LOL I'm such a *****, I have trouble playing SCARY games.


Serioulsy I might be the biggest ***** when it comes to playing scary video games. :cry:

To give you an example, I was playing Doom III for PC with God mode, Invisible mode, and all weapons, and I was still SCARED! :hot:

It got so bad that I was afraid what was going to be in the next room, so after using all weapons and getting the BFG, I'd run in, literally shoot every inch of the room without seeing if an enemy was there.

Sort of a "shoot first" ask questions approach, but it screwed everything up cuz I kept killing innocent scientists before I had a chance to talk to them to progress the story. I have yet to STILL beat the game, and it came out like 3 years ago?

Honestly, I don't know how I made it through FEAR demo on 360. I guess I forced myself through it cuz I figured it would be a short demo, and it was. I don't know if I could take playing this game 2 hours in a row, I'd get a heart attack.

BTW, this isn't a joke topic. Is anyone here a scaredy cat like me? :bow:\\:D/:baby:
[quote name='icecubedx5']Serioulsy I might be the biggest ***** when it comes to playing scary video games. :cry:

To give you an example, I was playing Doom III for PC with God mode, Invisible mode, and all weapons, and I was still SCARED! :hot:

It got so bad that I was afraid what was going to be in the next room, so after using all weapons and getting the BFG, I'd run in, literally shoot every inch of the room without seeing if an enemy was there.

Sort of a "shoot first" ask questions approach, but it screwed everything up cuz I kept killing innocent scientists before I had a chance to talk to them to progress the story. I have yet to STILL beat the game, and it came out like 3 years ago?

Honestly, I don't know how I made it through FEAR demo on 360. I guess I forced myself through it cuz I figured it would be a short demo, and it was. I don't know if I could take playing this game 2 hours in a row, I'd get a heart attack.

BTW, this isn't a joke topic. Is anyone here a scaredy cat like me?

I'm easily scared too, which is why I like to play so much horror games and watch so much scary movies/shows. I'm never alone though, so that definately helps. Try only playing them in the day time or when there's other people around.
I hate Spiders, so any game with giant Spiders *cough*Resident Evil*cough* freak me out a little. But I like it. I think everyone likes to be scared a little. But it sounds like you have it worse than most.
i'm not that easily afraid of anything "spirits" but i my heart rate did go up a little the first play playing fatal frame. after that though, nahhhh. it's just a game.

fatal frame is a lot different because you don't have actual weapons. all you have is a camera to take precise pictures of the ghosts. all other games give you tons of destructive weapons. doom, f.e.a.r., half life, etc. so those are consider action/fps to me. resident evil is a little different as well because you have to conserve your ammunition. i have silent hill but haven't played any of them yet.
I feel almost the same as you. Except that I actually confront my fears by actually playing the game. It adds to the enjoyment of the game knowing that I'll get scared by it. I sometimes hook up the surround sound just for added effect. Not too many times though since I don't like to crap my pants much.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I hate Spiders, so any game with giant Spiders *cough*Resident Evil*cough* freak me out a little. But I like it. I think everyone likes to be scared a little. But it sounds like you have it worse than most.[/quote]

Lol I bet you would have a hard time playing System Shock 2 because that had some seriously scary spiders.

I do get scared easily sometimes and like Half life 2 and FEAR and the like scares me but I just love that jumping in your seat feeling and so it inclines me to keep playing.
I hate the that-wall-is-actually-a-monster-and-it-is-going-to-jump-out-at-you-once-you-reach-a-certain-point games. I'm alright with the spooky or undead crap, but once shit starts jumping out of nowhere, I'm done.
I was 11 when I first saw Resident Evil. Yes, I watched, didn't play.

First of all, the game itself was pretty scary for a kid who didn't own anything but Nintendo systems. And then... it happened. The "Dog" hallway. Could. Not. Sleep.

My earliest videogame fears, however, go back to Friday the 13th, the NES game. I could deal with the outside, platforming aspect of the game with no problems. Zombies, birds, the occasional Jason attack. Nothing big.

But as soon as you go inside, the game changes into an over-the-shoulder, 3rd-person, FPS-esque type situation. :cry:

Being completely honest, I am a few months shy of my 21st birthday and it still frightens me without any explanation. I've played it on emulators and crap and I my heart still speeds up. I sweat, shake, and eventually have to quit. It's almost traumatic. Every time I move, I expect that Jason sound effect, and to see him stabbing at the screen. I'm getting nervous as I type.

