Looking for a high quality version of this photo...


3 (100%)

Bought my condo about 6 months ago, bought a hall chest about 2 weeks ago, and I'd like a piece of artwork or a photo to mount above it.

As a huge Ocean's Eleven fan, who's finally starting to listen to Sinatra... I thought something like this might be classic and fun.

Problem is, there aren't many posters available of the original movie... and those that are, AREN'T what I'm looking for.

So I'm HOPING that if I could get a higher quality pic of the scene above, I could print it on an HP Plotter or something, frame it, and hang it on my wall. Just picking out a different pic at AllPoster's and letting them frame it would be a TON easier... and I really like the look of some of their less expensive frames. But so far, despite liking Palm Trees, pictures of the Bellagio, etc. I just can't find the shot or print I'm looking for.

Any help is appreciated, even if it IS a longshot. I tried looking on my DVD and couldn't find this as a "scene" in the movie to screen capture, not that I think that would have been high quality. And though this pic came from the Steven Soderbergh website, I see no way to contact Mr. Soderbergh even if he WAS willing to provide me a HQ version of the image.

Once again, thanks if you've taken the time to read this and have a great day.
Did as you suggested but never heard back. :(

Fortunatley, I went to Costco Home and found a great Bellagio print, already framed for $39.99. So I jumped on that, another B&W print from IKEA, and after cleaning up the place last weekend, I just need to hang that stuff. Maybe sometime today! ;)

Thanks for trying to help!!!
bread's done