Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN


34 (97%)
In a rather unsurprising move with surprising timing, CNN's overt racist nutjob is packing up his "6 degrees of lllegal immigration" program and take that and his birther conspiracies away from the network.

Last night was his last show.

So the question becomes where he will be put on the FOX schedule. Will Greta get shitcanned? I think so.
Yes, let's get all these differing viewpoints out of the way. People like Lou Dobbs are the ones that are keeping CNN in the middle and preventing it from just being another MSNBC.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, let's get all these differing viewpoints out of the way. People like Lou Dobbs are the ones that are keeping CNN in the middle and preventing it from just being another MSNBC.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, let's get all these differing viewpoints out of the way. People like Lou Dobbs are the ones that are keeping CNN in the middle and preventing it from just being another MSNBC.[/QUOTE]

If dabbling in birther nonsense makes you more middling I want no part of it.
I don't see why you need crazy in order to be fair. "Differing viewpoints" aren't necessarily valid. The news channels would be better without so many "viewpoints" anyway, at least to the extent that it's possible. They at least shouldn't have most of the shows dedicated to one person's viewpoint (who collectively have about the same viewpoint). There's honestly enough shit going on in the world to actually fill 24 hours with news (or at least the 16 or so hours that anybody is going to be watching it), but instead all these channels are filled with the opinions of some random assholes.

I know why - it's about ratings, but as long as that's the focus (which is basically has to be, given the structure) all these news channels are never going to be worth watching.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, let's get all these differing viewpoints out of the way. People like Lou Dobbs are the ones that are keeping CNN in the middle and preventing it from just being another MSNBC.[/QUOTE]
Uh, it looks like he left CNN, not the other way around. How exactly does that support your post?
I think he was saying that people shouldn't be happy to see people with different view points like Dobbs and Beck previously leave CNN.

I'd rather not have those nut jobs on TV anywhere. I like getting views from both sides, but dont' care for extremist views on either side. Moot though since I don't watch TV news.
Dobbs didn't make CNN fair or balanced so I can't say I'm sad to see him go.

You'd think illegals were the biggest scourge of ours or any generation. I've never competed with an illegal for a job but I could feel that they were just plotting to get the jobs I've had.

Lou and Beck should do a show where they trace Cesar Chavez's lineage back to the Devil himself. I can't wait to see the giddy looks on their faces when they do the final reveal on that big posterboard Beck uses. "You see! It all makes sense now."
I always liked his "i have a black friend" type defense when someone would accuse him of hating latinos. For those that don't know, his wife is mexican. That was supposed to be his overwhelming proof.
Lou Dobbs always reminds me of this:
Eerily close to Moogle Yamauchi.

Anyway, hope the door hits his ass on the way out. "Everything wrong in this country is due to the Mexicans" isn't a valid viewpoint - it's a case of the brainshits.
I'm sure the anti-illegal movement is desperately trying to find him a spot with Faux News as we speak. Someone has to tell them it's the Mexico's fault they don't have a decent job.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Did anyone really watch him anyway?[/QUOTE]

Given how long his show was on, the ratings couldn't have been terrible.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, let's get all these differing viewpoints out of the way. People like Lou Dobbs are the ones that are keeping CNN in the middle and preventing it from just being another MSNBC.[/QUOTE]

Lou Dobbs show was an opinion show. Please explain how CNN is now a leftist communist socialist media outlet now that Lou Dobbs is gone.
[quote name='IRHari']Lou Dobbs show was an opinion show. Please explain how CNN is now a leftist communist socialist media outlet now that Lou Dobbs is gone.[/QUOTE]

News is a conglomerate of opinions. There is very little reporting in today's news because it leads to awkwardness between the owners of the news and the gubmint. Dobbs was like HCl to the NaOH of CNN. Of course, neither are safe for consumption.
[quote name='depascal22']I'm sure the anti-illegal movement is desperately trying to find him a spot with Faux News as we speak. Someone has to tell them it's the Mexico's fault they don't have a decent job.[/QUOTE]

You are the only person on this entire forum that posts that illegals are taking our jobs. You need to get over the train of thought that is making you think convservatives are all up in a fuss about illegals taking away American jobs.
I was just going to post that. I think this is like the 4th thread in 2 or 3 days that depascal has cynically inserted a jab at illegals stealing jobs. What makes it silly is he still holds to that being somehow an issue people care about that don't like illegal immigration. Oh and burning fox is his next favorite passtime.

