LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='pitfallharry219']Hooray for plot advancement! I think that was the best episode of the season.[/QUOTE]


desmond episodes are always epic. "the Constant" was probably the best episode of Lost ever.
If there's anyone else that watches both Lost and Fringe, did anyone else make the connection between Jacob's lighthouse in Lost and Walter's time-space "picture frame" in Fringe? I know the series are both by the same creators, and the connections between the universes will probably never get a chance to be explored, but so many of the elements seem to connect between shows.
[quote name='billyrox']
desmond episodes are always epic. "the Constant" was probably the best episode of Lost ever.[/QUOTE]
I agree wholeheartedly.
This was byfar the BEST episode of this season , there is just something about desmond that makes you pumped :D This episode also answered a few question
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']If there's anyone else that watches both Lost and Fringe, did anyone else make the connection between Jacob's lighthouse in Lost and Walter's time-space "picture frame" in Fringe? I know the series are both by the same creators, and the connections between the universes will probably never get a chance to be explored, but so many of the elements seem to connect between shows.[/QUOTE]
I don't think there's any connection, just seems to be more of a J.J. Abrams thing. Like the Dharma logo popping up in Cloverfield, Slusho in Star Trek etc.
I seem to be in the minority in that I found tonight's episode kind of dull. At least once I looked at the clock on my cable box to see when it would be over. I certainly don't do that during the average Lost episode. I like Des and all but I'm getting sick of the flash sideways story. I don't care about that stuff too much.
[quote name='Halo05']I seem to be in the minority in that I found tonight's episode kind of dull. At least once I looked at the clock on my cable box to see when it would be over. I certainly don't do that during the average Lost episode. I like Des and all but I'm getting sick of the flash sideways story. I don't care about that stuff too much.[/QUOTE]

Kinda agree.. the sideways story is getting lame.

Sure the connections are nice and all... but we ALL know that's been done before.

Seems like with 5 episodes left... it better get better fast.

Is it a Hurley episode next?
Best episode of the season! I'm finally feeling it's building to something great other than some lame ass battle between Flocke and Charles. :whee:
[quote name='Halo05']I seem to be in the minority in that I found tonight's episode kind of dull. At least once I looked at the clock on my cable box to see when it would be over. I certainly don't do that during the average Lost episode. I like Des and all but I'm getting sick of the flash sideways story. I don't care about that stuff too much.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely. I was annoyed every time the show returned from commercial only to still be stuck in the alternate timeline. I just don't see how 20-40 minutes per episode devoted to rehashing every main character's backstory with mildly ironic alterations is interesting in the slightest. We have literally seen this before, and it's kind of insulting that they're wasting such a substantial chunk of the much-touted "final season" on it. Desmond is a great character, but this episode was the worst offender yet. Literally nothing happened until the last minute or so. Nothing.

I'm sure (or at least I hope) there will be some payoff at the end that makes the alternate universe relevant, but I don't see how that justifies wasting so much time on it.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Yeah, but it's still fun to imagine. Hell, Fringe even worked in an Oceanic Airlines plane ticket into the first season as well.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the ticket(I think), but I don't think I saw the lighthouse picture.

The episode was good, but it was over before I knew it. It went by too fast. I guess time flies when your having fun?
[quote name='Magus8472']I agree completely. I was annoyed every time the show returned from commercial only to still be stuck in the alternate timeline. I just don't see how 20-40 minutes per episode devoted to rehashing every main character's backstory with mildly ironic alterations is interesting in the slightest. We have literally seen this before, and it's kind of insulting that they're wasting such a substantial chunk of the much-touted "final season" on it. Desmond is a great character, but this episode was the worst offender yet. Literally nothing happened until the last minute or so. Nothing.

I'm sure (or at least I hope) there will be some payoff at the end that makes the alternate universe relevant, but I don't see how that justifies wasting so much time on it.[/QUOTE]

I dunno whats left on the island? It's almost time for the groups to battle it out and that won't fill the rest of the episodes. I think the telling thing tonight was the old crone telling des he had what he wanted when he pressed to see the list.
i get it, people are sick of the flash sideways, i am too. but this episode is different. desmond is the key between the two universes. the whol damn premise of this season is finally coming together. plus, desmond is by far my favorite character on lost.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i get it, people are sick of the flash sideways, i am too. but this episode is different. desmond is the key between the two universes. the whol damn premise of this season is finally coming together.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, doesn't make the flashsideways that much more interesting.

