Manhunt 2! October 31, 2007! $33.99 From DeepDiscount! IGN: 7.7! 1-Up: 4.0!

[quote name='Zen Davis']Both versions will be cut.[/quote]
I ment would the PS2 and the Wii version be the same. I didn't think Nintendo would have all this gore on the Wii but oh yea!

From IGN preview: "Manhunt 2 is scheduled for an October 31 release date on Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP. The Wii build of the game will feature a few extras, including some unique weapons and more blood splatter, not to mention the gesture-based controls (which generally work very well), but otherwise the content is the same. Rockstar's title may have dropped the AO label and toned down the presentation of death strikes for an M rating, but this blood-soaked effort is still one of the grossest and most disturbing titles we've ever seen. It's also fun, thanks to usually-tight control and an abundance of dark atmosphere. We're going to join the hunt this Halloween and with the handful of extras on Nintendo's system, we're going to do it on Wii."

Gang Members: Nurses and orderlies at the asylum
Motivation: Money
Background: These are employees at the Project facility charged with "managing" difficult patients through a combination of brute force and overmedication. They are aware of the implications if Danny were to escape, and will attempt to lure him back with the intention of killing him in order to avert future incidents. Unskilled and brutal, the Asylum staff are accustomed to wrestling and restraining patients.


Gang Members: Violent, hardcore sexual deviants.
Motivation: Sado-masochism. They are primarily motivated by the thrill of the hunt and the potential for violent release.
Background: The Pervs' primary role in the early days of the Project was to recruit potential test subjects among the sadistically inclined denizens of the city's red light district. Since then the gang has come into its own as an autonomous underground society, pursuing extremes of experience including man-hunting for the Project when required. Activities within their inner circle include various illegal sexual and combative events. Cannibalistic events are rare but important dates in their social calendar. Some members are sadists, while others accept and enjoy their roles as masochists. Unlike most of the other gangs, none of them are military or intelligence professionals, but what they lack in expertise they make up for with their enthusiasm for perverse cruelty.

Gang Members: They are the Projects' private army and / or security staff.
Motivation: Money (they may also be indentured to the Project, which has saved their lives)
Background: These are Death Row criminals whose executions have been faked, much in the style of the previous Manhunt. The Project offers them a fresh start and another shot at life in exchange for joining their private army. Being officially dead, they have no records or identity, making them untraceable. All identifying features are erased or drastically altered. Fingerprints and tattoos are removed. Teeth are re-aligned to mess with dental records. They are prohibited from having personal relationships and live for the Project - the fact that they owe their continued existence to the Project's intervention prevents them from leaving. Essentially these are men with nothing to lose. Most having been career criminals before winding up on Death Row, they are aggressive, brutal and enjoy flaunting their power over victims. The Project has moulded them into a highly disciplined, ultra macho unit.

Compared to the PS2 version I played, this looks infinitely cleaner!

The brilliant thing about this (and the original Manhunt, for that matter) is that it feels like a proper, old school fashioned game. Sulking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to pop out and murderise your enemy, isn't just hauntingly scary - it's a test of observation, reactions, timing and dexterity as finely crafted in its own way as any Nintendo developed game. A grown-up game for grown-up people, and as essential a play as Zelda and Resi 4.

You'll wince, you'll jump, you may even laugh at times, but we can guarantee you'll never forget it.
good review, but nothing earthshattering.
saw the unedited executions on youtube... has anybody seen the "edited" executions yet (besides IGN?). The way IGN makes it sound as if those scenes are now unclear as to whats happening, thus making it a mess...
Yeah, I'm pretty PO'd with Sony and Nintendo right now. I have it pre ordered at Deep Discount, but after seeing the videos, I'm seriously considering cancelling it. Not only could you not see the kills, you couldn't even see what you were supposed to do in order to do them!
It wasn't as bad as I thought, but it's still bad - especially how it starts to blur before you even kill the people making it hard to see what you are doing. I'll probably get it after a price drop.
The Wii "censored" executions are up on IGN.
Very unsure of which version to get (PS2 or Wii), as the filters seem very different for both (the Wii version starts filtering as you "stalk" your prey). The argument is basically coming down to:

Better Graphics
Motion Control
More Filtering
Slightly more expensive


Slightly worse graphics
slightly less filtering
no motion control

Any thoughts on this?
Well, there's always the whole "buy it for the Wii to make a point that there IS a market for violent M-rated titles on that console."
[quote name='MarioColbert']Well, there's always the whole "buy it for the Wii to make a point that there IS a market for violent M-rated titles on that console."[/quote]

Yes, do it for that.

I personally just think that going through the motions on the Wii will be awesome. Plus I want widescreen and better graphics.