I think he has a goal to do each in every thread now.
[quote name='perdition(troy']You are the only person on this entire forum that posts that illegals are taking our jobs. You need to get over the train of thought that is making you think conservatives are all up in a fuss about illegals taking away American jobs.[/QUOTE]

Maybe not "all" conservatives but if you really think that is an unfair characterization then I don't know what to tell you.

By the by "Mexico's fault" doesn't necessarily mean illegal immigrants, we shipped more than a few manufacturing jobs that way.
So what is your main objection to illegal immigration then? It can't only be that it's illegal since I'm sure everyone in this room has jaywalked, had a beer before the age of 21, or sped on the highway.

This is a thread about Lou Dobbs, so illegal immigration isn't that far off topic.
Yeah, I don't get those comments either.

Objections to illegal immigration I hear/read tend to contain one or more of the following three objections.

1. They take jobs from citizens.
2. They hurt the economy by using services like schools for their kids, ERs etc. without paying taxes.
3. They increase crime.

So not sure why some here are trying to act like what you said was a strawman--especially when we've had threads on here on the past arguing about whether illegals take away jobs or just take jobs most citizens would never do for minimum wage.
I'm going to say the latter reason in your last paragraph Maul. No one should get paid such an awful wage cleaning up the raging shits in a bathroom stall, period. You're an asshole employer if you require that and give such a bad wage, especially if you're not doing it at all or most of the time yourself.
Lou Dobbs has repeatedly said his problem is not with immigrants, see Latinos or anyone else for that matter, it's that they're illegal. He's pitched a fit about Asian Illegals too. The only benefit I'll give to all the other Illegal Immigrants that aren't Latino is they walk into someone's place of business expecting said shopowner to speak Spanish. They've become too Americanized in that regard. ;) But seriously that's fucking ridiculous unless you live in California or another state which, when founded, had Spanish listed in it's State Constitution. I'm referring to having more than one language listed.
I also take issue with Illegal's loyalty by extension too. Their loyalty is to Mexico and other Spanish places further South. Why the fuck does anyone think they tend to fly the Mexican flag and almost no U.S. flags?
Also if you want to see a group trying to railroad someone look at Dobb's interview with Amy Goodman. She CONSISTENTLY tried to paint him as having an issue with immigrants and he wasn't having it.
Oh and myke if you want to be accurate it's not racist it's prejudiced. Latino is not a race, neither is Native American and so on and so forth. There are only three racial genomes I believe you can prove and they go into 3 categories: Asian, Caucasian and African. Look at the ethnic background of Mexicans. I believe in most Native Americans have facial features representing the epicanthal fold. If you don't directly see it look at their genetics.
I personally have a huge problem and resentment for anyone that is here illegally. It's wrong on several levels and for several reasons. Don't try to compare to jaywalking as if it's just a harmless wink wink crime. That's horse shit. We have immigration law for a reason, yet we are the joke of the world for being the only modern country not enforcing their immigration laws.

And for me, personally, I know several people that have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to come here legally. People with degrees. Responsible people with skills. People with no criminal record. And they can't. Why? Because it's incredibly expensive and time consuming.

And when I had a meeting with an American Ambassador about why it's so difficult to just get a visitor visa approved, I couldn't help but bring up the fact that it would be so incredibly easy to just go to mexico and walk across the border - and then the government won't give a shit. His response? "Don't bring that up, that's not an option because that would be wrong". I laughed in his face so hard I thought he was going to kick me out of the embassy.

So when it comes to stances on immigration, there are only two valid stances: Enforce the law or get rid of the law. Pick one of those and stand by it. There is no middle ground third option, and if you think there is you are moron.