And maybe if they hadn't made this bullshit the "whole damn premise" of the show's final season it wouldn't be the second-worst of the series.
This shit is getting good. Just watched 3 episodes in a row to bring me back up to speed. It's getting really interesting, also I loved Ricardo's episode.
[quote name='jlarlee']I dunno whats left on the island? It's almost time for the groups to battle it out and that won't fill the rest of the episodes. I think the telling thing tonight was the old crone telling des he had what he wanted when he pressed to see the list.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you. I don't understand why people have complained about the flash sideways all season. Let me preface this by saying I pretty much hate Lost because it is the lowest denominator of TV shows, just no REAL forethought, just ridiculous stuff that the Island is a mystical force therefore...6 seasons of shit happens? Whatever.

But the flash sideways are CLEARLY an important part of the ending of the show, they are not just time fillers. There's no way the writers are just using flash sideways as a "what-if". This is obvious when you look at the car underwater last night with Charlie/Desmond. How are we all so quick to forget "Desmond is my constant"? It's obvious that something huge is happening between the two universes and Desmond is a key.

The flash sideways is NOT just filler. You should be watching for important links between the two and wondering where it may go, not when will it end.
I'm not understanding all the sideways hate after this episode. The great thing about this episode is it finally started to make sense of the sideways timeline, ie Desmond's conversation with Eloise and Faraday. Desmond episodes are always revealing, I loved it.
My question is: Why the hell is Eloise always in the know about the alternate timelines? Is she like the gatekeeper of the universe(s)? I bet she'll have a major role in the remaining episodes.
I think this episode was great in explaining the issues with the flash sideways. It sets up this idea that an "alternate" life may give you one thing you wanted, it will also take away something else you value.

This episode made the other flash sideways much more interesting. Now, it is fun to look back at everyone's side story to see what they "really wanted" and what they were missing out on.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i get it, people are sick of the flash sideways, i am too.[/QUOTE]

I love the flash-sideways story. It's the highlight of the season for me.
[quote name='Magehart']My question is: Why the hell is Eloise always in the know about the alternate timelines? Is she like the gatekeeper of the universe(s)? I bet she'll have a major role in the remaining episodes.[/QUOTE]

She is the gatekeeper and Desmond is the keymaster
what they should have done was did the sideways universe for one whole season, then do a solid 3 part episode of nothing but the real freaking ending.

Desmond is great, but the alternate timeline means absolutely NOTHING to the story, besides the Desmond constant.

It only matters up to this point where they converge to the actual present.

If the Sideways story mattered more, there would be more connections. So far the list of connections are counted on one hand, and being Desmond focused, stressed that count over every other epidsode.

The "What Ifs" don't have the Lost touch... that unique ability to say WTF... They all are ending up to be a lame story about some lame people, and it took Desmond to FINALLY give us something to chew on.

I'll give credit though, this sideways story was the best, but failed in the real story progression, as only having what, 5 minutes?
My biggest complaint about Lost is that it isn't spooky anymore. I still get goosebumps when I hear Charlie say, "Where are we?" from the (I think) pilot episode. There was this super freaky near X-files vibe around the show for the first two seasons that has almost entirely faded.
xycury: Can't the same be said about the Flashback stuff from the first 4 seasons? How much does Jack's tatoo girlfriend really pertain to the events of the island, or Kate blowing up her dad? To me, the show is about the characters and how their decisions on the island either reflect or contrast their previous life. The Flash sideways is really no different to me.
[quote name='cdietschrun']
But the flash sideways are CLEARLY an important part of the ending of the show, they are not just time fillers. .[/QUOTE]

That may be, but that doesn't mean that watching half an episode of Jack's imaginary son or Locke bumbling his way through cameo appearances wasn't boring as fuck.

