List of Free Playstation Network items (NON-HOME ITEMS)

Check your e-mail, I got one yesterday with a code for a free dynamic christmas theme (PS4)

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Singstar - "Let It Go"


Jan. PS Plus Free Games Are Live.  But every single one of them is garbage.  I usually download all the + games just to have new games in my library, but I'm not wasting the hdd space on this junk and I have 2tb free.  What a way to start off a new year, new year, same garbage.  I know someone is going to get butthurt over this comment, but the main purpose of it is to inform that the new games are available.  No need to justify which games you like or why.

Jan. PS Plus Free Games Are Live. But every single one of them is garbage. I usually download all the + games just to have new games in my library, but I'm not wasting the hdd space on this junk and I have 2tb free. What a way to start off a new year, new year, same garbage. I know someone is going to get butthurt over this comment, but the main purpose of it is to inform that the new games are available. No need to justify which games you like or why.
Day of the Tentacle was good twenty years ago, so I'm guessing it's still good today. I haven't really looked at the others yet, myself, but I'm not sure what you're expecting for $6/month.

Personal preferences aside, you do not need to download the PS Plus monthly titles to your system to retain access to them later on down the road. Just add them to your PSN library (by "purchasing" them for free), and you can then download and play them whenever you want (if your PS+ sub is active). There's really not much reason not to do this since it's basically a game license you've already paid for, anyway.

it seems like Sony has given up on the PS3. the sales they have are slowing down and i have not seen anything free in quite a while.

Its the ios deals app now available from any web browser.

Figured this belongs here
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it seems like Sony has given up on the PS3. the sales they have are slowing down and i have not seen anything free in quite a while.
They have stuff, just Sony PlayStation NA/US isn't bringing it over from JP for whatever reason... those :ps4: Tales themes above are available for :ps3: too, but u just have to download the :ps3: versions of them from ur JP acct's store!/ja-jp/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%a0/%e3%83%86%e3%82%a4%e3%83%ab%e3%82%ba-%e3%82%aa%e3%83%96-%e3%83%99%e3%83%ab%e3%82%bb%e3%83%aa%e3%82%a2(ps3%e7%89%88)/cid=JP0700-NPJB00796_00-PS3TOBERSERIA001%3ATHEMES

make sure to log into ur JP acct before clicking on that link or else you'll get a page error if ur still in ur US acct.

The neat thing about JP store is they typically group things together into packs, so u don't have to add each item individually into cart... so u can just get!/ja-jp/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%a0/%e3%83%86%e3%83%bc%e3%83%9e/tob-%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%a0%e5%86%85%e3%83%a1%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc%e9%a2%a8-%e3%83%86%e3%83%bc%e3%83%9e/cid=JP0700-NPJB00796_00-PS3TOBTHM0000000


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Worked for me 0$ in canada and it downloaded to my ps4
It is a dead link for me. Is canadian psn different than US? (I'm assuming not since both are region 1) Are you buying it from your ps4 or can you buy it on PC? Do you have Ps+?

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Saw this the other day at if anyone was interested in that GoW Overture from E3 (yes i agree w/those people that said this sounds kinda satanic lol), the direct link is has some 3 avatars (Watcher, Rost & Aloy) for free after watching Horizon Zero Dawn videos & visiting Facebook... (or you can just manipulate the page from following provista's method to generate the claim link :whee: if u don't wanna watch videos lol)
Similar to how it was done during E3, u get the codes in ur email after 7-10 business days after the event is over.

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Did anyone here download the soundtrack when it free for Acceleration of Suguri X-Edition ? Was it a transaction per song that was added to your download list under some obscure title? Coz I can't find it anywhere on my download list. Either that or the transaction wasn't a real one and just a store to console download push type of thing with no entry added to your download/transaction list......but now I don't remember...

Some other soundtracks I saw that are still listed:


Lone Wolf!/en-us/games/addons/joe-dever's-lone-wolf-soundtrack/cid=UP4040-CUSA05474_00-LONEWOLFOST00000

Infamous Second Son!/en-us/games/addons/infamous-second-son-official-soundtrack/cid=UP9000-CUSA00566_00-ISSSOUNDTRACKAPP

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bread's done