We need to either enforce immigration laws or get rid of immigration laws. Period. And anyone that thinks we should have immigration laws but not enforce them is a huge-ass blind douche that deserves a pubic-area shaving with a cheese grater. IMHO of course.
My father used to really get up in arms about illegals, "they're taking our jerbs" and all. Then i posed this question to him. Say that you're Mexican, you have a family that you can't support because you either can't find work or you aren't paid shit for the job you have. Do you slip into the US illegally to try and find work, or do you let your family starve?

Now i know that is going to be criticized as some sort of bleeding-heart theoretical question, but it's a very real choice that some people have had to make. I realize that isn't the case for every illegal here in the country, but it is for many with families. Quite frankly, the reason we have many illegals here from latin countries is because most of their economies suck. They can't find work at home so they come here. Of course, now that the US economy has tanked, that isn't even as much an option as it once was.

You want to stop illegal immigration? Help make the home countries of these people better, take away their motivation for even coming here in the first place.
I like that whole taking jobs argument because it takes away the blame from the good old companies that are hiring illegals in the first place. If you have a bone to pick with anyone, it should be the companies hiring illegals without doing extensive background checks. If they're willing to work for less even though they're here illegally why wouldn't a company hire them?

You should be yelling at the companies who hire cheap illegal labor instead of more expensive legal labor. They're the ones taking the jorbs. Jeaaooooorbs.
They do a few raids occasionally, a few big ones to make the news and show everyone they're really cracking down on companies.
[quote name='thrustbucket'] And anyone that thinks we should have immigration laws but not enforce them is a huge-ass blind douche that deserves a pubic-area shaving with a cheese grater. IMHO of course.[/QUOTE]

Someone just watched The Guild. :D

And please stop pointing at illegals and saying they're the biggest drain on the education and health care industries. They hardly ever go to the hospital and actually do pay bills when they get the money. They're super respectful and actually appreciate and remember favors and kindness.

You're gonna honestly point at illegal kids and tell them to get out of a classroom? All these kids want to do is learn. They don't want to mop up your shit and cut your grass like their parents. They want to open businesses, become doctors, and explore the world just like any other child. It's not like they're in the high-class white neighborhoods bringing all your kids down. They're in classrooms you wouldn't put your kids in anyway but it's still ten times better than a shit hole school in Chihuaha or wherever they came from.

Here's another point. We have citizens that actively shun anything that could possibly improve their lives or their children's. Illegals bust their ass to make things better for themselves, their children, their siblings, and their parents. Hell, even aunts and uncles get the trickle down.

You say their loyalty is a weakness? It's a strength you can't even imagine. You only wish you had people that had your back like that. Most of you have spent your lives among nameless co-workers and neighbors. You couldn't name a dozen neighbors in a building of one hundred. You cling to the "American Dream" but couldn't give two shits about America itself. America was, is, and always be a nation of hustlers. Get on your grind or shut the fuck up and let us work.
rolls eyes.

Yeah and we should just roll over and speak Spanish for them when they jump the fence too. Give me a fucking break. Our schools are already fucked up enough and you want another wrench thrown in?! Look at how badly kids write that graduate from our schools, how they can't even count change because they've come to depend on a calculator. You want to compound the problem by having kids of illegals go here who we don't know if they even pay Property Tax. I don't mention sales tax on food as I think that's ridiculous in general.
Joliet the only way they'd get progress in those countries is if our immigration laws were properly enforced and our employers weren't hiring them. Sure a few would die of starvation but very few. I think most would riot, revolt soon enough and overthrow their worthless, corrupt government to begin with.
Why don't Republicans like Sarang01 just try to ban illegals from buying food? Seriously, why should illegals benefit in ANY way from being in this country?

It's the next logical step. Thanks to Jeffrey Toobin on Real Time w/ Bill Maher for this amazing idea.
[quote name='Sarang01']rolls eyes.

