Madden 11 $49.99 at Amazon & Gamestop (360 & PS3)


CAGiversary! 11

For those still holding out in protest of EA's yearly scam, but in desparate need to scratch the itch, Amazon & Gamestop have Madden 11 for $49.99 (free shipping at amazon.)

I am boycotting this one as I do every other year now. While I support free enterprise, I don't support the abusive burn & churn model that EA uses with most of it's franchises.

Why can't they take the time to put out a quality game, vs. tacking on a few bandaids and charging full price is beyond me. At least give us max credit for the prior year's game. Corporate greed always wins...:cold:
SI has the same deal they had last year. $59.95 for 28 issues Madden 11 and Making of Madden DVD. Dont know if its posted anywhere on here
bread's done