Looking for a slow-paced, tactical online shooter (huge fan of Rescue mode from MGO).


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I'm looking to possibly get into an online shooter, but the only online shooter I've really gotten into was Metal Gear Online on the PS2 (specifically Rescue mode). I think that mode appealed to me because it was limited to 4v4 and everyone was only given one life per round. The smaller teams made your actions feel far more important and significant and the one life per round meant you had to be smart and cautious.

I semi-enjoyed Gears 1 online because it also had a mode with small teams (2v2) and one life per round. I think if I could really get into another shooter if I could find something that provided the same experience. I've tried Modern Warfare and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, but they felt a bit too fast paced for me, and, because you could keep respawning and teams were so big, teamwork wasn't as strong.

So, I was hoping CAG could help me find a good online shooter. I'd prefer a game that put you on a small team, strongly encouraged teamwork, and possibly has a mode where you have one life per round.

Thanks in advance.
It is by no means slow-paced but have you tried the call of duty series gametype "Search and Destroy" ? it is a 1 life 1 round gametype that i find the best on the games.
Try MAG, there's a lot of strategy involved, a chain of command (3 levels) fragmentation orders, etc. It benefits a lot from teamwork. It's not slow paced though, but it has a lot more room for strategy than MW2 and BC2.

Also, agree on the poster above, Search and Destroy on MW2 is the more tactical game mode in that game, give it a shot
Socom: Confrontation. 1 life per round. You can play 4v4 and has plenty of game modes.

Bring a mic and expect to call everything you see out.

You can get a used copy for under 10 bucks at at GS.
Lost Planet 2's co-op campaign focuses a lot on teamwork if you play with a group of people, it's definitely not 1 life per round but the penalty for dying means a screwball team can make you not score as high.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Join a Counter-Strike team :whee:[/QUOTE]

This is what came to mind for me. I still feel the urge to play that game.
I think Socom is the very definition of what you are looking for. As already stated, you can find Confrontation really cheap and I believe there are a couple of kids on CAG who play, so they might be able to help you ease in.

Also, a new Socom is set to come out early next year, so you may want to keep an eye out for that.

Also, the latest Army of Two had some interesting modes where the teams were made up of several two man squads. However, it is a bit faster pace.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Socom seems to be highly praised by a lot, and seems to have quite an active community, so it seems like it's definitely worth checking out. I asked a few other forums and was also recommended Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Not sure if any of you have played that, but that also seems like it's up my alley. My only concern with that game is that it is about 2 years old now and might not have that active of a community.
Yeah it sounds like Socom and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 are right up your alley. I don't think you'll have any problems finding a match in R6V2, still seems pretty popular... GRAW 2 on the other hand might not be as active.
[quote name='dpatel']Thanks for all the suggestions. Socom seems to be highly praised by a lot, and seems to have quite an active community, so it seems like it's definitely worth checking out. I asked a few other forums and was also recommended Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Not sure if any of you have played that, but that also seems like it's up my alley. My only concern with that game is that it is about 2 years old now and might not have that active of a community.[/QUOTE]

I get tired of twitch fests too... I'm not all that great with strategy, but I'd be willing to give some of those games a try.

Hit me up here or by PM, and I'll pick up whatever of these older games you want to try (especially Socom), so at least you'll have ONE person to try and match up with.

Anybody else?
we still play Socom twice a week with CAG's feel free to drop in on our thread we always welcome new players with open arm and are willing to show you the ropes. Also from what i hear the new Socom4 will be a lot less like Socoms of the past and more like those Dumbed down FPS that are everywhere.
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