Many Xbox 360 Rumors


3 (100%)
Taken from Beyond3d

-Xbox 360 Premium Pack price is going to drop $100 in October.
-Xbox 360 Core Pack price is going to drop $80 in October
-Gears of War is going to be released the last week of October with an huge marketing campaign at global scale.
-HD-DVD for the next month of September. Add-on that you can connect to the USB 2.0 port. It is going to be priced for $100
-New HardDisk Drive with 100GB of storage, price and date not specified.
-Webcam "My Eye on you", for the month of September with a price of $50 without game and $75 with a game.
-Xbox Backward compatibility list is going to be updated in June with 50 new titles
-The capacity of the Xbox Live Servers is going to be 5 times more than the actual servers
-Halo 3 is going to be in the market the next month of March, in E3 we are going to see the first videos.
-Possibility of an "urban game" that could be GTA. Microsoft is working on it and this isn´t a joke.
-A possible price drop in Xbox Live Gold or it is going to be free because they are going to get money with promotional advices.
-From the next month of October we are going to change some records in some games for "MSpoints".
-Paramount Pictures and Microsoft has anounced an agreement where Paramount is going to provide HD content to Xbox Live.
-NBC has signed with Microsoft for the possibility of see the online tournaments like an sports live retransmisión.
-Aliance between Epic and Microsoft for exclusive content in Xbox Live.
-Creation of a Dashboard for kids.
-A new service in june: Download and play.
-Rare is working in Kameo 2 since before the release of Kameo. Is going to come before than expected.
-MS is working for an upgraded friend list (until 200 contacts)
-Virtual Console with Sega games before the next month of October
-An spectacular upgrade in the number of Xbox Live Arcade games in the next months.
-New look for Dashboard.

I hope some of these are true.
Most sounds like complete BS. How would they know MS is gonna drop $100 in October? Hell, we only heard rumors of a $20 PS2 drop last month. While most of these sounds awesome, most will never happen. $100 HD-DVD player add-on? Yeah, NOT gonna happen.
The price drops and prices in general sound like BS, but most of the other stuff seems like it could happen. I think it's just a fanboy talking out of his ass.
[quote name='afedock']-Xbox 360 Premium Pack price is going to drop $100 in October.[/QUOTE]
I stopped reading right fucking there. If I've ever seen bullshit in my life, it's that. There is no chance, whatsoever, it will drop to $100. At best, maybe down to $360 for marketing purposes or whatever.
seriously $100 price drop in not even a full year? there is no way, the rest of them might have been somewhat believable, but after reading the first two, i think the rest of them are just bs.
The HD-DVD add on for $100 in September is the funniest. They just came out and are selling for $499.99, I dont think MS is going to take a $400 loss on them :p
-Xbox 360 Premium Pack price is going to drop $100 in October.

No F'in way. Not with the HDD unable to be price reduced much more than it is.

-Xbox 360 Core Pack price is going to drop $80 in October

$220 is a BS price point, not happening.

-Gears of War is going to be released the last week of October with an huge marketing campaign at global scale.


-HD-DVD for the next month of September. Add-on that you can connect to the USB 2.0 port. It is going to be priced for $100

:rofl: $100 HD-DVD drive.... okay, yeah, whatever.

-New HardDisk Drive with 100GB of storage, price and date not specified.

Not until you can transfer the contents of the current one or use both.

-Webcam "My Eye on you", for the month of September with a price of $50 without game and $75 with a game.

Just what we need. Pictures of penises and assholes as gamers avatars.

-Xbox Backward compatibility list is going to be updated in June with 50 new titles

Oh boy, pick a month, any month then cite "undisclosed technical problems".

-The capacity of the Xbox Live Servers is going to be 5 times more than the actual servers


-Halo 3 is going to be in the market the next month of March, in E3 we are going to see the first videos.


-Possibility of an "urban game" that could be GTA. Microsoft is working on it and this isn´t a joke.

No one's been able to pull of an urban game besides Rockstar. If true, another MGS failure.

-A possible price drop in Xbox Live Gold or it is going to be free because they are going to get money with promotional advices.

:rofl: yeah, let's strip away 2 million people paying $100 million! Screw that cash!

-From the next month of October we are going to change some records in some games for "MSpoints".

If this is what I think it is.... SUPER CONTEST! Hold number 1 on a game leaderboard for 1 month and you can win 100 MSFT POINTS!!!

