in the PM batch. With that said I understand there are other factors. Maybe anyone obsessed with buying every release gets in on the morning batch? Maybe if the AM batch doesn’t sell out within a specific time period (ex 1 hour), all orders shut down until the PM batch. It just seems a little odd to me but either way the games will sell out eventually (through ordering direct or in a blind box).
I didn’t know pointing out an observation was trolling. Siralim for vita is a good example. It sold out in less than 5 min this morning and we’re 20 min in the second batch with 20% remaining. I would expect the second batch to sell out just as quick if the split was truly 67%AM/33%PM since there are so many less copies available in the PM batch. With that said I understand there are other factors. Maybe anyone obsessed with buying every release gets in on the morning batch? Maybe if the AM batch doesn’t sell out within a specific time period (ex 1 hour), all orders shut down until the PM batch. It just seems a little odd to me but either way the games will sell out eventually (through ordering direct or in a blind box).
The am goes faster normally due to it being the first chance. It's well known, that most buyers go with the am just in case of issues, that way they still have the pm. You can believe that or not, as any buyers who have been here long term know this as fact. if you think their using some Jedi Mind fuck , don't be a weak minded fool, and you won't get taken advantage of. LOL

The am goes faster normally due to it being the first chance. It's well known, that most buyers go with the am just in case of issues, that way they still have the pm. You can believe that or not, as any buyers who have been here long term know this as fact. if you think their using some Jedi Mind fuck , don't be a weak minded fool, and you won't get taken advantage of. LOL
My original point was just that it's very hard to gage demand based on the AM batch since it almost always sells out pretty quick. However, even if the AM batch sells out in minutes, it's not a sure thing that the PM batch will do the same. Sometimes the AM batch sells out in minutes and the PM batch will last for several days.

Probably because a company called "Limited Run Games" should not have OPEN RUNS of everything that they do.
True. You're not wrong. One could argue it would still be a "limited run" because the run would only be 2 weeks and then you can never buy it again after that except from a reseller. I was just curious if they ever explained why the open two week selling method would not be possible in the future for ps4 and vita games as well switch. Perhaps due to some kind of technical or manufacturing issue that I'm not aware of with PS4 and Vita games.

I apologize if I caused offense with my question. I'm just curious of the technical aspects of the business and don't mean to come off as someone negatively criticizing their business strategies. :D I am purchasing from them and will continue to, so I clearly like the company. I wish I could spend more if I wasn't such a cheapassgamer.

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True. You're not wrong. One could argue it would still be a "limited run" because the run would only be 2 weeks and then you can never buy it again after that except from a reseller. I was just curious if they ever explained why the open two week selling method would not be possible in the future for ps4 and vita games as well switch. Perhaps due to some kind of technical or manufacturing issue that I'm not aware of with PS4 and Vita games.

I apologize if I caused offense with my question. I'm just curious of the technical aspects of the business and don't mean to come off as someone negatively criticizing their business strategies. :D I am purchasing from them and will continue to, so I clearly like the company. I wish I could spend more if I wasn't such a cheapassgamer.
They actually tried the preorder system with PS4/Vita, and for that game, the numbers where pretty close to what was originally planned. So it showed the preorder period wasn't really needed. Their doing it for the NS, as they just don't wan't to piss off that fan base, with not offering enough. I'm sure after a few titles, they will look at their end numbers, and decide to continue, are just set numbers like PS4/Vita.

I'm curious has LRG ever released a statement giving a really good reason why all releases aren't handled like the switch releases? I really like having two weeks to place the order instead of two seconds. :D

Is it the long wait times for delivery? Is it that they couldn't make a deal with Sony game manufacturing facilities like they did with Nintendo game manufacturing facilities? Or am I just a cynical jerk for thinking they like the business model of having a specified number of games available for only a moment because they will earn more revenue overall compared to open preorders? I know I'm over analyzing this.
They tried pre-orders twice with other systems (Skullgirls and Ys) and both times ended up pretty badly for them. Skullgirls was delayed quite a few times and upped their support overhead a ton. With Ys, they had a certain amount produced initially and then were going to order more if that amount was exceeded in pre-orders. It was barely exceeded, and ended up with them either having to pay to break Sony's minimum print quantity or buy a boatload of extras (I don't think they ever publicized which route they went).

