Man decapitated on Canadian bus

This world needs to be cleansed. If only some lonely death god would drop a magical notebook that would serve as an all-purpose Mr. Clean.

Hmm, this would make for an interesting story. I need to write it down.
Sgt Colwell said the "brave" behaviour of the passengers and driver probably prevented anyone else from being hurt.

The British really do love an insult.
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[quote name='chasemurata']This world needs to be cleansed. If only some lonely death god would drop a magical notebook that would serve as an all-purpose Mr. Clean.

Hmm, this would make for an interesting story. I need to write it down.[/quote]

I would just use that magical notebook to sell bodies to necrophiliacs. Two birds with one stone.
What's with all these fucked-up deaths near where I live...

If he just snapped like that on the bus, on somebody that didn't even do anything, I'd hate to imagine what would he would have done if he reached his destination.
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Knives are pretty easy to conceal, JMEPO. :whistle2:?

I wonder why the rest of the passengers initially fled rather than trying to help the victim. :whistle2:|
Plus, it was described as a "Rambo" hunting knife. O_O;

One would think someone would spot something that large.

/insert obligatory penis joke
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If the guy wasn't built like Rambo I think I'd probably give a shot at trying to over power him. This shit is pretty fucked up though.
[quote name='magiic']If the guy wasn't built like Rambo I think I'd probably give a shot at trying to over power him. This shit is pretty fucked up though.[/quote]
I'd be too shocked at first to do anything but run. I can't imagine seeing some guy being stabbed repeatedly would instill in me anything but fear. After I ran off the bus and collected myself, then I would try helping. Unfortunately, it would have been too late.
[quote name='magiic']If the guy wasn't built like Rambo I think I'd probably give a shot at trying to over power him. This shit is pretty fucked up though.[/quote]

If he has a big ass knife and he is cutting somebodys head off I really dont think you would try and tackle him.
I was just reading about that rampage shooting in Japan's gaming district too.

This seems like the start of some bizarre horror movie, I just can't imagine it IRL
The victim was only 20 years old. Absolutely disgusting.. and sad.

I wonder what the story is on the killer, though. Being completely emotionless while committing such a gruesome act..
[quote name='Predator21281']I'd be too shocked at first to do anything but run. I can't imagine seeing some guy being stabbed repeatedly would instill in me anything but fear. After I ran off the bus and collected myself, then I would try helping. Unfortunately, it would have been too late.[/QUOTE]

As much as I hate to say this, this is probably true. The only thing I can think of is if it was my wife or someone I knew getting attacked. Then the switch would have been hit a lot f'n quicker. The attacker or myself would now be dead.
I agree with most of you guys, I would have took off fast as hell to try to get to safety. Then try to call 911 or whatever, of course unless it was my friend or family, then I would have drop kick the motherfucker!
But it looks like the kid could have been possibly sleeping or zoning out with his headphones on, so he never at least heard, it coming.
Man whats up with these pussy ass Canadians? How do you let someone stab any other human being 60 times and not attempt to do anything about it? This shit boggles my mind.

fuck Sake does anyone in this world care about anyone else besides them selves now a days?
[quote name='pimpinc333']Man whats up with these pussy ass Canadians? How do you let someone stab any other human being 60 times and not attempt to do anything about it? This shit boggles my mind.

fuck Sake does anyone in this world care about anyone else besides them selves now a days?[/quote]The people on the bus didn't know what was going on until the guy was stabbed several dozen times already. I doubt they could have done anything to save his life when they realized what was happening.

But they were VERY lucky that the psycho didn't take the other passengers seriously and tried to kill them.
The funny thing is the stereotypical bus driver and truck driver both ran back off the bus once they saw the guy coming towards them...

This guy probably looked totally crazy.. I hoenstly cant believe what it would have been like seeing someones head being carried around on the bus and then dropped as the bastard stood there emotionless... its like a Jason type situation.
[quote name='mrelusive']The people on the bus didn't know what was going on until the guy was stabbed several dozen times already. I doubt they could have done anything to save his life when they realized what was happening.

But they were VERY lucky that the psycho didn't take the other passengers seriously and tried to kill them.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't matter. The dude could of had a fighting chance to live if someone stepped up and did something.
Damn it, I'm going to Maine soon on a greyhound bus. I have to sleep in shifts now with my cousin.

I think the people could have fought him off. Just diversion tactics and attack from the back by swinging a key chain. But the fear factor makes everyone shits shit their pants almost.

