Married life


Stuck at my inlaws bored to death. Anybody else that can't stand their inlaws despite them being decent human beings?!

^Felt Like Complaining^
I didn't like my Father-in-law at first but he eventually grew on me once I got use to his ways. I do have a group of cousin-in-law that I could punch right now for stiffing me on money they owe me.
[quote name='cdeener']I didn't like my Father-in-law at first but he eventually grew on me once I got use to his ways. I do have a group of cousin-in-law that I could punch right now for stiffing me on money they owe me.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear about being owed $. I'd want to kick their asses as well. I had to borrow some money from my for a down payment on a car but promptly paid that back days later. I didn't want to borrow from them in the first place and had to eat my pride :(
Hate my selfish in-laws. They only time they think of my wife and I is when we have something they want. I've been with my wife for 15 years and my MIL has never cooked a single meal for us, to show that she's thinking of us. My mother on the other hand is calling me 3 times a week because she made food for us and wants me to come pick it up. FIL is also self centered and an alchi/gambler. Oh well, my wife treats me good, so that's all that matters.
[quote name='thegreek']Hate my selfish in-laws. They only time they think of my wife and I is when we have something they want. I've been with my wife for 15 years and my MIL has never cooked a single meal for us, to show that she's thinking of us. My mother on the other hand is calling me 3 times a week because she made food for us and wants me to come pick it up. FIL is also self centered and an alchi/gambler. Oh well, my wife treats me good, so that's all that matters.[/QUOTE]

Eh, tops me. My inlaws are just mind numbingly boring. I try to keep my distance but then the wife gives me crap for not wanting to hang out with them. Both of our parents are within 4 miles of us. I don't even see my parents as much as I gotta see these people and I like my parents. fuck

To top it off they want me to go on long ass road trips with them to Iowa and TX. Not that I would visit those places on my own. Even withholding sex would get me to comply.
[quote name='thegreek']Hate my selfish in-laws. They only time they think of my wife and I is when we have something they want. I've been with my wife for 15 years and my MIL has never cooked a single meal for us, to show that she's thinking of us. My mother on the other hand is calling me 3 times a week because she made food for us and wants me to come pick it up. FIL is also self centered and an alchi/gambler. Oh well, my wife treats me good, so that's all that matters.[/QUOTE]

Does she cook for other people? Do they ever take you and your wife out for meals? Some people just don't cook.
I guess one good thing about having a broken family and marrying someone with a broken family is that there is no family! I don't care about anyone and it's pretty sweet although I do wonder how it feels to have a functional family that gives a shit.
My fiance's father disgusts me sometimes, has to be the most racist person I've ever met. Last time we went somewhere with her folks and her father had to stop for gas. Before getting out he wondered aloud "I wonder if those towel heads took this one over yet.".

My father-in-law is a decent person, but he's really really christian, and can be a bit grating to be around. One Christmas before I got married, he got my (at the time) fiance a book about finding the right mate, in which he had highlighted several lines and written notes in the margins. We promptly threw it away.

My mother-in-law is a hoarder (not as bad as the ones you see on TV, but still pretty bad) that doesn't trust any men anywhere and thinks everyone is out to get her. She's really nice and okay to be around, but she can be such a downer.
I can't stand my wifes parents. They have a decent house, yet live in total filth. Just trash almost ceiling high in every single room. They haven't owned a vacuum in the 20 years they've been in the house. Her mother is the type that loves to complain about minorities always getting handouts, yet she had no problem collecting unemployment for 2 years while she didn't bother looking for a new job, and everyone around her owes her something. Her father is an alcoholic that sucks down 2 packs of cigs a day, and did all through my wife's childhood, even though she has asthma, and doctors told him repeatedly that he needs to smoke outside so he doesn't affect her health. Of course he didn't listen because "it's my house,i'll do what I want". And don't even get me started on the bang up job they did raising her little brother, and how it's the schools fault he failed all his classes and couldn't read until he was about 16, even though they let him come and go as he pleased and didn't usually go to bed before 1am on a school night when he was 13, and did nothing about his ADD because apparently drugs are the ONLY option in the world and they heard ADD meds can make you suicidal.

