Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I might be missing something but why is this a pre-order? Does LRG print BB's copies after they print their own copies?

Also agree, the cover is kinda shit.
Its so the customers that buy direct from LRG get that warm cuddly feeling inside that theirs shipped before someone who preordered from Best Buy got theirs.
I might be missing something but why is this a pre-order? Does LRG print BB's copies after they print their own copies?

Also agree, the cover is kinda shit.
I guess you're new to the concept of preorders? It's a preorder like any other preorder. Best Buy has an amount of something, and they're selling that amount before it's available/they have it in hand.

I guess you're new to the concept of preorders? It's a preorder like any other preorder. Best Buy has an amount of something, and they're selling that amount before it's available/they have it in hand.
What I was trying to say is I thought BB placed their orders in at the same time as LRG's open pre-order period- hence I would would think BBY's copies would be available at the same time as the LRG orders are available, and these would be ready to ship/not need a pre-order period at BB.

What a terrible cover lol. Reminds me of the Konami Best Of releases:

The ugly ass cover is punishment for not buying the LRG direct version of Shantae.

What I was trying to say is I thought BB placed their orders in at the same time as LRG's open pre-order period- hence I would would think BBY's copies would be available at the same time as the LRG orders are available, and these would be ready to ship/not need a pre-order period at BB.
There's an agreement in place that BB can't ship their copies out before LRG finishes shipping theirs. The idea, is that LRG customers get their copies before BB customers so BB doesn't siphon off too much business.

As far as production goes, LRG could have the packer handle the BB copies at the same time as their own copies... or they could wait and have them handled later since there is a pretty huge gap between LRG starting to ship standard editions and the collectors editions shipping. Whatever the case, the important thing is whatever date LRG & BB agreed to as the cutoff for their non-compete clause and when LRG will actually deliver the games to the distribution center(s) in time for the left over copies (after pre-orders) to be sent to stores.

As for when BB places their order, it's not really clear when that happens since it's all done behind closed doors. It could be some of these deals weren't signed until after preorders close to show BB the actual sales numbers so the demand for the games help BB decide how much to order. It's really all a big mystery that only those involved would know the full nuts and bolts of the operation.

Which really if I were in BB's shoes, I'd want some data to show that there is a demand for the games.. even if the demand may not translate as well at retail.

There's an agreement in place that BB can't ship their copies out before LRG finishes shipping theirs. The idea, is that LRG customers get their copies before BB customers so BB doesn't siphon off too much business.

As far as production goes, LRG could have the packer handle the BB copies at the same time as their own copies... or they could wait and have them handled later since there is a pretty huge gap between LRG starting to ship standard editions and the collectors editions shipping. Whatever the case, the important thing is whatever date LRG & BB agreed to as the cutoff for their non-compete clause and when LRG will actually deliver the games to the distribution center(s) in time for the left over copies (after pre-orders) to be sent to stores.

As for when BB places their order, it's not really clear when that happens since it's all done behind closed doors. It could be some of these deals weren't signed until after preorders close to show BB the actual sales numbers so the demand for the games help BB decide how much to order. It's really all a big mystery that only those involved would know the full nuts and bolts of the operation.

Which really if I were in BB's shoes, I'd want some data to show that there is a demand for the games.. even if the demand may not translate as well at retail.
I see, that clarifies things. I've always bought direct from LRG so don't really understand the BB deal all that much but going forward, I'm prob gonna pass on LRG and go to BB instead for some games. I mean I always expect delays with LRGS but it's pretty crazy how everything is delayed and they keep taking more orders, and the crap CS over the damaged items makes me want to avoid them when and where I can.

I see, that clarifies things. I've always bought direct from LRG so don't really understand the BB deal all that much but going forward, I'm prob gonna pass on LRG and go to BB instead for some games. I mean I always expect delays with LRGS but it's pretty crazy how everything is delayed and they keep taking more orders, and the crap CS over the damaged items makes me want to avoid them when and where I can.
Just a word of caution... there is a bit of stress that goes with waiting for BB. Like everyone is getting their copies of a game you want but then it's still not even listed on BB until a month or two later. So it's a couple months of checking. Then BB lists it and there's no button to order it for a few days to a few weeks. Then the button shows up and you have to ask yourself.. how bad do you really even want this game and will it sell out before you decide. It's not really more stress than ordering directly from LRG... it's just a different stress. I prefer the BB way... at least for all the months before the game starts shipping to LRG customers your money is not tied up somewhere. And the only stress comes at the end when it's waiting on BB to make the listing active... but so far I've not seen any game disappear so fast that I regretted waiting. In fact the wait has helped me cool my jets on wanting some games which has saved me money and then the hassle of selling more stuff.