[quote name='hufferstl']xycury: Can't the same be said about the Flashback stuff from the first 4 seasons? How much does Jack's tatoo girlfriend really pertain to the events of the island, or Kate blowing up her dad? To me, the show is about the characters and how their decisions on the island either reflect or contrast their previous life. [/QUOTE]

The difference is the flashbacks showed us backstory on these characters, or put their actions in context. The tattoo episode was weak, but Kate blowing up her father was something that totally changed her life and made her into the person she was on the island. If not for the flashbacks, we wouldn't have understood why Locke was so quick to believe in the island, why Sawyer was such an arrogant, standoffish guy, why Kate was a bitchy criminal, why Jack felt the need to fix everything, why Charlie and Boone were so desperate for acceptance, why Ben became a total monster, etc. Sawyer killed Anthony Cooper wouldn't have mattered nearly as much if we had just been given throwaway lines about Sawyer's dad killing his mom/himself, or about Locke's dad being a dick. Des and Penny reuniting in the S4 finale wouldn't been as amazing if we had only heard of Penny and not seen what their relationship went through. Most flashbacks were needed to tell the story, even if there were parts when they retreaded the same ground.

On the other hand, what do the flash sideways show us? That if Jack had a preteen son he would be a bad parent? That if Jin/Sun had been just sleeping together instead of getting married they would have been happier, but Sun would end up shot? None of that means anything to me. If the sideways were just "this is what would happen if the plane had landed", that would be fine. But it's not. It's "this is what would happen if the plane had landed, and if the characters' lives were totally different at random."

Will the sideways be necessary to the plot eventually? As a whole, probably. But arbitrary differences in the sideways lives and character cameos aren't going to be important, so all that feels like a waste right now. We've had half an episode devoted to the importance of the AU and nine episodes of what-if scenarios. That's not a good ratio for me.

Plus, it sucks that so much time is devoted to this that the island plotline, IE the story and characters I've been following for six years, has been stuck at "everyone sits on the beach or in the jungle and waits for Flocke/Jacob/Richard to tell them what to do" for half the season.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']

On the other hand, what do the flash sideways show us? That if Jack had a preteen son he would be a bad parent? That if Jin/Sun had been just sleeping together instead of getting married they would have been happier, but Sun would end up shot? None of that means anything to me. If the sideways were just "this is what would happen if the plane had landed", that would be fine. But it's not. It's "this is what would happen if the plane had landed, and if the characters' lives were totally different at random."

Will the sideways be necessary to the plot eventually? As a whole, probably. But arbitrary differences in the sideways lives and character cameos aren't going to be important, so all that feels like a waste right now. We've had half an episode devoted to the importance of the AU and nine episodes of what-if scenarios. That's not a good ratio for me.

I don't think they are arbitrary. They seem to match up to the characters stories.

Desmond gains Widmore's approval but doesn't have Penny
Ben "saves" Alex but doesn't have any power
Locke gains love but doesn't have working legs.
Jack resolved his own father/sun relationship (via his son) but....okay I can't think of one.

Now what does it mean is another thing but I think there is meaning in the sideways flash.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i get it, people are sick of the flash sideways, i am too. but this episode is different. desmond is the key between the two universes. the whol damn premise of this season is finally coming together. plus, desmond is by far my favorite character on lost.[/QUOTE]

yeah its awesome how Desmond is the constant between here and sideways world... love the dude
I dunno but besides stuff dragging a bit in season 2 when have the writers failed us? I think we should trust that it is going somewhere good. We need to enjoy the journey and not getting all caught up in how it ends and getting answers

I really feel they have had this planned all along and are not throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks. Because when their end date was announced after season 3 the show seemed to get a lot more focused because they knew how many episodes they had to fit the rest of the story in
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']snip

[quote name='usickenme']I don't think they are arbitrary. They seem to match up to the characters stories.

Desmond gains Widmore's approval but doesn't have Penny
Ben "saves" Alex but doesn't have any power
Locke gains love but doesn't have working legs.
Jack resolved his own father/sun relationship (via his son) but....okay I can't think of one.

