Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

This thread has been dead for almost a month! Ah!

So I finally started that 30 day Ant-Man event or whatever and WTF. How did you guys beat that one node where it is 5 waves of crazy hard enemies, it is the last one before you get the first Ant-Man cover. You are forced to use that level 70 Ant-Man and then can only have two other characters and I just cannot pull it off for the life of me, regardless of how much I pound the boosts and everything. 

How did you guys beat it? Or is it one of those where you are supposed to earn a bunch of his covers throughout the month and try your luck at it with a higher level one on your team? 

This thread has been dead for almost a month! Ah!

So I finally started that 30 day Ant-Man event or whatever and WTF. How did you guys beat that one node where it is 5 waves of crazy hard enemies, it is the last one before you get the first Ant-Man cover. You are forced to use that level 70 Ant-Man and then can only have two other characters and I just cannot pull it off for the life of me, regardless of how much I pound the boosts and everything.

How did you guys beat it? Or is it one of those where you are supposed to earn a bunch of his covers throughout the month and try your luck at it with a higher level one on your team?
It's definitely beatable with the loaner. It took me a couple tries, but I managed the first day. They were definitely messing with people on those waves. The first wave node I tried using my usual team of Cage/Blade/Falcon, and then there were no goons. Then the second wave node, I planned for fewer goons and of course they were everywhere. Here's the lineup for the second wave node:

Node 5 is

Daken, Pyro, Kishu,

wave 2
Sentry, brawler, Empirisist

wave 3

Dock ock, Sentry Fighter, Lieutenant

wave 4

bullseye, muscle, Teisatsu

wave 5

Grenadier, Hitman, Gorgon

Ant-Man isn't bad even at a low level, but the first time I tried it, I got wrecked when Doc Ock came out to a board filled with my special tiles. I can't remember who I used, I think it might have been Hulk and Hood. Steve and Hood should work as well, especially if you get a few shields and peacemakers going, and if you're using boosts, throwing a some starting AP into red and blue. Good luck Broly!

Thanks for the tips guys!

Steve and Hood are usually my fallback when I cannot beat a node, they are my ringers haha. They almost guarantee wins, the match just takes longer usually. I got so ridiculously destroyed by the beginning of wave 3 that I just felt hopeless! I will give them a try and cross my fingers!

Also, I am surprised that a month-long event is really only a handful of nodes? 

You can replay the nodes to try to get the other HP/ISO, and accept you will get the 20 ISO award.

A lot.

But the real reason is because it's supposed to be a promotional thing with the movie, so anyone who starts playing because they are excited about Ant-Man can have a way to get one. It scales - a new account sees really low level opponents.
Got him! Now to have him sit as one of my many one covered 4 stars! I dont do PvP anymore and I never try hard enough in PvE to ever score more 4*s : /

Is ProfX worth a slot?
Yes. Even at 4/3/3, he's doing really well in PvE for me on teams with people like GSBW, Scarlet Witch, or anyone else who can generate match 5s reliably with their power set. He also double-dips nicely with 2* Hawkeye.

I thought for sure his Purple/Yellow combo was his strength at first, but Blue is his jam. That fifth blue is way at the top of my list of desired covers at the moment.
Yes. Even at 4/3/3, he's doing really well in PvE for me on teams with people like GSBW, Scarlet Witch, or anyone else who can generate match 5s reliably with their power set. He also double-dips nicely with 2* Hawkeye.

I thought for sure his Purple/Yellow combo was his strength at first, but Blue is his jam. That fifth blue is way at the top of my list of desired covers at the moment.
How about 1/0/0? lol

I finally have my Scarlet Witch at a respectable 3/3/5 and level 140 and hot damn do I enjoy her especially when paired with Deadpool! On the Deadpool Dailies' cover mission I have changed my team to Falcon, Deadpool and the SW and I just destroy without even taking damage pretty much. 

