Make $20-30+ Month of Amazon Gift Cards/Cash Easy ~ Gift Hulk Code Drops

Cool. Honestly, your best bet is to tell everyone you know about the sites and get them involved. Your next steps are to use the plug-ins so that you always use the search engines when you're online and post pictures as proof that they've given you stuff.

I'm two SwagBucks away from claiming another $5 gift card, so I might be able to snag one today if I get a little lucky, or if you'd like to help out.

Other than that, not much going on today. Hoping for a LuckySearch win to get me another $5 gc, so I can buy me a cookie sheet.
Yeah Ive been doing points2shop i think its the easiest
Thanks to everyone who has helped out! I'm on my way to another Swag Bucks gift card. While I wait for my last one to come through. I'm up to seven already. So, I've got a couple weeks until I can grab another one, but if you want to make that sooner, go ahead and sign up, too.

Also, check out the other sites recommended above.
Up to 9 points on Prize Rebel and Gaming Lagoon maybe I'll hit 20 on both of them at the same time, so I could get a free PlayStation network card and Wii points from each of them. That'd be sweet. I'm still at $37 on Rewards1 and I'm not sure if I want to take the cash or get a prize.

Thanks to anyone who might have checked out Points2Shop too! I'm close to being able to get something from them again.
Just used Points2Shop to order myself a 1600 Microsoft points card, which they will email to me, so I don't have to wait for a card to ship. Very nice that they offer this now, hopefully they add Wii points to the mix soon.

Jumping some points on Prize Rebel and Gaming Lagoon, too. Now, if I could just get those last three referrals for the iPod Touch, I'd be all set. Peep my OP if you'd like to help.
Well, now I wait for my 1600 Microsoft code from Points2Shop. Meanwhile, I've picked up a few SwagBucks along the way. I'm up to 16, so maybe in another week and a half I'll have enough to grab another gift card? Sweet.

Had a friend on LuckySearch cash out for a $25 Amazon gift card. Lucky bastard. That site is still hooking people up. Then there's Prize Rebel where I'm up to 12 points, so that's going smooth.

Now I see that Gears of War 2 is going to have an expansion, so I'm definitely going to get that for free. I've got until July, so I'll decide who I want to get me that, but I'm all excited.

Lastly, got a green on the free 360 games site. I may have to do an offer so I can get myself a free game now.
Got my $5 gift card from Swag Bucks. Ordered on 4/30 delivered today. Good times. I'll post screen caps when I get time, probably on Monday. Also of note, I won twice today so I'm at 19 already and 26 more to be able to claim another $5 gc.

Up a buck on Points2Shop, so thanks to whoever might have signed up and verified there account. Now I'm just going to sit on some more gift cards.
It's the weekend. Not much going on. Check out Gaming Lagoon and tell your friends. Each friend that signs up and qualifies will net you $0.25. They don't need to do offers, but if they do that's just more of a bonus for you. Sweet deal and they're giving cash now that you can automatically have sent to your paypal account if you like.

In other news, I picked up a Swag Buck today. Half way to another gift card. I'm looking to pick up Punch Out!, Wii Sports Resort, and the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection...all free, so this will go a long way towards those.

I should have enough Amazon credit for these by the time they come out, it's about $100 worth and I've got about $50 right now.
So hungry. By the way did I mention that I'm giving away "advertising" time on my blogs in exchange for free greens? I've got time on the 360, PS3, and iPhone sites in exchange for a green on the iPod Touch site. Anyone interested?

In other news, happy Mother's day to anyone who might be reading this if it applies.
Still awaiting my 1600 Microsoft points from Points2Shop, if it wasn't for the fact that I wouldn't have gotten free shipping, I would've just ordered the card. It probably would have been here already. Lesson learned. Anyway, I'm up to about $10 with them again, so it's all good.

Also up to 13 points with Prize Rebel. I'm thinking PlayStation Network card from them.

Picked up about 2 points on Gaming Lagoon, so I'm up to 11, could be grabbing something by the end of this month.

And up a Swag Buck, so I'm only 15 away from another $5 gift card. So, that's cool. I could use some more friends to help me out, which will help you out too, so don't be shy.

