Looney Toons: Cartoon Concerto looks a lot like Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents

The game's finally out now, anyone else get it?

The core gameplay is off IMO. Instead of tapping, you need to slide the stylus into the numbers at the right time. It works, but it just doesn't feel as good as tapping. I suppose it could just be because I'm so used to EBA/Ouendan though. I would rather be tapping the beats though, and it seems to me as if the only reason it was changed was so the game couldn't be called a 100% copy of Ouendan.

On the other hand, this is still a fairly fun rhythm game. And unlike EBA/Ouendan, I can't imagine anyone having complaints about the music on this one. It's kind of hard to argue with a music game that gives you Mars, the Bringer of War and Ride of the Valkyries. And the game definitely is challenging. I haven't tried anything past easy yet, but even though I'm finishing the songs, I'm pretty much getting all C's so far.

Overall, it seems to be a decent rhythm game. Just don't go in expecting EBA or Ouendan, because it's not as amazing as those. The $20 price point definitely helps here as well.
I'd be pretty pissed if I came up with an awesome game and some shitty dev team at Eidos copied it so blatantly. There's a difference between being inspired by a good idea and trying to copy a game directly.
That's true. In this case, the game plays differently enough to feel different, but I wish they would've just blatently copied everything, because then it would've been better. The Ouendan formula is good enough that even an almost-copy is still good though.

In case anyone was wondering, these are the songs in the game(in the order they are in game). This is it unless there are some hidden bonus songs I don't know about, because I've finished all of them on easy and about half on medium now:

Ride of the Valkyries
Beethoven's Symphony No.5
Mexican Hat Dance
Mars, the Bringer of War
Toccata & Fugue
Flight of the Bumblebee
Barber of Seville Overture
Hungarian Rhapsody
Concerto for 2 Horns
William Tell Overture

And then they got lazy and did newer "remix" versions for 6 of these songs for the last 6 levels, which was a big disappointment just because I'd rather have 6 other songs.
This game is okay. The sliding mechanic was put in their to simulate waving a baton (this game is called Cartoon Cunductor). But after playing this game on medium, it's safe to say I really didn't feel like I was waving a baton. Some of the "baton waves" feel awkward because they were just incredibly slow or had a large time gap between them. I'm still not used to this mechanic to tell the truth. The song selection is okay, though I could've hoped for more songs instead of those remixes. The animations on the top screen were pretty much half-assed jobs. They were basically chase scenes going back and forth... in 3-D!.... I would wait for this game to drop maybe $5 or even $10 to consider buying it. Maybe it's because I'm not really into classical or relate much with Looney Tunes. I was more of a Muppet Babies kind of guy.
bread's done