My mother-in-law is the absolute worst. Been with her daughter for six years (married for three) and she still calls me by my wife's ex-boyfriend's names. No joke. She also gives me the worst gifts for Christmas. Last year I received a Walmart quality telescope with a yard sale sticker attached pricing it at $3.00, and a pack of water balloons. The year before, she gave me a box of microwavable popcorn and a twelve page book of crock-pot recipes. Three years ago, I was handed an unwrapped leather keychain with the name Chris on it (Chris was another of the wife's exs).

She's incredibly passive aggressive as well. The last time we went to see her, we decided to take our daughter to the park. She wanted to come, and insisted that she ride in the back with our daughter. While sitting in the back, she says the following to me:
"Hey Jason... so what's it like riding in the front seat?"
I chose not to reply.
No more than ten minutes later, she referred to me as Kevin (another wife ex).

I get the Kevin reference more than any others. One morning, shortly after waking up when we were visiting, she bellows out, "Hey Kevin... have you ever seen one of these? (hands me a kiwi) Do they have these where you're from?"

Evil insulting _____ .
I get along well with my mother-in-law, and did with my father-in-law before he passed away. I also get along really well with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Shrug.
[quote name='opterasis']I can't stand my wifes parents. They have a decent house, yet live in total filth. Just trash almost ceiling high in every single room. They haven't owned a vacuum in the 20 years they've been in the house. Her mother is the type that loves to complain about minorities always getting handouts, yet she had no problem collecting unemployment for 2 years while she didn't bother looking for a new job, and everyone around her owes her something. Her father is an alcoholic that sucks down 2 packs of cigs a day, and did all through my wife's childhood, even though she has asthma, and doctors told him repeatedly that he needs to smoke outside so he doesn't affect her health. Of course he didn't listen because "it's my house,i'll do what I want". And don't even get me started on the bang up job they did raising her little brother, and how it's the schools fault he failed all his classes and couldn't read until he was about 16, even though they let him come and go as he pleased and didn't usually go to bed before 1am on a school night when he was 13, and did nothing about his ADD because apparently drugs are the ONLY option in the world and they heard ADD meds can make you suicidal.

/rant[/QUOTE]Not surprised, my parents were the same way with the cigarettes, even had the exact same "it's my house" attitude. Little do they know that if they ever want to see their grandkids they'd better quit smoking, because I'm not exposing them to that crap like they did me.
Heh, reading some posts make me thankful my future in-laws arent as bad...yet. I'm engaged and while we are going through the steps of wedding planning, I've gotten to dislike her family with the exception of her youngest brother and sister. I watche Our Family Wedding the other night and it hit close to home, not that we're of different ethnic backgrounds but with our cultural differences one would assume we are.
I love my in-laws so much so that they live with us. Granted, they have thier quirks, but I'm a patient person. I think I get along with them better than my wife does, and they're her parents!
[quote name='crunchewy']I get along well with my mother-in-law, and did with my father-in-law before he passed away.[/QUOTE]


There are always moments, but generally fine.

It's MY parents and family that tend to be the problem. Urgh.
I am extremely happy that I dont have to deal with this. I am also baffled as to why this is so common. My in-laws love me to death...and I love them, mother father and brother. Anytime spent with them is absolutely fantastic and I would much rather spend time with them than my own family most of the time.

On the flip side my mother doesnt really like white people (she was in the Black Panthers) like most blacks from the era in which they kept trying to kill them or treat them like cattle. So she wasnt thrilled by the fact that my wife is white but she has never really been to hostile toward her. My wife wouldnt hang out with my mother but they get along.

I truly feel sorry for anyone who doesnt get along with the in laws because it really limits a lot of stuff.
wow that had to have been a hell of a meet and greet when you first introduced your now wife to your mom lol. i asked my mom ahead of time to see if shed have any issues with me dating white chicks and she said she didnt care

its alot easier just being with another minority worst bit about dating white chicks is explaining "black" things. it can be tiring being a blacklopedia all the damn time.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']My mother-in-law is the absolute worst. Been with her daughter for six years (married for three) and she still calls me by my wife's ex-boyfriend's names. No joke. She also gives me the worst gifts for Christmas. Last year I received a Walmart quality telescope with a yard sale sticker attached pricing it at $3.00, and a pack of water balloons. The year before, she gave me a box of microwavable popcorn and a twelve page book of crock-pot recipes. Three years ago, I was handed an unwrapped leather keychain with the name Chris on it (Chris was another of the wife's exs).

