MacBook or High end gaming pc......


31 (100%)
Ok, I am going out tomorrow to buy myself a new laptop. But I am not really sure which way I want to go.

I would like the Macbook since I am majoring in film and editing, but I would love a powerful laptop that can play the newest games plus it will probably be a lot cheaper.

So my question to you guys, which way should I go, btw I am not sure which windows based laptop I would get if I went that route, so all input is helpful.

Btw my budget on the laptop should be around $2500.
[quote name='Moxio']I'd go for the MacBook. An ATI x1600 isn't too bad and with Boot Camp coming up you should be able to dual boot Windows on there (theoretically, of course. I'm assuming the laptops will be included in this technology).

I see no downside, as it's just in your price range for the higher end one.[/quote]

Thanks for the quick response, so I have another question for you then, will high end games be able to play on the MacBook then?
[quote name='daewezzy']Don't ever use a laptop for gaming. Just get the macbook and concentrate on your major.[/quote]

It's not like I am getting it for that, but its always a nice bonus to be able to play some newer games on it if I would like lol. But it looks like the Macbook is the way to go.
[quote name='Prepster']Thanks for the quick response, so I have another question for you then, will high end games be able to play on the MacBook then?[/QUOTE]

Not really. I definitely wouldn't recommend trying Oblivion on ANY notebook (I laugh at whoever tries). However, I'm sure with an x1600 you could play a plethora of games nicely. :)
get the macbook, i have a high end laptop, i like it a lot, but the battery only puts out about 2 hours and the thing is heavy. the macbook sounds like itd be much more useful.
there have been people who have been reporting big problems with Boot Camp (ie. OSX will no longer boot up), so beware.

I personally would avoid getting a laptop for gaming. With $2500 you could build yourself a damn nice computer.

But you probably have some reason for needing a laptop, so might as well make it a nice one, right?
[quote name='Moxio']Not really. I definitely wouldn't recommend trying Oblivion on ANY notebook (I laugh at whoever tries). However, I'm sure with an x1600 you could play a plethora of games nicely. :)[/QUOTE]

You'd be amazed at what some of these new gaming laptops can do.. of course, they're hella expensive.:)

If you get a MacBook, don't expect to play anything that requires decent specs. Apples are just not good gaming computers, they can handle audio/digital editing like no other though...

I always wondered, if Apple made a gaming computer, what it would be like.:whistle2:k
macbook+final cut pro=what you want

I play games on my G4 mac mini w/ 32mb of vid ram...WoW runs just fine...sure its not as fast as a windows PC, but hell...I dont have any virus or spyware worries...and I use it for much more than gaming (actually 99% of what I use it for is NOT gaming...a lot of graphic design and what not)
[quote name='LiquidNight']there have been people who have been reporting big problems with Boot Camp (ie. OSX will no longer boot up), so beware.

I personally would avoid getting a laptop for gaming. With $2500 you could build yourself a damn nice computer.

But you probably have some reason for needing a laptop, so might as well make it a nice one, right?[/quote]

Yep, I really would like a new laptop since I just got a new pc about 3 months ago. My laptop finally crapped out on me and now I need a new one.

So I guess the MacBook is the way to go, and thanks everyone for the responses. Very helpful indeed. :D
MacBook no doubt. If I had the money I would buy one right now (or probably an imac). OSX is worth the price of admission.
Either way, I would think about it for a while. I don't think I'll ever understand people who decide they need to get something "tomorrow" but have no idea what they actually want.
[quote name='b0bx13']Either way, I would think about it for a while. I don't think I'll ever understand people who decide they need to get something "tomorrow" but have no idea what they actually want.[/quote]

Very true, but I feel as if this money is burning a dam hole in my pocket :lol: Anyways I think, I will probably go with the MacBook, plus I really need a laptop for school soon. Thanks everyone for the help.
Would buying the computer through Apple be the cheapest place to purchase the 2ghz MacBook? I would get the student discount at the Apple store making the computer $2300.

