Looking for opinions on Wonderfalls and/or Dead Like Me


12 (100%)
Are these shows worth picking up on DVD? I've never seen either one, but a friend of mine has been telling me I need to check them out.

As a frame of reference, some of my favorite shows have been Buffy, Angel, Freaks and Geeks, Futurama, X-Files, Arrested Development. Just to give you an idea of my tastes.

I'd appreciate any opinions, good or bad, on either show. Thanks.
[quote name='Danimal']Are these shows worth picking up on DVD? I've never seen either one, but a friend of mine has been telling me I need to check them out.

As a frame of reference, some of my favorite shows have been Buffy, Angel, Freaks and Geeks, Futurama, X-Files, Arrested Development. Just to give you an idea of my tastes.

I'd appreciate any opinions, good or bad, on either show. Thanks.[/quote]

You'll probably like wonderfalls. Your tastes seem to be pretty similar to mine (I like all the above shows you mentioned) and I really like Wonderfalls. I downloaded it to see if I liked it and sure enough I did so I bought the DVD. I'm actually just about to watch a few nore episodes of it right now.
Based on your list you'll probably like both of those shows at least enough to justify buying the season sets at a good price. I certainly will if any bargains ever turn up.
Well, considering that Wonderfalls is one of the best shows Fox ever cancelled (Those bastards), I'd say it's worth picking up. :) As for Dead Like Me, I liked the first few episodes, but then I kept missing it, so I don't know if it started to suck or anything...
I watched and thouroughly enjoyed Dead Like Me's first season. Of course, that was through dl's because i dont have showtime
[quote name='epobirs']Based on your list you'll probably like both of those shows at least enough to justify buying the season sets at a good price. I certainly will if any bargains ever turn up.[/quote]

I just noticed today that Target has Wonderfalls for $22.99 this week (meaning today is the last day for this sale price) which is significantly lower than I've seen it anywhere online. That's sort of the reason I started this thread. I wanted to know if it was worth getting this look :roll: from my wife if I told her we need to run out and buy yet another TV on DVD set (according to her I have way too many already) When I told her, she even said "Let me guess. It's a show you've never seen, but it's a great show, at a great price." I think I'm becoming predictable. :oops:

I haven't seen any great deals on Dead Like Me yet, but since both shows seem to be getting positive comments, I guess I'll keep looking for one.
Both Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls are outstanding shows. I would rate DLM slightly higher than Wonderfalls, but you couldn't go wrong with either one!
[quote name='"vanlandw"']dead like me is great....never watched the other one.[/quote]

Second'd. DLM is definately worth picking up, and I have never seen the other.
You might also wanna check out FireFly, it was made by Joss Whedon of Buffy /Angel fame.

It's pretty much a cross between a western and Sci-Fi. If you like both those genres definately pick it up.
[quote name='jimbodan']You might also wanna check out FireFly, it was made by Joss Whedon of Buffy /Angel fame.

It's pretty much a cross between a western and Sci-Fi. If you like both those genres definately pick it up.[/quote]

I'm not a huge western fan, but I like sci-fi, and I've thought of picking up the set just because it's by Joss Whedon. My local library has a very small selection of DVDs you can check out, and I've seen Firefly there, but for some reason they always seem to have disc one and three, but not disc two. Ah, well, maybe I'll get it during DDDVD's next 20% off sale.
I was tempted to buy the Wonderfalls DVD set last week when it was on sale at Target.

Dead Like Me is probably the best thing to come out of Showtime. Season 1 was outstanding and season 2 was better, IMO. Pisses me off to no end that Showtime dumped DLM to make Barbershop: The Series.
[quote name='jimbodan']You might also wanna check out FireFly, it was made by Joss Whedon of Buffy /Angel fame.

It's pretty much a cross between a western and Sci-Fi. If you like both those genres definately pick it up.[/quote]

It's an intentional take on a cliché. SF movies have long been accused of being Westerns with ray guns. Since the prime period for Westerns is the post-Civil War period that offered all sorts of residual animosities ready to spring forth at the drop of a hat, Whedon decided to make the 'oater in space' as literal as possible. Some people have mistakenly seen it as a take on Vietnam but that is the wrong war entirely.