Aside from those, Silent Hill is pretty creepy. I can digest it in small amounts (I've been creeping my way through the first one over the course of this year), but they freak me out occasionally. I own all four and haven't gotten anywhere in any of them because I can't take it.

So yeah, I'm pretty much a wimp.
I played one level of Condemned. It's been sitting on my shelf since, untouched. I also downloaded the FEAR demo for 360. Got to the ladder about 5 seconds in and shut the game off, 'cause I knew that girl would show up at the bottom when I turn around.

Also could only get through the first ten minutes of Fatal Frame II. Five minutes into that, I still had to turn off the sounds to get through the next five minutes. Then the pale-white Japanese ghost chicks started moving across the screen and the game has not been played ever since.
Heh, there's a reason I've only played RE4 for about a half hour. After that time, my body's had so much adrenaline rushing through it, I'm exhausted. Even when nothing's happening, I'm just anticipating it happening.
The reason I stopped playing RE4 is because I typically don't like survival-horror gameplay. I hate not having ammo, and I was bone dry.

Oh, and flash scares for the lose.
games that scared me:

Doom 3 (the part where you first see the demonic flying babies.. holy crap)
Call of Cthulu (creepy in general)
Condemned (the mannequin level.. oh my)

but the demo for F.E.A.R on PC takes the cake.

to maximise the experience one should play by themselves with all the lights off w/headphones late at night. oh frick... :)
[quote name='Z-Saber']The reason I stopped playing RE4 is because I typically don't like survival-horror gameplay. I hate not having ammo, and I was bone dry.

Oh, and flash scares for the lose.[/quote]

You ran out of ammo in RE4? How'd that happen? They give you tons.

And as far as scary games go, I've gotten much better dealing with my fears. When I first got RE1 for PS1, I got home at 10pm that night but didn't touch the game until the next morning. I got to the scene where the zombie eating Kenneth turns and looks at you, and didn't touch the game again until a week later when I went to my grandmother's house and played the game in the company of several of my cousins.

Nowadays, I can play Silent Hill 2 at 1am and hardly bat an eye, thought hearing Pyramid Head's knife scraping aginst the ground tends to creep me out.
The Resident Evil on the Dreamcast freaked me out. Was it code Veronica? It all the ants and the twisted, messed up story. It frightened me a few times just from sheer wierdness but stuck in the memory. I dont really like being scared or horror gross type stuff so I tend to ostay away from games like Silent Hill, Res Evil, etc. The shock or grossness just doesnt do it for me. Fatal Frame's creepiness was more artsy than just gore, but have yet to play the 2nd and 3rd installments of the series.

Know what freaked me when I was little? The opening music/screen of ET on the Atari. THAT was absolutely a nightmare (not accountin g the horror of horribleness that was the game itself)....
[quote name='Z-Saber']The reason I stopped playing RE4 is because I typically don't like survival-horror gameplay. I hate not having ammo, and I was bone dry.

Oh, and flash scares for the lose.[/QUOTE]

You're kidding right? I played the whole game and only got scared once and that was when the villagers were storming the house. Other than that I REALLY didn't think RE4 was scary. The other RE definitely had some scary moments though.
[quote name='Sarang01']You're kidding right? I played the whole game and only got scared once and that was when the villagers were storming the house. Other than that I REALLY didn't think RE4 was scary. The other RE definitely had some scary moments though.[/quote]I didn't stop playing RE4 because of it's scares, which I really didn't find frightening at all. It was because I don't like limited supplies of ammunition.

And don't ask me how I ran out. I followed a freakin' FAQ, picking up anything and everything, yet still managed to waste so much of it.
Last games that scared me were RE1, and Silent Hill. That was at 2 in the morning in a quiet house with all of the lights off, and a big ass mirror in the room.
RE was the only game (series) that actually scared me. However, I am going to start playing my Fatal Frame games this month (Halloween) so that will probably change.
[quote name='Z-Saber']

And then... it happened. The "Dog" hallway. Could. Not. Sleep.


Right there with you. I got that far, and haven't picked it up since 1999. Similar thing happened when I first got Alien vs. Predator for the Jaguar. Turned off the lights, turned up the sound, and when that first Alien comes jumping out, I screamed like a little girl. Back to Mario for me, apparently. Hell, even the Metroid Prime games creep me out just a little. Not enough to keep me from playing them, of course, but it's there.
[quote name='JB Lars']Right there with you. I got that far, and haven't picked it up since 1999. Similar thing happened when I first got Alien vs. Predator for the Jaguar. Turned off the lights, turned up the sound, and when that first Alien comes jumping out, I screamed like a little girl. Back to Mario for me, apparently. Hell, even the Metroid Prime games creep me out just a little. Not enough to keep me from playing them, of course, but it's there.[/quote]

But Metroid Prime isn't even a suspense/horror game?
[quote name='Kendro']But Metroid Prime isn't even a suspense/horror game?[/QUOTE]

I know! That's what makes me such a wuss! :lol:
Personally I love scary games in general.