She's incredibly passive aggressive as well. The last time we went to see her, we decided to take our daughter to the park. She wanted to come, and insisted that she ride in the back with our daughter. While sitting in the back, she says the following to me:
"Hey Jason... so what's it like riding in the front seat?"
I chose not to reply.
No more than ten minutes later, she referred to me as Kevin (another wife ex).

I get the Kevin reference more than any others. One morning, shortly after waking up when we were visiting, she bellows out, "Hey Kevin... have you ever seen one of these? (hands me a kiwi) Do they have these where you're from?"

Evil insulting _____ .[/QUOTE]

man wtf??? thats some crazy shit....thats almost down right cruel...with all due she all there?? (mentally?)...water balloons?? even a dam gift card from walmart would be fine the time my wife (gf at the time) would literally get awful treatment from her father and step mother....just because she was seeing me and that bascially led to her whole family hating me because i "took" her away from also led to her dad beating/throwing her down the stairs....and that was the day/night she ever saw them again....she left that night and slept 2 nights at the airport while i figured out what to do...i was threatened/harrassed by her brothers and sisters...some how they thought i "took" her but they never did actually think that she literally got "kicked" out her everyone was calling me asking "where is she...where is she"

back in '08 we (my wife, son and i) had a long talk with my brother and sister in law and basically aired out all issues/problems we had but it all worked out in the end because i wasnt the "rapist/murderer they thought i was" for whatever reason

now at present time my wife doesnt even talk to her own brothers and that means i dont either
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']My mother-in-law is the absolute worst. Been with her daughter for six years (married for three) and she still calls me by my wife's ex-boyfriend's names. No joke. She also gives me the worst gifts for Christmas. Last year I received a Walmart quality telescope with a yard sale sticker attached pricing it at $3.00, and a pack of water balloons. The year before, she gave me a box of microwavable popcorn and a twelve page book of crock-pot recipes. Three years ago, I was handed an unwrapped leather keychain with the name Chris on it (Chris was another of the wife's exs).

She's incredibly passive aggressive as well. The last time we went to see her, we decided to take our daughter to the park. She wanted to come, and insisted that she ride in the back with our daughter. While sitting in the back, she says the following to me:
"Hey Jason... so what's it like riding in the front seat?"
I chose not to reply.
No more than ten minutes later, she referred to me as Kevin (another wife ex).

I get the Kevin reference more than any others. One morning, shortly after waking up when we were visiting, she bellows out, "Hey Kevin... have you ever seen one of these? (hands me a kiwi) Do they have these where you're from?"

Evil insulting _____ .[/QUOTE]

Seriously!? Have you stood your ground against her? Doesn't this bother your wife too?

Thankfully my in-laws are very sweet people, despite them not speaking much English we communicate well. But if my MIL was anything like yours I wouldn't put up with that shit. I'm not sure what your situation is but if you work and support your family she needs to lay off. Do you give her any reason to treat you like dirt?
Well I am getting married in August.

about my in laws

-I can tolerate my Mother in law to be *for now* (after being with my gf for 3 years)
-She will randomly fart(mother in law)
-She has this weird stench coming from her body...smells like someone didn't wash certain areas.
-She will randomly say weird things when nervous.
-She makes/buy weird gifts for my bf/xmas.

-The father in law has a weird personality as well. Sometimes he doesn't listen.
-I get lip for not watching "Doctor Who" despite being a sci-fi fan ..geez

-Going to his house is boring as hell because we will sit around watching TV until 4pm then dinner then another two hours of sitting around and watching more tv.

-His wife (not my gf's mom) can be super sarcastic with me. I hate that.

They can be cheap fuckers at times.

She has two brothers. One in MD and the other overseas. The MD brother is a fucking idiot with two hyper kids. The overseas brother is calm but cool.

Oh boy, this is gonna be an interesting marriage. Thank god they live in MD and at least 90 mins away :)
I actually find it funny when your in-laws have family they dont like lol

like there are black sheep in the family and they arent yours haha
[quote name='aleraiders']man wtf??? thats some crazy shit....thats almost down right cruel...with all due she all there?? (mentally?)...water balloons?? even a dam gift card from walmart would be fine[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rodimus']Seriously!? Have you stood your ground against her? Doesn't this bother your wife too?

