Looking for Wii in all the wrong places

[quote name='Esperado']Calm down dude, there's no reason to get angry.[/QUOTE]
I'm allergic to stupid.

I'm still LOLing at the response a week before the Wii launch
"No need to pre-order there will be tons of these available. PS3 will be impossible to find!"

Ahhh...good times.
I found a local seller offering one for $60 more than I would pay (after tax) so I went for it. Of course the very next day I see the ad for a local store (a 5 minute walk from my house) claiming they will have at least 10 that weekend.

Oh well. Having a blast with Mario. :)
[quote name='GizmoGC']I'm still LOLing at the response a week before the Wii launch
"No need to pre-order there will be tons of these available. PS3 will be impossible to find!"

Ahhh...good times.[/QUOTE]

Oh GOD, QFT!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of threads were insane!! We ALL were skeptical that "there'll be PLENTY!!!" and no one would need to camp outside!! We all had to reassure each other that there WILL be enough...and yet, I think most of us still camped out! (Well, or waited in line for a few hours)
I didn't came out for opening day, but I decided to buy a Wii soon afterwards, so I camped out at my local Target one week later. :) Got there at 5:00am and was third in line...

[quote name='rjung']I'm allergic to stupid.



Sorry but it's just too easy!;)
There is no false shortage. The supply still just hasn't met demand.

I have been able to buy 2 within a week of needing them using the wii tracker tool here.
If you have A phone that lets you access the internet you can get one relatively quickly.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']There is no false shortage. The supply still just hasn't met demand.

I have been able to buy 2 within a week of needing them using the wii tracker tool here.
If you have A phone that lets you access the internet you can get one relatively quickly. [/QUOTE]
Duh, anyone can get a Wii any moment they wish if they are willing to pay $500+ for a bundle.
[quote name='Zing']Duh, anyone can get a Wii any moment they wish if they are willing to pay $500+ for a bundle.[/quote]
None of the two I bought were bundles.
I'm thinking about going to CC, how early do you think I should get there? My city is only about 200,000 people and 1 CC. I am willing to go around 6 or 7 but don't want to get there too early or late because if I see more than 5 people in line, I'll probably just let my wait for a Wii continue. I'm also in the midwest so single digit temperatures are forcasted. I'm kind of wondering if re-sellers are even going to bother with CC on Sunday because only being a minimum of 5 per store wouldn't be worth their time.
Any suggestions on time of arrival or when CC's usually start giving out tickets or let people know they only have so many?
Called last night lady said she had 15. Got to my cc at 5:15 am was 9th in line, figured I was in good shape. At 7:30 worker came out and told everyone that they had 7. NOT HAPPY!
[quote name='lilboo']Why is this so hard to believe?
Can't it just be a really hot item?[/quote]
The DS is a hot item, but you don't see it selling out anywhere consistently. In fact, from the numbers the DS is outselling the Wii by a large margin.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Wonder if they sold 8 to employees?[/quote]

Who promptly put them on fucking ebay.
[quote name='Kunikos']The DS is a hot item, but you don't see it selling out anywhere consistently. In fact, from the numbers the DS is outselling the Wii by a large margin.

To be fair, the DS is probably easier to make. i.e. with the Wii another company (is it ATI?) makes the graphics chip etc., other companies provide the accelorometers for the controls and so on, so there are more places for their to be bottlenecks that limit production capacity.
The DS has also been out longer than the Wii. Anyone recall how many DSes Nintendo was shipping each month 14 months after its launch?

I feel horrible lol I was at Wal*Mart getting some medicine and I glance into the electronics department and see a Wii sitting on the bottom shelf of the electronics case. I panicked both my mom and my friend at work have been looking for one. I stood in front of it and had my wife go get a worker. Sure enough 5 seconds after she leaves some guy stares behind me and freaks. he asked if I'm getting it and slams the glass (he had only been looking for 2 days so I didn't feel too bad)

The real problem was who to give it to my mom or my friend at work! I asked my mom first and she agreed to give it to my friend - she just came off a huge break up and is a very troubled person emotionally to begin with so i think this will keep her mind off all that. Plus she's a college student that actually plays video games whereas my mom wants to use it to exercise with.

So they're out there. Just make sure you bring a buddy to guard the case for you lol
bread's done