Yeah and we should just roll over and speak Spanish for them when they jump the fence too. Give me a fucking break. Our schools are already fucked up enough and you want another wrench thrown in?! Look at how badly kids write that graduate from our schools, how they can't even count change because they've come to depend on a calculator. You want to compound the problem by having kids of illegals go here who we don't know if they even pay Property Tax. I don't mention sales tax on food as I think that's ridiculous in general.
Joliet the only way they'd get progress in those countries is if our immigration laws were properly enforced and our employers weren't hiring them. Sure a few would die of starvation but very few. I think most would riot, revolt soon enough and overthrow their worthless, corrupt government to begin with.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, Latin American revolutions always turn out well. Don't forget that Castro came into power after the Cuban revolution. Plus, i fail to see how the children of illegals are bringing down the intelligence of American children. More likely is that the kids are lazy and the parents don't give a damn. Many immigrant children work their asses off to get somewhere in life, admittedly harder than i even do.
[quote name='IRHari']Why don't Republicans like Sarang01 just try to ban illegals from buying food? Seriously, why should illegals benefit in ANY way from being in this country?

It's the next logical step. Thanks to Jeffrey Toobin on Real Time w/ Bill Maher for this amazing idea.[/QUOTE]

Wow way to assume shit about me unless you're implying I'm a Goldwater Republican. To be specific I consider myself a Daoist Libertarian.
Why do people assume anyone that has a problem with Illegals MUST be a Republican? Lynn Samuels is clearly a Liberal and hates Illegal Immigration. Since when did being a Liberal mean that you became a defacto doormat? Especially when it came to Illegal's, who are NOT just Undocumented Workers. They violated the law by jumping the fence as it were.
You're right, sorry, I should've said '...people like Sarang01', but yeah based on your posts I was assuming Goldwater Republican.

As a Goldwater Republican though, you must be ecstatic that Sarah Palin is being seen as a lead voice in the Republican party right? /endsarcasm
I note your sarcasm and I'm not happy. I'm Pro-Gay Marriage though if you want the truth I think it should be Civil Union's in a governmental sense for EVERYONE and left up to whatever your church is to truly grant marriage. Separating marriage will do a lot of good for us as we will FINALLY separate Church from State. I'm also Pro-Gun Rights, Pro-Choice and Anti-Death Penalty. Wrap your head around that last however you shall. I also favor rehabilitation vs. reincarnceration. I believe the latter is flushing money down the toilet for the most part.
Palin is the worst of the movement, she's Socially Conservative and...judging by the whole outfit gaff who knows how she is on spending. I personally believe that if any candidate gave a fuck about being made in the U.S.A. they could get their whole wardrobe covered, save money while having it made in the U.S. by an American worker making a living wage along with it being made of Organic Cotton. Later on have it made of Hemp.
The one thing people go gaga over Palin non-political...her attractiveness, I don't get. I mean she's not ugly as a White Woman textbook Religious Conservative who actively seeked the spotlight but is that good enough for most to find her desirous? I guess it is considering how Anne Coulture is blah or some even argue mannish and Pat Buchanan's wife, last I remember, is straight up ugly. The only good looking one's tend to be part of a minority, see Michelle Malkin or Amy Holmes. McCain's daughter doesn't count as she's more Socially Liberal.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I personally have a huge problem and resentment for anyone that is here illegally. It's wrong on several levels and for several reasons. Don't try to compare to jaywalking as if it's just a harmless wink wink crime. That's horse shit. We have immigration law for a reason, yet we are the joke of the world for being the only modern country not enforcing their immigration laws.

And for me, personally, I know several people that have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to come here legally. People with degrees. Responsible people with skills. People with no criminal record. And they can't. Why? Because it's incredibly expensive and time consuming.

And when I had a meeting with an American Ambassador about why it's so difficult to just get a visitor visa approved, I couldn't help but bring up the fact that it would be so incredibly easy to just go to mexico and walk across the border - and then the government won't give a shit. His response? "Don't bring that up, that's not an option because that would be wrong". I laughed in his face so hard I thought he was going to kick me out of the embassy.

So when it comes to stances on immigration, there are only two valid stances: Enforce the law or get rid of the law. Pick one of those and stand by it. There is no middle ground third option, and if you think there is you are moron.

We need to either enforce immigration laws or get rid of immigration laws. Period. And anyone that thinks we should have immigration laws but not enforce them is a huge-ass blind douche that deserves a pubic-area shaving with a cheese grater. IMHO of course.[/QUOTE]
jeez, this redneck sure is pissed off today
bread's done