I've also been looking forward to going from my nice, happy Wii menu to bloody, gory Manhunt 2.
[quote name='tenaciousjack']The Wii "censored" executions are up on IGN.
Very unsure of which version to get (PS2 or Wii), as the filters seem very different for both (the Wii version starts filtering as you "stalk" your prey). The argument is basically coming down to:

Better Graphics
Motion Control
More Filtering
Slightly more expensive


Slightly worse graphics
slightly less filtering
no motion control

Any thoughts on this?[/QUOTE]
Are you seriously listing motion controls, on a PS2 port, as a pro?
I still dont get how it got banned if adults can buy porn adults can buy adult video games.
Its basicly like they know all minors buy these games and they dont wanna shoot themselves in the foot by having real adult games that would point that out.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']For anyone who's interested, here's a link to every execution in the game, completely uncensored. I'd like to watch it, but I don't want to spoil all of them.[/QUOTE]

Most of those kills are so fake that I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified. I found the kids' replies saying how "cool" the kills were to be more disturbing. Still I don't believe in censorship and this game should be allowed to be seen as it was intended (for adults only of course).
IGN gave it a 7.5 :???:

Not as good as I'd hoped. This line in particular really caught my eye:

"every kill, from a Hasty strike to a harsh environmental kill, has its color bleached out"

That sucks. Goddamn censoring...Glad to hear this though:

"That isn't to say that Manhunt 2 isn't a good game, because it is – Danny and Leo's adventure is enjoyable, especially if you've played the first title and have been waiting to eliminate enemies with plastic bags, crowbars or other household items."

I still think I'll enjoy the hell out of it. I'm heading to gamestop the moment I get out of class.
Manhunt 2 for Wii is, in my opinion, the version to buy, if only because it looks ever-so-slightly better and offers a deeper level of interactivity since the Wii remote is used to act out executions. I've referred to this game as Splatter Cell before and I still think that's a fair comparison. Even with its blurred and darkened executions, Manhunt 2 is still an incredibly violent game – easily the most brutal you will find on Nintendo's console. But strip away the blood and guts and an enjoyable stealth title remains. I also like the presentation of main character Danny Lamb's struggle to find himself as he explores a grotesque world filled with sexual deviants and hired killers. Where Manhunt 2 comes up short is in enemy AI, which never adapts to your repetitive attacks or reused hiding spaces; when group AI backs you into a corner and never relents; and when the finicky camera system interferes with the most ideal view of the world before you.

I can recommend this game to anybody who wants something darker and grittier than the Wii norm. But if you're expecting a sequel that obliterates the level of violence in the original, don't. The ESRB has forced Rockstar to make content changes which have in turn significantly reduced the impact of the franchise's trademark executions. In fact, oftentimes you won't even able to see who Danny is murdering or how he's doing it – instead, you'll behold a big, dark, motiony blur accompanied by gruesome sound effects. By comparison, many of the executions in the original Manhunt are much more satisfying.

I hate censorship.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']For anyone who's interested, here's a link to every execution in the game, completely uncensored. I'd like to watch it, but I don't want to spoil all of them.[/quote]

Pointless violence porn.

I have nothing against violent games, I enjoy a bloody gibby mess as much as the next guy, but watching that was like watching a snuff film. It wasn't fun violence. Just violence for the sake of being violent.

At the same time, it was captivating enough that I watched the whole thing. ;)

Edit: The story/theme in this game looks interesting. Funny how this dark violent stuff can sometimes be so alluring. (oh, scary talk)
The OP made a mistake. IGN gave Manhunt 2 a 7.5 for the PS2 version, the Wii version was given a score of 7.7. Not exactly a big difference, but I thought I'd let everyone know.
[quote name='Squall835']The OP made a mistake. IGN gave Manhunt 2 a 7.5 for the PS2 version, the Wii version was given a score of 7.7. Not exactly a big difference, but I thought I'd let everyone know.[/quote]

Mah bad! THanks!
I just impulse bought this as well as found a promo Manhunt 2 wiimote strap. No idea where it came from, looks like a patient bracelet.. awesome. Hopefully i'll get some enjoyment out of the game, reviews seem to be hit or miss.
Just a quick note regarding my opinion of Manhunt violence:

I never played the original, and since the executions video of Manhunt 2 is not on YouTube anymore, I have decided that watching kills of the first one would be interesting.

I've watched them all.

I'm unimpressed with the game, though they did a good job with animations.

I'm much more unimpressed, however, with the fact that anyone would make a big deal about this. Publicity stunts aside, Manhunt 2 ban is bullshit.
Looks like the AO controversy was to just a publicity stunt to get a few people to buy this mediocre game who wouldn't have otherwise. Not a surprise at all.
[quote name='MarioColbert']Just a quick note regarding my opinion of Manhunt violence:

I never played the original, and since the executions video of Manhunt 2 is not on YouTube anymore, I have decided that watching kills of the first one would be interesting.

I've watched them all.

I'm unimpressed with the game, though they did a good job with animations.

I'm much more unimpressed, however, with the fact that anyone would make a big deal about this. Publicity stunts aside, Manhunt 2 ban is bullshit.[/quote]

Manhunt was fantastic. I loved it and thought it was an amazing experience. It's not just the executions my friend. It was the entire presentation that sucked you into that guttersludge of a world.

