Mana Khemia 2 Rosenqueen preorder

[quote name='bojay1997']Amazon is getting the same collector's boxed version with the OST and double sided poster that Gamestop and everywhere else that carries the game will be. Given past production numbers, there will probably be at least 30K pressed which means this is less than 10% of the total initial run. No matter where you buy it from, you are supporting NIS and helping to assure future releases. Buying from Rosenqueen supports Rosenqueen and doesn't assure anything with regard to future releases. If anything, it encourages Rosenqueen to keep charging people upon placing an order and putting together half-assed special packages for too much money and continuing to charge too much shipping and taking too long to ship. It's not even clear what this special package comes with other than some type of art book and calendar and maybe a second outer box. I'm gonna stick with my Amazon pre-order and go ahead and save the extra $23.[/QUOTE]

Total comes out to about $60 after tax and shipping for those of us in california. Its a lot cheaper on amazon considering ECA's 10% off comes makes the game $34. +$2 off if I wait for it to hit my goldbox. If the only difference is a calender/artbook it's a steep price for $28.
[quote name='bojay1997']And even that probably won't be the last PS2 RPG. I've heard rumors that both NIS and Atlus are looking at licensing a few more for early 2010 release.[/QUOTE]
PS2 will never die, at least for this kind of stuff. I remember Final Fantasy XII being called the last PS2 RPG, then Persona 3 being called the last PS2 RPG...
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Will it be any good?[/QUOTE]

I honestly have no exposure to the Sakura Wars games, sorry. :/
[quote name='Volcynika']I honestly have no exposure to the Sakura Wars games, sorry. :/[/QUOTE]

coming from a sakura taisen fanboy, I'd say they are as awesome as humanly can be-not too sure on the newer cast though-the original ones had some everything you can ask for and more-but again, that's the fanboy in me talking
[quote name='sisko']I agree, because the company based in California doesn't employ people or pay taxes :eyeroll:

Personally, I am much happier giving my money directly to NIS instead of the likes of Gamestop or Walmart; I would like to get the artbook; and the shipping is pretty close to what sales tax would be if I purchased it locally - and the slightly extra cost makes up for the convenience.

If that's not your cup of tea, fine....just have some sense of logic in your thread crapping o_O;[/QUOTE]

I'm buying from Amazon. NIS makes plenty off the sale. I also get to save a significant amount and I get free shipping. Amazon makes a tidy profit. Everyone wins. I really think it's absurd when people try to impose their uninformed beliefs about supporting one company or another on a forum like this one where the whole goal is to save money. You don't know anything about NIS and neither do I, but I can tell you that they sure as heck aren't in business to help those of us who like obscure games. They are in business to make money and guess what? They have been successful at doing that which is why they are around to sell Mana Khemia 2.

NIS is not a charity and they don't need you or anyone else to spend extra money for them to keep doing what they are doing. According to NPD, Disgaea 3 sold over half a million copies. NIS is doing fine without all of us buying directly from them at inflated prices. They can't even be bothered to properly post pictures and detailed descriptions of what is included in this package nor does their site work properly all the time. On top of that, they charge extra for shipping, don't always ship promptly and have mediocre site customer service. I can't imagine why anyone would be excited about spending all that extra money or dealing with all that BS, especially on a money saving site called Cheap Ass Gamer.
[quote name='EXStrike']Did they fix the problem about not being able to use a zip code that starts with 0 yet?[/QUOTE]

Ouch, as a web developer that just makes me laugh. Sorry.

Personally, I am much happier giving my money directly to NIS instead
You're right. I preordered it like the day it showed up on Amazon, but I just canceled and ordered from RosenQueen. For the record, I'm very cheap (let's just say I already wrote my own cagomatic that supports used items before the one on this site worked), I just really like Atelier * and Mana Khemia, so it's worth it to me.

This also makes me sad on their invoice:

If I weren't so busy I'd offer to help them with their website. Oi.

bojay1997, I get where you're coming from, but honestly, please keep in mind that there are different developers in the picture here. I'm willing to spend more if it adds any hope to getting Atelier Rorona here (which has not yet been given to NIS America.) Yes, I just paid $25 for that. I would've never paid that for any other developer. I don't think this kind of thought is unacceptable here on this site IMHO.