Thankfully my in-laws are very sweet people, despite them not speaking much English we communicate well. But if my MIL was anything like yours I wouldn't put up with that shit. I'm not sure what your situation is but if you work and support your family she needs to lay off. Do you give her any reason to treat you like dirt?[/QUOTE]

Early on, I was the perfect prospective son-in-law. I dealt with her quirky disposition, and just marked it up to a flawed personality. I personally don't think she's necessarily "all there," but she has a prominent position in the school system as a post secondary teacher and Coordinator of the gifted and talented program in her county. Utterly frightening.

I finally had enough of her fuck at our wedding rehearsal dinner. Terrible time to reach a breaking point, but I had no other choice... as her daughter was absolutely heartbroken by her actions. She refused to sit at the table with us and the rest of our wedding party. Then, near the end of the dinner, she made her way around to each member of the dinner party seated at the large table and individually introduced herself... even though we had introduced her to everyone at the beginning of the dinner. I lost it after she addressed my parents (who were footing the bill) by saying, "I'm so very glad you were able to make it." I stood up from my chair, and said "WTF is wrong with you Beth? Get the fuck out." She followed my command, mouth agape as if she was oblivious to her actions, and as she exited, several of the wedding party members (including her son) clapped. Her son also chimed in with "that was awesome!"

I'm not sure what it is about her. Why she dislikes me so much... but it's been that way since day one. Perhaps it's because my employment is considered sub-par compared to her daughter... my wife is a Physician, and I'm a lowly IT/Tech Support Specialist.

We've had a handful of "heated" conversations since that day. Basically because I refuse to be disrespected. But instead of using vulgarity, or raising my voice as I did at the wedding rehearsal dinner, I simply reply with excessive amounts of sarcasm. Like the whole kiwi comment. She asked if I had ever seen a kiwi, and if they have them where I'm from. I simply replied, "never in my life... we only eat bark where I'm from."

We live nearly three hours away from her (thankfully), and she rarely visits. But when she does, she usually brings gifts for the wife, kid and I. Personally, I don't expect or want a damn thing from her. The last time she visited, she brought my wife two BCBG dresses and a pair of designer shoes. My daughter received a pair of toddler-height Raggedy Anne and Andy dolls, three dresses, a pair of shoes, and a custom t-shirt from OBX. She handed me a small gift bag... which contained one pack of mauve post-it notes.

No joke.

Then her dog crapped on my carpet, and I insisted that the beast live outside for the remainder of her visit.
Man I loved my in-laws and am bummed they are no longer around- both passing away in the last few years. Really quality people who (I hope) were also fond of me.

I get along well with my sibling in-laws pretty well too. Makes like 10X easier.
This is probably going to make me sound uncaring but I meh. I am truly fucking baffled by anyone who thinks their laws that are horrid.

After I was done with the dating phase of my life and was looking for a girl to marry not having shitty in laws was part of the package I was looking for. Not just for my sake but because I wanted my future kids to able to go back and forth which way and the other between grand parents and my wife and I especially for holidays. Just like I would never date/marry anyone would smokes.

This is a direct result of growing up extremely poor...when you are poor like I was your family tends to be one big bowl of negativity, constantly fighting. I refused at a early age to ever marry someone who's family is as crazy as mine. You guys are REALLY missing out on a lot of memories, great occasions, good life...etc etc..sappy sappy stuff with that. I seriously couldnt imagine.