Edit: actually a belt is much better idea.
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[quote name='Snake2715']The funny thing is the stereotypical bus driver and truck driver both ran back off the bus once they saw the guy coming towards them...

This guy probably looked totally crazy.. I hoenstly cant believe what it would have been like seeing someones head being carried around on the bus and then dropped as the bastard stood there emotionless... its like a Jason type situation.[/quote]

I give them props, they went back to help, but when a guys head is lopped off that's about the only move you have left. The guy sounds like he was possessed.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Man whats up with these pussy ass Canadians? How do you let someone stab any other human being 60 times and not attempt to do anything about it? This shit boggles my mind.

fuck Sake does anyone in this world care about anyone else besides them selves now a days?[/quote]

Be careful, that is what some people were saying at Virginia Tech.

Unless you are trained to deal with a crisis like that (police, military), the human or animal instinct is to protect one's self or family first. Besides, the guy that was killed was probably beyond helping if the guy was right next to him when he started stabbing him. I've stepped in-between more than one fist fight to help a friend, but knives and guns are a totally different level to react to.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Man whats up with these pussy ass Canadians?[/QUOTE]
I lol'd.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Be careful, that is what some people were saying at Virginia Tech.

Unless you are trained to deal with a crisis like that (police, military), the human or animal instinct is to protect one's self or family first. Besides, the guy that was killed was probably beyond helping if the guy was right next to him when he started stabbing him. I've stepped in-between more than one fist fight to help a friend, but knives and guns are a totally different level to react to.[/QUOTE]

The dude was just concentrating on stabbing the one guy. The other passengers could have got behind him and subdued him.

It also doesn't matter if the dude was beyond help. The principal of the matter was no one even tried to help him. He was probably screaming bloody murder for someone to help him and everyone there just did absolutely nothing worrying about their own personal safety. Their Motto? "As long as it's not me, I could careless".

This reminds me of the dude that was beating/killing the 2 year old in the middle of the road and people did nothing about it.
Human survival instinct is a strong thing, it drives one's self to worry about their own survival first, it isn't an easy thing to ignore.
hey "pimp", just relax. What can you say about the situation? Noone wakes up and says "I'm going to ignore all murders I see today, because I don't give 2 shits". If I saw a person getting BEHEADED and STABBED I can't honestly say I would rush to save him. I would first consider my own safety. Secondly, how do you KNOW he was only concentrated on that? You just assume his back was to everyone and they all ran out the other way, who knows.

Seriously, get off your high horse Rambo. Some bad things just happen to good people. Some things you just have to accept happen and can't be changed much. Even if you were to stop the guy IMMEDIATELY after stab #1, who knows if it would even save him? Sure, no one tried, but YOU DON'T KNOW what the situation was like. I can't imagine myself trying to overpower a guy with a "Rambo like" knife while on a bus, enclosed. What's to stop him from stabbing the shit out of me and already having killed the first victim? Theoretically, nothing.

So just relax that a group of 40 people weren't heroes on this day. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. It is a tragedy for sure, but the sun does rise tomorrow.
[quote name='chasemurata']Plus, it was described as a "Rambo" hunting knife. O_O;

One would think someone would spot something that large.

/insert obligatory penis joke[/quote]

Well, I was going to make a comment about the assailant committing the attack/murder because he had the stereotypical Asian male penis complex, but...

EDIT: DOH! The BBC story didn't ID him. Yahoo did:

His name is Vince "Weiguang" Li. As we all know, Weiguang translates to "Psycho Mother fucker with a Napoleanic Complex Stemming from His Udon Noodle/Baby Dick"
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[quote name='karkyco']Well, I was going to make a comment about the assailant committing the attack/murder because he had the stereotypical Asian male penis complex, but...

EDIT: DOH! The BBC story didn't ID him. Yahoo did:

His name is Vince "Weiguang" Li. As we all know, Weiguang translates to "Psycho Mother fucker with a Napoleanic Complex Stemming from His Udon Noodle/Baby Dick"[/quote]

oh yeah, i forgot that in this context, making ignorant racist Asian remarks is totally called for
[quote name='pimpinc333']The dude was just concentrating on stabbing the one guy. The other passengers could have got behind him and subdued him.[/quote]The killer could just tilt his head and see EVERYONE on the bus, assuming he hadn't already positioned himself for an anticipated attack (makes you wonder why he sat at the back when he was originally seated at the front of the bus).