Now what does it mean is another thing but I think there is meaning in the sideways flash.

But the Flash Sideways doesn't have any of that Lost feel. If that was what the show was going to be about, I wouldn't have watched it.....

It's too normal.

Sure it's saying that peoples lives would be different or better than not, but to what end....

It's like SMB2 when you beat Wart... and you find out it's all a freaking dream... WTF... and not a Lost WTF way.

It took a Desmond episode to have interest in the flash sideways. EVERY episode that had flash sideways was utterly boring besides Desmond. Jack, Kate, Locke.... yeah all of them.

Season 6 should be all flash sideways and have them top it off with a small Season 7.
[quote name='xycury']

But the Flash Sideways doesn't have any of that Lost feel. If that was what the show was going to be about, I wouldn't have watched it.....

It's too normal.


Fair enough but they don't exist in a vacuum, they story is all the parts not just the parts you like.
[quote name='xycury']It's like SMB2 when you beat Wart... and you find out it's all a freaking dream... WTF... and not a Lost WTF way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for spoiling it.
[quote name='jlarlee']I dunno but besides stuff dragging a bit in season 2 when have the writers failed us? I think we should trust that it is going somewhere good. We need to enjoy the journey and not getting all caught up in how it ends and getting answers

I would have agreed with this a couple years ago, but S5 was an abysmal failure for me. Between that and all of the dropped storylines over the years and shitty conclusions for characters, I don't have high hopes that they'll end the story well.
With a little rejiggering, S4 would have been a great final season. Take out the flashforwards and WE HAVE TO GO BACK, and don't leave half the cast behind on the island, there you go. The oceanic 6, claire, jin sawyer and jules get off the island (the scene of the O6 reuniting with their families is better then anything they'll come with for the series finale, I'll put money on it), Locke gets to stay on the island and lead the others, Michael redeems himself by being key to the rescue, Rose and Bernard stay on the island so her cancer doesn't come back and end up in the same place they ended up in S5, bing bang boom, great story told without all this time travel bullshit.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']With a little rejiggering, S4 would have been a great final season. Take out the flashforwards and WE HAVE TO GO BACK, and don't leave half the cast behind on the island, there you go. The oceanic 6, claire, jin sawyer and jules get off the island (the scene of the O6 reuniting with their families is better then anything they'll come with for the series finale, I'll put money on it), Locke gets to stay on the island and lead the others, Michael redeems himself by being key to the rescue, Rose and Bernard stay on the island so her cancer doesn't come back and end up in the same place they ended up in S5, bing bang boom, great story told without all this time travel bullshit.[/QUOTE]

but then no resolution with Jacob, weird statue,etc
Couldn't care less myself. I started watching for the characters not to find out who wins in the arm wrestling match of the island gods.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Couldn't care less myself. I started watching for the characters not to find out who wins in the arm wrestling match of the island gods.[/QUOTE]
Same here. The writers originally said Jacob was someone we saw already back in S2. I wish they had stuck to that & not had this god vs devil thing goin on.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']With a little rejiggering, S4 would have been a great final season. Take out the flashforwards and WE HAVE TO GO BACK, and don't leave half the cast behind on the island, there you go. The oceanic 6, claire, jin sawyer and jules get off the island (the scene of the O6 reuniting with their families is better then anything they'll come with for the series finale, I'll put money on it), Locke gets to stay on the island and lead the others, Michael redeems himself by being key to the rescue, Rose and Bernard stay on the island so her cancer doesn't come back and end up in the same place they ended up in S5, bing bang boom, great story told without all this time travel bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Thats a little too happy. I don't think it's ending without some tragedy for a few characters
[quote name='jlarlee']Thats a little too happy. I don't think it's ending without some tragedy for a few characters[/QUOTE]

The only character I want to see die at this point is Ben.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']The only character I want to see die at this point is Ben.[/QUOTE]

I could watch Keamy die again and again. And he's such a cool character too!
^ Agreed. Keamy reminds me of E.B. Farnum from Deadwood. Everytime he comes on the screen you cringe with disgust. But it's only because the actor has achieved perfection at portraying a scumbag character.
bread's done