So is that the best price I am going to get?
[quote name='Moxio']Not really. I definitely wouldn't recommend trying Oblivion on ANY notebook (I laugh at whoever tries). However, I'm sure with an x1600 you could play a plethora of games nicely. :)[/quote]

My notebook and I disagree with you, I play Oblivion on it on high settings with little to no slowdown. Plus its slow enough paced that playing with the touch pad actually works well.
[quote name='bdgskarulz']I am running both Half Life 2 and EQ2 on my 2.0 dual core macbook pro. ALL the options are turned up. Woah. ;)[/quote]

You my friend have just convinced me to buy the MacBook tonight, btw where did u purchase it at? And how much did you end up spending?
[quote name='Prepster']You my friend have just convinced me to buy the MacBook tonight, btw where did u purchase it at? And how much did you end up spending?[/QUOTE]

Apples are kinda tough to get deals for. I think Amazon has a rebate offer in, and the student discount is always nice. There's also the refurb option, but I hate refurbs and would never go that direction, personally.
[quote name='Prepster']Wow, that is amazing, I am going to try this out and just hopefully buy it this way. Thanks a lot man.[/QUOTE]

No problem. Enjoy the mac. I don't think I'll ever go back to a windows machine. I post on a site called with the same name. The people there are really nice and are really good about answering questions. it's a small site too, which I like. Check it out
[quote name='blackjaw']macbook+final cut pro=what you want

I play games on my G4 mac mini w/ 32mb of vid ram...WoW runs just fine...sure its not as fast as a windows PC, but hell...I dont have any virus or spyware worries...and I use it for much more than gaming (actually 99% of what I use it for is NOT gaming...a lot of graphic design and what not)[/quote]

Well, be a part of the 3% marketshare.
Personally, a Mac is a good computer, but its way to overpriced. Unless you have to, or you a MacAddict, i would go PC.
The one thing what makes perhaps a mac first choice, that the software tends to be easier to handle.
I used a mac and liked it, but as far as gaming, its not the best choice, unless you fine with just having majortitles.
MacOS is so far the better OS. From the standpoint of "how stable the system" run, i had no issues with eighter OS.
I mean, no you buy a Mac and its essentialy a PC anyway and the price did not even go down. Thats what disepointed me the most.
But if you only use it anyway for Video/Photo, then i think you be alright with the Powerbook. Oh, forgot, its called Macbook now. Silly.
Picked up my MacBook tonight, and man do I love it. Thanks everyone for the help.

Another quick question, the only wireless router I can use with the MacBook is the airport express, at least I think thats what its called.
I recommend the Macbook. I have the 1.83ghz version with 1GB of RAM and it runs WoW and WC3 nicely at max settings.

I also do alot of graphic and video editing, as well as some Maya, and the Macbook works very well. When Adobe CS3 comes out, it'll run even faster.
[quote name='CounterSeal']I recommend the Macbook. I have the 1.83ghz version with 1GB of RAM and it runs WoW and WC3 nicely at max settings.

I also do alot of graphic and video editing, as well as some Maya, and the Macbook works very well. When Adobe CS3 comes out, it'll run even faster.[/QUOTE]

I am simply loving my Macbook, also, since u also edit videos, do you think Final Cut Express would work just fine or should I be looking to purchase Final Cut Pro 5, even though the price on that is just insane.

Also what are some programs that are must haves for the mac?
Congrats on your purchase! Before I head over to Google to answer your question, did you use munch's suggestion? How did it go? What was the final cost?

(I'm interested in getting an iMac ;) )
[quote name='Moxio']Congrats on your purchase! Before I head over to Google to answer your question, did you use munch's suggestion? How did it go? What was the final cost?

(I'm interested in getting an iMac ;) )[/quote]

I just ended up going over to the Apple store and using the student discount since my parents just wanted me to get it already lol. The final cost with the printer (this will be free after a $100 MIR) was $2800.
[quote name='Prepster']Picked up my MacBook tonight, and man do I love it. Thanks everyone for the help.

Another quick question, the only wireless router I can use with the MacBook is the airport express, at least I think thats what its called.[/QUOTE]

You can use any wireless router under the sun. Airport Express is just some overpriced thing apple sells that can link up your computer with a stereo and wireless router. I don't see the efficacy in it.

How do you like the Macbook? There are some cool programs you can get like cocunut battery, mactheripper, and adium. I suggest a clean install to get rid of a lot of the crap apples puts on their computers. I wish I would have known to do that when I first got my ibook. Now I'm too lazy to do it. If you're not going to record or mess with music, i suggest getting rid of garageband. It's good for making ringtones, though!
No need to reinstall; you can just drag the programs in the trash. There's not much to the majority of Mac OS X program installations.
[quote name='diaeresis']No need to reinstall; you can just drag the programs in the trash. There's not much to the majority of Mac OS X program installations.[/QUOTE]

I was also referring to a lot of the languages and printer drives which come with the computer that are kind of tricky to get off. The macjanitor program (i think that's what it's called, is kind of weird).

