Mafia II discussion


72 (100%)

Demo out now

Early demo impressions:

- I guess GTAIV's RAGE engine spoiled me, I hate how they can still run away after being shot in the leg.
- The cops forget about you very quickly. They also take bribes, which is awesome.
- I heard early on that you could stuff bodies in the trunk. In the demo, this is not the case.
- I love how you can shop, drink, put gas in the car (one of the staples of the first game), etc
- The hand to hand is fantastic. There's light hits, heavy hits, taunts, and you can bob and weave (hold A and flick a direction).

I'm sure I'll have more impressions, but that was just a quick runthrough. The demo gives you ten minutes to free roam the city with boundaries. If you die, the timer resets and gives you an additional 2 and a half minutes (12:30). There's five Playboy magazines to find in the city, the first one is
right on your counter.. yay boobs!
Demo? Awesome; thanks. I didn't care one way or another about this game (even thought it was PS3 exclusive) till X-Play's recent week-long feature on the game. Now I have to decide whether to wait or to sacrifice buying another game in favor of Mafia. Good thing there's a demo.
[quote name='Erad30']The police are frakking brutal. I died a lot.[/QUOTE]

Conversely, I crashed into a cop, he called for backup, and they both forgot about me by the time I drove off. The only time I died was from wrecking my car.

The only things I found wrong with it was the camera was a bit slow for my liking and I wish the cover system was a bit more organic; I hate pressing a button to leave cover. Then again, I guess you don't end up going the wrong way as much.
I thought the demo was great. Looking forward to this game. I liked the shooting mechanics, and the fighting mechanics were great too, though I got my ass kicked the first time I fought, but it was fun as hell!
Demo was fun, but despite wanting achievements I'll probably just pick it up on Steam. The PS3 and 360 versions look terrible. Screen tearing and chugging frame rate all over the place.
Really underwhelmed by the demo. Its not awful, but the controls are so weird in sandbox titles when you're spoiled by Rock Star's greatness in that area. There is very little fluidity when controlling the player in this demo.
Really enjoyed the demo! I didn't really know much about the game.. I've messaged my Aunt to get it for me because she works for Take2.
have anyone find all 5 yet i think it may unlock something like free mode

five Playboy magazines
1.the first one is right on your counter
2.empire dinner right on your counter
3.Gun shop right on your counter
4.Clothing store right on your counter
5.could'nt find it so if u find reply here with it
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[quote name='starmask2k3']have anyone find all 5 yet i think it may unlock something like free mode

five Playboy magazines
1.the first one is right on your counter
2.empire dinner right on your counter
3.Gun shop right on your counter
4.Clothing store right on your counter
5.could'nt find it so if u find reply here with it[/QUOTE]

Right where you catch up to the fat man and start the escort out of the warehouse.

Her tits are nice.
so i played this on the 360 a few times and downloaded the demo on steam and wow what a difference this game is on PC. i'll be getting it on the PC for sure! no question. fun demo though i only found 4 playboys, kind of lame they only give you 10 mins to drive around the city.
Enjoyed the demo a lot, though it was more for the sandbox stuff I could do. I was surprised to see that you can't swim and you can't jump out of a moving vehicle, so I ended up going down to the docks and pushing people that were fishing into the water and to their death. The cops don't pick up on that unless they're nearby, so that was a fun way to spend a few playthroughs of the demo. I like the way you can go into stores to buy clothes and guns and restaurants for food and drink, though beer seems to just have a visual effect and nothing else.
I started to do the first mission, and half way into the gun fight my dude was standing there with his arms down but my shots were still being fired, the aiming icon even went away. So i died and shut my 360 off. LOL. Still i think this looks like a cool game, i like the whole 40s and 50s time period. So ill probably get this eventually. But not a day one purchase.
I'm on the mailing list for this game so I should get it on release. Looking forward to it, I do like myself a decent third person action game. Plus the setting, cars, and music are bonus.
What's the best preorder deal for this game so far? The $10 credit from amazon? I tried the demo and am really intrigued about this game and am considering the preorder. Looks like it has a great setting.

The game itself plays and looks better than the demo...and while I'm only a couple of hours in, I absolutely LOVE the atmosphere, sense of time and place, the music -- all of the environmental elements that really make this unique. It simply oozes atmosphere, and it's really effective, that part of the game.