Generally how quick does a game go from "On Deck" to "Shipping"?
Since the start of April, it looks like the median is 7 days. 3 weeks is the longest I've seen something languish on-deck over the past few months.

(Assuming I'm doing this query right, anyway. When a game starts shipping, it's removed from the Production Status page, so I don't have a concrete status and date to check against. So I'm taking the last timestamp I saw it on-deck and adding one day to it.)

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That's why digital is bad. You can only play the unpatched version if you bought physical. I haven't played since it launch so I don't know which one is better but I always hate when they nerf games to appease the whiners.

Also, maybe LRG purposely gave BB the ugly version of the Shantae cover to discourage people from waiting to buy it from there. There's no way anyone could have thought that color scheme was good. Also, speaking of Streets of Rage IV, it looks worse than the LRG version of the Streets of Rage IV cover for fuck s sake.
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Just got home and checked the mail. Odd pink package from LRG... I got the vita box with coin and metal cart as well. So ordering in 2020 didn’t matter. I guess just ordering B&C did it... unless they also looked at recent purchases as I did get the Castlevania Collection on switch preordered.
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oof what happened? I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, what did they mess up with the updates?
The game got additional dlc, lrg totally said fuck it to their original MO of releasing physical copies that don't need patches later, ps fuck Josh
The game got additional dlc, lrg totally said fuck it to their original MO of releasing physical copies that don't need patches later, ps fuck Josh
Lmao really.. Don’t buy games from LRG if this is a dealbreaker. Or physical video games in general. They can’t control whether a developer patches a game after they release it.
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There's a Limited Run Games 5th Anniversary Coin Set thing on ebay from the UK at $688.99usd (499.99 gbp/uk).  Looks like it's the first one to get listed.  I wonder how many of these things they even made... maybe 1000 since they gave out some B&C copies as payment for work.. and held some back which got trickled out over the years in blind boxes.
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Does anyone know the quality of the content in the artbooks in the No More Heroes collector's edition? I don't want to open it without knowing the artbook is worth looking through. I'd like for it to be more than just the widely-available official art in a book. I tried looking online but couldn't find any scans or the like. 

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I like how I bought hundreds of games starting with Saturday Morning RPG (the second game ever) and I didn't qualify. 

Even more grief for missing out on Breach & Clear.  lmao

There's a Limited Run Games 5th Anniversary Coin Set thing on ebay from the UK at $688.99usd (499.99 gbp/uk). Looks like it's the first one to get listed. I wonder how many of these things they even made... maybe 1000 since they gave out some B&C copies as payment for work.. and held some back which got trickled out over the years in blind boxes.
That's wild. It will be interesting to see if it sells. Got mine in the mail yesterday. I was surprised at the heaviness of the package. Found an unboxing video:

Looks like a massive coin, a metal Vita cartridge, and 3 cards. Pretty neat that LRG sent these out. Kudos to them for doing something like this. Still salty about Night Trap and Game Tengoku, though. Interestingly one of the comments for the video: "Somehow I got one of these. My tastes are pretty selective so I've only bought 3 games from them, didn't even buy #1. But my account is from before #1 happened, so maybe that's all it takes. Weird and neat."

Wish they would release Super Meat Boy ASAP. Nicalis needs to step up and sell their remaining two Vita games as well. Someone said I was exaggerating a year or two ago when I suggested it may be 2022 before the final Vita games are released in the US. I might not be too far off.

Yeah, I said as well they'd stretch the last vita releases out forever.  I won't be shocked to see vita games being held back for 2023.  I feel for the people that bought everything once the bonus Vita game was announced and are still holding on for Revenge of the Bird King.

I too was surprised by the weight of the the coin/cart set.  It's got some heft to it it.

It's funny the anniversary was back in October 2020... and it took them ~9 months to produce and ship these freebies out.   I'm not complaining, it's free, but I just find it hilariously on brand.  If this thing ends up  worth something on the aftermarket ... I'll happily offer mine up for sale and give a tip of the hat to LRG.

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Why is Josh shitting all over some kid and then talking about not screwing regular people over when his company does it all day every day lol

He's made $110,000 for college, and counting. That's a lot of hustle for a high school kid. Regardless of the debate over the ethics of his scalping rare commodities, it's humorous that Josh is criticizing the kid. Yes, eBay and Amazon are making a lot of money from the kid's sales, but the kid has to sell the items somewhere. Doubt he could make 110 grand standing on street corners selling goods.Also doubt he could make 110 grand mowing lawns or working at a fast food restaurant. The kid's practices for making money to go to college are a lot less egregious than the rapid hikes in college tuition over the past couple decades. Love how Josh brags about how smart he was by going to flea markets and pawn shops to buy stuff that could be sold for higher margins, but at the same time criticizes the kid for spending so much time to make 110 grand. I guarantee you that kid spent less time doing what he has done over the past year in making all that money than it would take to scour flea markets and pawn shops to sell stuff adding up to $110k profit. Much harder to find jewels in the wild nowadays that will yield big profits than it was back when Josh was doing his flea market/pawn shop thing. Also, I wonder how fast it takes Josh to plow through 110 grand for his endless supply of figurines, collectibles, and games that he so frequently brags about purchasing on his social media account? He's always so quick to lecture and judge other people and companies. Someone needs to send him a case of butthurt cream.

