Looking for a game manual.


Not a clear topic I know, but. I was able to recently collect .hack//QUARANTINE, but it came with no manual.:bomb: So does anyone know where I could possibly get it?
This might be a stupid question, but have you checked ebay? There's at least one seller there that specializes in game manuals/boxes.
Who put that game out, was it Bandai? Did you check their website? Sometimes, publishers will sell games/manuals from their website.
Another method (which I have personally done in the past) is to buy a complete copy on eBay/Amazon/Gamestop/etc. that includes everything, and then sell your original copy. If you are able to get roughly 90% of what it's worth then you can end up with a complete copy for only 10% of the difference. For a game that is worth like $40, that means you get a complete manual for like $4 which is pretty much the standard rate for these things. For collectors it's a way to upgrade on the cheap =)

Maybe not the most practical thing in the world, but we collectors rarely are ^_~
Sladeums, I appreciate you taking the time to look for a downloadable manual, but Goomba knows where I'm aiming at. Collecting.

I was talking to a friend earlier, and it seems there is a place where I can order just the manual! Go me.


Apparently its videogameinstructionbooklets.com . I have no idea of the credibility of this place (Though I will soon, since I'll be ordering that book) and total with shipping, it seems to be just $5.
Moonlk, that's great that you found it. I know a good amount about this sort of thing since I'm working on a manual store of my own. I would offer you my copy, but I only have a brand new .hack // Quarantine and it's not worth opening just to sell a manual. $5 is very reasonable though if it's in good condition. Congrats!
Brand new? Sealed? Wow. That'll go for some money. But, I'm glad someone else is in the same mindset like I am; collecting. I've got several old games (NES) that I've kept over the years, same goes for ps1 and ps2 (.hack, Legend of Dragoon, FF collection Ps1/2, Castlevania, etc.,) But now since I've found out where to get it, I guess I'm locking this thread.
bread's done