-Paramount Pictures and Microsoft has anounced an agreement where Paramount is going to provide HD content to Xbox Live.

Yay, trailers. YAWN

-NBC has signed with Microsoft for the possibility of see the online tournaments like an sports live retransmisión.

Not gonna happen.

-Aliance between Epic and Microsoft for exclusive content in Xbox Live.

No, really? Game companies making content for Live and marketplace? Wow, that is news.

-Creation of a Dashboard for kids.

Goes with the Viva Pinata idea, good idea.

-A new service in june: Download and play.

WTF is this? We already have it.

-Rare is working in Kameo 2 since before the release of Kameo. Is going to come before than expected.

Well, the French purchased it in RECORD numbers. No, I'm not making this up.

-MS is working for an upgraded friend list (until 200 contacts)

It's about damn time they upgraded this. They should have universal friends lists, game specific friends lists (For those cheap bastards that own 3 games and never get anything new.) and temporary friends list like a party system.

-Virtual Console with Sega games before the next month of October

Already rumored, this isn't news.

-An spectacular upgrade in the number of Xbox Live Arcade games in the next months.

No shit, this is a newsworthy rumor? XBLA is the experiment that exceeded anyone's expectations in the industry. It's the greatest thing since CD/DVD games.

-New look for Dashboard.

Ummmmm, yeah, we've been seeing that with every theme for 5-6 months now.
[quote name='Staind204']The HD-DVD add on for $100 in September is the funniest. They just came out and are selling for $499.99, I dont think MS is going to take a $400 loss on them :p[/QUOTE]

Add on the fact that the regular units are on backorder everywhere you go definately makes me think no way in hell will they sell them for $100.
-Xbox 360 Premium Pack price is going to drop $100 in October.
-Xbox 360 Core Pack price is going to drop $80 in October
-HD-DVD for the next month of September. Add-on that you can connect to the USB 2.0 port. It is going to be priced for $100


-New HardDisk Drive with 100GB of storage, price and date not specified.
-Webcam "My Eye on you", for the month of September with a price of $50 without game and $75 with a game.

I have heard these before. The bigger hard drive would be nice sorta but 20 gigs is already $99. So what would the 100 gig be $350-500?

-Xbox Backward compatibility list is going to be updated in June with 50 new titles

Yes now I can play Barbies Horse adventure 2 for the xbox. :roll:

-Possibility of an "urban game" that could be GTA. Microsoft is working on it and this isn´t a joke.

Yes its called Saints Row.

-A possible price drop in Xbox Live Gold or it is going to be free because they are going to get money with promotional advices.

Yea right

-Paramount Pictures and Microsoft has anounced an agreement where Paramount is going to provide HD content to Xbox Live.
-NBC has signed with Microsoft for the possibility of see the online tournaments like an sports live retransmisión.

Great now I get to have ads for NBC in my games

-A new service in june: Download and play.

Don't we call that Xbox live Marketplace?

-Virtual Console with Sega games before the next month of October

I thought Sega was tied up with Nintendo and the Revolution.

-An spectacular upgrade in the number of Xbox Live Arcade games in the next months.
-New look for Dashboard.

Only two that I care about.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']I stopped reading right fucking there. If I've ever seen bullshit in my life, it's that. There is no chance, whatsoever, it will drop to $100. At best, maybe down to $360 for marketing purposes or whatever.[/QUOTE]

I think you read it's drop $100, not drop TO $100. I had to do a double take on that one.
I'm betting the 'Epic' they are talking about is Epic Records, i.e. the people they already have a deal like this with. Everything else sounds A) pretty far-fetched, B) really stupid, or C) something I just don't give a shit about.

The only ones that could be true and I kind of hope are is the whole bunch of new arcade games in the coming months, the Sega virtual console, and maybe the 100GB HDD, although I don't see how it could be less than about $150-200. Then again, that wouldn't be such a bad deal for people v. $100 for the 20GB.
[quote name='afedock']Taken from Beyond3d

-Xbox 360 Premium Pack price is going to drop $100 in October.
-Xbox 360 Core Pack price is going to drop $80 in October[/quote]
Price drop? Yes. That much? No. I'd say half of both of those numbers is more accurate.

-Gears of War is going to be released the last week of October with an huge marketing campaign at global scale.
Well DUH on the last part. How much you want to bet it gets pushed back to sometime in November though?

