Marriage Years


14 (100%)
To the people who are married. How many years have you been married?

I will celebrate (fix it) one year in July.
[quote name='ryosnk']To the people who are married. How many years have you been married?

I will complete one year in July.[/QUOTE]

This is addressed to the Family Guy clip in your sig:

"Diggety diggety diggety!"
[quote name='evilmax17']Lol you make it sound like a military tour.[/QUOTE]1 year on Saturday! I'm now a Lieutenant, Garbage Disposal.
[quote name='Kayden']Nevar!

No broad can chain me down![/QUOTE]

Are you SURE?
lol...I can get everything I want/need and give everything I want/need to to the one I love without having to go sign a document saying I'm legally bound to anyone. There is no advantage to being 'married' anymore it's just a way to say "I don't trust you and need your signature on a legal document to prove you love me." to the person you 'love'.

I like the old indian way of things...the first night he stayed in her tent they were 'married' and when she put his things out, they were 'divorced'
I am within days of finalizing a divorce which will have been almost 9 years married, with the same woman for 15 years...this is going to be so strange...I wish all of you the best of luck in your relationships.
Obviously I'm in a minority...
September will be 10 years. One week later my little boy turns 3.

I don't think marriage is, or should be, a "ha, got you now, I don't trust you" type thing. In today's era of disposable marriages and unnecessary husbands/fathers, it has gotten to be that way, unfortunately. When you can get a divorce in a week, and when people have this myth of 'love at first sight' and false belief that the burning ardor will *always* be there, then they give up to 'try again', it's almost a given that marriage itself is no longer as meaningful as it once was. Unfortunately, as daikaiju points out, sometimes there is no other choice, and t certainly is a difficult thing to deal with, and Daikaiju, I hope it goes as well as it possibly can.
Historically marriage was mainly to consolidate power or finances, it's only in the past couple centuries it has shifted to be a way two people voluntarily unite as a team to work together, spend their lives together, and make their mark on the world. Back then you got married, and you learned to be a husband/wife to your spouse; you didn't give up, you didn't keep looking for Mr Right, etc. That's not necessarily a better way to do it than for love, but I do think this trend toward 'trial marriages' is harmful. Not everything happens easily or instantaneously; in our ten years my wife and I have certainly had some hard times and struggles, both internal and external, but by sticking together and working it out, each of us has become stronger, as has our marriage itself.
This past Memorial Day weekend (26th), it was 4 years.

Right now all of our friends are having kids and wondering why we aren't suffering as well. :D

The first year is definately the hardest - even after living with my wife a year and a half before we got married.

Memorial Day weekend here in Charlotte is a HUGE race weekend (Coca Cola 600) and since we live about 10 mins from Lowe's, we choose not to leave the house. For our first anniversary we bought a grill, put it together and grilled out steaks.
[quote name='CheapyD']1 year on Saturday! I'm now a Lieutenant, Garbage Disposal.[/QUOTE]

Congrats on your one year! Also let me know how the cake(frozen) taste?
[quote name='daikaiju']I am within days of finalizing a divorce which will have been almost 9 years married...[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of a joke. (Stop me if you've heard this before.) Why is divorce so expensive?

Because it's worth it. :D
Well, I don't know if this counts but I have been with my girlfriend for almost 7 years. She is uzumaki_star on this site.
[quote name='dtcarson']Obviously I'm in a minority...
September will be 10 years. One week later my little boy turns 3.

I don't think marriage is, or should be, a "ha, got you now, I don't trust you" type thing. In today's era of disposable marriages and unnecessary husbands/fathers, it has gotten to be that way, unfortunately. When you can get a divorce in a week, and when people have this myth of 'love at first sight' and false belief that the burning ardor will *always* be there, then they give up to 'try again', it's almost a given that marriage itself is no longer as meaningful as it once was. Unfortunately, as daikaiju points out, sometimes there is no other choice, and t certainly is a difficult thing to deal with, and Daikaiju, I hope it goes as well as it possibly can.
Historically marriage was mainly to consolidate power or finances, it's only in the past couple centuries it has shifted to be a way two people voluntarily unite as a team to work together, spend their lives together, and make their mark on the world. Back then you got married, and you learned to be a husband/wife to your spouse; you didn't give up, you didn't keep looking for Mr Right, etc. That's not necessarily a better way to do it than for love, but I do think this trend toward 'trial marriages' is harmful. Not everything happens easily or instantaneously; in our ten years my wife and I have certainly had some hard times and struggles, both internal and external, but by sticking together and working it out, each of us has become stronger, as has our marriage itself.[/QUOTE]

