Lost Planet 2- Gen. Discussion & Info - 4 Player Co-Op Demo Now On XBLM


2 (100%)

Format: Xbox 360™
Launch Date: TBD
Game Type: Action
Players: TBD
Publisher: CAPCOM Co.,Ltd.

A video was put up today on Xbox Live Marketplace with the first few details of Lost Planet 2

Summary of video From NeoGaf:

- "Kenji Oguro" is director
- Powered by "MT-FrameWork 2.0".
- Takes place 10 years after the first game
- "massive change in climate which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments such as jungles."
- "have been some big changes in how the game plays"
- "players wished they had been able to take on the Akrid enemies in a co-op mode. You should be able to see our response to those requests in the trailer you just saw"
- Portable cover/shields like Gears 2
- Mechs with passenger seats and turrets
- Looks like a co-op squad-based game
- Story is told from a number of different characters including from the perspective of various Snow Pirate factions

New Trailer from GameTrailers.com:


Here is the gamplay trailer:


Almost all of the trailer is in game.
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I was so hoping for Mega Man X9 or Legends 3 :( Oh well, I'll have to actually try Lost Planet 1 now, because the trailer for LP2 looked pretty slick.

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I guess it looks good. I never played LP. I don't buy the fact that everyone wanted a sequel, though.
The campaign in LP1 was pretty stale/boring. Multiplayer was ok for a few days...
I was looking forward to getting the game but was pretty disappointed...so it's good they're changing the gameplay.
I ended up enjoying Lost Planet a lot, so this is fairly exciting.

I mean, it's disappointing it wasn't a more 'earth-shattering' announcement, but this isn't too shabby.
Not bad...I was expecting a full on trailer for Dead Rising 2 but this is good too.

EDIT: Just saw the trailer...looks pretty sick.
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They needed to change from the first one. The first one stood on it's legs, but it got old fast. It was a very frustrating game, but it had it's charm. I'm glad it's out of the bland snowy levels, hopefully with new tactics and some good graphics. Hopefully they add more to the single player campaign to make it stand out and some cool multiplayer options.
I loved the first LP so i'm pretty excited for this, though I can't say it's really much of a surprise considering the first Lost Planet was pretty successful. I hope they add all the extra content in the FIRST time around, instead of releasing two different versions of the game. That really killed the multiplayer community.

EDIT: I wonder if they're going to add classes to the co-op, kind of like killzone 2? That would be a neat little addition.
LP1 had a very Indigo Prophecy ending. Ok, it's cold... Killing guys... this is normal... I am superhuman dude with a flying robot toppling a giant corporation!?
It actually looked pretty cool. I don't remember the first one looking that good. I don't remember the first one getting that much rave either... ?
coming from someone who played the first.

this one looks much better.

the problem in the first one was

1. very few weapons
2. boring and horribly written story
3. sluggish Mech controls

thats about it, i sold my copy right after i played about %75 through the story mode.

this new one looks like they improved on it alot. i might check this out.

if story mode is co-op, then they have themselves a great game,

other than halo3, R2, and COD WAW i cant think of any co-op games that have more than 2 ppl.
It looks like it's a bit faster and I completely forgot about those grappling hooks.
Though I hope it doesn't vear off into completely different gameplay at the end again.
Was a little disappointed in the announcement, especially how he said it was their most requested sequel or whatever (well, I guess it's possible now that Mega Man and Street Fighter are out, and Dead Rising 2 is already public knowledge...Lost Planet could have been next on the list I guess). First game was fairly fun but doesn't really stand up to games that have been released since then.

Still, it's cool they did this announcement the way they did. MS should encourage companies to do that more often.
Yeah, I was wanting something a bit more megaton. But this is cool. I still have the first one in my "To play" pile. I guess I'll pick this one up when a Colonies version is released.
You know I'm kinda wondering why Capcom decided To announced this game on XBLM first & and not on XBLM & PSN. Does MS when some kinda timed exclusive deal with MS or something? Anyways good to hear more info about LP2.
[quote name='RyuNinja1988']You know I'm kinda wondering why Capcom decided To announced this game on XBLM first & and not on XBLM & PSN. Does MS when some kinda timed exclusive deal with MS or something? Anyways good to hear more info about LP2.[/QUOTE]

*Insert Money Hat Picture Here* Microsoft probably paid a bit for another timed exclusive. Keep in mind however that according to the fiction that is VGCHartz LP1 is selling close to 2 million copies on the 360 and under a half million copies on the PS3. Yeah it was released late on the PS3 but that doesn't mean much to Capcom when you look at overall sales and the ability for Microsoft to money hat them. Microsoft's new strategy seems to be "buying" exclusives rather then developing them in house. Actually a pretty smart decision as of late it seems.