Firefly was a real pleasure to watch. It played fair with the audience but expected them to think about what was happening and how things got that way. All too often the premise of how some situation in SF came to be are laughably inane but Firefly drew on some of the better literature for inspiration and made sure that everything had an underlying logic.

It really irks me that Firefly got killed while shows like Andromeda just keep limping along. The current season is especially painful in that they appear to be setting things up for everything since the last season to be nothing more than a collective dream that has no lasting significance. If it wasn't for the female cast members of the show I'd have given it up already. The addition of Brandy Ledford was an especially dirty trick.

Reading this thread came in handy. I hadn't noticed the Target price on Wonderfalls. I was able to get my sister-in-law to pick it up with her employee discount.
Figured I'd bump this topic since I just got done watching all the Wonderfalls epsiodes and It's become one of my favorite shows of all time, each episode seems to get better then the last and Caroline Dhavernas' performance as Jaye is just incredible. It's a real shame Fox didn't even give the show a chance, but at least they released the DVD's.

I'm actually going to re-watch every episode and I NEVER do that with any tv shows on DVD I own, this show is just that damn good.

Anyone who doesn't have this really needs to pick it up.
[quote name='alongx']I was tempted to buy the Wonderfalls DVD set last week when it was on sale at Target.

Dead Like Me is probably the best thing to come out of Showtime. Season 1 was outstanding and season 2 was better, IMO. Pisses me off to no end that Showtime dumped DLM to make Barbershop: The Series.[/quote]

The president of SHotime is a fucker that's why.

He canceled Odyssey 5, Showtime's number two show, and their number one show for 18-45 y/o males. Then they canceled DLM all because the president is a dumbfuck that doesn't understand sci-fi/fanacty.
[quote name='jimbodan']Figured I'd bump this topic since I just got done watching all the Wonderfalls epsiodes and It's become one of my favorite shows of all time, each episode seems to get better then the last and Caroline Dhavernas' performance as Jaye is just incredible. It's a real shame Fox didn't even give the show a chance, but at least they released the DVD's.

I'm actually going to re-watch every episode and I NEVER do that with any tv shows on DVD I own, this show is just that damn good.

Anyone who doesn't have this really needs to pick it up.[/quote]

Since I picked the set up, I've only had time to watch the first two episodes, but I'm already hooked. I think I'll be watching them all twice, too. I told my wife we're going to have to have a Wonderfalls marathon some weekend so she can see them as well. In the meantime, I'm going to buzz through them all myself. What a great show.
[quote name='Danimal'][quote name='jimbodan']Figured I'd bump this topic since I just got done watching all the Wonderfalls epsiodes and It's become one of my favorite shows of all time, each episode seems to get better then the last and Caroline Dhavernas' performance as Jaye is just incredible. It's a real shame Fox didn't even give the show a chance, but at least they released the DVD's.

I'm actually going to re-watch every episode and I NEVER do that with any tv shows on DVD I own, this show is just that damn good.

Anyone who doesn't have this really needs to pick it up.[/quote]

Since I picked the set up, I've only had time to watch the first two episodes, but I'm already hooked. I think I'll be watching them all twice, too. I told my wife we're going to have to have a Wonderfalls marathon some weekend so she can see them as well. In the meantime, I'm going to buzz through them all myself. What a great show.[/quote]

The first few episodes are good, but the last 6 or so, are just absolutely brilliant.

Also, I don't know if you picked up Dead Like Me or not, but based on some of the audio commentary I've heard on the Wondefalls DVD, it looks like one of the Wonderfalls creators also did a lot of work on Dead Like Me.
I've only seen Wonderfalls (just finished Disc 1) and I love it. It's a very unique show and it doesn't hurt that the lead actress is cute as hell. Definitely worth picking up.
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