Looking to get a new controller.

I have no experience with them, but just a heads-up: they were just $25 at Toys R Us (and Amazon price-matched) a couple weeks back (and there was a sale right after that were buying 2 got you a $25 GC, although they jumped back to $40).

I would say wait for the new Wii Remote Plus that's coming out soon, that will have Motion Plus built in to the Remote. After that comes out the older non-MP models will likely get dropped in price or clearanced out in a bunch of places.

I guess it really depends on whether you need a Motion Plus or not.
I like the controller because it is small. I only have one game that uses motion plus (Red Steel 2). Thanks for telling me that I can get it cheaper, I will just wait for a price drop.
Well like I said, I have no personal experience with the Pro Packs. I haven't read a bad review on them, though.

Unless you're in dire need of another, I would wait. Like I said, there is a new Wii Remote coming out with Motion Plus built in, so Motion Plus-less Wii Remotes (and I'm guessing, all others, like the Nyko Wand and Pro Pack) should start seeing price drops.
I almost just started a new thread about looking at this controller and asking if anyone had advice on getting a GOOD mini wiimote because of it.

Users have had some time to weigh-in now and the quality control is apparently horrendous. (Even given the "common sense clause" being in full effect with many of these reviews, mostly that many people that rate/buy things online don't use any common sense. Or reading comprehension, for that matter.)

So does anyone out there have some good recommendations?

The gf and I would love to literally get our hands on smaller wiimotes since we've just started unpacking the Wii again (after a year-and-a-half long hiatus from it). The only two sets I've seen so far are these ones, and a brightly colored line of "little tykes"-style remotes. And I mean, we have small hands, but not THAT small.

Thx in advance, and sorry for the thread hijack.
bread's done