Man There is Going to be Some Serious Hate Mail For This One (Halo 3)

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*Takes a deep breath*...OK lets do this. So the hype from the supposed "diamond farting wonder", "Greatest game to be released in the current decade", and the most "Awesome-ist, jiz-in-my-pants trip I have ever taken" has died down from Halo 3. That means that it took...*checks watch on computer*...2 years to die down. If you look, the game is still like $40 bucks at Wal-Mart. GOD DAMN! I made a Wal-Mart reference...from now on...I will try not to make them. Well I can't promise but I will try my hardest not to.

Anyway, this is, was, and probably one of the most anticipated games to come out lately next to Gears of War 2 and the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

So was this game really that awesome? Was it so awesome that I couldn't put it down? Did it make me happy like a fat kid with a plate full of cupcakes? Here goes nothing...

Story: OK, it follows the status-quot to be a best seller game. Space marine battles some aliens that threaten Earth, and/or have already taken over the Earth and want to keep people away like that fat kid with a plate of cupcakes would. But anyway they created some dude that looks really cool and he hangs around a dude that talks like this


(Bonus points for the Unforgotten Realms reference.)

The only dang sweet part about this game, is how it switches between the cute, little, and mean grunts to the Half Life 2 head crabs..*snickers just a little*. Besides this small thing it is lacking story and is very boring as the fire fights aren't very engaging as others later on (examples: Scorpion fights, air battle in the Hornet, and the last level).

Rating: 5/10

Sound: Great here. Actually this is one of the only good things. The voice acting is VERY good. It is flawless and amazing at least.

Rating: 9/10

Graphics: These are OK at best. They are sometimes just bland and fall into the land of "Blah-ville" which is inhabited
by the graphics of games such as Mercenaries 2, most computer games from 2005 to 2006. Everything in this department is just average and lacking. Nothing makes me go "WOW" like when I play Fallout 3 or Grand Theft Auto IV. If you want to make a game, make it look good. Vibrant colors work people!

Rating: 4/10

Multiplayer: Right now you are probably thinking, "Wow Zach you must at least like the multiplayer?" Uh...wrong. It lags, it takes forever to find a group to play with, and when you do, it takes forever to find a match because the people keep yelling "VETO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yeah I found this to be annoying. Also, when I was playing, I had the fortunate luck to have my

A. Sexuality questioned by a 12 year old
B. Get sniped every 12 seconds
C. Get pissed off because the internet was slower then a fat man trying to run.

Overall this was a bad experience in the multiplayer world.

Rating: 4/10

Final thoughts: So this was average. Not good, not bad. It was a better experience when I first bought this game. Really, the only good thing that came out of this was...


...oh yes...

And let the hate mail...

i disagree on some points you made , but the online experience is crap . I am so sick of the 12 year old kids calling me a homo and yelling VETO at every map . when i do play it on line i mute every one .

I prefer to play halo and halo CE on my pc than to play halo 3 on my 360 , also the magnum is like it should be in halo on pc . i was disappointed that they made the pistol wussy and even though the scope is still mounted on it you can not zoom .
I play games like Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and GTA IV for the one-player campaign, the story, the graphics.

I never played Halo for these reasons. The campaign was always OK and completely overshadowed by the multiplayer, for me.

That said, I was always a natural at the multiplayer so I enjoy it no matter who I am playing against. In my experience, new people get owned in the beginning and lots of them hate the game and quit. People who played Halo 2 or Halo 3 from the start got into it easily and hundreds of thousands haven't left.

The beauty of the multiplayer experience is the TrueSkill system effectively creates matches that will be challenging (which is sometimes disrupted by exceptions such as derankers, high levels with new/second accounts, or new players).

So in the beginning, you will get destroyed and annoyed. That's the learning curve and then after that it will take a good number of games for the trueskill to decide where you stand. The system isn't perfect but the majority of games will be fair and challenging (this is of course negated if you go in with a friend who is a lot better than you, you will face people who will make you break your mic in half).

As for your lag issue... it may be your own connection because I only experience lag in a rare few games (i.e. whoever got host is downloading or lives across the globe or something).

I would give the multiplayer a longer shot and if you haven't destroyed your disc feel free to add me - Mr WhichGuy - if you want help on getting a lot better.
Maybe it's just the playlists I run, but I hardly run into any annoying people. And even when I do, 9/10 I kind of enjoy it, if only because I love hearing some kid cuss after I blow them up with a rocket. Only time I was ever TRULY annoyed was when some guy was rapping over his mic.