In regards to Prof X I only have one cover as well but I am always rooting for more myself. I cannot pass up any 3 or 4* covers that I do not have yet. I save my HP just for those slots and then if I do not have enough that is usually when I cave and shell out real world money... which I did again not all too long ago! : P

Hey, all. 

My MPQ name is Dpoch, and I've been fairly regularly playing since Shipwreck mentioned the game about a year ago on the CAGcast. My current tiny alliance doesn't participate much these days, so I was wondering if I could join a more active CAG-affiliated one.

If it helps any, I've got 8 level-166 3-star characters & 69 roster slots on my team.  I paid $5 near the very beginning to support the developers, but pretty much just spent time earning ISO & coins along the way, playing most every day but not always hitting the top 100 in PVP events to earn the latest cover I've been missing.  PvE events seem more demanding at the higher end than I'd prefer these days.

I messaged BrolyB about any open alliance slots here on CAG, & it seems there's a hardcore group & a more casual one in operation now.  Any room for me to join, depending on what I've shared here?

Thanks for reading,


Hey, all.

My MPQ name is Dpoch, and I've been fairly regularly playing since Shipwreck mentioned the game about a year ago on the CAGcast. My current tiny alliance doesn't participate much these days, so I was wondering if I could join a more active CAG-affiliated one.

If it helps any, I've got 8 level-166 3-star characters & 69 roster slots on my team. I paid $5 near the very beginning to support the developers, but pretty much just spent time earning ISO & coins along the way, playing most every day but not always hitting the top 100 in PVP events to earn the latest cover I've been missing. PvE events seem more demanding at the higher end than I'd prefer these days.

I messaged BrolyB about any open alliance slots here on CAG, & it seems there's a hardcore group & a more casual one in operation now. Any room for me to join, depending on what I've shared here?

Thanks for reading,
The CAGPvEngers (competitive) don't currently have a slot available, though we have a member who hasn't been playing very consistently. We're a top 20 PvE alliance but only get a little demanding for 4* character releases like this event. We don't have any pvp requirements but any play is definitely welcome. You'd have to ask Broly and company, but I'd imagine they'd be able to open up a slot for you. They can obviously speak much better to the current state of the CAGvengers. Sidlon is who you'd need to message (either on here or in the forums) regarding the CAGPvEngers
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Hey, dpac, what's your current score for the Hulk event? And is that score a result of how you typically play PvE events?

In the second question I'm not saying to compare the scores, but rather, are you playing this event the same way you would play others? I think that will give a better indication of where in the scale you fall with other CAG players.

Also, there are at least two other CAG alliances, they just aren't as vocal around here. I'm not sure how active they are these days. Broly really needs to stop focusing on school and work and update the OP already.
Thanks for the replies, guys.

My Hulk score's currently just 1875, as I didn't have any PvP events to play a few days ago. I guess it is somewhat typical of my regular PvE involvement, as the rewards are usually easier to come by with the 2-day PvP events. So to sum up, I'm probably not dedicated enough to join the most competitive alliance, but I could contribute to others.

If there are any alliances you can recommend based on this assessment, I'd gladly check 'em out! Thanks for your time & consideration. =)

Hey, dpac, what's your current score for the Hulk event? And is that score a result of how you typically play PvE events?

In the second question I'm not saying to compare the scores, but rather, are you playing this event the same way you would play others? I think that will give a better indication of where in the scale you fall with other CAG players.

Also, there are at least two other CAG alliances, they just aren't as vocal around here. I'm not sure how active they are these days. Broly really needs to stop focusing on school and work and update the OP already.
Thanks for the replies, guys.

My Hulk score's currently just 1875, as I didn't have any PvP events to play a few days ago. I guess it is somewhat typical of my regular PvE involvement, as the rewards are usually easier to come by with the 2-day PvP events. So to sum up, I'm probably not dedicated enough to join the most competitive alliance, but I could contribute to others.