-HD-DVD for the next month of September. Add-on that you can connect to the USB 2.0 port. It is going to be priced for $100
Add another 2-300 dollars to that amount and then maybe - MAYBE - you're within range. I expect that whatever HD-DVD add-on they release to suck just like the 360's built-in DVD player does, so it should be a bit cheaper than standalone HD-DVD players.

-New HardDisk Drive with 100GB of storage, price and date not specified.
Another "duh" one.

-Webcam "My Eye on you", for the month of September with a price of $50 without game and $75 with a game.
Sounds about right. I don't expect this to really take off though unless they come up with some amazing innovation.

-Xbox Backward compatibility list is going to be updated in June with 50 new titles
LOL. Why, because they've done such a good job so far?

-The capacity of the Xbox Live Servers is going to be 5 times more than the actual servers
Whatever that means.

-Halo 3 is going to be in the market the next month of March, in E3 we are going to see the first videos.
Kind of torn here - they almost have to show Halo 3 if they want to swipe some attention from Sony and Nintendo, but they really may not be that worried about it and will accept the fact that upcoming consoles would get the attention anyway. I'd say this is pretty unlikely.

-Possibility of an "urban game" that could be GTA. Microsoft is working on it and this isn't a joke.
So Saint's Row is a joke? Hmm...

-A possible price drop in Xbox Live Gold or it is going to be free because they are going to get money with promotional advices.
Yeah, probably. Just a matter of when.

-From the next month of October we are going to change some records in some games for "MSpoints".
Man I hope so. They really need to adjust or remove some of the more impossible goals (finish Smash TV without continuing). However, I doubt this rumor is actually true, because 1) Why wouldn't they do it now? and 2) It will surely piss off people. Which is stupid, but since people get mad at everything now it's not unexpected.

-Paramount Pictures and Microsoft has anounced an agreement where Paramount is going to provide HD content to Xbox Live.
Not unexpected.

-NBC has signed with Microsoft for the possibility of see the online tournaments like an sports live retransmisión.
Maybe as a Saturday morning show or something, but they'd never put it in a decent timeslot.

-Aliance between Epic and Microsoft for exclusive content in Xbox Live.

-Creation of a Dashboard for kids.
Nice idea, although I have no need for it.

-A new service in june: Download and play.
Uh oh. I've been download and playing since I got a 360. Someone alert MS that I've apparently hacked into their servers and stolen games!

-Rare is working in Kameo 2 since before the release of Kameo. Is going to come before than expected.
If I cared about the first one I'd be excited.

-MS is working for an upgraded friend list (until 200 contacts)
Barely have any now, don't care.

-Virtual Console with Sega games before the next month of October
Ah, yes. The oft-rumored Sega-XBLA alliance. I doubt it'll wind up being as big as most people wish it would be.

-An spectacular upgrade in the number of Xbox Live Arcade games in the next months.
I fucking hope so. How many jewel-based puzzle games do they expect us to care about?

-New look for Dashboard.
Naturally. Just a matter of when. Hopefully they'll let us download and do other stuff at the same time, that's easily my biggest gripe with XBL.
At first I thought the price drop sounded ridiculous, but then I thought about the fact that Revolution and PS3 are supposed to come out around the same time. It might be a good business move if it's possible because it gets more XBOX 360's in homes before the mad rush for the other two systems.
[quote name='Plinko']At first I thought the price drop sounded ridiculous, but then I thought about the fact that Revolution and PS3 are supposed to come out around the same time. It might be a good business move if it's possible because it gets more XBOX 360's in homes before the mad rush for the other two systems.[/quote]

I think Microsoft is waiting, at the very least, to see price announcements at E3 or whatnot. Depending upon what is going to be front-and-center for the 360, depending upon how many more games they can get out to market before the release of the PS3 and Revolution, and depending upon prices and whatnot Microsoft may end up feeling that they don't need to drop the price anytime soon, especially if the PS3 doesn't hit the US until the end of 2006.

Now, this is nothing but a personal thought, but how interesting would it be if MS used Marketplace for E3 coverage? Pay 800-1200 points and get high-res movies of all of the major announcements out of the Microsoft camp, screenshots, trailers, gameplay footage...things like that. Granted, it may not be too feasible, but I'd pay a fair amount of money to get into that. Toss in "limited time" demos of a few of the hottest E3 playables (only available for purchase/download during duration of E3) and...
Wow, most of that list looks like complete bullshit. I believe in the "kid friendly" Dashboard and the alliances between MS and whatever company, but everything else looks like crap.
I'm surprised however that MS hasnt begun looking into a more Apple Based pricing structure.

