Marvel vs Capcom 2 PSN Thread

[quote name='lokizz']i dont like this game anymore. its been years since i played it and imo it doesnt hold up. nostaliga gaming is fun but not worth 15.[/quote]

never thought of this an "nostalgia gaming". I mean, i guess it qualifies... but that just makes me feel old.
[quote name='nbballard']never thought of this an "nostalgia gaming". I mean, i guess it qualifies... but that just makes me feel old.[/quote]

join the club lol. most 2d fighters just dont hold up that well. ll always have fond memories of this games but that demo showed me that i cant play that game anymore. i still love the neo geo fighters though they have held up very well over the years.

its like ive been saying if youre going to bring back older games bring out the best. powerstone 1 and 2 would be perfect or hell why not tweak dead rising and make some kind of online multiplayer game with it?
I just don't think MvsC2 is the best representation of the era. Did it ever really hold up next to the others in the series? In my mind, it just got a lot of attention because of the volume of characters and all the flash. (don't get me wrong, i'm still going to buy it).

I always felt like MSHvsSF and MvC1 were the stronger games in the series- and would Rather play KOF97 and Alpha2 over this any day- but it's a good start.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']Because the best 2D fighter would be JoJo's Bizzare Adventure or Street Fighter Third Strike or CvsSNK2?[/QUOTE]

shit, now I want JoJo's on Live with online play :bouncy:
The combination of a nice TV + 1080p + Old Sprits = Pixelated Characters.

Seriously, it would probably look better on a crappy TV.
[quote name='MasterSun1']The combination of a nice TV + 1080p + Old Sprits = Pixelated Characters.

Seriously, it would probably look better on a crappy TV.[/QUOTE]

played this yesterday on my PS3 on 40" 1080P, agree looks 20x better on my PS2 w/ s-video & 20" CRT flat screen TV.

ATM I'm just goin to pass, only reason for me to rebuy this game is for online play. or unless they decided to give this game a HD remixes like it deserves. I would surely glad to pay $30 for a HD remixes..
the capcom guys have already stated that this is not intended to be an HD remix, nor rebalancing of the original game. Just a better port + online competition.
The game feels good at least i think so. Good thing i have 2 ps3 controllers so its fun to practice with wolverine since hes my fav character in this game. Crisp is hands down the best looking filter idk why the even gave you classic.

For people with only 1 controller use your guitar hero guitar to play as p2.
Damn how can you tell what the hell is happening? There's so much stuff going on that I sometimes forgot who was who. Good game but damn...
Soooo, the digital release of MvC2 has some fixes that eliminate some of the game-breaking glitches and is rumored to be released the week of June 29th. It's not too far away but it being May 5th today, it seems like forever. :cry:
Supposedly, the GS retail version has been cut back to $15, and all of the bonuses have been removed so it's just a voucher. I can't find it on the GS website anymore either so it probably ended up getting canceled.
I own all 3 systems...I will gladly wait to get this on PS3. This game will be horrible on the XBOX with the horrible D-Pad.
[quote name='Mogambi']I own all 3 systems...I will gladly wait to get this on PS3. This game will be horrible on the XBOX with the horrible D-Pad.[/QUOTE]

I'll be getting it for both, thanks to gamesharing, but the horrible D-Pad on the 360 is just a good excuse to get a fight stick. :) My girlfriend couldn't disagree after trying it, so I'm in the clear. :bouncy:
[quote name='Mogambi']I own all 3 systems...I will gladly wait to get this on PS3. This game will be horrible on the XBOX with the horrible D-Pad.[/QUOTE]

Reason why I bought a fight-pad for 360. I am getting MVC2 on both. ;)
Dammit does the 2 week delay make a difference, I was so tempted to buy it on XBLA last week. I know I can make it one more week....
Alright guys, comes out today.

It was pointed out that the retail box says this game supports Home.
First I've heard of it. Probably shirts or something ala SFIV.
Picked up a retail box w/ credit. I don't know if I'm going to open it though, never played mvc before and I have a feeling I would be terrible at it.
Downloading now! Kind of threw me off at first because you had to download the "Key" first and then the "Demo". I was looking for a while for the game alone. Oh well.
Strange, people have been playing for a while according to other threads, and pretty smoothly too.
I think someone's PS3 locked up in the menus though.

I'll be on later.
So is this freezing thing common among all? Backbone needs to stop releasing glitchfest after glitchfest.

It was ridiculous when they first released HDR. It definitely couldn't have passed the Q&A back then the way it was.
I don't know what to believe.
IGN reviewed it and even claimed the PS3 version as being slightly superior.

I'll wait and see after I download it.
I'll be mostly playing offline anyway.
Me too. I got the retail version. Interesting to see that it's a unlock key/demo download. Not many PSN games do that. Especially since there's a second demo out o_O

I have no Pad and no Stick for my PS3 either.
DL'd this evening. Beat the single player, and practiced a bit. I am pretty garbage at this game, but I am looking for some CAG competition.
God I suck. Trying to figure out which team to roll with right now. The last time I played this was back in high school on my phat PS2. I'm down to get some games in, but I can't chain combos for shit. I'm also deciding if I should stick with BlazBlue or move onto this.
Just got stomped by a guy for 6 matches straight, until I finally won one (although the individual might have handed the controller off to someone else, as they were not really fighting back.)
[quote name='dallow']I don't know what to believe.
IGN reviewed it and even claimed the PS3 version as being slightly superior.

I'll wait and see after I download it.
I'll be mostly playing offline anyway.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand that either.I think the 360 version has less problems overall, and is the best of the two at the moment. The ps3 freezes up if you search for a game almost every time.
I just wonder why Backbone decided to make the damn Arcade trophies so hard to get? No continues is asking a lot, even on easy. I mean...I can get to round 5 no problem MOST OF THE TIME with 3 Cables, but then I get to round 6 or 7, knock out one of their guys, 2/3 health remaining on 3 of my guys with 2 of their guys near full health and they win at time up. WTF IS THAT!? And no, I can't just continue, I have to start ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING! It's infuriating.
Played maybe 30 matches just with my friend online on PS3.
Froze once, and the rest of the time was lag free. Like, really lag free, I never noticed it.

I'm surprised.
Haven't tried with strangers yet though....
bread's done