The game play is pretty straightforward, and I can see the frustration in a lot of the reviews that it's unfortunate there aren't any side missions/capability to "free roam", which seems like a blown opportunity because the city is so big and's just underutilized.

Hopefully the DLC will rectify it, but even so, I just love the surroundings and mood of the game. What it does do, it does well.
I can't finish one mission cause it seems to be glitched damn it. A lot of other people are having the same problem also.

It's the Pay Back Bruno mission, I get Frankie to the doctor and go see Bruno but there is no sign to open the door or anything. Yes, I also have 60k, so that's not really the problem either. WTH?
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']The game itself plays and looks better than the demo...and while I'm only a couple of hours in, I absolutely LOVE the atmosphere, sense of time and place, the music -- all of the environmental elements that really make this unique. It simply oozes atmosphere, and it's really effective, that part of the game.

The game play is pretty straightforward, and I can see the frustration in a lot of the reviews that it's unfortunate there aren't any side missions/capability to "free roam", which seems like a blown opportunity because the city is so big and's just underutilized.

Hopefully the DLC will rectify it, but even so, I just love the surroundings and mood of the game. What it does do, it does well.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I haven't quite finished the game but I have enjoyed it quite a bit thus far. In addition to the great atmosphere you mentioned, I love the story, characters and voice acting. Joe is now one of my favorite video game characters ever. A really solid game but had they utilized more of the wonderful city they built, it could have been a GOTY contender IMO.
This game is a very shallow experience. While I am enjoying the story and think that its for the most part technically sound, the city that they created is going to waste. There is no wiggle room for and no reward for exploring.

Its a decent game, but very short shelf life. The story is the only thing in this game. There is nothing else.
What the fuck?
Pretty pissed they killed off Joe in the end. I really liked him a lot. Actually, the ending in general was kind of a letdown.
[quote name='drbutchevil']Finished it this evening, I liked it. 9H54M to complete. Glad I rented and didn't buy though.[/QUOTE]

Wow dude, I just looked at my play time after I beat it and what do you know? 9:54. *twilight zone music*
I started this game today. Got through chapter 3 so far and I'm liking it a lot. I love games with unique atmospheres/settings and especially ones that are well done- which this one is. Also I love games with a good story which this one seems to be off to a good start.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I can't finish one mission cause it seems to be glitched damn it. A lot of other people are having the same problem also.

It's the Pay Back Bruno mission, I get Frankie to the doctor and go see Bruno but there is no sign to open the door or anything. Yes, I also have 60k, so that's not really the problem either. WTH?

this happened to me, what you have to do is

don't rob any shops, gain money only by using the car crusher. drive a car there and crush it. next to the crusher should be another car, crush that too. repeat till you have enough money. after that the mission should work just fine.
I think it was around Chapter 6 or 7 that I realized this game was a complete waste of time. The game is just drive here and walk over there. The fighting mechanics are basic and extremely boring. Gunplay is "been there, done that" and average, but flawed because enemies can kill you in one or two shots which then forces you to start the mission from the very beginning due to the ridiculously awful checkpoint system. No complaints about the driving except that it's really boring since many missions are just drive here and drive there. It's a truly awful game. I'm surprised it even has a 74 on metacritic. I wish it was a movie, because the story is IT. That's the only reason to play the game. But with the rest of it being so awful, I can't even enjoy the story. One of the worst games I've ever played.
Just finished this game yesterday. I liked it a lot. I don't understand all the criticisms- this was never supposed to be a sandbox game a'la GTA. The story was great (way better than GTA) and the characters/voice acting/dialogue were great too.

Some of my favorite parts
The part where you get to prison, almost an exact copy of the movie Shawshank Redemption

the part when you kill Tommy Angelo re-creating the end of the first game. As soon as i pulled up to the house I knew what was going on- a great gaming moment

I really hated
the part where you have to kill Derek and Steve at the docks. I played through on hard and never really had any difficulty in the game but this one segment is by far the most difficult part of the game. Partly because it's tough (Derek throws molotovs at you constantly) and partly because there is a huge battle that you have to win otherwise you have to start it all over every time

On the whole though it was a great game. With it was a little longer but that is usually how most games go. I will go back and play through a couple missions and finish up the 1000 gamerscore on this game.
I personally loved the game. I thought the ending was sad, but I hope Vito gets to Joe before they kill him.. I really cant wait for the 3rd one to come out.
just beat it last night clocking in at 12 hours. didnt come anywhere near finding all the playboys (started looking like half way through) or the wanted posters (only found 3, again started looking toward the end) but i really liked the story a lot. the story has a lot of parts i enjoyed

i really liked the level where you plant the bomb in the hotel, that was a lot of fun, and how later henry was like nice shitty disguise.

the part where henry has you meet him in the park and hes being viciously killed by the chinese gang, i was like damnnnnnn, i felt bad for the rat bastard

when you go to leos house to tell him to take off and henry is there to kill him. you can see vito shaken up when he thinks henry actually shoots him. i also felt a little bad for leo at that point.

