Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Finally got around to downloading the Overlord DLC and playing through it today on my main character.

Very solid quest, definitely the best of the ME2 DLC missions so far IMO. Only downsides were, as noted by others, the Hammerhead combat and the annoying loud voice of the rogue VI. Otherwise, it was great to have some substantial on foot missions, and the story was solid. Will give it another play through on my secondary, female renegade character in the near future.

Also first time I played since the patch--love the bigger and faster planet scanner. Wish it had been that way from the the start, would probably knock 2-3 hours of my play time since I was obsessive about scanning almost every planet to depleted.
[quote name='Pirate331']Apparently not if your name is Sheppard.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me. Is there again a love story involved?
I don't think i have seen an achievement for it. Would be nice :)
I finally popped my sixth and final ally achievement in ME1. Now to get Shepard those last 85,000 EXP she needs for level 60 and I'll be done with this fucking game. :)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I finally popped my sixth and final ally achievement in ME1. Now to get Shepard those last 85,000 EXP she needs for level 60 and I'll be done with this fucking game. :)[/QUOTE]

Your are so lucky. How many time did you play it? I did two runs and have a third one, but i did not want to play all the sidequests again. So i'll gave up on it. Congrats :)
Concerning the ME2 figures, I think I will get the Tali and Thane. Grunt and Shep look pretty bad compared to Thane and Tali. I Wish DC Unlimited use the same designers that designed the awesome World of Warcraft figures.
[quote name='yester']Your are so lucky. How many time did you play it? I did two runs and have a third one, but i did not want to play all the sidequests again. So i'll gave up on it. Congrats :)[/QUOTE]
I have done four full playthroughs of ME1 now-- one with a male vanguard and three with a female soldier. The only things I haven't done are grind out the tech and biotic achievements (I prefer to play it just running and gunning as a soldier) and beat the game on the harder difficulties. :p

I'm not fond of the planet-based sidequests either, but I've found that you can get the ally achievements by doing everything there is to do on the Citadel, at least one of the DLC packs, all of the optional quests on Feros and Noveria, and maybe one or two other things like Dahlia Dantius or the rogue VI. Not too bad.
Info on the Aegis DLC Pack that hit this morning:

What's better than the latest in high-tech armor? High-tech armor and a sniper rifle, of course! The Aegis Pack adds the M-29 Incisor sniper rifle and the Kestrel armor to Shepard's armor locker. The Incisor sniper rifle is a burst-fire weapon that excels in destroying enemy shields. The Kestrel armor comes in five pieces:

  • The Kestrel Helmet adds weapon damage, shield strength, and headshot damage.
  • The Kestrel Torso Sheath adds melee and weapon damage and shield strength.
  • Kestrel Arm Sheathing adds melee and weapon damage and shield strength.
  • Kestrel Shoulder Pieces adds shields and melee damage.
  • The Kestrel hip-mounted Power Pack ups shields and heavy weapon ammo capacity.
The Aegis Pack — for those times when overkill doesn't seem like enough. Available on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace now for 160 MS points.
...Wow. The entire pack aside from the Incisor depending on your style of play is MADE for Vanguards. Let us just hope the armor isn't ugly as sin but for 160 you couldn't convince me to pass this up.

Bravo Bioware. I love you again for at least... ten minutes. Tops.
sweet, snaggin up this DLC when i get home. I am just starting playthrough 2 with my ME1 import adept this would have been great for my playthrough 1 Vanguard. I preordered my full set of figures already and am hoping to snag a shepard sculpture from Bowen. great games.. upcoming blog on my ME experience very shortly
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']...Wow. The entire pack aside from the Incisor depending on your style of play is MADE for Vanguards. Let us just hope the armor isn't ugly as sin but for 160 you couldn't convince me to pass this up.