He's made $110,000 for college, and counting. That's a lot of hustle for a high school kid. Regardless of the debate over the ethics of his scalping rare commodities, it's humorous that Josh is criticizing the kid. Yes, eBay and Amazon are making a lot of money from the kid's sales, but the kid has to sell the items somewhere. Doubt he could make 110 grand standing on street corners selling goods.Also doubt he could make 110 grand mowing lawns or working at a fast food restaurant. The kid's practices for making money to go to college are a lot less egregious than the rapid hikes in college tuition over the past couple decades. Love how Josh brags about how smart he was by going to flea markets and pawn shops to buy stuff that could be sold for higher margins, but at the same time criticizes the kid for spending so much time to make 110 grand. I guarantee you that kid spent less time doing what he has done over the past year in making all that money than it would take to scour flea markets and pawn shops to sell stuff adding up to $110k profit. Much harder to find jewels in the wild nowadays that will yield big profits than it was back when Josh was doing his flea market/pawn shop thing. Also, I wonder how fast it takes Josh to plow through 110 grand for his endless supply of figurines, collectibles, and games that he so frequently brags about purchasing on his social media account? He's always so quick to lecture and judge other people and companies. Someone needs to send him a case of butthurt cream.
1. You gotta use paragraphs. No one is going to read that block of text.

2. The tweet is about how absurd it is that Amazon/eBay is getting a bigger cut than the kid selling the consoles.
1. Someone obviously read it.

2. He made multiple tweets that went beyond a single point.

1. You gotta use paragraphs. No one is going to read that block of text.

2. The tweet is about how absurd it is that Amazon/eBay is getting a bigger cut than the kid selling the consoles.
I hate to say it and I've seen Josh post some tool-y/douche-y things before... but this isn't one of them. fuck that kid, and fuck Amazon's/eBay's control on the marketplace for sellers.

I actually prefer Josh and LRG to resellers. At least Josh gives you a chance to buy the games and you know what to expect by now. Resellers are insane and buy up every single decent item in thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and retail stores so they prevent anyone from getting a decent deal anymore. I remember being able to find good deals once in awhile and I would be nice enough to leave anything behind that I figured anyone else would have wanted for a good price. Now you see reselling douches with their phones out scanning every single game and being greedy douches driving up the prices and not allowing anyone to get anything decent anymore.
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I like how I bought hundreds of games starting with Saturday Morning RPG (the second game ever) and I didn't qualify.

Even more grief for missing out on Breach & Clear. lmao
Weird. Saturday Morning RPG was my first purchase with LRG and they sent me the coin.

I also bought Saturday Morning RPG(vita) and continued to buy a lot their games up to now which is Castlevania and didn't get a coin. They sure like to use the word "support" loosely. Oh wellz.
Clarification from Josh on the coin criteria:

Given how simple this should've been, I can't wait to see what a shitshow the full set Vita game will be.

Clarification from Josh on the coin criteria:

Given how simple this should've been, I can't wait to see what a shitshow the full set Vita game will be.
It seems just a bit odd that the founder wasn't aware of this.

People should give up on trying to complete full sets because of crap like that. Problem solved. Even if you have to collect almost every single game.
People should give up on trying to complete full sets because of crap like that. Problem solved. Even if you have to collect almost every single game.
Yup, it gets worse the more committed you are to that kind of that thing too. Back in the ps2 era on this site, I was part of a discussion where we were trying to hunt down a non-greatest hits version of Final Fantasy X that had "Square Enix" instead of just "Square" on the box. Also, see: Sonic the Hedgehog on Master System lol. It's pretty nuts going for full sets of anything because your chasing an ever expanding, never ending goal.

People should give up on trying to complete full sets because of crap like that. Problem solved. Even if you have to collect almost every single game.
Yep, I learned my lesson with the Vita. I do have a full set, but I started when the library was manageable, but it's become worse and worse as time's gone on. 100% would not recommend unless you're masochistic or have more money than you know what to do with.

Why is Josh shitting all over some kid and then talking about not screwing regular people over when his company does it all day every day lol
seems like a really low margin tbh. sticking to just ps5's, xbones and maybe graphics cards would yield a much higher margin.

bread's done