Switch pre-orders were initially to get a sense of demand quantity for Switch releases, and the order quantity by and far exceeded their expectations (~13k units). I'm not sure if every Switch release will follow the pattern, but it would make sense if the current titles were also pre-orders to gauge whether the demand is constant or was more of a hype-driven anomaly. If they had committed to 15k on Thimbleweed they would be sitting on units, if they committed to 10k they would have lost sales and had a bad reputation with the Switch crowd off the bat. Neither is a particularly good scenario for them. They don't have this problem with the Sony platforms because they have enough data to make informed (albeit sometimes misguided) decisions.

Short version: Switch titles are likely being treated as pre-orders to forecast demand and mitigate financial risk.

Keep in mind, this is just an educated guess from me as a relatively business-savvy gamer. I have no inside knowledge or affiliation with LRG.

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Start producing good games and I'll start buying again. Simple as that.. Stuff like this weeks games and later the fish game are junk IMO.

LRG now has a listing for their variant of Ruiner (1000 copies) and its supposed to go on sale on Wednesday, May 16th.  Has the standard version of this game even gone on sale yet from SRG?

LRG now has a listing for their variant of Ruiner (1000 copies) and its supposed to go on sale on Wednesday, May 16th. Has the standard version of this game even gone on sale yet from SRG?
Goes up May 15th on SRG

Wario tweeted that Golf Story got ESRB rated, wouldn't be surprised if LRG offers it with some kinda fangamer bundles

Goes up May 15th on SRG

Wario tweeted that Golf Story got ESRB rated, wouldn't be surprised if LRG offers it with some kinda fangamer bundles
Sweet, been looking forward to this one. I doubt I'll get a CE if offered, but I agree it's a good chance, especially since Fangamer offers GS merch.

Have updated switch preorder numbers been posted anywhere for Flinthook/Mercenary Kings? I know you used to be able to use the source code but either shopify is messed up or LRG is intentionally obscuring how many copies have been ordered.

Have updated switch preorder numbers been posted anywhere for Flinthook/Mercenary Kings? I know you used to be able to use the source code but either shopify is messed up or LRG is intentionally obscuring how many copies have been ordered.
I believe tomorrow night is the 2 week deadline, so they may offer numbers after they are officially closed off.

I believe tomorrow night is the 2 week deadline, so they may offer numbers after they are officially closed off.
That's all well and good but I want to know before the deadline. Print runs are part of the purchasing decision. I know neither of these games sold 20k copies, but if they had I would have zero interest in purchasing them.

That's all well and good but I want to know before the deadline. Print runs are part of the purchasing decision. I know neither of these games sold 20k copies, but if they had I would have zero interest in purchasing them.
Then you shouldn't buy them, cause you're buying games for the wrong reason.
lmao you realize rarity and low print runs to attract collectors is the core principal behind this company right?
When it's an open pre-order, if they sold 1000 or 20,000 what difference would it make? All those numbers means is that the amount of people who wanted that particular game have gotten it. 20,000 of a title can be very rare, where 1000 could not, it's all about demand. And with an open pre-order, your NEVER going to get any accurate numbers in regards to rarity or demand, as the only time demand is inflated, is when people think they can't get a game(when it's limited at release). I don't see any of these NS titles becoming rare, until the user base reaches some uber high number, and even then, there is no way to gauge that.

The question your asking and the reason why, may be one of the dumbest I've ever seen here, and that's saying something. LOL

When it's an open pre-order, if they sold 1000 or 20,000 what difference would it make? All those numbers means is that the amount of people who wanted that particular game have gotten it. 20,000 of a title can be very rare, where 1000 could not, it's all about demand. And with an open pre-order, your NEVER going to get any accurate numbers in regards to rarity or demand, as the only time demand is inflated, is when people think they can't get a game(when it's limited at release). I don't see any of these NS titles becoming rare, until the user base reaches some uber high number, and even then, there is no way to gauge that.

The question your asking and the reason why, may be one of the dumbest I've ever seen here, and that's saying something. LOL
Please stop talking about things you obviously don't understand.

On twitter, Josh said both Flinthook and Mercenary Kings are around 7,500 - 8,000 copies. Apparently less than Thimbleweed Park. I'm glad I got my CE now!
bread's done