EDIT: Forget the BBC/Yahoo links. Get it local:
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You know, this situation doesn't rile me up because there was nothing that they could do, really. The person was going to die. Of course, they weren't thinking that. They were thinking " lets get the hell out of here", and had the guy had a gun, I can picture him taking out half the bus.

I understand that they were scared, but just remember this , a man with a weapon is still a man. At V-Tech, one swift kick in the nuts could've saved a few dozen lives.
tongue in cheek
Of course, we'll all run away from the guy, leave our backs to him. That'll assure our safety. He's superman, he can take out 5 guys running at him from different directions, just because he has a knife or a gun.
tongue in cheek
[quote name='karkyco']Well, I was going to make a comment about the assailant committing the attack/murder because he had the stereotypical Asian male penis complex, but...

EDIT: DOH! The BBC story didn't ID him. Yahoo did:

His name is Vince "Weiguang" Li. As we all know, Weiguang translates to "Psycho Mother fucker with a Napoleanic Complex Stemming from His Udon Noodle/Baby Dick"[/quote]

I see what you did there.

Not that it makes it funny, or worth anything more than a a shake of the head and miserable groan, but I see what you did there.

Pimpi - if a guy has already been stabbed to death, I actually think most security professionals would rather you leave the assailant alone unless you have a weapon that trumps his and can successfully subdue/stop him.

Nothing worse then that rambo wannabe or panicky idiot who runs into a dangerous situation and ends up complicating matters by becoming an extra hostage/casualty.

It's like that scene in every WWII war movie - the German sniper is slowly putting bullets through a dying comrade and pimpi wants to run out into the courtyard and claim the body while the rest of us try to talk some sense into him.
[quote name='pimpinc333']The dude was just concentrating on stabbing the one guy. The other passengers could have got behind him and subdued him.

It also doesn't matter if the dude was beyond help. The principal of the matter was no one even tried to help him. He was probably screaming bloody murder for someone to help him and everyone there just did absolutely nothing worrying about their own personal safety. Their Motto? "As long as it's not me, I could careless".

This reminds me of the dude that was beating/killing the 2 year old in the middle of the road and people did nothing about it.[/QUOTE]

Pimpinc, You bring up some good points.You also made me remember somthing I saw on TV on dateline about 2-3 months ago, it had to do with people not helping in situations that happen in broad daylight and in front of a group of people.

There was some psychologists on the program saying that when an event like a violent act happens in a public area, the main reason people don't respond is because most people think "someone else will do something to stop it."
I think that is very true, most people would be very passive, scared in crazy situations and would want to run away.
[quote name='camoor']Pimpi - if a guy has already been stabbed to death, I actually think most security professionals would rather you leave the assailant alone unless you have a weapon that trumps his and can successfully subdue/stop him.

Nothing worse then that rambo wannabe or panicky idiot who runs into a dangerous situation and ends up complicating matters by becoming an extra hostage/casualty.

It's like that scene in every WWII war movie - the German sniper is slowly putting bullets through a dying comrade and pimpi wants to run out into the courtyard and claim the body while the rest of us try to talk some sense into him.[/quote]
For some reason I was thinking more Transformers the animated movie where Hot Rod jumps in and Megatron uses him as hostage and that gets Optimus killed....
[quote name='camoor']Pimpi - if a guy has already been stabbed to death, I actually think most security professionals would rather you leave the assailant alone unless you have a weapon that trumps his and can successfully subdue/stop him.

Nothing worse then that rambo wannabe or panicky idiot who runs into a dangerous situation and ends up complicating matters by becoming an extra hostage/casualty.

It's like that scene in every WWII war movie - the German sniper is slowly putting bullets through a dying comrade and pimpi wants to run out into the courtyard and claim the body while the rest of us try to talk some sense into him.[/QUOTE]

Your WWII example was a bad one. This guy didn't have a gun.
[quote name='js1']Pimpinc, You bring up some good points.You also made me remember somthing I saw on TV on dateline about 2-3 months ago, it had to do with people not helping in situations that happen in broad daylight and in front of a group of people.

There was some psychologists on the program saying that when an event like a violent act happens in a public area, the main reason people don't respond is because most people think "someone else will do something to stop it."
I think that is very true, most people would be very passive, scared in crazy situations and would want to run away.[/quote]

I think another issue these days is people are afraid of getting fucking sued for attacking someone attacking someone else.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Your WWII example was a bad one. This guy didn't have a gun.[/quote]

Analogy is the cognitive process of transferring information from a particular subject (the analogue or source) to another particular subject (the target)

They had a section about this on the SAT, your tutor should have covered it.
bread's done