Bravo Bioware. I love you again for at least... ten minutes. Tops.[/QUOTE]Damn them for not bringing it out back in March when I was going through as a Vanguard. :whistle2:s

I'll have to swap it out for my existing armor bits and pieces when I do the next DLC (whenever that happens) as my existing Vanguard.
Picking up the DLC now. Man, by time I import my renegade Shepard into ME2, it will be almost a different game. Because I have not played any of the DLC missions, some of the new armors, weapons, patch. It will be cool though, like a whole new experience.
I'm honestly wondering who is coming up with these designs and who is approving them, but for that price I suppose you get exactly what you pay for. That armor looks anything but high tech IMO.

Either way I can still dig it.
[quote name='RobMinhas']Can you? It kind of pisses me off that she isn't loyal. Like really everyone else is fine but she has to be bitchy. Also, did you guys lose anyone during the
suicide mission?
I didn't lose anyone but I think I've heard about someone losing someone, although I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]

You have to be 100% either Paragon or Renegade but you can get back the one of the two ladies you pissed off after that particular mission. It's easiest to do right before
Reaper IFF
if you pay to respec your talents and max out the bottom Shepard talent (the one that bonuses to XP and your decisions) as it's a cummulative bonus so you can go from say 75% Paragon/20% Renegade to 100% Paragon/40% Renegade as I did.
So, here's a question. If I finished the game on first playthrough as a Vanguard on normal difficulty and I was thinking about doing another ME1 to ME2 playthrough, would it make sense to do ME1 on Insanity or just Hardcore? Whatever level I'd do on ME1 I'd do on ME2, though I was wondering if I should "ease" into Insanity from Normal via one run through on Hardcore?
[quote name='shrike4242']So, here's a question. If I finished the game on first playthrough as a Vanguard on normal difficulty and I was thinking about doing another ME1 to ME2 playthrough, would it make sense to do ME1 on Insanity or just Hardcore? Whatever level I'd do on ME1 I'd do on ME2, though I was wondering if I should "ease" into Insanity from Normal via one run through on Hardcore?[/QUOTE]

in my personal experience i found that insanity on ME1 is much harder than ME2, partially due to the change in the combat system and your class, etc. if you want to do a straight through transfer on the same difficulty, if you can make it through ME1 on insane without pulling your hair out, you'll have no problem on an insanity playthrough in ME2. mainly i HATE the Mako missions and i'm a way better FPS person so my ME2 experience went much smoother despite the difficulty because a headshot is a headshot and chaining biotics seems to flow much better.
Nice I can finally get that sniper rifle. If only I can grab the gamestop exclusive weapon as well. Possibly in the future as another pack.
[quote name='MSUHitman']You have to be 100% either Paragon or Renegade but you can get back the one of the two ladies you pissed off after that particular mission. It's easiest to do right before
Reaper IFF
if you pay to respec your talents and max out the bottom Shepard talent (the one that bonuses to XP and your decisions) as it's a cummulative bonus so you can go from say 75% Paragon/20% Renegade to 100% Paragon/40% Renegade as I did.[/QUOTE]

yeah I think I am screwed getting Jack Loyal now, I just finished
the Legion Loyalty and got 30 Paragon for rewriting the Geth but still I am not 100% Paragon, I have not bought the paid DLC though but I am at maybe 90% Paragon right now, I was able to diffuse the Tali/Legion confrontation anyway. Still haven't got any women inthe sack, I was stuck with Miranda she kept saying when things get quite but I got frustrated and switched to Tali and she can't take her suit off, although Mordin told me all kinds of stuff that did nothing when I went back to her lol.

I don't think there is anymore quests, I am pissed I ever downloaded the damn Zaeed thing because I
let the people die to keep the a-hole loyal and got a ton of renegade a while ago when I started

oh well next time I play it looks Like I am going to take my first trip through the Omega 4 relay and see who lives
[quote name='Spybreak8']Nice I can finally get that sniper rifle. If only I can grab the gamestop exclusive weapon as well. Possibly in the future as another pack.[/QUOTE]
Ooh wow, very cool armor. I wish it had been out in time for Overlord so I had something new to wear it for. I guess I can go through with my other character.