Thanks for checking out my little free stuff thread. It's not a lot of work to get free stuff, you can spend 10 minutes a day and be like me, I get about $30-40 worth of freebies every month, if not more.
Not much going on today. Won 5 points on LuckySearch, glad someone is still getting something. I've had a few friends in the past week claim $5 gift cards, so it's still going fairly strong, though, clearly it's not what it once was.

Anywho, grabbed three SwagBucks and I'm only about 12 away from another gift card. So, a little over two weeks from one gift card to the next. Very nice and I don't even have friends doing this.

Anyway, working today, so I'll assume not much else going on with the other points sites. Good times.
Well, with a little good luck, I'm now one Swag Buck away from a gift card. At least this is something I can do by myself, since I am anyway. I'll spread the gospel of it to anyone who will listen. Oh, and I think I'm hungry.
Two things. I just claimed another $5 gift card from Swag Bucks and you've got 15 minutes to enter a code for a free buck, you can find that on their blog post about triple sweepstakes.
Mad surge on Prize Rebel where I jumped up to 17 points.

Gamin Lagoon is at 12 points.

Swag Bucks is empty while I wait for a $5 gift card. I've got some in the original site that I signed up for, but those are 60 per, so I'm half way there already. We'll see how well I do.

Points2Shop is still moving. Slowly, but it's moving. Waiting on my 1600 points card, so I can buy some XBLA games.

Rewards1 is still at 37 points, they're also running a contest where any new referral who completes one offer enters you into a sweepstakes to win $10. Free money for telling your friends.

Thanks for reading and if you sign up for something thanks even more.
Bingo! Up to 20 points on Prize Rebel, debating whether to use them now or hold off for something bigger.

Also, up to 38 points on Rewards1. Good times. Maybe I'll get myself an Amazon gift card because I want to buy some kitchen stuff. It's not always about gaming.
22 points on Prize Rebel now, they're going to announce a contest soon. I love their contests because I've won $60 from them.

Also, up to 20 Swag Bucks already. Good weekend overall. Going to try and see a preview of Terminator Salvation tonight. Going to get into the pool now because it's not even noon and it's like 90 degrees.

Thanks for reading and good luck everyone.
Thanks for looking. I checked out Terminator Salvation last night, it was okay, but nothing stellar. I can't imagine the game would be any better.

Prize Rebel contest coming soon, jump on it.

Also, I'm about to break $100 earned on Points2Shop, help please and the heaven shall smile upon thee.
Great thanks. Wish you luck.

Gaming Lagoon is having a contest where if you complete 10 offers you get entered into a raffle to win a Nintendo DSi or a Wii, pretty simple and should only take a few minutes of your time for a great prize. I've got 13 points there and will be getting something once I hit 20 or so, which should probably be in a week or so.
Got my 1600 points code from Points2Shop and I can cash out for $10 if I want. I think I broke $100 with them and I've neglected the site for probably close to a year. I'll be hitting them hard in the future.

Also, up a couple Swag Bucks. I think I'll probably be getting my $5 gift card today or tomorrow. I should have enough to claim another one by then also. This is becoming a nice little money maker. $5 a week makes it easy to get a free or half price game once every a month or so.

Don't forget the Gaming Lagoon contest where you can win a Wii or DSi, to enter just complete 10 offers and you're in.

I love the internet.
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I'm a little more than a dollar away from being able to have Rewards1 order me Punch Out!! for Wii, if you want to help you're cool, if not thanks for reading anyway.

By the way, today is a Mega Swag Buck Friday, so you have a good chance of winning larger amounts when you search.

Then don't forget the Gaming Lagoon free Wii/DSi contest and don't forget about Dre.
Well, I got my $5 gift card from Swag Bucks and only need three more to get another gc. If not today then tomorrow should be the day for me to claim it. $20 earned so far. Edit: Just did a search and won those three bucks, already claimed my $5 gc.

Next, up another point on Gaming Lagoon to 14 now. I really want to get myself a game or something, but I also really want a new TV, so I may just end up requesting Best Buy gift cards. Let's see if I can hold out until I hit $50 on these songs.
Well, if you've the Monday off enjoy it. If you've got to work, sorry, but hopefully you get a little extra pay for working on a holiday. I'll be at home working on getting free stuff, it's quite the addiction I've got, but it's been well worth it because in the past two years I've managed to get myself a $500 PS3, a $450 Xbox 360 Elite, a PSP, Nintendo DSi, Guitar Hero II (360), Guitar Hero III (360), Resident Evil 5, Wii Points, Xbox LIVE points, PlayStation Network cards, Best Buy gift cards, Amazon gift cards, a Zune, Zune Premium Earphones, and lots more all with just a little bit of time and practically no money.