If you played Manhunt with a USB headset and a mic, the director would only say things that you could hear in your ear piece and it would mess with your mind in such a way that it was a revelation. I personally think Manhunt is severely underrated.

Manhunt 2 on the other gets what it deserves.
[quote name='Scrubking'][/quote]Uh-huh. Sure. If you can't see this whole blowup with the ESRB and the big 3 as Rockstar looking for free publicity to a wholly medicore game, I guess I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps your foil is on there a little too tight.
[quote name='daroga']Uh-huh. Sure. If you can't see this whole blowup with the ESRB and the big 3 as Rockstar looking for free publicity to a wholly medicore game, I guess I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps your foil is on there a little too tight.[/quote]

Daroga I've played the uncensored version and I can tell you that Manhunt is more violent than Manhunt 2. There is no way Manhunt 2 deserved an AO rating and as such I can't agree that it was a publicity stunt.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Wait...did this come out today?! I thought it wasn't until tomorrow?![/QUOTE]

yeah, shipped monday.

I'm playing it now.. it's alright, though it's not as hard and the blurred executions are terrible. Let's hope the story is decent.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Daroga I've played the uncensored version and I can tell you that Manhunt is more violent than Manhunt 2. There is no way Manhunt 2 deserved an AO rating and as such I can't agree that it was a publicity stunt.[/quote]Eh, that's a pretty subjective call. It wouldn't be hard for Rockstar to know one or two things where it crosses the line to bump it into AO even if on the whole the content was about on the same level. But I'd rather not get to it. If you don't think it was just a publicity stunt, good for you.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']yeah, shipped monday.
DAMMIT!!! I could be playing it right now!? I can't go get it either because someone has the car! DAMMIT!!!
Alright I picked this up out of your shipment today at work and have plaplayed through the 1st 4 stages. My initial impressions are very good. I've been thoroughly enjoying it. The censorship for me adds to the whole effect that the guy is a drugged out ex-con, my only complaint would be that when the blur happens whil you are stalking the enemy it sometimes makes it hard to see where they are moving to.

The motion controls work great and the sound is just sick. It looks great graphically and the motion sensitive baited breath style minigame is fun.

Complaints arethe AI does some very stupid things, the game has already crashed on me once where my character was frozen on the spot when he picked up a weapon. Other than that though I am loving it so far.
If this is the best looking of the three, i'd hate to see the PS2 and PSP version.

Character models get bloody and bruised as you punch them. Pretty cool. Similar to the first. Still as fucked up. I enjoy the fighting because of the motion controls. The controls take a bit to get used to. It says pull up on the nunchuck and remote to block, not true. Face them up, then pull them back towards you and he'll block. The punching is just like on Wii Sports and Godfather. Right handed controller gives a right hand, left handed gives a left. Executions are really blurry, but it actually kinda fits the theme of the game well. As said by Hedgehog, it makes me feel like my character is drugged out, or he's going trying to differentiate reality and whatever the hell else. I like it, but keep in mind i've only played it like 20 minutes so far. I'm going to refuse all sales of this to kids trying to get their parents to buy it for them, though. If it means my job.. oh well. This is definately not a game for children.
Well gamespot said the filter wasn't as bad in the PS2 version, so I'm torn between getting the PS2 version or the Wiii version.
[quote name='robin2099']Well gamespot said the filter wasn't as bad in the PS2 version, so I'm torn between getting the PS2 version or the Wiii version.[/QUOTE]

Support M-rated games on the Wii!
Ethics 101:

Do you:

(a) support M-rated titles regardless of the quality of their content on the Wii to persuade developers that blood and gore genre will most certainly find its audience on this quaint little platofrm?

(b) support your idea of tasteful violence in videogames (if it differs from Manhunt's) by not purchasing Manhunt 2, but picking up Godfather and every other M title to maximize the idea present in (a)?

(c) support your own taste in video games by leaving your rationale for picking up Manhunt 2 strictly based on either your own (demo) or anecdotal (friends you can trust) experience with the title?

I'm (c) all the way - I'm not talking shit about this one, nor praising it for what it is until I get my hands on it.
[quote name='MarioColbert']Ethics 101:

Do you:

(a) support M-rated titles regardless of the quality of their content on the Wii to persuade developers that blood and gore genre will most certainly find its audience on this quaint little platofrm?

(b) support your idea of tasteful violence in videogames (if it differs from Manhunt's) by not purchasing Manhunt 2, but picking up Godfather and every other M title to maximize the idea present in (a)?

(c) support your own taste in video games by leaving your rationale for picking up Manhunt 2 strictly based on either your own (demo) or anecdotal (friends you can trust) experience with the title?

I'm (c) all the way - I'm not talking shit about this one, nor praising it for what it is until I get my hands on it.[/quote]

I would say "a" because eventually we may get a M rated title that is quite good. Besides the violence is just as tasteless as Resident Evil 4 and people gave all kinds of love for that.
bread's done