LOST Via Domus - Gen. Discussion & Info


170 (100%)

Update 1/28: Achievements
Update 1/23: New Trailer
[media]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Uwdl-gNPaN0[/media] _______________
Based on the award-winning television series, the Lost video game will allow players to experience an untold adventure of "Lost" in an immersive, interactive world.

As a passenger of Oceanic flight 815, you survived the crash and find yourself on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. As you begin to unravel mysteries of the island, you begin to discover secrets of your own. You will have to understand your past mistakes in order to survive and find your way home...

The Lost video game is being developed by Ubisoft's Montreal studio. Today, at Comic-Con 2007, Ubisoft released the first trailer of the game.

Trailer looks good, hope they can accomplish the eerie vibe that the first season had.
[quote name='Graystone']Trailer looks good. I hope I get to play as Hurley, and Sawyer.[/QUOTE]

Word is that you'll play as another, non-main character. Both island and flashback stuff for that character.

I just hope there's some good gameplay in there, and maybe something that makes it replayable. Hopefully no token collecting, and that it maintains the flavor of Lost.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Hopefully no token collecting[/quote]

I'm lead to believe (sadly) that this is what the game will mostly consist of. But I'll probably end up playing it one way or another, just because it's LOST. It would be pretty funny if they advertised it as, "Answers one of the Islands mysteries!"
Its gonna be weird if it actually has an ending. And its also going to be weird if they have some type of map of the island, even though some theorists have already came up with their map and what not.
I've wondered what happened to this title...

I hope it turns out well.
New gameplay details:
UK magazine Xbox World 360 has now revealed further details about Lost: The Video Game, based on interviews with three of the game's development team. Lost is built using a version of the GRAW 2 engine, which has been modified in order to deal with the "organic" environments of the island. While primarily a third-person adventure game, there will be a first-person view in order to enable the player to search for clues.
As previously revealed in GameSpot's preview, gamers will play as a survivor of the crash of flight 815--but Xbox World 360 reports that the character for the game will not be taken directly from the TV show. You will play as Elliott, and must explore the characters own past (using flashbacks) to overcome a severe case of amnesia as well as finding your way off the island. Characters from the TV show are also likely to be found at different stages within the game, however.
According to the magazine, there will be no online multiplayer aspect to the game, but the developers are "definitely looking to provide downloadable content via Xbox Live."

[quote name='darthbudge']:drool::drool: I can't wait for this. Also since Ubisoft is doing this it will be good. Also any info on a release date?[/quote]

Ehh... I don't know about that. Ubisoft has been a bit spotty in the past.
[quote name='darthbudge']:drool::drool: I can't wait for this. Also since Ubisoft is doing this it will be good. Also any info on a release date?[/quote]
Q1 2008
EGM had a bunch of details in Issue 220.

You play as Elliott- some random dude on the flight who has amnesia. The levels are broken up into "episodes", complete with episode-opening recaps, playable flashbacks, and big cliffhangers at the end. The game will wrap itself up, but not much will be revealed about the main TV story.

During the course of the game, you'll have to trade for supplies with Hurley, Locke will fix things for you and lead you through the jungle, and Sawyer will give you nicknames. Michael, Walt, Kate, Sayid, Jack will be in the game, along with others, but they won't play large roles. The creators are unsure if they'll be able to get the shows actor's to do the voices for their VG counterparts.

Some of the challenges in the game:
Run from the smoke monster/polar bears
Enter the numbers into the hatch computer
Dodge bullets from the Others' snipers
Snap pictures of events that unfold
Gather dynamite from the Black Rock
Some fetch quests- one being to prevent the hatch from exploding
I hope it's as convoluted and absolutely random, as though there's no script, like the show is!

/end sarcasm.

I had to get my punches in for Lost. Hopefully fans of the show will enjoy the game, and it won't suck like so many other TV/movie licensed games.
A new trailer surfaced last week, forgot to bump the thread, also new title "LOST: Via Domus". The new trailer seems pretty sweet, I'll have to pick this one up.
Wow, one month? Had no idea this was coming out so soon. Looks like I have Turok, Devil May Cry and Lost to beat before SSBB.
I Will have this game, and i will throw all my LOST frustration into it. everytime Locke opens his mouth he gets shot in the face...YES!
My favorite achievement will easily be "Find the VW Van."

