Mac Mini


CAG Veteran
I've been shopping for a new computer. The desktop i have is a piece-o-poop, naturally, i want to get a new one. I've been looking around and i really want to get a smaller computer. Something that i can use as a media pc to stream things like Hulu, Netflix, Pandora, and play my music and dvds. I know just about any PC can do that but i what i really want to know is can I play any games on a mac mini, or should i look somewhere else for a space saving computer? The games i play right now are plants vs zombies and Guild Wars, both of which will play on my net book. Is it a safe bet to assume if it plays on my net book it will play on a mac mini? Is there something else i should look for? I've also looked at the dell zino, but everything I've read says it has some issues playing movies and shows from Hulu and net flix. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I also dont want my computer to be any bigger than an HP SLimeline.


Cheapest one is $699?

My PC that I built for $700 is 3 times better than the $999 one.

Honestly I just bought this for my uncle from the newegg deal (came with hdd and ram, must be installed yourself). This is solid, but not gaming friendly. Though it does do 1080p video playback. Retails around $220. Look out for Zotac to come out with a new one that comes with a disc drive (this one doesn't).

It can run starcraft 2 no problem (though nowhere near full settings).
^^ +1

Mac Minis are garbage. My neighbor had 2! Both of them have gone out on him. They get too hot from constant use and eventually burn out (at least that is what happened to him - both times he burned out the video on the motherboard).

You can build a decent gaming/multimedia machine for way cheaper than you could even think of spending on a Mac Mini. With the Mini you are paying for the Apple brand name, that it. Take that money that you would spend on that over-priced, under-powered unit and slap together a PC for yourself. Its almost as simple as putting together legos... You will end up with a better computer for less money. Win-win. ;)
I am intimidated by building a computer, i would rather just buy something, but if the Mac Mini is awful, i'll look elsewhere. Would the AspireRevo be anything like the Zotac? Is the Zotac ZBOX like a bare bones thing or what. Something that can just play games like starcraft would be great, i dont need high setting, i can play on low settings.
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[quote name='Seabassns']I am intimidated by building a computer, i would rather just buy something, but if the Mac Mini is awful, i'll look elsewhere. Would the AspireRevo be anything like the Zotac? Is the Zotac ZBOX like a bare bones thing or what. Something that can just play games like starcraft would be great, i dont need high setting, i can play on low settings.[/QUOTE]

If you're intimidated by building it, then find a local PC shop. Most will do it for sub-$100. Finding what parts work with each other is simple since NewEgg has the tech specs for everything :p.
Building a computer is not hard. There are plenty of help guides and instructions that come with the PC components.

I do not think the Mac Mini sucks. I just think that the Mac Mini is way over priced for what you are asking for (as are all apple products). The AspireRevo looks to be about the same thing as the Zotac, but comes with Windows 7 pre-installed. I have no experience with the AspireRevo. I only suggested the Zotac because you said you wanted a media device that can also play PvZ and Guild Wars.

Look at what you plan to play (install requirements) and then look at how much you are willing to spend. That will help in determining what you want. It you were willing to purchase a mac mini, I would say build your own PC. For $699 you can get a very decent PC that will have no problems with anything.
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