Looking for a cheap ass mic for my PC


just got a new flat panel monitor and my old bulky monitor had a mic in it.

i dont need anything fancy, all ill be doing is playing Counter Strike Source with it.

any suggestions?

Cheapass mics are available for 1-5 at most computer stores. I have had a cheapss mic for 5 years till it died and I bought almost the exact same one for a dollar. Works great.
You seriously found a good mic for under $5?
was it refurb or used or brand new, because I find it hard to believe that you can get them for that cheap

anyways, my brother went to target and grabbed one for around $20 and it works perfectly fine
[quote name='dtarasev']Cheapass mics are available for 1-5 at most computer stores. I have had a cheapss mic for 5 years till it died and I bought almost the exact same one for a dollar. Works great.[/QUOTE]

whats the brand name of your mic that costs $1 and which computer store did you by it in?
It was a plain Creative Labs mic. Its just a plain ole mic with out naything speical just the mic and a base. I got it at a local place that sells old University stuff, it was new in a Creative Labs bag and they had a whole box of them. The one I got is almost like this one http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=51422498&pfp=SEARCH

except mine is not flexible. Obviously not the best but mine works great and has no problems.

All stores have mic for around $10 so those are fine. I would check bargin bins and sale days for cheap mics. I belive that Compusa has them free semi-often with rebates.
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