LOL. I tormented my uncles kids for two hours with MEGAMAN 9


I brought my PS3 over to the house and told them they could play anything they want. IF they can beat ONE level of Megaman 9. They're like 10 and 11 years old and they were like "ok! This is gonna be easy." They were in shock at how hard the game was. They kept begging to change the game, but I told them a deal is a deal. I told them stories about how Nintendo cartridges were 70-80 dollars when I was growing up and if we got a shitty game, we tried to make the best of it and played it EVEN though it sucked trying to eek out enjoyment from it. I also told them we got like 3-4 games a YEAR and that two fo those games are from BIRTHDAY and CHRISTMAS. I also enjoyed telling them that when we rented games, it was OUR ENTIRE WEEKEND PLAN. You got a shitty game? Tough shit. You played that fucker for your weekend as that was ALL YOU HAD for the weekend. You couldn't take it back. So you played it until you LIKED IT. The tears of manliness were swelling in their eyes as they endured what could possibly be called Chinese torture. I waved copies of Pure and Little Big Planet infront of them as a reward of what they could play if they could just beat ONE level. They actually got in arguments about losing. One actually said "DAMN IT! You almost beat the level and you lost! WE GOTTA PLAY THIS LEVEL ALL OVER AGAIN YOU DUMBASS!"

Ahhh oldschool bliss.
Glad you agree with my methods. Ahhhh to be young again and feel the divine wraith of god in the form of NINTENDO.
As someone who had endured Fester's Quest and Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde back in the NES days, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making these kids have a peak at the old days. :D
This is one of those stories you tell kids and they think you're lying. You know, games being hard as shit, women cooking meals, or men being able to be proud of who they are.
*big thumbs up*

Modern consoles should come hardwired with something like that (good-hard game like Mega Man, or oldschool-crappy game) and you have to "unlock" the ability to play other games on it.

My earliest encounter with such a situation was with Rygar on NES. Good game, not super hard . . . but you can't save and there's no password! You had to play it all in one sitting or pause the game over night. Made a man out of me, though.
[quote name='Gentlegamer']*big thumbs up*

Modern consoles should come hardwired with something like that (good-hard game like Mega Man, or oldschool-crappy game) and you have to "unlock" the ability to play other games on it.

My earliest encounter with such a situation was with Rygar on NES. Good game, not super hard . . . but you can't save and there's no password! You had to play it all in one sitting or pause the game over night. Made a man out of me, though.[/QUOTE]

Rygar came to mind for me too.
Op is fucking golden. What really happen at the end?
What if the kids snapped out and decided to throw the controller out of the window or smash the tv?

Those kids probably never played Megaman 7 or 8 before. They didnt know that they can buy E-cans and 1ups with the bolts?

Op canalso tell them to quit, show them a video of MM9 speed run and entertain them for 30 mins. I was amused on how pro the speedrun was.
[quote name='munch']Yeah, your 35 year old ass really stuck it to those 10 year olds. Way to go.[/QUOTE]
The only humorous thing in this thread.
[quote name='Brak']The only humorous thing in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, your internet asses showed OP who's really the most mature. Way to go.
[quote name='javeryh']Is 9 easier or harder than 1?[/QUOTE]

I felt that 9 was harder overall, at least with the material they throw at you in the last five stages. Some sections are purely trial-and-error hard but if you didn't stock up on bolts and items beforehand it goes from being "doable" to "ridiculously infuriating" pretty quickly.

That's for me, at least. I can run through MM1 in the wrong boss order and not lose a life until the boss rush. On MM9 I have to hit the bosses in the right sequence and play pretty conservatively throughout.
Ahh, the play the crappy game till you like it, brings back memories. I was stuck renting Total Recall, what a crappy game, damn rats on the pipes, but after forcing to play it because i'll be damn if i didn't enjoy my rental before taking it back. I actually did enoy it on some level :p still a crappy game. I miss the old days, gaming doesn't have that same feeling as it did back then. But none the less, i still loving gaming today.
i still go back and play nes games since i figure over time my skills improve and sure enough ive beaten a number of them that gave me shit fits back then but theres still a few due to crapy design or just pure evil design that kick my ass to this day. if MM9 ever drops to 5 bucks ill pick it up because i wouldnt mind playing it but 10 bucks is to much for a nes game.

i remember going through hell trying to beat mm3 and 2 both those games i fell asleep playing over the weekends only to wake up with the controller in my hands and start playing again.
As a kid, I used to be able to beat some of Megaman 1 and I beat 2 all the way through. But those are some tough ass games. And this idea is hilarious.
I remember renting back to the future for the NES... It was a horrible game, but I played it for a good long while before I had to return it again.
It would be even funnier if they played Mega Man EXE or Star Force and expected it to be a piece of cake.