4. the ending.
i kind of like that, the sacrifice vito has to pay to be alive and in the mob is joe goes. it was sad because joe just saved your ass but thats the mob way....leo said it best, joe wasnt part of the deal

5. oh and how can i forget!
obviously when vito gets out of jail and you guys go to the cathouse. the ride home has to be one of my favorite game moments, i was literally laughing when joe said "dont change the station he loves this song" and the drunken sing a long happens. :)
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Hah yeah I liked that one in the first spoiler too. Actually there were many great moments like this all throughout the game.

Looking back I liked the 1940's setting of the first part of the game as opposed to the 1950's setting in the second part. I feel they captured that gritty war-time feel just right. The wintery setting and how the cars get all icy in the snow was really great I thought. Really believable that you're in the 40's. Not that I didn't like the 50's parts, but I think the 40's one just had better atmosphere.

Finished up all 1000 gamerscore last night. I do wish there were some kind of free roam mode in the game after you complete the story because going back into the chapters to complete some of the achievements was a little awkward because (mild spoiler)
many times at the start of a chapter you have to do something right away with Joe or sometimes the whole chapter you're with Joe so you can't really get away to "free roam"
or you don't get access to all the cars you have in your garage because it's earlier in the game when you only had like 2 cars in it. That and a few of the achievements definitely seem like they are clearly meant to be done in free roam but there is no real free roam mode. I can see a few possibilities where a DLC pack will add free roaming we'll see how it pans out. I probably won't get the upcoming DLC right away but will definitely pick it up at some point.

I finished the game last week.

I really liked it and thought it was fun. I had a few gripes, but the story and all the fun missions over shadowed them.
I don't know if I'll go back to get all the collectibles but I'm considering it if I decide to do a second play through on hard.

All in all I thought it was a good game. All the cut-scenes made me feel like I was watching an old movie about the mafia. This was definitely and experience I enjoyed.
I'm a little over 2 hours in and i'm on either 5 or 6 I forget which, playing on medium. Not the greatest game but it's not horrible either. I'm not a completionist so i'll just play straight through on my $5 rental.
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The drunk guys and the dead body part where the best parts of the game.

The way they did the radio stations dissapointed me. I felt like I heard the same songs way to often
yeah it felt like there was hardly any songs.

but the monkey grabbed his neck and said listen jack. straighten up and fly right, straighten up and fly right cool down poppa dont you blow your top

the funny thing is theres actually like 60 songs in the game but i must have only heard about 10 after seeing the list.
Finished it tonight, last night of my rental haha. Had to tivo the Cowboys game and grind through to finish it. Liked it BUT
the shit ass shooter controls made the dock shootout part and the last missions WAY harder than they should have been. So spoiled by good shooters that crappy engines and glitchy mechanics piss me off.

Liked the ending though and watching football game now. :applause:
I don't know, everyone's praising the characters and the story, but...

I feel like the story was, while entertaining, not very deep and very much mafia story by the numbers. Also, Vito and Joe are simply sociopaths for whom I could not find any empathy. I guess I liked Henry more as he did less sociopathic things
unlike Joe who just shot people for fun, or Vito who had no qualms in any of the fucked up stuff he had to do to make it in the mafia world. Even at the end, you could see that Vito learned absolutely nothing from all his tribulations. Joe gets all bent up over Marty, yet how much did he weep for the bartender he shot while drunk?
But you know why Henry did the less sociopathic things near the end of the story so that's not really a good reason on liking his character more in the context of the game imo.
How do u pay off bruno it's not letting me click on the door
[quote name='starmask2k3']How do u pay off bruno it's not letting me click on the door[/QUOTE]

Were you crushing cars at Derek's to get the money or were you robbing stores and people?

I remember that all I did was steal cars and get them crushed for money at the docks and I had no issue with paying Bruno.
bread's done