As someone exiting the married column, I agree wholeheartedly with these statements and I appreciate the sentiment. My relationship had it's rough spots to be sure, and it weathered the storm for a long time. However sadly sometimes differences can't be overcome and the best scenerio for both parties is to separate. Marriage is a union - 2 people working together for common goals and dreams. That said, my divorce may be one for the history books - dispite our differences and obstacles - even a few years of counseling - we still very much love one another and are having what may be the most civil, amicable parting ever. When we finalize, we will still be great friends and will share a bond many people couldn't even begin to understand. She will always be one of my closet friends - someone who I know truly cares for my wellbeing. Marriage is not disposable - don't ever treat it as such. Wow, and to think...I originally just came to talk games!
You're all a bunch of young whippersnappers. Two weeks ago was our 14th anniversary. We've known each other for 24 years.
17 yrs in August for my wife and I.

Together for 19.

Rough spots for sure, but we worked thru them.
It is all in what you want to make of it.
If you want it to last, you work at it.
I'm with dtcarson and daikaju on this one. I've been happily married to my wife six years this june. I've been with her for eight, I was a senior and she was a sophmore; my high school sweetheart. Sure there are the ups and downs, but that is to be expected, you can't get along all the time. I honestly feel this is the best decision I've ever made in my life thus far. All my buddies laugh and just shake their heads, but if you do find true love it is amazing. Congrats on all the succesful relationships posted and for those that weren't so may true love find you.

happy gaming
[quote name='cdeener']Well, I don't know if this counts but I have been with my girlfriend for almost 7 years. She is uzumaki_star on this site.[/QUOTE]

We met each other through a mutal friend and I have been knowing him for almost 9 years. The funny thing is that most of our friends and family consider us to be married because we have been together so long.
[quote name='crickett003']I officially ended my 2nd (ouch!) marriage of almost 5 years on Feb. 2nd.[/QUOTE]

When I got my first full-time job out of college (early twenties), there were two women there my age that had both been married and divorced twice, and they were both engaged to be married a third time. Perhaps the third time is the charm.
Gamer's Girlfriend said:
Are you SURE?
lol...I can get everything I want/need and give everything I want/need to to the one I love without having to go sign a document saying I'm legally bound to anyone. There is no advantage to being 'married' anymore it's just a way to say "I don't trust you and need your signature on a legal document to prove you love me." to the person you 'love'.

I like the old indian way of things...the first night he stayed in her tent they were 'married' and when she put his things out, they were 'divorced'

It will be 3 years this september 28th for me. And I totally understand that view, GG. But I would argue that it's also over-cynical. I mean, if you don't get legally married you don't get all the free swag that comes from the wedding! :lol:
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard'] I mean, if you don't get legally married you don't get all the free swag that comes from the wedding! :lol:[/QUOTE]

What the wedding gifts? with my family i'd be more likely to get a kick in the ass than a gift.
I've been married 4 yrs.(been together for 7 yrs. total)and I'm only 25! We have had ups and downs , mistakes etc.. But we always work though them.
Not married, but me and Zero2Cute have been together 5 years, living together 2 years, oddly enough we don't talk about marriage, we're just living in the now.
my mom loves dad hates anyone that comes near me...I mean he asked me if it was my decision to want to go to chicago for the day and I wasn't being influenced by 'anyone' and he doesn't know how i could possibly like you seeing as you don't go ape shit over dirt racing. I didn't know it was such a crime to like someone who has a mind of their own. :roll:

I guess if you really wanted to I'd break down and marry you, I would love to get rid of my last name :lol:
I just hate the idea of something that's suppose to be special just breaking down to a matter of legality. The fucking legal system shouldn't have any place inside a marriage.
Gamer's Girlfriend said:
I just hate the idea of something that's suppose to be special just breaking down to a matter of legality. The fucking legal system shouldn't have any place inside a marriage.

It only breaks down that way if you want it to. Weddings should be a celebration, a chance to surround yourselves with the people you care about in an open declaration of love. My wedding was of a medium size, it was a service that reflected who we were (I even got our pastor to read from the I Ching), we hired an organist to play great music (we're both musicians, so we had to have great music) and our unity candle song was one that I wrote. It was a very special day, and the legality of it never once crossed our minds. It's really what you make of it.
I've been married to 3 women for around 8 years collectively.

I've finally been able to tell all of them and my 3 wives and 8 kids are all moving into one big house. It's gonna be amazing.

I'm the luckiest man in the world...they all call me "Papa"
what's wrong with two people in love just being together? What's the POINT in bring the legal system into it...IMO all that getting married does is drags the government into your relationship. I see nothing wrong with having a healthy, committed relationship without letting the courts poke thier noses into it.
I think it just all comes down to I don't see the difference between being married and long as you love the person what does it matter? Why would I spend the money to make it legal?
bread's done