Lost Odyssey - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Wolfpup']I disagree about the cut scenes being tedious (but I like cut scenes). I think it's one of the best written Japanese RPGs ever, and had overall an very strong story. No comparison at all with Blue Dragon (which wasn't terrible but more standard IMO). I'm trying to think in regards to the battle system...
I thought both were pretty strong, but not quite up to Final Fantasy 6-10 (but very much in that tradition, which to me is a GOOD thing). I'm trying to think what the differences really were. Probably fairly similar, other than the "system" behind enhancing your characters is different. Sort of a modified esper/materia system in Lost Odyssey (FF6, FF7, FF9), and kind of a Job system in Blue Dragon.
I had more fun with Lost Odyssey, but I'm not sure how much of that was the actual gameplay, and how much was the much stronger story.[/quote]

The story is okay, but the characters take an average story and make it shine. Kaim is great in his role, as are most of the others, Jasper and
in particular.

I really don't find the final boss at all on a Kefka-level of evil yet, and I'm just into disc 4. They better do some dirty shit quick. I get the premise of their evil, but it still isn't convincing.

Overall, I would agree with your points, and I don't see that they contradict what I said. The cutscenes were good, but numerous and long (still).


The game engine (Unreal 3.0) in Lost Odyssey didn't really impress me all THAT much. Seemed like a higher resolution Final Fantasy 10 engine, less of a gigantic jump (I am looking forward to the White engine for Final Fantasy 13, as square's technology has been cutting edge since the NES). It was a LOT better than the (Gamebryo?) engine used in Blue Dragon though. That was pretty unimpressive, and had slowdown, had to use lame camera angles to avoid showing too much of the world at once, etc. (That same engine was used to equally lame effect in the Resident Evil shooter on the Wii if I'm remembering right.)
Lost Odyssey is certainly splashy, but at the same time I couldn't help but think this could have been done on the playstation 2, or better yet the Playstation Portable (at least with mulitple UMDs...I like portable games, all things being equal!)
Which isn't to knock Lost Odyssey. I think it's basically a must-play if you're a fan of the Final Fantasy series like I am, particularly 6-10. Very similar themes and gameplay, while being it's own thing (much like each FF game is to the other games in the series). SO many great moments in it!

So far, sure. I really don't think that this game gets over the slowdown issues, as it got pretty frameskip happy on many, many occasions. I hope it's not a sign that my console's starting to die (#3!). I would say that the cutscenes are long and numerous but tolerable. The loadtimes going into battles (10 seconds or so of music and "moving scenery") are TERRIBLE. They don't ruin a game, but they make it hard to enjoy just a little bit. Which, with the bad being far outweighed by the good, make this a maybe buy at $60 and a should/must buy at $40.
I figured out how to make a "sort-of" 4-disc 360 game case for my girlfriend's copy of this game, if anyone's interested.

If any of you have a copy of Viva Pinata: Party Animals, check out the game case. On the inside spine are the clips multi-disc game cases use to secure that extra holder. I took a three-disc insert from an old multi-disc case and snapped it into the Party Animals case, and switched that around with all of her Lost Odyssey game materials. Granted, the middle disc holder for our copy is clear and not that greenish color, but it gets the job done. I was lucky enough to find an insert that would hold *3* discs, as the Party Animals case is designed to hold only one.

I'm not sure of what other 360 games might have these clips on the inside, but it might be worth it to take a look around.
I'm loving this game thus far. I have only played up to
meeting Ming
and I'm hooked.

Can anyone explain the seeds, without really spoiling anything? I'm too afraid to crawl around this thread, for fear that I may read a spoiler. Does getting all of them unlock an Achievement?
[quote name='Rig']I'm loving this game thus far. I have only played up to
meeting Ming
and I'm hooked.

Can anyone explain the seeds, without really spoiling anything? I'm too afraid to crawl around this thread, for fear that I may read a spoiler. Does getting all of them unlock an Achievement?[/quote]

Technically, yes, a few achievements. Just keep exploring and try to get all of them.
I'm trying to do the
money money

Except I'm having one problem.
I'm not encountering any of the money enemies in the ancient ruins. not a single one, and I've been through twice. what the hell do I have to do?
"Wow. Puberty's weird" I love Jansen :lol:

Just finished Disc 1, but I've been skipping a lot of membered dreams. I'll have to read up on those tomorrow.