I've read that the Incisor is not as good as the Widow for the player character, but that the AI party members become uncannily accurate when equipped with it-- possibly some kind of glitch.
What a bummer. My old love life ditched me, because of whom i work for now.
Can you get in love with Jack?

Btw. i thought i can see my stats on the bioware page. Other than registering the game nothing shows up. :(

Overall so far, i am very happy with the game. Have to get the DLC's but from what i read on this thread, i can skip at least one.
[quote name='yester']What a bummer. My old love life ditched me, because of whom i work for now.
Can you get in love with Jack?

Btw. i thought i can see my stats on the bioware page. Other than registering the game nothing shows up. :([/QUOTE]
You can totally get with Jack, and everyone should. :) I've said it before, but the number one thing I am looking forward to in the next Mass Effect game is the knockdown dragout romantic showdown between Ash and Jack.

The Bioware website only integrates with Dragon Age, and it doesn't work very well honestly. Cool idea though, maybe they'll do it with ME3. I like the idea of making a single player RPG more social, and being able to show off your customized character.
[quote name='yester']
Overall so far, i am very happy with the game. Have to get the DLC's but from what i read on this thread, i can skip at least one.[/QUOTE]
Don't get the Kasumi DLC (unless you feel you have to have a new character) but Overlord is a must buy and it fits the scale of the game quite nicely.
[quote name='Master Troll']Don't get the Kasumi DLC (unless you feel you have to have a new character) but Overlord is a must buy and it fits the scale of the game quite nicely.[/QUOTE]Why do you think that someone shouldn't get the Kasumi DLC? It adds in the best SMG the game has to offer, as well as the new character.

The ending part of the Kasumi DLC was one of the best fights in the game, IMO. I thought it was well worth the money, as was Overlord.
[quote name='shrike4242']

Next story DLC, please. ;)[/QUOTE]

Hate to be the one to ruin your day but Overlord was the last story dlc, unfortunately.

I was really hoping for a Dragon Age: Origins type expansion, but no dice.
yeah i loved kasumi. granted it is short for the price but the fights are well done, the character is awesome, her mission makes you feel like mission impossible superspy, you get a sweet SMG, and the vault is cool to poke around in!
Yeah, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a full on expansion. I'd love one as these little DLC missions don't do a whole lot for me. If it wasn't one of my all time top 5 games I'd have already sold it off and not bothered paying for these little quests that add nothing to the main story, character development etc.

Since I love it, I'll keep playing it, but it would be nice if it got a full on expansion like Dragon Age.

I don't buy any of the weapon or armor packs etc. I only play on normal, I'm done with anything other than DLC (2 play throughs is enough for me) so I just don't need that stuff.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Hate to be the one to ruin your day but Overlord was the last story dlc, unfortunately.

I was really hoping for a Dragon Age: Origins type expansion, but no dice.[/QUOTE]

Don't you know it's not safe to start forest fires on the internet (rumors spread like wild fire). ;)
Also congrats on ME2 for getting #1 game of the year ( so far ) on XPlay, I'd have to agree and the lineup of games has and will be great this year, should be a helluva walletbuster. I guarentee they crank out more DLC between now and ME3. too much time to spare in between. cant loose the hype and especially if it runs for game of the year, there will be more!
I finished the Overlord DLC recently, I really enjoyed it and I hope to see more DLC like it in the near future... or an expansion pack. Now that I have finished all of the DLC that came out after I took my hiatus from the game, time to get that IFF and finish the game finally!
[quote name='yukine']I finished the Overlord DLC recently, I really enjoyed it and I hope to see more DLC like it in the near future... or an expansion pack. Now that I have finished all of the DLC that came out after I took my hiatus from the game, time to get that IFF and finish the game finally![/QUOTE]

you are in for a hell of a ride, this is where shit gets nuts
Hmm... update from BioWare's Twitter:
2morrow will be a great day for BioWare fans. Just sayin'

I'm guessing this is going to be a store update since they have been talking about some new shirt designs and lithographs.