Also, anyone complaining about tax - they're only charging 8.75%. If you live in LA, it's actually 9.75% (as of July 1 iirc) ugh ugh ugh.

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[quote name='unknownbrackets']Ouch, as a web developer that just makes me laugh. Sorry.

You're right. I preordered it like the day it showed up on Amazon, but I just canceled and ordered from RosenQueen. For the record, I'm very cheap (let's just say I already wrote my own cagomatic that supports used items before the one on this site worked), I just really like Atelier * and Mana Khemia, so it's worth it to me.

This also makes me sad on their invoice:

If I weren't so busy I'd offer to help them with their website. Oi.

bojay1997, I get where you're coming from, but honestly, please keep in mind that there are different developers in the picture here. I'm willing to spend more if it adds any hope to getting Atelier Rorona here (which has not yet been given to NIS America.) Yes, I just paid $25 for that. I would've never paid that for any other developer. I don't think this kind of thought is unacceptable here on this site IMHO.

Also, anyone complaining about tax - they're only charging 8.75%. If you live in LA, it's actually 9.75% (as of July 1 iirc) ugh ugh ugh.


I don't think buying directly from their site will actually help to bring games over to the states. What matters is numbers. Say they sold 9,999 copies of mana khemia 2 through amazon and 1 from their site or 8,000 through amazon and 2,000 from their site, either way its 10,000 copies sold. The 10,000 sold is the number they look at when they decide to bring games over. Buying through their site might give them incentive to offer more bonuses if you order from RosenQueen but I honestly doubt it would influence their decision to port other games. If you bought 2 copies (1 to play and 1 to collect) that would have upped the chances of bringing Atelier Rorona to North America, but that was $25 wasted if you ordered hoping to bring other games state side(unless you really wanted the calender/artbook).
[quote name='EXStrike']Did they fix the problem about not being able to use a zip code that starts with 0 yet?[/QUOTE]Happened to me also, but you can use PayPal as payment method to get around the issue.
[quote name='solarisv']I don't think buying directly from their site will actually help to bring games over to the states. What matters is numbers. Say they sold 9,999 copies of mana khemia 2 through amazon and 1 from their site or 8,000 through amazon and 2,000 from their site, either way its 10,000 copies sold. The 10,000 sold is the number they look at when they decide to bring games over. Buying through their site might give them incentive to offer more bonuses if you order from RosenQueen but I honestly doubt it would influence their decision to port other games. If you bought 2 copies (1 to play and 1 to collect) that would have upped the chances of bringing Atelier Rorona to North America, but that was $25 wasted if you ordered hoping to bring other games state side(unless you really wanted the calender/artbook).[/QUOTE]

Although people will look at copies sold, I can be quite confident that the people running the companies only look at net.

Trust me, they know know the $$ to develop in cost, so they are subtracting that. I'll explain.

Suppose a company makes game A and game B. Game A costs them $80,000 to develop (which is darn cheap.) Game B, a much more complicated title, costs $400,000 to develop.

Both A and B sell 10,000 units.

Company decides that both games made them as much money. Due to the idiocy of the company's staff, company goes bankrupt in the next few years or changes management.

The company I work for does large projects like this as well. For us, everything is hours (since we are a subcontractor) - if we do a project for $100,000 and we spend more than 1,000 hours on it, it was bad business (since we always charge $100.) The situation completely changes if we use an outside contractor, because those are usually much cheaper, and so we change the math. We also look at how much business was pushed off.

All business is done by $$$. No company is stupid enough to do it by units except marketing/advertising and NPD-like companies (but this is because they cannot know the cost to develop.)

Anyway, sorry for the near-off-topic near-rant. I'll shut up now. But I don't think this is so bad, and I do want the extras, but the above put me over the edge.

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Hi there ! Mhh... Indeed, I wanted to introduce myself but I didn't see a specific topic.

I see some people have 2 copies of mana khemia scholarship edition. If you don't want your second copy, I could be interested :D

About Mana Khemia 2, there is 550 units left. Thanks for the trick ! I can see that rosenqueen cheat sometimes ! ¬.¬'
[quote name='unknownbrackets']Although people will look at copies sold, I can be quite confident that the people running the companies only look at net.