Also, I think a lot of time guys dont even try to get along because apparently we are just "supposed" to not like your in laws. My best friend of course has his in laws and anytime they come up he flies into a rage the same way many of you did in this thread and just list a thousand things that he hates about them. I know for a fact he never even attempted to give them a chance.
thats the truth if you ever start dating a chick and think shes marriage material you better find out about her family asap always ask questions.
I was engaged to a girl, but it didn't work out in the end. I couldn't stand her step-father, so I stopped going to her house to see her. I was usually forced to stay at her house, or to have some stupid ass 7PM curfew, which is bullshit for two adults. Her mother is one of those from a ghetto in Manila, Philippines, who wanted to come to America. She met this awful ex-alcoholic who is ridiculously controlling and generally the most arrogant asshole you've ever met. I'm 24, and I seriously had to ask for his permission to go out with his 19-year-old step-daughter for every date for two years. And for two fucking years, they never brought her to a place where I was, nor did he ever care to meet my family. In fact, her step-father would often accuse her of lying if I came to pick her up so she could do something with me. I even drove her back and forth for college and for her job because her step-father was too fucking conceited to drive her. If I didn't drive her, she took a cab, and I live 45 minutes away. He asked a random college student to drive her to college in my first year with her because he couldn't take the fucking 10 minutes to do it himself. And he fucking kicked me out of his house once because it was 5PM and she hadn't done the fucking laundry. It's her and her two younger brothers, and they actually tried to poison him and kill him because he's such a douche. I've gone to two colleges and had plenty of jobs, and I've never met a more horrible person. I can guarantee you that he'd be in the top ten of your most hated people within the first five minutes of meeting him. That includes political figures. He faked an injury and sued his only biological son.

After two years of going through that shit, she starts cheating on me with some mentally unstable moron who also has anger issues and is described as an "annoying punk-ass bitch" by everyone I know. Pretty sure she just wanted to get me out of the living hell she calls her life, and I am damn glad that I am, despite the fact that I loved her enough to marry her. I had such a great life before meeting her step-father and seeing how impossibly douchey one person can be. I hope the step-father and psycho new boyfriend get into a fight and kill each other and rid the world of two awful people.

Case in point: You can meet your soul mate and have a great relationship, but do it when you're on your own and can be an adult. In-laws can ruin even the best relationships.
I thought this thread would be more salacious. For the OP, you should just get a hobby that involves you not being around, that will give you an excuse not to be around your in-laws. Take up hunting, golf or drinking at a local strip club.

Poor metaphysicalstyles, I would smother your mother-in-law on her next visit, or tell her not to visit anymore. If she treats you like shit, withhold her grandchild.

As for my in-laws - they're cool as shit and I look at them as part of the wifely package. Someone else mentioned you're a sucker if you get stuck with bad in-laws as you should not have married that girl. She is not the girl-of-your-dreams if you cannot stand her family.

They will not go away and they will encroach on your life. They may need to live with you at some point. They may need money. You will have to visit them at holidays. You will attend their funerals, weddings, birthdays and every other miserable event. They will give you advice you do not want. If you cannot get along with them, it is possible that it will put a strain on your marriage.

Plus, it's important to size up your wife's mother, as one day, your wife could end up looking very similar. If your wife's mom was hot like your wife - before she had kids, but now is pushing 3-hundy; there is a good chance the same thing will happen to your wife. Also, it's important to see how their family functions. You may think you know your wife (or girlfriend) but you don't know shit until you see how she was raised. Her upbringing and perspective on a "family" could be completely drastic compared to yours.
[quote name='Stoic Person Eater']I thought this thread would be more salacious. For the OP, you should just get a hobby that involves you not being around, that will give you an excuse not to be around your in-laws. Take up hunting, golf or drinking at a local strip club.

Poor metaphysicalstyles, I would smother your mother-in-law on her next visit, or tell her not to visit anymore. If she treats you like shit, withhold her grandchild.

As for my in-laws - they're cool as shit and I look at them as part of the wifely package. Someone else mentioned you're a sucker if you get stuck with bad in-laws as you should not have married that girl. She is not the girl-of-your-dreams if you cannot stand her family.

They will not go away and they will encroach on your life. They may need to live with you at some point. They may need money. You will have to visit them at holidays. You will attend their funerals, weddings, birthdays and every other miserable event. They will give you advice you do not want. If you cannot get along with them, it is possible that it will put a strain on your marriage.

Plus, it's important to size up your wife's mother, as one day, your wife could end up looking very similar. If your wife's mom was hot like your wife - before she had kids, but now is pushing 3-hundy; there is a good chance the same thing will happen to your wife. Also, it's important to see how their family functions. You may think you know your wife (or girlfriend) but you don't know shit until you see how she was raised. Her upbringing and perspective on a "family" could be completely drastic compared to yours.[/QUOTE]

This guy has it nailed completely!
What I would like to know is if you feel like you are a perfect match with your wives?