If there are any alliances you can recommend based on this assessment, I'd gladly check 'em out! Thanks for your time & consideration. =)
i think they would want someone who plays PVE more. We are usually top 250 if you was looking at extra covers in pvp we dont get the top 100. once we did but usually top 250. Also dont know what your brackets look like but if you jump with between 45 to 90 mins to go you usually take top 100 (mostly top 50) but it could mess up your season score big time (i can get around 600 pts in 50 mins)

Thanks for the info, slidecage. Jean Grey looks like a good 4* card to get, so I pushed up to under 15,000 points/crystals over the last day, ranking around 150 in my group currently. Dunno if I can break 100 by event's end tonight, but I'll give it a try. If you think this is enough to give your alliance a boost, just let me know if I can join today. No worries if not. Thanks for the consideration, regardless!
Also, there are at least two other CAG alliances, they just aren't as vocal around here. I'm not sure how active they are these days. Broly really needs to stop focusing on school and work and update the OP already.
Hey man, I finished up my masters like a month ago now thank you very much! : P I actually have pretty much taken this past month off as a break and have just been working remotely and it has been pretty glorious haha : D

But yeah I just made the OP a Wiki post so you guys are more than welcome to add some more info on the Alliances and all that stuff because I know I have been very behind.

Thanks for the info, slidecage. Jean Grey looks like a good 4* card to get, so I pushed up to under 15,000 points/crystals over the last day, ranking around 150 in my group currently. Dunno if I can break 100 by event's end tonight, but I'll give it a try. If you think this is enough to give your alliance a boost, just let me know if I can join today. No worries if not. Thanks for the consideration, regardless!
If your current group is ranked 150 in the PvE I would definitely not recommend joining our CAGvengers because that is WAY better than we do hahah. When I said this one is the casual one... I mean real casual. Hell, ltrain hasn't even logged in for almost a month now I think, he is too busy with his Wheel of Fortune winnings! : P We lately have just been getting the bottom string rewards lately because I have kind of let MPQ slip to more of a quick, do the Deadpool daily throughout the day during bathroom breaks and that is it. You are more than welcome to join but really you are better off sticking with your own. Also really thinking about it I think I am the only CAG that plays daily that is in CAGvengers at this point... womp womp womp : /

That all being said I have been slowly but surely growing my army of Marvel characters. My goal is to get every 3* available to 120 at least and I am further along with that goal than I would expect. I still have my main team of heavy hitters I regularly use but it is nice being able to sprinkle in some other 'lesser' three stars just to mix up the dynamics.

Cool! Sorry, I may have mistyped -- my alliance is far from highly ranked in the Hulk PvE event... that's my individual rank in the bracket I'm current in for that event. My bad!

Wonder if I'll get far tonight! Thanks for all the info, BrolyB. =)

Hey man, I finished up my masters like a month ago now thank you very much! : P I actually have pretty much taken this past month off as a break and have just been working remotely and it has been pretty glorious haha : D

But yeah I just made the OP a Wiki post so you guys are more than welcome to add some more info on the Alliances and all that stuff because I know I have been very behind.

If your current group is ranked 150 in the PvE I would definitely not recommend joining our CAGvengers because that is WAY better than we do hahah. When I said this one is the casual one... I mean real casual. Hell, ltrain hasn't even logged in for almost a month now I think, he is too busy with his Wheel of Fortune winnings! : P We lately have just been getting the bottom string rewards lately because I have kind of let MPQ slip to more of a quick, do the Deadpool daily throughout the day during bathroom breaks and that is it. You are more than welcome to join but really you are better off sticking with your own. Also really thinking about it I think I am the only CAG that plays daily that is in CAGvengers at this point... womp womp womp : /

That all being said I have been slowly but surely growing my army of Marvel characters. My goal is to get every 3* available to 120 at least and I am further along with that goal than I would expect. I still have my main team of heavy hitters I regularly use but it is nice being able to sprinkle in some other 'lesser' three stars just to mix up the dynamics.
Thanks for the info, slidecage. Jean Grey looks like a good 4* card to get, so I pushed up to under 15,000 points/crystals over the last day, ranking around 150 in my group currently. Dunno if I can break 100 by event's end tonight, but I'll give it a try. If you think this is enough to give your alliance a boost, just let me know if I can join today. No worries if not. Thanks for the consideration, regardless!
How'd you do?

