Loco Roco 2 - Out Now - $19.99

I played the first LocoRoco like it was my job...would love to see a sequel! Mooja mooja!

Downstream Panic takes a similar approach to gameplay...it's not as well done, but it might scratch the itch until LR2 arrives.

Nobody can deny the cuter qualities of the LocoRoco. The simplistic yet uniquely addictive PSP game was a breath of fresh air when it was released in 2006 -- easy to come to grips with, fun to look at, and downright charming once you broke out the headphones and learned all the neat little songs the Locos sung for you. Two years on, and the music is still stuck in the heads of thousands worldwide.

Rumors about LocoRoco 2 have been buzzing around for over a year now (former Sony vice president Phil Harrison inadvertently confirmed it when he mentioned how he was playing "LocoRoco's next version" at the 2007 DICE event), but now we've got official confirmation: the Locos are heading back to the PSP, and it's going to be as cute as ever. As before, you use the L, R, and Circle buttons to help the strangely cute LocoRoco across a dangerous planetary landscape, with the merry blobs singing and generally having a good time along the way.

The Moja Troop, the vaguely rasta-ish aliens that got in the LocoRoco's way in the previous game, are back -- and as director Tsutomu Kouno tells Weekly Famitsu magazine this week, they've learned how to sing themselves. "The Moja Troop are back with some new bosses, but this time they've also learned some songs," he says. "They've been practicing as hard as they can, and they've learned how to use music to sap the energy out of everyone. Now nobody feels like doing anything, so the LocoRoco have to go around the world and pep everyone back up again." Does that mean you'll be hearing the Moja singing away if you approach one? It sure does. "They're pretty good, too!" Kouno claims. "You'll also run into other enemies as the game goes on -- not friends of the Moja, but there's a boss that has transformed these creatures and has them under his control, and he uses them to attack the LocoRoco."

The original LocoRoco was a hit among both hardcore PSP maniacs and the more casual audience, and Kouno is quick to point out that the sequel won't lose the first game's light, quick gameplay and simple charms. "We've tried our best not to change the core gameplay too much," he says. "We're being careful to keep it from getting too complex, and in addition to that, we're putting in lots of new features for people who played the first game to enjoy." Among those new features is a wealth of new abilities that the Locos learn as you go on: "In the first game you could only swim on the surface of bodies of water, but here you can dive underwater," Kouno says. "You could catch yourself on a rope by biting on it earlier, but you can bite down on more stuff this time -- you can even pull things out entirely with your teeth. We'd like to have more places where the player and the LocoRoco work together to do things, giving you a taste of what it's like playing with them."

No release date has been proffered for LocoRoco 2, which Sony Computer Entertainment says is about 75 percent complete.

We've got confirmation and some nice details on what's new in the sequel.

We sat down with LocoRoco creator Tsutomu Konno at Sony's Tokyo offices to check out the latest work-in-progress build of the upcoming sequel and chat some about the game. LocoRoco 2 brings back the original's unique mechanic of tilting the world in different directions to move characters around the screen. This time out the Moja defeated in the original game have returned singing a very melancholy song that is filling the world with black ooze. Your goal is to revitalize the world and get rid of all the black ooze.

Twenty-five stages are planned for the new game. While that's fewer than the original, each level contains significantly more than in the first game so it adds up to more contents as a whole. A big part of that comes from making the levels much more replayable. Unlike the original, the world doesn't reset when you complete a level. To clear all the ooze on a level you'll need to go back after gaining new items and abilities that will let you reach new areas. Clearing levels also unlocks a quest mini-game for that level.

The demo also showed off two new abilities for your LocoRocos. "Afro Hair" is exactly what it sounds like: an exaggerated Afro wig that all but envelops the character.

Wrapped up like that the LocoRoco can break through rocks to get to open new areas of a level and crush dangerous spikes that would usually be impassible. Swimming now goes a step beyond just paddling around the surface with the added ability to dive.
LocoRoco 2 also includes a new four-player ad-hoc multiplayer mode. In it each player plays a mui mui and tries to become the largest of the four by shoving the others into spikes and sucking up the pieces that come flying off when they do.

We'll have full impressions coming once we play the game at the show. Keep an eye on our Tokyo Game Show hub for that and all our coverage from the show.
Some new details from 1up.
$20?!!!?!?! *Gasp* :whistle2:#

So... here we have a full game at a very good value which a lot of people wanted... I can't wait to see how the sells turn out. /cross fingers.
[quote name='NamPaehc']$20?!!!?!?! *Gasp* :whistle2:#

So... here we have a full game at a very good value which a lot of people wanted... I can't wait to see how the sells turn out. /cross fingers.[/quote]

It's been up on torrent sites since last week, so I'm sure it'll be yet another PSP game with shitty sellthrough because of piracy.

Amazon shipped my copy yesterday...I'm looking forward to spending some time with this over the weekend.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I didn't pick up the first Loco Roco, will I miss out if I just pick up Loco Roco 2?[/quote]
No. You just miss out on more overwhelming cuteness.
i just played the demo for this and it is stupid fun! I am gonna have to pic kthis up once I can tear myself away from hot Shots Golf 2
How do I defeat those black Muju creatures without losing any Locoroco?
I don't know how to beat them 100% without getting one eaten.
bread's done