I'm still loving the game... well, up until I reach a boss fight.
Well, got the DLC on Friday....I'm a sucker for the dreams, so it was worth it to me.

Then, I beat the game (w/ my 3 week old son on my lap :) , we beat it together) this morning. Overall, I'm pleased. Great game, great gameplay, I love Kaim, Seth and the crew, story is solid, 'systems' were fun, side quests were pretty good. The ending was very satisfying. It was 'filling', i can't think of another word to describe it. Sometimes game endings just leave you and this one really fleshed things out and let you leave knowing things were okay and I liked that.

But.....Gongora is the worst bad guy of all time. He's like the silly croney of the real bad guy. That character is the worst thing about the game.

I give it an A- / 90%. Best JRPG i've played since Shadow Hearts Cov.
Ugh. I'm still not on the fourth disc, getting close but still not there, and GTA arrives Wednesday for me. This is going to be difficult to finish with finals closing in as well. :(
[quote name='DustHimself']Ugh. I'm still not on the fourth disc, getting close but still not there, and GTA arrives Wednesday for me. This is going to be difficult to finish with finals closing in as well. :([/quote]

Hah, I'm trying to play Lost Odyssey and Overlord. I keep switching back and forth when I get bored.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate the way the Xbox 360 does this. It has fucked me over before and it just did it again. This time it shouldn't even have a damn excuse.

Well let me explain the problem with the Xbox 360. When you sign out during a game it kicks you out to the title screen. Sometimes my router messes up and gets stuck in a loop rebooting itself. So while I was in a battle in Lost Odyssey, I got a thought to check my friends list, and since I wasn't connected I had to reconnect.

That was when it told me, "Sign-in settings changed. Returning to Start screen. (A) Select"

I've reconnected during a bunch of games and this is the first one to pull this shit which is reminiscent of my Mass Effect bullshit where it kicked me to the Start screen and I lost 2 hours.

I wouldn't be angry normally because Lost Odyssey has plenty of save points but for some reason there has been a lack of a save points for 3+ hours. The exact spot is on disk four after the second save point in the Eastern Tribe dungeon.

I am so fucking pissed. Pardon me while I smash my head into the wall, press A, get kicked to the Start screen, cry, and then smash my head into the wall until Microsoft fixes this bullshit (which they won't).


You know what else...My Lost Odyssey Disc One has a scuff on it, which I have no doubt in my mind was from Microsoft's abysmal packaging decision.

fuck you Microsoft.
My goal was to finish the game with 1000/1000 (for a change) before GTAIV came out.

Well, I have 700-something now, and I've resigned to the absurdity of the "Treasure Trove" achievement (I'm going to shoot for it, but I ain't crawlin' around the world for one treasure box if'n I don't get it). I'm close to the end (
I just entered the top level of Grand Staff for the second time, so I think I have the Temple of Enlightenment and the final area left, and that's it - aside from Backyard and things like that

But alas, it's 11:15. I'm going to Gamestop.
And Kevin, you sir had won our "bet." congratulations. I knew I never should've decided to pack my weekend with an amusement park and two late night of movie shooting. :\
it's myke. ;)

Hey, no fair. I didn't shoot any movies, but I did drink a good clip and stayed out until last call.

I just haven't slept all that much.
[quote name='Razzuel']fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate the way the Xbox 360 does this. It has fucked me over before and it just did it again. This time it shouldn't even have a damn excuse.

Well let me explain the problem with the Xbox 360. When you sign out during a game it kicks you out to the title screen. Sometimes my router messes up and gets stuck in a loop rebooting itself. So while I was in a battle in Lost Odyssey, I got a thought to check my friends list, and since I wasn't connected I had to reconnect.

That was when it told me, "Sign-in settings changed. Returning to Start screen. (A) Select"

I've reconnected during a bunch of games and this is the first one to pull this shit which is reminiscent of my Mass Effect bullshit where it kicked me to the Start screen and I lost 2 hours.

I wouldn't be angry normally because Lost Odyssey has plenty of save points but for some reason there has been a lack of a save points for 3+ hours. The exact spot is on disk four after the second save point in the Eastern Tribe dungeon.

I am so fucking pissed. Pardon me while I smash my head into the wall, press A, get kicked to the Start screen, cry, and then smash my head into the wall until Microsoft fixes this bullshit (which they won't).