Unfortunately, unless you have a typo in your score, that's a little too low for the competitive alliances. A good rule of thumb is meeting the highest progression award (37,000 in the Hulk event) as the minimum performance.

That isn't to say you are a horrible person, but rather, we play a mobile game a little too much/too seriously. ;)

If Broly or one of the other alliances can free up a spot for you, that would at least get you a CAG social aspect if that's what you are looking for. That being said, this thread is for anyone who plays at any level, so if you are happy where you are and just want to commiserate on your billionth Yelena cover, need some advice on your roster strategy or want to brag about how you beat Hulkbuster with Bag-Man, post away!
first time ever to rank above 25 in pvp. got myself 2 cage covers for the next fight.

who goes well with luke?

I have Luke, Hulk, and Torch(3*)

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first time ever to rank above 25 in pvp. got myself 2 cage covers for the next fight.

who goes well with luke?

I have Luke, Hulk, and Torch(3*)
Gah, I totally forgot about this PvP! I was going to jump in last minute as always for the one that ended at midnight here but forgot : ( now the last one isn't done until 3am. Ugh.

first time ever to rank above 25 in pvp. got myself 2 cage covers for the next fight.

who goes well with luke?

I have Luke, Hulk, and Torch(3*)
He pretty much goes well with anyone; he's a good standalone character. You're overkill, right? Another purple or two and IF would be really good with him. That's a nasty offensive combo
Hey, Kojubat. I ended up not playing as much as I would have liked, but I still pulled 18,687 (Shield points?) in just over a day of serious play, which was good for #131 in my individual-player bracket. Got a Groot I could use -- so not a total loss -- but putting in a bit more time would have been nice! I agree that Yelena covers are entirely way too common, but maybe I'll try PvE a bit more in the next good reward event, considering this experience. Thanks for all the feedback!

How'd you do?

Unfortunately, unless you have a typo in your score, that's a little too low for the competitive alliances. A good rule of thumb is meeting the highest progression award (37,000 in the Hulk event) as the minimum performance.

That isn't to say you are a horrible person, but rather, we play a mobile game a little too much/too seriously. ;)

If Broly or one of the other alliances can free up a spot for you, that would at least get you a CAG social aspect if that's what you are looking for. That being said, this thread is for anyone who plays at any level, so if you are happy where you are and just want to commiserate on your billionth Yelena cover, need some advice on your roster strategy or want to brag about how you beat Hulkbuster with Bag-Man, post away!
[quote name="Seantw05" post="12841424" timestamp="1438404379"]He pretty much goes well with anyone; he's a good standalone character. You're overkill, right? Another purple or two and IF would be really good with him. That's a nasty offensive combo[/quote]
Yes, I am overkill. Have been slowly building my team with tokens and dpq covers. I haven't gotten to the pt where I put hp into covers yet.
first time ever to rank above 25 in pvp. got myself 2 cage covers for the next fight.

who goes well with luke?

I have Luke, Hulk, and Torch(3*)
i use

Luke ares and whoever the person is needed for the PVP.. Can usually get me up to 600 pts without being attacked.... I love the storm mag teams Very easy to kill and tons of pts. Just kill off storm first usually ares takes her out within 5 or 6 moves.

this sunday PVP going to be a major pain in the ass with Cage pumped for all. so i guess my team will be

Cage/ ares/ loki - iron man..... really dont see a good 3rd on sunday.

Tues Psylock/cage.ares-

Hey man, I finished up my masters like a month ago now thank you very much! : P I actually have pretty much taken this past month off as a break and have just been working remotely and it has been pretty glorious haha : D

But yeah I just made the OP a Wiki post so you guys are more than welcome to add some more info on the Alliances and all that stuff because I know I have been very behind.

