Mario, Metroid delayed in UK, US next?


28 (100%)
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"Reliable sources close to Nintendo have told CVG that Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on Wii, and Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on DS will not see light of day until Christmas 2007, which could mean anything from October to December.

CVG called Nintendo about the delays, and was told us: "We never confirmed a date for Super Mario Galaxy, but I can confirm that Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Phantom Hourglass will all release in 2007. We can't confirm an exact release date for any of these titles at this time."

This is disappointing news for Nintendo fans, but it's not all bad. The Q1 2007 release lists for the DS (see it here) and Wii (here) boast some great titles.

We just hope that Nintendo can get enough titles out to keep Wii Remotes and touch screens busy over the typically quiet summer period."

Bad news for the UK. What are the chances we see a similar delay for the US?
Maybe they just decided to include spoken dialogue for the games and since Europe has a shit load of lanuages they had to delay it.

Yeah, I don't even beileve my own theory. Voices in a Nintendo game are impossible for some reason.
Usually that's the reason why things are delayed a bit in Europe. Mario and Metroid though.... it's not voices and there really isn't that much text....

It's a bad sign of Nintendo being up to their old shit.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Nintendo delay these two huge games until next fall when Halo 3 hits the 360 and the PS3 finally gets some big name software.
I still want to know what happened to Disaster and those other 5-7 launch titles Nintendo was gonig to have. And where is Brawl?
[quote name='David85']I still want to know what happened to Disaster and those other 5-7 launch titles Nintendo was gonig to have. And where is Brawl?[/quote]Considering brawl wasn't even started until post TGS of 05, I wouldn't hold my breath for it real soon. ;)
It's kind of sad that they couldn't get Mario out sooner. Really, didn't Sunshine come out in 2002? They may not have started to work on Galaxy right away, but it's been 4 years. That's a long time.
And where is Super Paper Mario? I know it was supposed to be for GC, but I'll even take it as a Wii release at this point. I emailed Nintendo in Nov and they replied that it was still going to ship in Dec. Where is it?
nintendo always fucking does this. First mario and metroid had a chance at launch now they have a chance at Christmas 2008 or hell Launch titles on Wii 2
Well, the only real reason to do this is to polish the games to perfection.

If Nintendo released these things first quarter and they were buggy as hell, you guys would still be whining up a storm about Nintendo and their "rushed" games.
[quote name='David85']I still want to know what happened to Disaster and those other 5-7 launch titles Nintendo was gonig to have. And where is Brawl?[/QUOTE]

Disaster wasn't a launch title... neither was Brawl. And what other 5-7 games are you talking about? Just because they show a game doesn't mean it'll be a launch title. Nintendo said there should be about 20 launch titles and we've gotten 30 I
I'm more worried about the disappearance of Super Paper Mario. Those short clips from E3 were amazing!
[quote name='Vinny']Disaster wasn't a launch title... neither was Brawl. And what other 5-7 games are you talking about? Just because they show a game doesn't mean it'll be a launch title. Nintendo said there should be about 20 launch titles and we've gotten 30 I think.[/QUOTE]

The titles kicked around for launch are...

Zelda (Out)
Excite Truck (Out)
Wii Sports (Out)
Wii Play (delayed to space out first party releases)
Wario Ware Smooth Moves (delayed to space out first party releases)
Metroid Prime 3 (delayed until Marchish... hopefully)

Those were the six titles kicked around for launch. Only one of those had a real delay though (both Wario and Wii Play were launch games in Japan).
Don't we need a release date to have a delay? I'd actually say it's a good thing UK's getting them the end of 07, means we'll probably get them mid-07. Excite Truck isn't making it out to the UK till next month.

Only reason they would even WANT to do this (which is really the only reason they'd have to push these particular games back so far) is if there is some serious shit coming out next year. Doesn't look like it, but maybe they'll surprise us.
Well, Nintendo can't very well make new (good) games and release them constantly, so you can either have them release a shitload of games at once and then have nothing for quite a while or space out the releases so there's a new one or two every month or so with no huge gaps. I've heard people complain about both scenarios, but I think it's better for Nintendo (and much better for third parties) for them to space out their releases more so that there isn't a huge drought and people can fill those gaps with third party purchases. That is the most likely reason that Warioware and Wii Play didn't launch with the console in America (hopefully MP3 is adding online play or other significant changes).

So far the only game that has really been delayed is Metroid 3 since it was originally going to be a launch game.