You know what else...My Lost Odyssey Disc One has a scuff on it, which I have no doubt in my mind was from Microsoft's abysmal packaging decision.

fuck you Microsoft.[/quote]

I get stuck in that loop when I play COD4. Whenever I get made host in a room, I get disconnected from Live. Not the game, all the way out of Live. fuckin sucks. I have to constantly change out of rooms so I'm sure I'm not made the host.
Just finished it a bit ago.

Man, I loved the character development in this game (save for the villain) at a level close to, or higher than, most RPGs.

But for some reason, I have played the last 8 or so hours wishing the fucking thing would just end already.

I'm still trying to figure it out, myself. Perhaps I overdosed on cutscenes?

Now I can finally open my copy of GTAIV.
Been busy lately but I love the cutscenes that use film techniques and make a lot of things look like they were shot with a handheld camera. Any other games have cutscenes in a similar visual fashion?
I was thinking about buying the game, but has the content that came with the pre-order come out yet?

I kinda hate the whole "content is on the disc ready to go, but we won't let you get it unless you pay full price now". Not big on buying a sort of incomplete game. I would have bought it on release day, but the backlog is overflowing already.
[quote name='Antic']I was thinking about buying the game, but has the content that came with the pre-order come out yet?

I kinda hate the whole "content is on the disc ready to go, but we won't let you get it unless you pay full price now". Not big on buying a sort of incomplete game. I would have bought it on release day, but the backlog is overflowing already.[/QUOTE]

Create a Japanese account; the preorder content is free DLC in Japan.

Also, create it through live.xbox.com rather than on the console so that you don't waste one of the three 1-month gold new accounts.
[quote name='Callandor']Create a Japanese account; the preorder content is free DLC in Japan.

Also, create it through live.xbox.com rather than on the console so that you don't waste one of the three 1-month gold new accounts.[/quote]

It'd be in japanese only though, right?
I just did that a few minutes ago, and it worked just fine.

Now, if only I could find somebody with an unused preorder code.
[quote name='Rig']I just did that a few minutes ago, and it worked just fine.

Now, if only I could find somebody with an unused preorder code.[/QUOTE]

If you just downloaded the preorder content for free from the JPN store, why would you need a preorder code?
[quote name='mykevermin']If you just downloaded the preorder content for free from the JPN store, why would you need a preorder code?[/quote]


I didn't realize that's what that content was. Guess I should've looked it up. (Or read the above posts a bit more thoroughly!)
I just got this game.

How do you know how long your spells last or are actually in effect? I can't find anything that says "Shield last for # of turns" nor do I see shield activated when I get hit by a physical attack.
Ok, so after tons of leveling up and completely the previous three discs and making it to the final "PLACE" on disc four I'm ready to take on the final boss. However my copy seems to freeze everytime, or do something wierd. One time the camera just panned around the whole battle forever. Not having any other problems with any other games so this is gay. Any suggestions here, anyone else having similar issues with this game?
Ugh. The Enlightenment Temple is the only part of this game I have outright hated.

The boss is a bitch and a half.

I suppose it would've been pretty easy...if I was prepared. Those damn guys he brings out that sacrifice for themselves? Ugh. I had nothing that could bring them down quick enough.

I was about ready to give up and quit for the night, when I decided to take a look through my rings. I decided to give Kaim a ring that could cause death on occasion. (My current characters do not have that move.) I was relieved to find Death actually took it down! Once that was out of the way, the fight was pretty darn easy.

So glad to be out of there!
[quote name='Moxio']Jeez Rig, you blew through this game.[/quote]

Things are gonna be getting busy next week, and this week was pretty quiet, so I marathon played LO the last couple days. :lol:
Okay, I'm ready to beat this game, but have a few last questions.

Where I'm at:
I am ready to head to the Grand Staff. Just beat the Immortal in the backyard, and I think all my sidequests are finished. But, I'm trying to get the "all skills" achievements for my immortals. I need to gather the last of the items I am missing, but I don't want to finish the game if I can't ever get back to the items.

Can I get any items I missed after I enter the last area? Do items carry over into a new save file?

I'm three seeds sort of having them all...and it's pissing me off! :bomb: I should've used a guide for those.

And only one item has ever been at the auction house (which I won)....is that a good thing?
[quote name='Rig']Okay, I'm ready to beat this game, but have a few last questions.

Where I'm at:
I am ready to head to the Grand Staff. Just beat the Immortal in the backyard, and I think all my sidequests are finished. But, I'm trying to get the "all skills" achievements for my immortals. I need to gather the last of the items I am missing, but I don't want to finish the game if I can't ever get back to the items.