If your current group is ranked 150 in the PvE I would definitely not recommend joining our CAGvengers because that is WAY better than we do hahah. When I said this one is the casual one... I mean real casual. Hell, ltrain hasn't even logged in for almost a month now I think, he is too busy with his Wheel of Fortune winnings! : P We lately have just been getting the bottom string rewards lately because I have kind of let MPQ slip to more of a quick, do the Deadpool daily throughout the day during bathroom breaks and that is it. You are more than welcome to join but really you are better off sticking with your own. Also really thinking about it I think I am the only CAG that plays daily that is in CAGvengers at this point... womp womp womp : /

That all being said I have been slowly but surely growing my army of Marvel characters. My goal is to get every 3* available to 120 at least and I am further along with that goal than I would expect. I still have my main team of heavy hitters I regularly use but it is nice being able to sprinkle in some other 'lesser' three stars just to mix up the dynamics.
Broly, for the past two weeks I haven't gotten anyone to give me team ups. It looks like there about 4 regulars playing. I'm worried people are just bailing.
Broly, for the past two weeks I haven't gotten anyone to give me team ups. It looks like there about 4 regulars playing. I'm worried people are just bailing.
Yeah I know I havent been playing a bunch but judging by the lack of log in rewards as well as most of the PvE scores I see it is like nobody is playing yeah. I may have to just do a fresh wave of kicking soon, I have just been too lazy to haha : P

On a positive note I have caved and bought a couple of the current PvE tokens because Jean is an awesome character, I love her moves.. and I got one Jean and another Star-Lord! Not too shabby. Granted I still have no actually usable 4*s but still... I can dream!

Also finally felt like blasting Dr. Doom to 166. He had been hovering at 151 for a handful of months now but since I have everyone at pretty much 120 now I figured I should draw my attention/ISO back to the characters I actually use regularly. Plus with this PvE right now I will finally get him at my ideal build at 3/5/5 as his black is vastly outpowered by others now.

Am I the only one that hates the new UI?

For one the Alliance button is on the bottom right where the Roster button has been for such a long time and so now I keep going to the Alliance page on accident. Also the tiles for each event are freaking massive and so I have to scroll through each one to get to the next instead of seeing them all lined up.

Why the hell don't they take time and create more original events rather than trying to fix something that isnt broken?

I do like the new clean look but yes, those even tiles are way too huge. I do like how they split the tiles into 3 categories.
I do like the new clean look but yes, those even tiles are way too huge. I do like how they split the tiles into 3 categories.
Yeah the biggest thing for me is that those tiles are so huge that it is only one per screen.

On a side note, I know the joke goes on that many of us get 4*s and never can use them. I have been playing this game for a very long time now as you all know and am wondering am I just missing something? Is there a relatively easier way to get 4*s because I constantly come across people with massive collections of nearly maxed 4*s.

I do not have the time anymore to push and get #1 in any PvE events and then in PvP I am constantly up against teams of maxed 4*s so I cannot go anywhere there.....

Is there a relatively easier way to get 4*s because I constantly come across people with massive collections of nearly maxed 4*s.
The easiest 4* to get is the 1k progression in PvP. If you start about a day out and have a decent enough team, you can get it without shields or running out of health packs.

After that, tokens are probably easiest, followed by either the 1300 progression or top placement in PvE, depending on your roster focus.

I can't imagine your MMR is still that screwed up. You might want to pick an event, join early, score about 600 and then intentionally roster kill your team over and over whenever you have a chance to play.
I forgot to try with this last PvP until there was only about 13 hours left. I did though and found that it was not nearly as bad as it used to be after I did a few skips. The first teams I saw were all maxed but I kept skipping and eventually got feasible ones.