Trust me, they know know the $$ to develop in cost, so they are subtracting that. I'll explain.

Suppose a company makes game A and game B. Game A costs them $80,000 to develop (which is darn cheap.) Game B, a much more complicated title, costs $400,000 to develop.

Both A and B sell 10,000 units.

Company decides that both games made them as much money. Due to the idiocy of the company's staff, company goes bankrupt in the next few years or changes management.

The company I work for does large projects like this as well. For us, everything is hours (since we are a subcontractor) - if we do a project for $100,000 and we spend more than 1,000 hours on it, it was bad business (since we always charge $100.) The situation completely changes if we use an outside contractor, because those are usually much cheaper, and so we change the math. We also look at how much business was pushed off.

All business is done by $$$. No company is stupid enough to do it by units except marketing/advertising and NPD-like companies (but this is because they cannot know the cost to develop.)

Anyway, sorry for the near-off-topic near-rant. I'll shut up now. But I don't think this is so bad, and I do want the extras, but the above put me over the edge.


Except we are only talking about a couple thousand units here. Even if the margin is 50% for Rosenqueen on the special edition, that's only $5,000 profit. That kind of money won't make any difference to the company or their decision making process. To a consumer, however, saving $23 at Amazon is something significant.
ummm am i reading this right

RosenQueen Exclusive Calender Artbook and Premium BOX

is it

1... calender
2.... art book
3... premium box

or is it

2.... premium box

sorry but is the artbook is the calender its not worth 23 extra

website says

Items Included:
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (Game, OST,and Premium BOX)
RosenQueen Exclusive Calender Artbook and Premium BOX

notice there is NO comma between CALENDER AND ARTBOOK

just a heads up
[quote name='slidecage']ummm am i reading this right

RosenQueen Exclusive Calender Artbook and Premium BOX

is it

1... calender
2.... art book
3... premium box

or is it

2.... premium box

sorry but is the artbook is the calender its not worth 23 extra

website says

Items Included:
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (Game, OST,and Premium BOX)
RosenQueen Exclusive Calender Artbook and Premium BOX

notice there is NO comma between CALENDER AND ARTBOOK

just a heads up[/QUOTE]

I'd agree with you on that-it seems to me that there's a chance (and I think that it is a pretty good chance) that it'll be a calendar artbook
I wish NISA would be a bit more explicit on the description-maybe something like the calendar for 2010 (I hope not for 2009) and an exclusive artbook, something along those lines.
[quote name='jererjerer']I'd agree with you on that-it seems to me that there's a chance (and I think that it is a pretty good chance) that it'll be a calendar artbook
I wish NISA would be a bit more explicit on the description-maybe something like the calendar for 2010 (I hope not for 2009) and an exclusive artbook, something along those lines.[/QUOTE]

Well if you took a look at the stock photo, the two art photos in the background are most likely part of the calendar. While the white book (assuming it is a book) is most likely the artbook.
[quote name='Pooka5046']Well if you took a look at the stock photo, the two art photos in the background are most likely part of the calendar. While the white book (assuming it is a book) is most likely the artbook.[/QUOTE]

im thinking that Big white book looking thing is the premium box Everything goes in...

Sorry but a calender artbook just sucks ...

i shot them an email lets see if they ever respond
[quote name='slidecage']im thinking that Big white book looking thing is the premium box Everything goes in...

Sorry but a calender artbook just sucks ...

i shot them an email lets see if they ever respond[/QUOTE]

Just for future reference, how fast do they typically respond? I sent them an email about a refund through their "contact us" page and they still haven't gotten back to me (though, it may be because it's a weekend.) I find it kind of funny how rosenqueen doesn't even have a cancel order button, the very basic part to an purchasing website.
I've written to their CS before; it's purely a "business hours only" thing, M-F, 9-5 seem to be the only hours they respond. That includes their telephone CS. They do seem pretty friendly when I asked about a missing package (they resent the stuff pretty quickly).
I pulled the trigger and ordered one. The bonus artbook calendar better be good. The only shipping option was $4.95 priority mail.