See I am not of the Disney bullshit theory that there is only 1 person on the planet that you can fall in love with and be compatible. I am also of the believe that MOST people actually choose mates that are not that compatible with and then just try to "stick it out." There is like 8 billion people on the planet, in a gross under estimate you are compatible with roughly 1 billion people. Most people are just lazy and settle for whatever is around them or the first person who lets them stick it in.

If you hate your in laws then it probably means you are not actually compatible with the person you are with barring them being in the KKK or modern Nazis or something.

Again I know this might sound cold but I have broken up with girls because of their families willingly. Some people say, "well that means you didnt really love them" uhhhh maybe but all I know now is that I am head over heals for my wife AND love her family. So now I dont have to hide in a corner and bicker like a fucking 10 year old for the next 40 years of my life.

If you hate your in laws which were the direct influence on your mates personality then it probably means you are forcing your relationship in some way but like I said...barring that their parents are normally everyday people who have ups and downs quirks and ticks and havent been...I dont know punching their kids in the face every day.
I think you're drastically over simplifying things, a child is not their parents. Similar maybe, but they aren't clones. My father can be a racist SOB sometimes, and I'm certainly not. Maybe I don't know what it's like since my fiances family is mostly fine, it's just her dad's opinions that bug me sometimes.
[quote name='Stoic Person Eater'] Poor metaphysicalstyles, I would smother your mother-in-law on her next visit, or tell her not to visit anymore. If she treats you like shit, withhold her grandchild.[/QUOTE]

You don't deprive your child a relationship with their grandparents just because you don't get along with them. That's just stooping to their level by acting self-centered. Unless your in-laws are clearing becoming a bad influence on your child, this tactic should not be considered.
I actually have nice in-laws. Mother-in-law isn't a huge fan of me mainly cause she doesn't totally understand me but she still "loves me". Father-in-law gets excited whenever he sees me haha.

Definitely lucked-out.
[quote name='Rodimus']You don't deprive your child a relationship with their grandparents just because you don't get along with them. That's just stooping to their level by acting self-centered. Unless your in-laws are clearing becoming a bad influence on your child, this tactic should not be considered.[/QUOTE]
If you tell your child that their evil grandmother died at the hands of an angry pitchfork mob or had her head lopped off in a terrible car accident while fleeing the police, then they will not miss the relationship with their grandma, because they will assume she is dead. If they ask to visit her grave, take them to the ocean and tell them her ashes were scattered there. They may take solace in visiting that place, a solace that their grandma probably wouldn't be able to provide in real life.

I was just kidding for chrissake. But I might consider it if the grandma is that big of a bitch.
I can tolerate my mother in law except for a few things..

When she visits (like she is this weekend), she takes over my 58 inch plasma tv and lets it runs all night when she falls asleep. Which means I have to stay up late and carefully turn it off.

-The strange body smell...hard to describe it but it smells like mold/fungus.

-Her random farts.

[quote name='Rodimus']You don't deprive your child a relationship with their grandparents just because you don't get along with them. That's just stooping to their level by acting self-centered. Unless your in-laws are clearing becoming a bad influence on your child, this tactic should not be considered.[/QUOTE]

depends though would you want your child being affected by their grandparents negative behavior?sometimes for the sake of your family and sanity you have to sever ties. just because youre related that doesnt always make you family people take that word for granted alot.

its going to be different for everyone i guess.
[quote name='lokizz']depends though would you want your child being affected by their grandparents negative behavior?sometimes for the sake of your family and sanity you have to sever ties. just because youre related that doesnt always make you family people take that word for granted alot.

its going to be different for everyone i guess.[/QUOTE]

I agree, that's why I said only if your in-laws are a bad influence on your children. Your child should never become a bargaining chip or ultimatum just because you don't get along.

My dad hated my grandparents (his in-laws) for little reason. I never had much of a relationship with them. I didn't think about it when I was younger but now that I'm older I wish I could've had more time with them. They weren't bad people at all. My dad was just an asshole. Keep that in mind dads.
[quote name='Rodimus']I agree, that's why I said only if your in-laws are a bad influence on your children. Your child should never become a bargaining chip or ultimatum just because you don't get along.

My dad hated my grandparents (his in-laws) for little reason. I never had much of a relationship with them. I didn't think about it when I was younger but now that I'm older I wish I could've had more time with them. They weren't bad people at all. My dad was just an asshole. Keep that in mind dads.[/QUOTE]

This x 1000.
bread's done