I was able to get up to 700 points without really any problems but then after that it was not so easy. I ended with about 900 points and 2nd place (didn't need any of the actual rewards since I like the way my BP is right now) but it sucked because I really just wanted that 4* Deadpool at 1k. I made it to 934 but never any higher. I will try again soon and hopefully the results will be better if I start a bit earlier so that I am not going against the time when many are really pushing towards the end.

Yeah, this particular event would have been an anomaly - highly desired 1k progression plus end of season score boosting (look at some of the individual scores in the Crewsaders).

If you can make 934, 1k is within reach. The last eight hours of a slice tends to be the danger zone, so you can get there before the 9 hour mark without a lot of incoming attacks (they will happen, just not hundreds of points at a go, like I had happen last night).
Yeah, this particular event would have been an anomaly - highly desired 1k progression plus end of season score boosting (look at some of the individual scores in the Crewsaders).If you can make 934, 1k is within reach. The last eight hours of a slice tends to be the danger zone, so you can get there before the 9 hour mark without a lot of incoming attacks (they will happen, just not hundreds of points at a go, like I had happen last night).
[attachment=16630:image.jpg] some crazy stuff there
I forgot to try with this last PvP until there was only about 13 hours left. I did though and found that it was not nearly as bad as it used to be after I did a few skips. The first teams I saw were all maxed but I kept skipping and eventually got feasible ones.

I was able to get up to 700 points without really any problems but then after that it was not so easy. I ended with about 900 points and 2nd place (didn't need any of the actual rewards since I like the way my BP is right now) but it sucked because I really just wanted that 4* Deadpool at 1k. I made it to 934 but never any higher. I will try again soon and hopefully the results will be better if I start a bit earlier so that I am not going against the time when many are really pushing towards the end.
You might want to try shielding for 3h when you get over 900 points. Then try and find 2-3 40-50 point targets to hit a few hours later. Hits come often for me after 800 and especially 900 so you have to work very fast. Slices 1 and 5 are usually best for points
Still having a heck of a time breaking 850 points or so in PvP regardless of when I start : /

I am determined to get a strong 4* roster though dammit!!

Still having a heck of a time breaking 850 points or so in PvP regardless of when I start : /
I am determined to get a strong 4* roster though dammit!!
Which one? Nefarious Foes or Blind Justice?

Nefarious Foes won't have as many big targets, because people will get to the progression they want and then give up the points. No season awards means no reason to keep placement for Daredevil covers or even 4* Thor yellow. And then you have the issue where the boosted characters have been around a while, so you are going to see a lot of 290 Doom, Magneto, Loki, Hood and Daken - so each fight will hurt. I just got my 650 token, and it has been a slog. Might not even go to 1k, need to focus on the Falcon release.

Blind Justice will have better/easier targets in about a day.

I forgot to mention - the 4* progression in SHIELD Simulator is very attainable. You can casually get to about 1600 over the first few weeks of the season with limited retaliation if you are fielding a decent team. Pushing to 2k from there will be easy about 5-7 days out from the season end - the top 100 alliances aren't looking to secure extra points yet, so you will still find targets in the 60-70 point range, and only some of them will be fully covered 4* teams.
Yeah I am in Nefarious foes and have constant 290 teams or even worse with Carnage too. I got to 873 as my highest and just couldnt catch a break. I am sitting shielded at 690 right now to hopefully at the very least score the Thor cover

BTW, has anyone tried sideloading this game on a Kindle? My son killed his pure Android tablet through an unexpected gravity experiment, but has a perfectly functional Kindle Fire HD.

I suspect we would need to manually update versions, and IAP would be dead (not that that matters for him), but wondering if it would even function.
BTW, has anyone tried sideloading this game on a Kindle? My son killed his pure Android tablet through an unexpected gravity experiment, but has a perfectly functional Kindle Fire HD.

I suspect we would need to manually update versions, and IAP would be dead (not that that matters for him), but wondering if it would even function.
i think it ran slow as hell on my old kindle .. ran better on the tab 4 what is now just a tableweigh... Really though i would use it but long story short now have 2 kindles and a tab 4 i never use lol

bread's done