Also, how hard is it to type out "tomorrow?"
[quote name='Arikado']

Haha, yeah, I just now saw that. Derp. :lol: I blame my hatred of stupid texting/internet speak for not allowing me to take the hint.[/QUOTE]It's not a failing, nor will we banish you for not being up on the l33t sp3@k.

As much as I'd like to see an announcement on Dragon Age 2, I'd like to see more Mass Effect news as well.

Then again, I did say that I'd probably start up Dragon Age when I was done with ME2, so I guess I should get on that. :lol:
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[quote name='shrike4242']It's not a failing, nor will we banish you for not being up on the l33t sp3@k.

As much as I'd like to see an announcement on Dragon Age 2, I'd like to see more Mass Effect news as well.

Then again, I did say that I'd probably start up Dragon Age when I was done with ME2, so I guess I should get on that. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Do it Dude, Dragon Age is Fantastic, play through on easy for the story and to play around with the classes then get some badass tactical action on the harder modes. it is a perfect companion and opposite of ME2. 2 of my favorite games ever, ive got all the DLC but haven't played the newest yet. Its the Lord of the Rings to Mass Effects Star Wars.
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Here's an interesting tweet from Christina Norman to one of her followers:
@abisco79 You want us to make the adept more powerful in ME3? Who says we'll wait for ME3?

Maybe a new patch? Another DLC that adds more biotic upgrades? Or maybe new spells altogether with an expansion? Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening added new spells, skills, and other gameplay changes/upgrades, so maybe this is another hint at an expansion to Mass Effect 2.
i hope so, having singularity does not make up for the other offensive prowess of my Vanguard or Sentinel... even using Geth Shields or Barrier, my Vanguard RIPPED through things my Adept gets asswhooped on.
The Adept is one of the least underpowered classes in the game IMO. I had the easiest time with both Horizon and Collector Ship stages of the game out of EVERY class on Insanity difficulty. Singularity & Warp spam along with a crowd control heavy weapon made the game almost play itself for me.
i can see him being more powerful toward that stage of the game and honestly that whole portion is pretty easy at that point regardless of class just do to powers being maxed, but early on through midway through, they cannot compete in suriveability. when compared to Jack and Samara as to how Biotics are represented as a sort of Jedi WITHOUT the use of heavy weapon ( i use the Avalanche or Black Hole projector ) i just do not feel in the same league conceptually.

I do enjoy the Adept and picking up the extra weapon skill later on along with your beefed up teamates, increases your power tenfold. but on a class to class basis alone.. way underpowered compared to almost every other class i think.
Is any of the free DLC still available like the DR pepper promo? I found the old thread but the codes didn't seem to work. Anyone know or done it recently?
for some reason i wasn't able to get in love (everyone needs a little) with either Samara, Jack or Miranda. I was left with Garrus.
Any tips?
My first run its about 35 hours. Missed level 30, just 24.
Good game really. Will get next the DLC's.
And yes, its much better than the first ME.
[quote name='yester']Hey,
for some reason i wasn't able to get in love (everyone needs a little) with either Samara, Jack or Miranda. I was left with Garrus.
Any tips?
My first run its about 35 hours. Missed level 30, just 24.
Good game really. Will get next the DLC's.
And yes, its much better than the first ME.[/QUOTE]

If you want the ladies, you need to play male Shep. There's
no sexy time
with Samara no matter what though.
[quote name='bs000']If you want the ladies, you need to play male Shep. There's
no sexy time
with Samara no matter what though.[/QUOTE]

Such a bummer.
Its political correct i assume. Even Fable gave the choice.
Oh well.... to bad.
To a certain degree you can talk about these kind of things, but in the end it leads to nowhere. Shame.
[quote name='yester']Such a bummer.
Its political correct i assume. Even Fable gave the choice.
Oh well.... to bad.
To a certain degree you can talk about these kind of things, but in the end it leads to nowhere. Shame.[/QUOTE]
In a sense, they're just being true to their characters. Jack, as written, is straight. It's part of her characterization. That doesn't and shouldn't change just because the player wishes to role-play Shepard as a lesbian female.