My favorite all time scary game was 'Clive Barker's Undying' for the PC. There were some unbelievable scary moments in that game.

'Call of Cthulhu' was scary as hell too. It had one of the most terrifying sequences ever (which involves a hotel- I will not say more).

I also thought the beginning of the Suffering was kinda scary- although not in the same league as 'Call of Cthulhu', 'Undying' or the very first 'Alone in the Dark'.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Aside from those, Silent Hill is pretty creepy. I can digest it in small amounts (I've been creeping my way through the first one over the course of this year), but they freak me out occasionally. I own all four and haven't gotten anywhere in any of them because I can't take it.[/quote]
Silent Hill really freaks me out, I get this sick feeling in my stomach whenever I play the games, but for some reason I feel compelled to finish them (curiousity I suppose). I don't get the "sexy costume" stuff - but the joke endings are boss!

I still haven't finished Fatal Frame 2, because I feel like I'm doomed right from the start. What an awesomely terrifying plot device (your twin slowly being turned, separated from you), seriously that game freaks the ever-living hell out of me.

Best horror game moments: Silent Hill 3, the haunted house.
[quote name='Xevious']Personally I love scary games in general.

My favorite all time scary game was 'Clive Barker's Undying' for the PC. There were some unbelievable scary moments in that game.[/quote]

Sorry - I found it pretty dopey myself. The journals were pretty awesome though.
I don't know, for me I really love horror games but think they have been getting kinda crappy. I really love SH 1 + 2, but 3/4 didn't do much for me. I am going though Fatal Frame for the first time right now, and eh.. it's ok but not scary at all. Though I have to say the best horror games of all time are the ones that got me into them, Splatter House.
[quote name='LostRoad']I don't know, for me I really love horror games but think they have been getting kinda crappy. I really love SH 1 + 2, but 3/4 didn't do much for me. I am going though Fatal Frame for the first time right now, and eh.. it's ok but not scary at all. Though I have to say the best horror games of all time are the ones that got me into them, Splatter House.[/quote]

Fatal Frame 1 is fun, but Fatal Frame 2 is freaking evil scary.
I think RE4 is the only scary game I've ever been able to sit through... I get freaked out by games and movies very easily.
I just remembered Alien Trilogy for the Playstation. I remember renting that way back in the day. Gosh, that game was intense for a little kid. I actually remember sitting in my room at night freaking out because my wall "transformed" into a queen alien.
Anyone here ever play Requiem: Avenging Angel for the PC? I literally played it for 2 minutes, shut it off, uninstalled it, and never touched it again. That first level was so disturbing....but then again, that was 5 years ago.

And for some reason, playing thru Silent Hill when it first came out wasn't that bad for me. I would always play it at night too, sometimes even before bed. Resident Evil wasn't as easy though.
Yea RE4 didnt scare me at all, but most of the other ones did. FEAR was one of the scariest games ive played, and although i found the demo so much fun, i probably wont play the whole game because of scaryness :p
All you guys should play Condemned. Totally not scary in the least....


The first time I played Resident Evil on the Playstation I was pretty creeped out. I continued playing though, and since then nothing in the series has really scared me at all.

Doom 3 had the atmosphere down perfectly, although I wasn't scared of that either.

Silent Hill (I'm talking about the first), on the other hand, is a different story. I remember when the game first starts off and you're wondering down an alley-way. You run into a fence and can't go further. You turn around and you're surrouned by children with knives, and no matter what you do, you can't "survive."

I explored the town for a while, but once I got into the school I had seen enough (and I never could figure out that damn piano puzzle). I turned it off, and now it sits in my collection, in all likelihood never to be played again.
When I get scared it is usualy due to sound. A monster popping out is nothing but add some creepy noises and such and I am freaked out.

Doom 3 scared me, the sound added so much atmosphere. But whith the sound off it was nothing.

