Mac Games Sale at Direct2Drive


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)

Every Mac game available at Direct2Drive is on sale NOW for one week only!
· Dragon Age Digital Deluxe – 50% off
· Spore – 50% off
· Hearts of Iron III – 15% off
· Red Alert 3 – 50% off
· World of Warcraft – 15% off
· World of Goo – 50% off
· Star Trek: D-A-C – 15% off
· Shaun White Snowboarding – 50%
Good sale. Kind of weak that they didn't cut Braid to $5 - for some reason it's only 15% off. The whole "Everything Mac is 50% off!" title is a bit of a lie (not by this forum, but by D2D) are there a lot of Mac games that are discounted less heavily or not at all.
[quote name='ninja dog']saving my $$ for the Steam mac release (hopefully next week)[/QUOTE]

Steam mac release? What??? Is that really happening? If so, awesome!
yes. Valve has been sending promo stuff to mac sites. Pretty much guaranteed to be announced, if not released, at GDC next week...


"Is $20 for Spore a good deal?"

It's a fair price. It's a fun game, just don't expect anything mindblowing.

I can't wait for Steam on Mac. Finally we'll be getting some decent prices on gaming software.
Agreed - I appreciate that Greenhouse, GamersGate and D2D are out there, but I can't help feel they're all not really giving Mac gaming a huge push together - Steam should make a much bigger impact.
sorry if im asking a dumb question but im not a big computer gamer cause i love consoles to much. but what is the big deal about waiting for steam? cant you just order form both D2D and steam??? im thinking about getting some games for my mac
[quote name='Apathetic-Irony']Is $20 for Spore a good deal?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. I not really. I paid full price on launch day and really regret it. It's just not a good game in any way and was nothing like what people expected.
[quote name='ryanmassacre']sorry if im asking a dumb question but im not a big computer gamer cause i love consoles to much. but what is the big deal about waiting for steam? cant you just order form both D2D and steam??? im thinking about getting some games for my mac[/QUOTE]
Besides porting over their own excellent games (Half-Life 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead), Steam is incredibly aggressive about sale pricing, doing big sales twice a week now and having massive promotions around Black Friday and Christmas. For example, a few weeks ago Psychonauts was sold for $2. During the New Year's sale, Torchlight was only $5, despite having been out for only 2 months.

Except for select titles, their DRM is generally pretty acceptable as it allows for unlimited installs on any number of machines. The installs themselves are generally fast and very easy. Their Steam community features (Friends lists, groups, in-game chat) and automatic game patching are miles ahead of every other competitor.

On top of that, they are very supportive of indie games, and have basically been responsible for various successful games that otherwise wouldn't have been published or known, such as Audiosurf.
I'm tempted to bite on Sims 3 for $25 but I just spent $20 on the latest MacHeist nanobundle.

Gamersgate had a sale like this a couple weeks back and I regret not biting on Penumbra for $10. D2D doesn't have it.
Thanks! I was waiting for Dragon Age Origins to come down in price for the 360 but couldn't resist this price to play on my Mac. They also have the non-deluxe edition for $25. I can't remember the last time I saw a good game for mac cheaper than for PC.
I finally decided to buy Dragon Age but they wouldn't let me :(
It says:
"Your transaction will require review by a Customer Service Agent. Please contact Customer Service for further information. We apologize for this inconvenience."
Anyone know what that means?
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