Looking For: Mini-Fridge


Ok, so as a college student, I need a mini-fridge for my dorm room. The problem is that I really want a decent size (preferably 4 cubic feet or larger) fridge that has a full-width freezer, as most have tiny little compartments that only have enough space for an ice cube tray, and I want enough space to hold a few frozen dinners or what have you.

The best find I could, well, find was on walmart.com: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=2593968

The problem is that, well, in-stores, it's a different model that's larger (4.5 cu. ft.) but has a tiny little freezer, unlike the one linked above, which is a bit smaller (4.3 cu. ft.) but has the right size freezer compartment. And since a few I found in store were incorrectly stickered with a sticker for the 4.3 cu. ft. model, I'm wondering if ordering it online would even get me the right one, since both models are the same price.

At any rate, does anyone else have any other suggestions? Stores to visit? Deals, advertisements, anything? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Shipping would be murder, though.

Right now people are moving in and out all over the place near my campus, and I've seen on various college forums and bulletin boards that people are practically giving away their mini-fridges (graduating, moving away, etc). Lots of them are going up on Craigslist. Come get it and it's $20, that sort of thing.
I'd try craigslist for one. Or if you know anyone moving out of a dorm into a real apartment (with a real fridge).

Otherwise, maybe look at Sears. I found mine there years ago and it was exactly like the one you were looking at (full width freezer).
As a note, I actually own that exact fridge, and purchased it from Walmart. The full width freezer is quite nice, but it's not all that tall. I can only easily fit 2 or 3 frozen pizzas high worth of stuff, and the freezer door can sometimes make it kinda hard to slide stuff in. Try looking around near the college you're going to, and see if anyone is selling one for cheap.
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