Generally when Apple starts upgrading products, they don't drop the price, they just give you more. For example, some sort of iPod has been at the $299 price point since the first one launched. However, instead of a G1 5gig iPod, for the same price you now get a 30gig Video iPod. Same with the Mac Mini. Still $499, but you get more....I don't see why MS doesn't think to do this.

Dont give out any price drops for years, but start adding in a larger HD and the rumored Camera for free. Or, instead of dropping the price on the $99 20gig HD, just make it a 40gig HD and keep it at the price point.
[quote name='jalu6']I'm surprised however that MS hasnt begun looking into a more Apple Based pricing structure.

Generally when Apple starts upgrading products, they don't drop the price, they just give you more. For example, some sort of iPod has been at the $299 price point since the first one launched. However, instead of a G1 5gig iPod, for the same price you now get a 30gig Video iPod. Same with the Mac Mini. Still $499, but you get more....I don't see why MS doesn't think to do this.

Dont give out any price drops for years, but start adding in a larger HD and the rumored Camera for free. Or, instead of dropping the price on the $99 20gig HD, just make it a 40gig HD and keep it at the price point.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? If they release a 40 gig HD and charge $99 for it, then the price of the 20 gig would obviously go down as they'd be "clearancing" them out, right?

And not giving out any price drops for years is a bad, bad idea. Consumers notice price drops a lot more than what they're actually getting for their money.
[quote name='mmn']Wait, what? If they release a 40 gig HD and charge $99 for it, then the price of the 20 gig would obviously go down as they'd be "clearancing" them out, right?

And not giving out any price drops for years is a bad, bad idea. Consumers notice price drops a lot more than what they're actually getting for their money.[/QUOTE]

Well obviously, they just stop manufacturing them a certain amount of time beforehand. I'm not sure how they did it, but to keep the theme of going along with an Apple-type strategey, when they relased the Ipod Nano, the Ipod mini completely dissapeared from the market. The day before you could buy them anywhere, the day after you could only get them from websites and resellers (macwarehouse, amazon merchants, and so on.)

Plus, think of all the money MS would make on people upgrading? I think a lot of people who bought the premium system at launch would upgrade to a larger HD for $100. That way they partially make some of the money back they lost selling the premium by selling people an extra HD. (No way a 40 or even 60gig HD costs $100 to make.)
[quote name='jalu6']Well obviously, they just stop manufacturing them a certain amount of time beforehand. I'm not sure how they did it, but to keep the theme of going along with an Apple-type strategey, when they relased the Ipod Nano, the Ipod mini completely dissapeared from the market. The day before you could buy them anywhere, the day after you could only get them from websites and resellers (macwarehouse, amazon merchants, and so on.)

Plus, think of all the money MS would make on people upgrading? I think a lot of people who bought the premium system at launch would upgrade to a larger HD for $100. That way they partially make some of the money back they lost selling the premium by selling people an extra HD. (No way a 40 or even 60gig HD costs $100 to make.)[/QUOTE]

Well it kinds sucks to purshace the premium system tonly to know they will be offering the same bundle with a bigger hard drive at the same price..

One definitely needs to be made though.. mINES almost full
Why would MS drop the price on the premium when their competition is expected to retail at at least $100 more? Without any final annoucement on the price point of PS3, I wouldn't expect any price drops on 360, definitely not this year.

And even after that, it'd be at least another year or year and half, I would guess, before a real price drop.
lets say microsoft dropped the price about 50 bucks, and the ps3 came in at about 500 bucks. that would probably be enough to persuade alot of parents to buy a 360. plus, the 360 should be plentiful on shelves, while the ps3 will be sold out.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']I stopped reading right fucking there. If I've ever seen bullshit in my life, it's that. There is no chance, whatsoever, it will drop to $100. At best, maybe down to $360 for marketing purposes or whatever.[/quote]

You mean $359.99 :cool:

And it never said the 360 will drop to $100 but by $ 100 big diffrence there
Microsoft released the 360 way before ps3 was released to make all the big money they could make now when sony releases their expensive ass hardware they drop their price and beat them to it but of course not before they sold millions of 360's for the insane prices .
[quote name='KaneRobot']

Uh oh. I've been download and playing since I got a 360. Someone alert MS that I've apparently hacked into their servers and stolen games!