The episode where Hurley finds it is on top of my list of favorite episodes of Lost.
Anybody else see the pricing of this game and do a big 'ol "HUH?"

PS3: $60
360: $60
PC: $30

Ummm... Think I'm going to get the PC version on this one. Just pre-ordered through Amazon actually. Wonder why they are charging bargain title price on the PC and regular major release title price on the consoles?
I played a good 2 hours or so of this today...not too bad. I finished Chapter 2 and just started Chapter 3. So far so good. Reminds me a lot of King Kong for the 360. The voices are...interesting. So far the only original actors that I can tell are Ben and Claire. Looks like everyone else has been replaced. Sawyer sounds like a cowboy.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']To buy or to wait for drop...hmmm. I really do want to play this now :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

just wait, I would be surprised if this doesn't drop like a lead stone
[quote name='fart_bubble']just wait, I would be surprised if this doesn't drop like a lead stone[/QUOTE]
It's Ubisoft. It'll take 6 weeks tops.
I love lost, but I'll have to pass on this with the crappy voices and word that parts of the story aren't cannon (and that it apparently doesn't reveal anything new--just a different angle on stuff we've already seen).

Getting some new tidbits of plot would be the only thing that would get me to play this, since it's clearly not a AAA title.
Only 6-8 hours? Smells like a rental with possible purchase @$10 or less.
With a game that short, they should have made it canon if they want a bunch of fans to plunk down $30 or more.
6-8 hours is a rental, but I would rather own the copy and will wait for the price drop. Somehow I think ubisoft didn't know how to price this, either they think it is a solid game or just want to rip the money out of lost fans pockets.
sounds like they dropped the ball. ABC really could have made a killing by putting tons of clues into a real game dealing with the mythos in a new way, revealing new stuff.
[quote name='thrustbucket']sounds like they dropped the ball. ABC really could have made a killing by putting tons of clues into a real game dealing with the mythos in a new way, revealing new stuff.[/quote]
Yeah, considering they worked closely with the the writers they could have made this a lot better.
I really like this game, but it was really short. I say it wasn't 6 hours, more like 10 or so. It has an adventure type feel to it and some parts are pretty creepy. I thought the story was pretty good too.
[quote name='Wolve11']I really like this game, but it was really short. I say it wasn't 6 hours, more like 10 or so. It has an adventure type feel to it and some parts are pretty creepy. I thought the story was pretty good too.[/QUOTE]

I see you got 1000/1000 achievement points in it already. Was it just basically going through the whole game to get them or you have to do other things?
You can go through the game once and get all the achievements, BUT you'll have to find items and there's a few things you could easily miss out on. Especially when looking for the Medical Station and when looking for Pearl Station. Basically the photograph achievements. Otherwise you can easily rack up points in the game by just playing through the story.
the game is alright, perfect for LOST fans. However no way this game is worth $59.99, it should have been released at $29.99. The game is really short and can be completed in like 5-6 hours. Not much replay value after finishing the game so unless you actually want to collect this game to add to your LOST merchandise or put it with your DVD sets there is no point to shell out $59.99 for it. Get the PC version, wait for a price drop, or simply just rent it. It is good enough to play through just not worth a full 60 dollars IMO.

Game gets a solid 7.0 out of 10 (but more like a 6 out of 10 if you arent a LOST fan)
Just started playing the game, before playing I was dissapointed to find out that most of the voices arent done by the characters. I was even more devastated that Steven Jay Blum (one of the most repetitive and annoying VA's) does Jack's voice. Locke's VA doesnt seem any better.

I guess i can play with the voices on mute. Heres hoping they didn't skimp out on the gameplay since they apparently cant even afford the cast members.
When does this game take place chronologically with the show? I've only really watched since Season 2, I only know S1 from reading online stuff. I added it to my gamefly queue today because it looks interesting enough to give it a shot.
bread's done