Has anyone played Thief : Deadly Shadows? Becuase on that one level in the orphanage/mental asylum I got so scared. The sound scared me to death. I had to stop playing like 5 times and I went about the level very slowly.
i played through most of RE4 without much problem, but the part in the basement with the right hand man...just couldn't do it first time around. i'd played an epic 8 or so hour session with the game, it was 3 in the morning, and my nerves were already completely shot. that basement was dark, and that guy would just pop out at random. i just turned the system off. didn't even care when the last time i saved was, i just knew i couldn't do it.

edit: oh, and even just WATCHING silent hill 3, it scared the shit out of me.
[quote name='captainfrizo']Silent Hill (I'm talking about the first), on the other hand, is a different story. I remember when the game first starts off and you're wondering down an alley-way. You run into a fence and can't go further. You turn around and you're surrouned by children with knives, and no matter what you do, you can't "survive."

I explored the town for a while, but once I got into the school I had seen enough (and I never could figure out that damn piano puzzle). I turned it off, and now it sits in my collection, in all likelihood never to be played again.[/quote]

That's where the story really starts taking off. I had a friend who did the same thing, right before you start getting to the best parts. My fave was that underground mall with the TV store - freakin A!!
Fatal Frame II scared the shit out of me for the first 2-3 hours but then I got used to all the crazy Jap chicks.

The mannequin level in Condemned was also super creepy when they would surround you.
Condemned: Criminal Origins was the last game I played that scared the crap out of me.

I went back recently and attempted some of the achievements I missed. Still scary.
[quote name='captainfrizo']I explored the town for a while, but once I got into the school I had seen enough (and I never could figure out that damn piano puzzle). I turned it off, and now it sits in my collection, in all likelihood never to be played again.[/quote]

You know what is a massive blow to the ego? My ex-gf bought Silent Hill when it first came out on PSone and she played through it like it was nothing. I still remember trying to act all manly while we were playing the game yet I could never bring myself to play it by myself.
I used to be a real massive vagina about scary games. Hell back when it first came out the guy from Twisted Metal (Calypso) freaked me out. Resident Evil scared the crap out of me when you first see that one FMV where the zombie turns around after chomping on some guy. Over time though I've conquered my pussyness to the point where I love to play scary games. I played through Condemned and F.E.A.R. at least 3 times each, RE4 four times, RE1 & 2 twice each. The weird thing though is Doom (the original) still creeps me out a little even now. I think it's just because I remember how scared I was when I was a little kid and played it for the first time.
I was scared of Wolfenstein 3-D when I was little...the whole concept of being in a Nazi prison and having to fight your way out freaked me out. I also had nightmares about Space Quest when I was 5 or 6. My friend showed it to me and I got spooked when I saw his character get shot by aliens.

now, I don't get too scared to play but I definitely got shaken by some of the scares in Condemned...especially when junkies pop out of a locker! That game is seriously fucked up. I'm hoping FEAR lives up to it in scariness.
I tend to have a really hard time getting scared by games but i'm always looking for it. The silent hill series does a pretty good job but its more uneasy than scared. Condemned had a few moments but the best i've found so far is Call of Cthulhu which is just totally awesome, the one part that really got to me was when you get woken up in the hotel. Also.... drinking might have helped me feel less in control...
[quote name='kennistond']Fatal Frame II scared the shit out of me for the first 2-3 hours but then I got used to all the crazy Jap chicks.
Same for me. But for me it was getting used to how the game would scare you, which in this case is whenever the camera would change.
However, one time I was in the Kiryu house, and I brought up viewfinder mode (Just screwing around), and all of sudden, out of nowhere, broken neck woman pops up in the center and scares the shit out of me.
[quote name='Z-Saber']I didn't stop playing RE4 because of it's scares, which I really didn't find frightening at all. It was because I don't like limited supplies of ammunition.

And don't ask me how I ran out. I followed a freakin' FAQ, picking up anything and everything, yet still managed to waste so much of it.[/QUOTE]

Thats your problem. Your still missing a great game. Start it over put down the faq and play the game.

Sitting around while reading or looking for a bunch of extras would probably cause you to kill and waste more ammo than you would in a regular play through.

I have to admit Alien VS Predator was pretty edgy, Halo 1 ( I didn't read or know anything about it) when you are locked down alone and those bugs I forget the name) came out of everywhere was also edgy. I remember playing heretic and getting all jumpy as the skeletons with crossbows kept jumping out at me. That was back int he day of Elder Scrolls one and it was a jumpy game at times. Anymore though I haven't been jumpy since RE4. None of them really scared me but I look forward to a game that will.
bread's done