Damn you Nintendo you promised me you wouldn't do it to me again like you did with the Gamecube. I feel like an abused spoused, I keep staying with them because they promise it will get better...
[quote name='botticus']Don't we need a release date to have a delay? I'd actually say it's a good thing UK's getting them the end of 07, means we'll probably get them mid-07.[/QUOTE]

Mario's was scheduled for sometime after March for a while now (so it never had a real release date though most people pegged it Q2), but Metroid was put firmly in March. A Metroid delay would really hurt the Wii though as it seems to be the anchor title when you can finally by a Wii (much like Oblivion with the 360 last March).
Personally I wouldn't mind the one game a month if the game was good. For example Wii play is not a game to hold me one or two months to a new game comes out, but metroid, I would wait two months for another nintendo release. As for Mario and Metroid, I don't mind waiting for mario but I want metroid ASAP, after playing Red Steel I want to see what they do with the FPS controlls.

Now the VC lineup, when is nintendo going to release some fucking good games there. I mean I have been waiting for a decent SNES or even a decent NES game for some time now (Sim City and F-Zero don't cut it as good SNES games, and while Zelda and SMB is good who hasn't played them).
[quote name='furyk']Mario's was scheduled for sometime after March for a while now (so it never had a real release date though most people pegged it Q2), but Metroid was put firmly in March. A Metroid delay would really hurt the Wii though as it seems to be the anchor title when you can finally by a Wii (much like Oblivion with the 360 last March).[/quote]Yeah, Metroid has already been delayed as far as I'm concerned. The only official word I ever heard on Mario was Reggie telling us sometime between March and December.

There's nothing strategic about holding back TWO huge franchises for a holiday release, so I'll still hope for Metroid in Q2. Get people buying shit in the mid-year gaming lull.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Personally I wouldn't mind the one game a month if the game was good. For example Wii play is not a game to hold me one or two months to a new game comes out, but metroid, I would wait two months for another nintendo release. As for Mario and Metroid, I don't mind waiting for mario but I want metroid ASAP, after playing Red Steel I want to see what they do with the FPS controlls.[/QUOTE]

I think that might be what Nintendo is trying to do. The average person could justify buying one game a month and so far we've got...

January: Wario
February: Wii Play
March: Metroid (hopefully)

with Mario, Smash Brothers, Fire Emblem, Pokemon Battle Revolution and a few other 1st party games seeing release in the near future. One-two first party titles a month could be an excellent strategy from Nintendo in keeping interest in the console.
[quote name='furyk']I think that might be what Nintendo is trying to do. The average person could justify buying one game a month and so far we've got...

January: Wario
February: Wii Play
March: Metroid (hopefully)

with Mario, Smash Brothers, Fire Emblem, Pokemon Battle Revolution and a few other 1st party games seeing release in the near future. One-two first party titles a month could be an excellent strategy from Nintendo in keeping interest in the console.[/QUOTE]

I think you might be on to something actually. It seems really odd that Wii Play got delayed till February out of nowhere especially considering its already out in Japan. If its anything like Wii Sports, its not like there's that much language to translate in it...
One or two games a month for both DS and Wii is plenty enough for me. I know I'll want to buy almost all of them, so it gives me more time to enjoy each.
I'm pretty sure Brawl was originally said to be a launch game, but that changed quickly when it was revealed just how little dev time was goin' on.
[quote name='Strell']I'm pretty sure Brawl was originally said to be a launch game, but that changed quickly when it was revealed just how little dev time was goin' on.[/QUOTE]

That's what it seems. I remember an interview with the guy in charge of making the game. It was Aprilish 2006 and they pretty much said they didn't even start.
[quote name='David85']That's what it seems. I remember an interview with the guy in charge of making the game. It was Aprilish 2006 and they pretty much said they didn't even start.[/quote]Yeah, didn't Iwata say that he was pushing for it to be a launch title at E3 05 when the first unvield the Revolution?
I expected Mario to come out later in the year but I will be pissed if Metroid gets delayed for a long time.
It really bugs me that Smash Bros. is never mentioned when Nintendo speaks about their big first party releases for '07. I really hope that one doesn't slip into '08.
[quote name='rupan_sansei']It really bugs me that Smash Bros. is never mentioned when Nintendo speaks about their big first party releases for '07. I really hope that one doesn't slip into '08.[/QUOTE]

Seriously!! Once Zelda is done, I am going to need a game that is going to keep me interested for a while or else, its sent to the back of the bus.
[quote name='rafissaying']Seriously!! Once Zelda is done, I am going to need a game that is going to keep me interested for a while or else, its sent to the back of the bus.[/quote]

I hope you play an average of, oh, 10 mintues a day. Otherwise, Brawl won't be out when you're done.
[quote name='daroga']Yeah, didn't Iwata say that he was pushing for it to be a launch title at E3 05 when the first unvield the Revolution?[/QUOTE]

Yeah it seemed that way to me. But after several months they did NOTHING but start a studio to make the game.
bread's done