Yes, you have been downloading and playing Live Arcade games and demos...think bigger. How about Xbox titles? or even 360 titles? Get ready to load up on those MS points.

Also, I would not expect an add-on HD-DVD to be much more than $100. Sure, a stand alone is $500 now, but the manufacturer's are not taking a loss on those. In 4 months these will be under $400 and under $300 by Christmas....with MFR's still making a profit. MS will put together some cheap, run-of-the-mill, bottom line player that will look nice next to, or stacked with the 360. It will be limited in features and be mediocre at best as a player.

It will be similar to todays dvd players, would you rather purchase a Toshiba for $100 or a Cyberhome for $40? Sure they both play dvd's, but one is built like a toy and has limited features...the other is a Cyber..err..Toshiba:)
I don't see why there is so much ? about a price drop. They were loosing roughly $125 a unit last november. I know for a fact that Jeff Keiley(sp?) said that msft would be able to drop the cost to make the 360 by approx a $100 a year, untill it reaches a certain point. I am fairly certain he said it would start with january 06 with the cost to make the 360 dropping by a $100. If that is the case, then they are barely losing anything now. If they dropped the premium by a $100 and had plenty of supply, they could put sony in the backseat for at least awhile. If they are still losing $125 now a unit, come next january there loss will be lower. While IMO I doubt they drop $100, but I don't think it is as far fetched as some of you are making it out to be

As for the HD DVD add on, wasn't it rumored at ces to be around $150?
I say around $200-300 for the HD-DVD drive since most of the processing would be put on the 360 itself I'm thinking.
As for the VCS Sega idea I smell BS. Personally if I were Sega I'd tell MS to go fuck themselves on any delusions that they'd get Genesis or any other old title. Look at what happened with Shenmue 2 and MS's promise. Also look at PDO and see how they got pissed on. Why should Sega bother giving MS any of their gold properties exclusively? I know I wouldn't if I was in Sega's shoes. That's why MS is getting Chromehounds which is PUBLISHED by Sega and developed by a Japanese developer that's already cozy with MS.
Oh and remember PS1 remake for Sega Ages and how it was originally going to be on XBox. Yup enjoy a nice big cup of fuck you from Sega, MS especially from Yu Suzuki.
[quote name='GameDude']I don't know why people think the price drop is out of the question. The original dropped $100 (33%) after like 7 months.[/QUOTE]

Good point, but remember that the XBox was the new, unproven console at the time and they needed to do something like that ASAP. The 360 is different in that the XBox name is recognizable and has some pull to consumers. I still think they'll drop by Christmas (or at least offer some mega-deal while keeping the price the same), but there's no rush.

Xbox 360, Xbox Live Rumors

The first info that comes from the post claims that the price of the Xbox 360 Premium Edition will drop €90 (that’s $110 USD) by the end of October, with the Core package being lowered €80 ($100 USD) - thereby resulting in a price of $299 for the Premium console and a possible $199 for the Core console.

It might be difficult for Microsoft to lower the price of the Xbox 360 by almost a 30% just a year after its launch. There might be some maneuvering due to the price of other next-gen consoles once they come to market.

MeriStation claims the HD-DVD drive will cost approximately 95 euros ($115) and it is scheduled for release next September. As a side note, the first internal HD-DVD drives for PC will cost around $120, therefore if this rumor is accurate, the Xbox 360 HD-DVD will be in the same ballpark.

The rumor claims that the Xbox Live Gold membership will drop in price come totally free if the user agrees to view advertisements.This new model is supposed to roll out in October and for those users whose paid subscriptions are still valid, there will be an exchange program and a sort of ad-free version. Additionally there are claims that the Friends List will be expanded to a have a maximum of 200 friends.

The report discusses Xbox 360 exclusives, stating that Microsoft has signed agreements with NBC for live game broadcasting, similar to the gaming TV in South Korea. The post also mentions the recent deals signed with Paramount Pictures and Epic Records.

When it comes to the Xbox 360 dashboard, the report claims Microsoft will develop a new appearance for the dashboard, as well as a special dashboard and Xbox Live for children.

The report also claims that you’ll be able to exchange certain game achievements for Microsoft Points which sounds like a new incentive for users to play their games - if true.
bread's done