Lost Planet 1 was OK. I ended up getting the Limited Collectors Edition (yeah, Limited my arse) and selling it on eBay a few months later. I felt the game was too sluggish/weak pacing. Multiplayer was so-so.

I will give it a chance if Capcom improves on everything, hopefully theres a demo to entice me.
I never played the first one but the trailer was solid. Does anyone know how good the multiplayer was on for the first game?
[quote name='PhilESkyline']I never played the first one but the trailer was solid. Does anyone know how good the multiplayer was on for the first game?[/quote]

Yeah the multiplayer ok but nothing that would have you playing for a long amount of time. It kinda plays like a slow GOW with more colors, big Mechs & no cover system or blood!
I have Lost Planet but have never finished it, after about level 5 it felt super repetitious. Lost planet 2 looks really cool, especially if it's 4 player co-op, which it sounds like it is. Will definitely get.
Made the mistake of buying the first one closer to launch, then watch it plummet in price a few weeks later.

I'll wait until this one hits $20 or less.
[quote name='HotShotX']I was so hoping for Mega Man X9 or Legends 3 :( Oh well, I'll have to actually try Lost Planet 1 now, because the trailer for LP2 looked pretty slick.

They said the game was something that fans were asking for.

No one wants Mega Man X9 after it jumped to 3D. :p
We're finally approaching that point when things we got our hands on at E3 are making their way into the general populous, giving us and you, our readers, topics of conversation with which to break the awkward silence. For instance, we got to play the surprisingly thrilling four-player co-op demo from Lost Planet 2 at Capcom's E3 2009 booth. Next week -- on Wednesday, August 19 (August 26 for Silver subscribers), to be precise -- you'll be able to download and play the demo yourselves.
LP1 multiplayer had a very good 'Starship Trooper' feel. It was very enjoyable; especially when players switched up being the Akrid.

So LP2 will be like ODST? Was the same mo-cap used in LP2 and Bionic Commando? Com'on, you know it.

edit: please do not release two incompatible versions again.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']LP1 multiplayer had a very good 'Starship Trooper' feel. It was very enjoyable; especially when players switched up being the Akrid.

So LP2 will be like ODST? Was the same mo-cap used in LP2 and Bionic Commando? Com'on, you know it.

edit: please do not release two incompatible versions again.[/QUOTE]

You could be the Akrid? Damn, must have been colonies only right?
played a bit....

I am so glad they kept the same controls... felt good to get back into Lost Planet stuff.

This feels alot like Monster Hunter the way the battles and system are setup, which is very smart IMHO.
Damn fun demo. Play it online, it's just time consuming and inherently less awesome to play alone. I wholeheartedly recommend the plasma cannon, it's my favorite weapon. Just mind blowingly epic.
[quote name='ananag112']Man, this game makes me wish that Capcom made Monster Hunter 3 on the 360 and PS3 instead of the Wii.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean, but I'm happy that they're bringing some Monster Hunter style gameplay to 360 at all. It's especially satisfying to see it integrated into a great IP like Lost Planet.:D
Well if you liked the first then you'll love this one. Capcom is not dissapointing those who liked the first but I have a bad feeling reviewers will give it below a 80% but previous fans will not care and still eat this up.

Reminds me I gota grab colonies and finish LP1 before I grab this (I sold my LP collectors edition once colonies was announced, and I'm sure Capcom will double dip again in the future).

I noticed that the entire team shared the thermal energy for respawns. This can be both good and bad - it requires strategy but if one of your team mate purposedly team kills or dies a lot then your entire team is screwed.

I'm guessing the game however will require less thermal energy management then before. That's a good thing because TE was the only thing that really bothered me about the first game, outside of the fact my character moves really slow (but that's realistic considering all the weapons he has and the armor. it's like complaining that you can't jump in Ghost Recon).
bread's done