Also, I second the lag comment about it being on your end or you just having bad luck. Occasionally, I'll get hit, but it's usually minimal and doesn't last too long. Also, you can always go to your settings and have it to where your preferred matches have good connections.
Ok so not as much hating and more like "dude you got this wrong" type of stuff. The person's house i played at did have a high speed connection, it worked fine. it was just that it...had big bugs, the size of New York cockroaches. When you get blasted back it was like your body tried to split and fall apart but couldn't quite make it. Also, you/someone on your team/someone on the other team would die, and they would keep playing. My face when I saw this was like this, "?". It turned out to be annoying. Oh and the part about me getting killed every 3 seconds is because I suck some major ass. Yeah, I'm really bad at Halo online.
I'm sorry but if you are gonna bash on one of the most popular franchises in gaming, you might want to put together a better review than this.

I give your a review a 4 out of 10.
Yeah I would agree that there are some physics quirks though I laugh when something crazy happens like a body flies across the map from a beatdown or someone dies on a floating platform and their body keeps dropping until it disappears. Overall I say the physics are in check as I remember a few weeks ago I rocketed a guy as he jumped and he did a perfect parabola (we watched it in theater since he went so high).

The bugs that I experience are usually visual and don't break the game. Halo 2 had some major game-changing bugs such as superbounces (see youtube) and battle rifle glitches (double shot, BXR, BXB).

I didn't understand what you meant about the person keeps playing after they die? You mean the respawn system? I'm confused on that sentence.

But in the end, it's really your opinion. I don't like some really high rated movies (Burn After Reading), games, or other stuff and others I just can't keep an open mind and give it a chance (Call of Duty) since I'm happy with what I have. Other way works too (I think Prototype is very underrated).
yeah prototype is very underrated. but with like the killed a guy then he keeps going thing? when theres a glitch like it says he died, but he keeps going and then finally he dies out of the blue. it was weird but i see this rarely.

and jughead, really? your going to do the "lets rate a review?" great job ass hat.
Ok, so let me get this straight. You are giving a game a low rating in multiplayer because: 1. You suck at it and 2. There's annoying people online? Welcome to 2002. That's how XBL will always be. You won't like something if your terrible at it and there are bound to be idiots with 10+ people online. Like it or not Halo 3 is the number 1 played XBL game for a reason.
I'm going to have to agree with the lack of content in the review. If one wants their review to have clout, usually more than 2-3 sentences per topic helps with such, especially when it came to your rating of the story/gameplay. While I do agree it was lackluster in the beginning, and the story is always flat having a lot of detail and proof to back up your claims is always useful.

As for the multiplayer, it sounds like your connection is just hosed. Out at home, I can play Halo 3 without a pinch of lag; in college, I can barely even connect without atrocious lag. So I know what you mean and it does sound like you're just getting bad lag.
I usually avoid "reviewing reviews", but I keep seeing this title popping up when I scroll through the main forums page and it's bugging me a bit. I have to ask, do you really not like Halo 3? You seem to be more fascinated with drawing a crowd by playing up this "OMG you're not gonna believe what I think of this highly praised game!" angle than actually critiquing the game, which makes me wonder if your aim was to review the game or just get some attention. You build people up with a scandalous title... then throw us a couple lines of shtick and sum things up with a rant about how you didn't like it because you aren't good and have to deal with some punkasses(not exactly faults of the game so much as they are the players and your internet connection). If you didn't like the game, that's cool, and to be honest your hardly the only person that doesn't like the game, but if you're gonna present a review for people to read you gotta put a bit more substance in there, stuff we can discuss. We can't really comment on your H3 gaming skills a whole lot.
[quote name='duckymcfly99']yeah prototype is very underrated. but with like the killed a guy then he keeps going thing? when theres a glitch like it says he died, but he keeps going and then finally he dies out of the blue. it was weird but i see this rarely.

and jughead, really? your going to do the "lets rate a review?" great job ass hat.[/QUOTE]

Where people die and keep going (and then randomly drop dead) - that is not a glitch but a result of lag.
OK so the real reason why I dislike this game is that it was/still is overhyped. It's not because it's mainstream, it's because IT'S A GODDAMN GAME. The graphics where good, the sound was great, but the story was lacking, and yes my internets out in the middle of east jesus no where lags alot. these are my points. I hate this game not because I'm not very good at it, but because there are better multiplayer, single player, and looking, sounding, and just better games in general out there. Look it up.
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