Los Angeles sues 'Grand Theft Auto' makers

They hyped this story as a huge deal for last night's Fox-11 (LA) 10:00 News, but they really only ran a 30 second piece on it. I doubt this is going anywhere, anyway.
Rockstar are idiots, they screwed it up for themselves thinking this would just pass over everybodies heads, and the way they handled it after it was a big deal in the press just drug the situation through the mud.
[quote name='Metal Boss']Rockstar are idiots, they screwed it up for themselves thinking this would just pass over everybodies heads, and the way they handled it after it was a big deal in the press just drug the situation through the mud.[/QUOTE]

They should've just admitted from the start that it was their fault the code was accidentally left in the game.
Its never going to end. This will going to be one of those things mainstream gamers will remember for years, and us hardcore gamers will talk for years how it affected the industry.
The hot coffee in GTA has turned into the new Mortal Kombat.
this seems very petty for a city to act on especialy a place as big and fake as la are they gonna chase down and sue those movie makers now...ALL OF THEM?
[quote name='Metal Boss']Rockstar are idiots, they screwed it up for themselves thinking this would just pass over everybodies heads, and the way they handled it after it was a big deal in the press just drug the situation through the mud.[/QUOTE]

I would have to agree that Rockstar handled the situation very poorly. I think calling the content pornographic is laughable though. There are R-Rated movies that are more graphic that that. Plus, like I said many times before, the game was rated M to start with. If this was an E game that had something like this then it would be a whole other story. Plus, I guarantee that no one angry about this has ever plkayed the game or has any idea how to access the content.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I would have to agree that Rockstar handled the situation very poorly. I think calling the content pornographic is laughable though. There are R-Rated movies that are more graphic that that. Plus, like I said many times before, the game was rated M to start with. If this was an E game that had something like this then it would be a whole other story. Plus, I guarantee that no one angry about this has ever plkayed the game or has any idea how to access the content.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to give Rockstar the benefit of the doubt on this one actually. I'm not so sure that when they said the code didn't exist that they thought they were telling the truth.

Say for example one of the programmers, lead programmer, director, etc. had quietly let the code slip in there as a joke and didn't bother to tell his boss about it. Then this all hits the news and his boss comes to him and says "look, your in big trouble if you guys did this on purpose, is that code in there?". What do you think he's gonna do? Deny it of course, so then they issue a press release saying no its not in there its just a rumor. Well then the news finally gets confirmed and the person who previously tried to cover it up is forced to come clean. I'm not saying that's exactly how it went down but it is a distinct possibility.
bread's done