I remembered the time my cousin's kid came over and saw my mega man Anniversary collection. They were expecting Mega Man EXE but they were in for a treat.
[quote name='62t']It would be even funnier if they played Mega Man EXE or Star Force and expected it to be a piece of cake.

I remembered the time my cousin's kid came over and saw my mega man Anniversary collection. They were expecting Mega Man EXE but they were in for a treat.[/QUOTE]

They did play later megaman games on the Gameboy Advance I believe and they honestly thought it would be a piece of cake LOL.
Good story! That'll learn 'em.

MM9 was hard but it wasn't impossible by any means. MM1 is much harder, and I think MM3 might even give you a run for your money with the extra 4 stages before Wiley's castle.
[quote name='johnnypark']Good story! That'll learn 'em.

MM9 was hard but it wasn't impossible by any means. MM1 is much harder, and I think MM3 might even give you a run for your money with the extra 4 stages before Wiley's castle.[/QUOTE]

Megaman 1 was difficult, but i would say it's nearly equal to MM9. Megaman 3 is actually a bit easier then the other games as it's more of a length Megaman rather then truly difficult. Plus the invincibility glitch made things tons easier.
If they manage to do that, make sure next time they have to beat you in SFIV while you use Dan. They have to beat you two rounds in a row, that way they don't get "lucky".
[quote name='javeryh']Is 9 easier or harder than 1?[/QUOTE]

9 is way harder than 1. I got 9 on 360 and it is just silly to play. though I must admit I haven't tried playing it seriously though.

[quote name='ParadoxSeven']Ahh, the play the crappy game till you like it, brings back memories. I was stuck renting Total Recall, what a crappy game, damn rats on the pipes, but after forcing to play it because i'll be damn if i didn't enjoy my rental before taking it back. I actually did enoy it on some level :p still a crappy game. I miss the old days, gaming doesn't have that same feeling as it did back then. But none the less, i still loving gaming today.[/QUOTE]

I hated that game. just silly for no reason. I remember making it to Mars like twice and was so excited that I did. lol
That's awesome OP. I wish I was a little older so I could relate to this more, (I didn't start hardcore gaming until the early N64 years), but I can definitely understand the feeling of being stuck with one game as a kid and tough shit if you didn't like it.
[quote name='munch']Yeah, your 35 year old ass really stuck it to those 10 year olds. Way to go.[/QUOTE]
this sums up my feeling about this thread and everyone in it
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Yeah, your internet asses showed OP who's really the most mature. Way to go.[/QUOTE]

it's kind of cute how they all back each other up and laugh at their own jokes.
[quote name='munch']Yeah, your 35 year old ass really stuck it to those 10 year olds. Way to go.[/QUOTE]

This is more about obnoxious kids that dont respect how things used to be, the way we dont respect the big 60" LCDs and 1080p resolutions we get compared to how our parents used to watch tv on 9 inch screens or in black and white. Except with the internet we can share the funny stories instead of showing off the ass whoopins our parents used to give us for being ungreatful.
Oh, and if you really want these kids to suffer make a second thread about making them play the first TMNT game on NES, and get past the dam level. Now THAT will put some hair on your chest (until you get flattened by a foot soldier driving a steam roller).
I am glad these kids got shown what it was like in the earlier days. I see kids nowadays with NO respect for why we are here today. Either it be music, TV, video games etc... It's nice for them to understand and appreciate what we lived through, and maybe they can be more respectful people in the long run.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am glad these kids got shown what it was like in the earlier days. I see kids nowadays with NO respect for why we are here today. Either it be music, TV, video games etc... It's nice for them to understand and appreciate what we lived through, and maybe they can be more respectful people in the long run.[/QUOTE]

i hate when they ride their bikes on your newly watered lawns and that dagblasted hippipty hoppity msic they go blaring at all times f the day ruining the matlock. and those young gals with their clothes clinging to em and their skirts so short and so revealing.............well that part aint too bad i dont reckon.
[quote name='tankass']This is more about obnoxious kids that dont respect how things used to be, the way we dont respect the big 60" LCDs and 1080p resolutions we get compared to how our parents used to watch tv on 9 inch screens or in black and white. Except with the internet we can share the funny stories instead of showing off the ass whoopins our parents used to give us for being ungreatful.[/QUOTE]
What the op sounds like is teaching kids an impromptu, unwarranted lesson. He doesn't really describe the children doing anything wrong at all. What the op describes in his post are the negatives of that era of gaming. Why should the children respect something that they probably NOW conceive as all bad and terrible? He didn't humble them, he just got some sick joy out of wasting a few kids' time.
You: You will play this god awful game and you will like it.

Them: Why should we cousin fuckass?

You: Because if you do, you can play any other PS3 game you like.

Them: The fuck? The PS3 doesn't have any games.

You: I know :'(
bread's done