But yeah, that's another thing you'll love with OSX. If you don't want a program just throw it in the trash and it's gone (mostly, sometimes preferences are still there, but you can easily find it with spotlight). No need to add/remove programs and other bullshit.
[quote name='munch']You can use any wireless router under the sun. Airport Express is just some overpriced thing apple sells that can link up your computer with a stereo and wireless router. I don't see the efficacy in it.

How do you like the Macbook? There are some cool programs you can get like cocunut battery, mactheripper, and adium. I suggest a clean install to get rid of a lot of the crap apples puts on their computers. I wish I would have known to do that when I first got my ibook. Now I'm too lazy to do it. If you're not going to record or mess with music, i suggest getting rid of garageband. It's good for making ringtones, though![/QUOTE]

I love it, thanks for the help man. Thanks for telling me that its just overpriced, because I was going to go pick it up in a bit. Whats the best wireless card out there then thats not overpriced.
[quote name='Prepster']I love it, thanks for the help man. Thanks for telling me that its just overpriced, because I was going to go pick it up in a bit. Whats the best wireless card out there then thats not overpriced.[/QUOTE]

oh wait, card or router? Airport should have come with the computer. I was referring to the router itself.

As for routers, though, just stick with the name brands: Netgear, Belkin, or Linkysys.
Just make sure you secure the signal.
Ahh, alright, I already have a wireless router, guess I just need to have it go through my linksys router, thanks again man.

Btw, is the cheapest I am going to be able to get Final Cut Express is $150 with the student discount through the apple store, or can I find it cheaper somewhere else?
[quote name='Prepster']Ahh, alright, I already have a wireless router, guess I just need to have it go through my linksys router, thanks again man.

Btw, is the cheapest I am going to be able to get Final Cut Express is $150 with the student discount through the apple store, or can I find it cheaper somewhere else?[/QUOTE]

That's the cheapest, but I don't think it's universal yet. Let me check on that, meaning it doesn't work right with your intel mac despite rosetta.
[quote name='munch']That's the cheapest, but I don't think it's universal yet. Let me check on that, meaning it doesn't work right with your intel mac despite rosetta.[/QUOTE]


If you look over at the specs it says it's not compatible with rosetta yet. There's a discussion here:

I guarantee there will be a version soon, though.
are you getting the macbook pro or are you talking about the anticipated macbook formerly ibook? rumor has it that apple will be killing the ibook line and announcing the macbook which will be a downgraded/cheaper macbook pro.
[quote name='gaelan']are you getting the macbook pro or are you talking about the anticipated macbook formerly ibook? rumor has it that apple will be killing the ibook line and announcing the macbook which will be a downgraded/cheaper macbook pro.[/quote]

I bought the Macbook pro.
[quote name='Prepster']I bought the Macbook pro.[/QUOTE]

What are the specs on it? It sounds like you pimped it out.
[quote name='gaelan']did you buy new or refurb? they got some on the apple site for cheap[/quote]

I bought it new, but only spent $100 more on it new. I got the student discount on it.

I want to buy some nice speakers for it now and a nice laptop case that will hold my macbook and like 1-2 books. Any good places to go look for some stuff.

I would rather buy B&M since I really need the laptop case soon, but I guess I could buy the speakers offline if the deal is good enough.
for the case, a company called crumpler makes some cool ones. They're based out of australia and they're mostly messenger bag style, but they look awesome and are made with apple's in mind.

If you're looking for just a functional bag, got with a kensington or targus. They'll do you fine.

Once I get the money I'm going to buy a slip and so I can just put my ibook in my messenger bag and not worry about my clumpy kensington bookbag type thing. It's just going to be weird carrying around the power supply.
[quote name='munch']for the case, a company called crumpler makes some cool ones. They're based out of australia and they're mostly messenger bag style, but they look awesome and are made with apple's in mind.

If you're looking for just a functional bag, got with a kensington or targus. They'll do you fine.

Once I get the money I'm going to buy a slip and so I can just put my ibook in my messenger bag and not worry about my clumpy kensington bookbag type thing. It's just going to be weird carrying around the power supply.[/quote]

Thanks man, I think I might order one of those Crumpler bags, they wouldn't happen to carry these in store, would they??

And I know there is a store in New York, but I would need one somewhere either in Chicago or Oakbrook. Would like to see them in person, which helps a lot.
[quote name='Prepster']Thanks man, I think I might order one of those Crumpler bags, they wouldn't happen to carry these in store, would they??

And I know there is a store in New York, but I would need one somewhere either in Chicago or Oakbrook. Would like to see them in person, which helps a lot.[/QUOTE]

I've only heard of buying them online. My friend did for this 12 powerbook and he likes it a lot. It's a bit pricey for me, though. If you have the money, I say go for it.
bread's done