I thought at one point in time they changed their preorder policy to only charge your CC when your preorder ships. Now they charge when you place an order.
[quote name='eau']I thought at one point in time they changed their preorder policy to only charge your CC when your preorder ships. Now they charge when you place an order.[/QUOTE]

they said they were going to but they haven't yet
[quote name='eau']I thought at one point in time they changed their preorder policy to only charge your CC when your preorder ships. Now they charge when you place an order.[/QUOTE]Yep, but they only mentioned it was going to happen. I remember reading about it in the Milk Tea Times #31 email.

Eek eek! Hello everyone!

We hope you’re all doing well! We monkeys have been working very hard for Etoile to create a new RosenQueen store! Our old system will be taken down on March 31, and the new site should be running by the week of April 6th-10th. There won’t be any changes on the URL, so once the new store system is up, you can keep on using for all your luxury shopping needs!

We have taken into consideration all of your requests. So with this new system, you won’t be charged until your item ships!!! We will also be transferring all of your old bonus points over (you will receive an e-mail about this with further details). We will also transfer your login information, so please check your contact/shipping information to confirm that it’s correct. Those with existing preorders can either keep your order with us, or receive a refund from us.

We have also added many new features. We will also have a function to allow you to select products that are not available for purchase, and if there are many people interested in purchasing this item, we will do our best to begin carrying the item! Also, if you refer customers, you will get referral bonus points!

There are many other great features with the new system, so make sure you take a look around!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know! The updates will modify our store as well as to improve our service to you, and we would love to hear what else you might like to see improved. Our support e-mail will be changing to [email protected] , so be sure to email us there once the new store goes live!

Don’t forget to check out the preorder for X-Edge with an exclusive bonus item, which begin in April! Be sure to stop by our new store to pre-order then!

Have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Merchant Monkeys​
ugh and yet they still haven't fully implemented this "new system"

the only thing keeping me from preordering is the fact I don't have $55 to order it at this moment :bomb:

Damnit. They must have figured that with all those preorder money they are actually holding by charging first, they would have earned a good deal of interests.
[quote name='slidecage']im thinking that Big white book looking thing is the premium box Everything goes in...

Sorry but a calender artbook just sucks ...

i shot them an email lets see if they ever respond[/QUOTE]

I was about to place an order, but it does indeed look like it's a single entity, rather than a calendar and an artbook. If anyone else here is subscribed to the NISA newsletter, Prinny Bomb Vol. 12 (received in my e-mail inbox on 7/25) shows the Mana Khemia 2 package.

Here's the description of what you get:

Items Included:
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (Game, OST,and Premium BOX)
RQ Exclusive Artbook Calendar.

Also, at the end, they say "Don't miss this opportunity to get your hands on the exclusive artbook."

It definitely sounds like it's one thing. As much as I love RosenQueen and NIS, $32 on Amazon with 2-day shipping wins since I'm already going to be spending yet another fortune this holiday season on games.
Wait... if the artbook calender is one item, then there's going to be a big box just to hold the calender together with the game's deluxe box?

That's stupid.:roll:
Ugh - didn't notice the whole "Artbook Calendar" thing.

A separate artbook is worth the money to me, but I really don't care that much about a calendar. If it does turn out to be an "artbook calendar" (whatever that is), I will cancel my order and get the normal version from Amazon.
Hmm...I haven't received any Prinny Bombs past vol. 10....either Rosenqueen is ridiculously slow at this or they thought that I wouldn't want it since I already preordered it on the 25th. Still doesn't make any sense why I don't have vol. 11 either.
[quote name='argyle']This. As soon as I can coax it back into my gb I'm ordering it from Amazon. Artbook & calander isn't worth $23 to me, that's about half of another game. And with as much stuff as is coming out this fall....yeah, definitely gonna pass on this.

First game is awesome tho, playing through it now. So I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the "artbook" and calendar are worth $23. If it's anything like the artbook from Atelier Iris 3 it's not even worth $5 IMO.

