Mass Effect 2 (360), £28.99

i'm trembling... i ... must ... resist
ahhhh too bad the Italian version comes with just Italian dubbed speech.. i mean, Italian dubbers are pretty famous for their quality work, but i need this beauty to speak E N G L I S H like it's meant to be.
about - they DO ship to mainland europe, at 4£ a piece, so am i right assuming it's an "international signed for" just like shopto's doing?
could be interesting though...
for your amusemement, i just failed to my HYPE and preorodered ME2 on shopto EVEN IF i've already preorderered an italian copy at my retailer downstreet.... fact is i need this game IN ENGLISH so badly i could kill for, even if italian dubbers are top notch this game is soooooo AWESOME i have to play it truly untouched and pristine... god deliver us from evil!

now fingers crossed for a "magical" day1 shopto deliver (even to italy...). a man can hope
bread's done