Can I get any items I missed after I enter the last area? Do items carry over into a new save file?

I'm three seeds sort of having them all...and it's pissing me off! :bomb: I should've used a guide for those.

And only one item has ever been at the auction house (which I won)....is that a good thing?[/QUOTE]

You can't leave the final area after entry.

Also, allow me to stress this to you: please, please, please don't go after the 'treasure trove' achievement. It's a testament to absurdity.
[quote name='Rig']Okay, I'm ready to beat this game, but have a few last questions.

Where I'm at:
I am ready to head to the Grand Staff. Just beat the Immortal in the backyard, and I think all my sidequests are finished. But, I'm trying to get the "all skills" achievements for my immortals. I need to gather the last of the items I am missing, but I don't want to finish the game if I can't ever get back to the items.

Can I get any items I missed after I enter the last area? Do items carry over into a new save file?

I'm three seeds sort of having them all...and it's pissing me off! :bomb: I should've used a guide for those.

And only one item has ever been at the auction house (which I won)....is that a good thing?[/QUOTE]

The last area
is not Grand Staff. Staff will be split up into two separate parts. The area that opens after completing both parts is the FINAL final area.
You can go about picking up any items you missed any time prior to the final area. The fact that only one item has appeared at the auction house means you have only missed one item from a closed area. Any open areas are still fair game.

And don't listen to Myke. Go for treasure trove. :cool:

[quote name='RyuNinja1988']Yo does anybody know if the DLC for Lost Odyssey is any diffrent then the one you get for free when preordering it at gamestop?[/QUOTE]

The preorder was a bonus double pack, which is different from the triple pack you can buy. If you want the double pack, create a Japanese account and you can download it for free.
[quote name='Callandor']The last area
is not Grand Staff. Staff will be split up into two separate parts. The area that opens after completing both parts is the FINAL final area.
You can go about picking up any items you missed any time prior to the final area. The fact that only one item has appeared at the auction house means you have only missed one item from a closed area. Any open areas are still fair game.

And don't listen to Myke. Go for treasure trove. :cool:

So...if I have the World Traveler achievement (or whatever it's called), then no more items will be showing up at the auction house?

I guess that's a good thing.
[quote name='Rig']So...if I have the World Traveler achievement (or whatever it's called), then no more items will be showing up at the auction house?

I guess that's a good thing.[/quote]

When there is absolutely nothing left to buy at the auction house, it closes up shop and puts a sign outside the door saying there's nothing left.
[quote name='Trakan']When there is absolutely nothing left to buy at the auction house, it closes up shop and puts a sign outside the door saying there's nothing left.[/quote]

Yeah, I just went back and that's what was there.

I have no idea where the three remaining seeds are. I just looked at a picture guide, and none of them seem out of the ordinary. I guess I will go to each one today, before finally finishing it up.
May 20, 2008 - DLC Available to US on May 23rd


"The popular role-playing game Lost Odyssey™ has a new dungeon pack available for play. The Seeker of the Deep dungeon is available from Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for 400 MS points.

To access the dungeon, download the DLC pack. Then, once the Nautilus can fly, fly to the center of the gulf on the right of the inland sea on the north of the Tower of Mirrors (near Saman, the City of Merchants), and dive into the water. When the game displays either "Examine" or "Enter" at the bottom right corner of the screen, press the A button, and delve into the Seeker of the Deep!

The dungeon is available May 23 for a cost of 400 MS Points. Download the pack and continue your odyssey! " - Microsoft, Published May 19, 2008

NOTE: This DLC dungeon was formally exclusive to only Japan/Asian Territories.

This dungeon package also adds 5 new achievements totalling 100 Gamerscore points. The new total for Lost Odyssey: 42 achievements with a total of 1100 points

US marketplace is finally getting it.
Sweet! I'm delaying going to the last area until I'm finish with most of the side-quests although some are just way out of my patience than others. (Treasure Trove, Master all skills -.-)
Swell. I will certainly be picking it up!

Just finishing up the last of the skills. I found the final seeds I was needing, and luckily, they weren't hard to find. (In fact, two of the three I needed I came across randomly!)
The seeds were the biggest pain in the ass ever...especially those last 1 or 2 of them.

Still never got Treasure Trove, but 980 was enough for me.
bread's done