As for Mana Khemia 1, I personally enjoyed the alchemy and battles (gameplay) but I thought the story was utter garbage. The whole deal with his dad and the mana that can grant any wish makes no sense when it comes to the girl's sickness. Or how the main hero is too stupid to ask that mana to cure the girl before getting rid of it...

[quote name='buckythekat']just email them with your order number and explain you want to cancel[/QUOTE]

I emailed them to cancel my Cross Edge preorder and they didn't do it.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']I don't think the "artbook" and calendar are worth $23. If it's anything like the artbook from Atelier Iris 3 it's not even worth $5 IMO.

As for Mana Khemia 1, I personally enjoyed the alchemy and battles (gameplay) but I thought the story was utter garbage. The whole deal with his dad and the mana that can grant any wish makes no sense when it comes to the girl's sickness. Or how the main hero is too stupid to ask that mana to cure the girl before getting rid of it...

I emailed them to cancel my Cross Edge preorder and they didn't do it.[/QUOTE]

So they sent you get game anyway?
[quote name='Pooka5046']So they sent you get game anyway?[/QUOTE]

Yes, they did. If you're going to cancel an order, make sure they confirm it.
their product description has it like this

"RosenQueen Exclusive Calender
Artbook and Premium BOX"

its very deceiving if the calendar ends up being the artbook cause they made it look like they're separate items
[quote name='NeoStrider']their product description has it like this

"RosenQueen Exclusive Calender
Artbook and Premium BOX"

its very deceiving if the calendar ends up being the artbook cause they made it look like they're separate items[/QUOTE]

Well technically it's not since they don't have a comma between calendar and artbook. The word "artbook" is on the next line since there wasn't enough space for it on the same line as calendar, if you take a look at their format description on the website.
email does say

(Click for larger image.)
Pre-order news from RosenQueen!

Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy will be released on August 25th! RosenQueen is offering a special pre-order collection for this title. Check it out!

Mana Khemia 2: Alchemic Art Collection

Items Included:
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (Game, OST,and Premium BOX)
RQ Exclusive Artbook Calendar.


so simple point its NOT WORTH IT
There is 2 versions available now at RosenQueen.

A $39.99 and $49.99 Version. If you look at the pics you will notice that the $39.99 White Book is missing but the other images are still present. (Sorry about no links! I am still a new user and can't post links yet)

So does the $39.99 have an Artbook? Cause I don't see the White Book there at all in the $39.99 which I assume is the Calender. (I already ordered the $49.99. Just wondering if the standard version gets an artbook.)
[quote name='RedEagleEX']There is 2 versions available now at RosenQueen.

A $39.99 and $49.99 Version. If you look at the pics you will notice that the $39.99 White Book is missing but the other images are still present. (Sorry about no links! I am still a new user and can't post links yet)

So does the $39.99 have an Artbook? Cause I don't see the White Book there at all in the $39.99 which I assume is the Calender. (I already ordered the $49.99. Just wondering if the standard version gets an artbook.)[/QUOTE]

i still say that BIG WHITE BOOK is the EXTRA BOX they are giving
[quote name='RedEagleEX']There is 2 versions available now at RosenQueen.

A $39.99 and $49.99 Version. If you look at the pics you will notice that the $39.99 White Book is missing but the other images are still present. (Sorry about no links! I am still a new user and can't post links yet)

So does the $39.99 have an Artbook? Cause I don't see the White Book there at all in the $39.99 which I assume is the Calender. (I already ordered the $49.99. Just wondering if the standard version gets an artbook.)[/QUOTE]

The white book you are referencing appears to be the art book/calendar. It also sounds like from the description that there will be some variation to the outer box of the game if you order from Rosenqueen. I'm not sure what those two large poster looking things are in the background of both sets. The $39.99 version which is just the game and an OST in a cardboard outer box just like Ar Tonelico 2 is the same as you can order from Amazon for $32 with ECA, no tax and free shipping or $40 with free shipping from other places like Gamestop.
I get taxed on So I try not to shop there often. (Lives in Washington State)

So we don't know exactly what that missing piece then is on the $39.99? (One says box, other says calender)

This is quite confusing since they just leave those two "large poster looking things" in both image sets which makes it appear they have an artbook with both of them.
bread's done