Can't beat that with a poo stick.
Well, a good day away from the 'puter. Jumped up a few SwagBucks (six to be exact). I'm at twelve now, so, with a bit of luck I'll get one $5 gc this week and claim another. $25 so far and it's only now starting to pick up.

Prize Rebel has an announcement this week for a new contest, so stay tuned for that because they give out great prizes and I've been lucky enough to win $60 from them. For the record, I've earned nearly $250 from them in about two years.

Points2Shop is hooking it up, too. If you didn't see the 1600 point Xbox LIVE code they emailed to me, check the OP or the last page. Plus, I just requested a $14.00 Amazon gift certificate from them. So, all is well, as I broke $100 earned.

Thanks for reading my thread.
Up to 17 Swag Bucks with a little luck I should be able to get another one by the middle of next week.

Requested that Points2Shop send me a $14 Amazon gift certificate, so that's a little bonus for getting people to check out the site. Just waiting for it to show up now.

On top of that did some of those surveys and requested a $25 GameStop gift card that should get to me in the next month or so...hopefully. I never shop there, but I could with a gift card. ;)
Broke 25 points at Prize Rebel. Not sure if I'm going to have them order me the All Fronts Collection for Gears of War 2, or Gaming Lagoon, but I'm getting that for free. Maybe I'll just hold off and start getting those big Best Buy Gift Cards...I'm undecided.

I did, however, manage to hit 20 Swag Bucks, while I wait for another $5 gift card, so I'm already half way to another one. $20 in a little over a month and $25 overall.

Good times.
Up to 25 Swag Bucks. Hope I get lucky because today is a "Mega Swag Bucks" day, where they give out big number Swag Bucks.

Still sitting on about 39 points over at Rewards1, maybe I'll wait until I hit $50 and request a big gift card or $50 via Paypal. They're also getting ready to announce a contest, so stay tuned if you're interested.

Hit 15 points on Gaming Lagoon I think I'll ask them to order me the Gears of War 2 All Fronts Collection that comes out in July.

Lastly, Points2Shop has blown up in the past couple weeks. I am waiting for my $14 Amazon gift card payout and I can already claim another small prize. They can even order you Xbox LIVE Arcade games if they're in the Amazon store, so you may want to look into that if you like XBLA or don't want to wait until you hit $20 to get 1600 points. Perfect for the impatient types.
Well, after a weekend away from the computer, I returned to find a few more Swag Bucks in my account. I should be able to claim another gift card in the next few days since I only need eleven more.

Just requested a 2000 Wii Points Card from Rewards1. I just don't have the patience to hold out while there are good WiiWare and Virtual Console games to be had.

Feel free to check out any of the sites listed in any of my posts or ask questions if you like.
Well, got my 2000 Nintendo Points Card from Rewards1 already. w00t!

Got my $5 Amazon gift card from Swag Bucks and need six more to claim another $5 gift card.

Just beginning to hit my stride. I may be gifting out a Wii game to one of my lucky blog followers. I've got to figure out how to do that and I'll make that happen.

Also, Prize Rebel is having a referral contest that started yesterday. Check them out if you want to get in. For every new referral that completes an offer you get an entry into the contest. You can win once a week and the contest will be going on for 12 weeks, so there's plenty of chances to win. Thanks if you decide to check it out as my referral. You're too kind.
Won some more SuperPoints, lots of people checking out the site, but never using it. I don't get it, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

One SwagBuck away from another gift card, so that's a nice bonus that I should have sometime today and put me at $30 earned in a little less than two months.

Don't forget the Prize Rebel contest. Lots of great prizes. I've won before (twice), so anyone can do it.

Also, check out Rewards1 who just sent me a 2000 Wii points code ($20 value) in less than a day.
Claimed another $5 gift card from SwagBucks. Probably going to order myself a nice SD card for use in my Wii and then going to start using the junk out of my Wii points.

Also, now that Final Fantasy VII is available on the PlayStation Network, I'll have to get Prize Rebel to give me another $20 PSN card because...well, we all love FFVII! Don't forget they have a referral contest going, so you could win great prizes and it runs for 12 weeks, so there's lots of chances for you to win.
Up to 17 SwagBucks now. Good times. Another week or so and I should be able to nab another $5 gc. Other than that, not much going on. It's the weekend and I'm at work. Check out the sites I've been making lots of FREE money on. You can do it, too.
Need some more SwagBuck friends to help me out. I'm up to 20 SwagBucks, so I'm half way to another gift card (or will be by the end of the day).

Won some more points on LuckySearch (SuperPoints) only need 50 more to claim a $5 Amazon gift card from them, too. I wish more people would participate instead of signing up and ignoring the site. That kind of goes for SwagBucks as well. Though, I don't have nearly as many friends there as I do on LuckySearch.

Anyway, check out the Prize Rebel contest, too. Lots of great prizes.

There's also Points2Shop, which is a great site if you want stuff like Xbox LIVE codes emailed to you and since everything ordered comes from Amazon and they now carry Xbox LIVE Arcade games, you can even get those mailed to you. Free XBLA games! Awesome.
Back up to 30 points on Prize Rebel! Didn't win in the first weeks contest, but eleven more to go.

Hit 20 points on Rewards1 again, that's enough to get Wii points, but I'm going to hold out a little longer for something bigger/better.

Used all my monies on Points2Shop about two weeks ago and I'm back up to $20 again! Awesome site, I broke $100 earned and I can't believe how easy it is to make money.

Lastly, got myself a 4 SwagBuck boost. They're going to overhaul the video game section, hopefully that means they're going to bring down some of those prices for the codes because right now the conversion on a $20 card is closer to $30-35. Not good. Still an easy moneymaker, though. I'm waiting on one gift card and more than half way to another.

That's my Amazon payment from Points2Shop. Apparently Amazon lost track of the payment and didn't get it to me, but P2S took care of it and it's all good now.

Other than that, just waiting for some more points so that I can get me some more free stuff. I have to admit that I'm addicted to getting freebies. I'm just trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. The more I continue to do this the more I make and it's so easy that anyone can do it. I only make about $20-30 a month, but as a gamer that pretty much covers a game once a month or so and that's good enough for me.
Thanks for looking. I appreciate all the stuff that the people on CAG have done for me. I hope you have just as much success as I have.

I should have enough SwagBucks to get a gift card by either tomorrow or Saturday, I'm only eight away, so with a little luck I'll claim my fifth gift card in a little over two months.

Also, don't forget to check out Gaming Lagoon, I've got 17 points there and climb a little bit more everyday.
Closing in on $30 on Points2Shop, that makes good times because I'm hoping to grab Wii Sports Resort next month and Lips as soon as I can scrounge up the points for it. Then there's also a little battery charger that I want to get that runs $40.00. So many things and I'm not interested in paying for any of it, with some luck and a little perserverance I can grab me some goodies.

Oh, and check out the sites listed above and in the OP.
Cashed out a $5 Amazon gift card on LuckySearch (SuperPoints) I know it's been a real slow site lately, so maybe the gravy train has slowed down, but it's still giving out prizes, which makes it still usable in my book. Unlike a site like Winzy, which many users have claimed is no longer paying out, therefore is being removed from my list, at least for now. If they begin paying again, I will definitely begin using them again.

Broke $30 on Points2Shop, since it's going so well, I'm going to hold off on either ordering something or requesting a payout.

Then there's my 33 points on Prize Rebel, and don't forget the referral contest with lots of great prizes. Oh, and they're giving away a code on Monday to something you might like, it's a surprise so no one knows what it is just yet.
Claimed another $5 gift card from Swag Bucks. Still waiting on one.

Having some extremely good luck with Points2Shop now. Up to $35 combined points and cash, so I may request a payout soon. Undecided at the moment.

Prize Rebel is up to about 35 points, Lips for the Xbox 360 is calling me, only need about 3 more points.
Already got my $5 gift card from SuperPoints/LuckySearch, that only took a day or two to receive. Still, a great site even if it's not paying as much, they still pay 10 times faster than SwagBucks...and I really like SwagBucks because they're paying very well at the moment.

Anyway, I'm $6 away from getting my battery charger on Amazon, so as soon as those two SwagBucks gift cards come through, I'll be all set to order.
bread's done