In my mind, "Why isn't [Character X] bisexual/gay?" isn't a good question-- the answer will always simply be "Because that is the choice the writers made for that particular character." The better question is, "Why didn't the writers choose to include any bisexual or gay characters in this game?" The difference may be subtle, but there is a difference.
Good news for fans of the Mass Effect: Redemption comics and/or the Illusive Man:

(important parts in bold)
[quote name='IGN Article from SDCC &#39']Two games, several DLC packs, dozens upon dozens of hours, countless planets, and however many alien deaths later, there is still one question on the minds of many Mass Effect fans - who is the Illusive Man?

Starting January 2011, Dark Horse plans to address that question in a new four-issue mini-series reuniting the Mass Effect Redemption team of Mac Walters, John Jackson Miller and Omar Francia. Joining the team will be former Y: The Last Man cover artist Massimo Carnevale. IGN had a chance to grab a few first details from writers Mac Walters and John Jackson Miller.

"The basic idea was that the Illusive Man is, by nature, one of these guys we don't know much about," Walters, the writer of the Mass Effect games, told IGN in an interview. "Going forward in the games we were thinking we didn't want to reveal too much about him [in the present], but we could look into his past and see how he became the Illusive Man and, maybe moreso, where Cerebus came from and how it started. We certainly have a lot of material we've developed internally about this that's not out there publicly and we thought this would be a great forum to share that."

"Evolution is a story from the early days of the Mass Effect universe, not long after the discovery of the Mass Relays connecting our solar system to the galaxy," Miller revealed to IGN. "It shows us one of those important moments when humanity realized just how dangerous that galaxy was. Yes, there's wonderful opportunity out there, but there are also perils; as our story opens, we're in the middle of the First Contact War with the alien Turians. We don't know much about the enemy, and they don't know much about us — and, as we'll find out, there's a lot more at risk than losing a starship or a colony."

"One of the questions we asked ourselves when developing the Illusive Man for the game was who was this guy and how did he get here," Walters said, when asked to detail why Bioware chose to focus in on the Illusive Man. "How does someone come to have this much power and view this world the way he does? And really there's no way to explore that in the game otherwise he wouldn't be illusive! So the opportunity to explore him [made sense to us]."

But who is the star of this series? Who is the Illusive Man? We asked Miller for his sense of the character. "I look at the Illusive Man as a searcher, someone plumbing the mysteries of the galaxy — but with a specific mindset to his approach," Miller told us. "He's sure there's a darker side to some of the great things humanity's discovered, and he's rushing to find what that is before it's too late. His adventures force him to be a jack-of-all-trades — part xenobiologist, part intelligence agent, part archaeologist.

"As to how he changes — and is changed — over the course of the series, well, that's a big part of the story. Let's just say it's impossible to come into such close contact with the mysteries of the universe without being changed by them..."

By no means will Mass Effect: Evolution answer all questions and leave no stones unturned. Miller noted that while the story is in the past and definitely a prequel, there are a number of years between Evolution and the game trilogy. But, Miller added, he was sure fans would get a "good sense" of this mysterious puppet master. And who knows, if fans respond as well to this mini-series as they did for Redemption, we could see more on the Illusive Man. "It's always possible that some of the things we learn in the series may be reflected down the road... there are certainly more story opportunities out there," said Miller.[/QUOTE]

Also, here's some concept art that was included with the announcement:

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Good news for fans of the Mass Effect: Redemption comics and/or the Illusive Man:

(important parts in bold)

Also, here's some concept art that was included with the announcement:


:drool::drool::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy: Awesomeness.
Anyone else having trouble trying to load a save file which claims that the DLC you played and saved on isn't there?! I don't know why this is happening but it's claiming I don't have the Firewalker and Overlord packs now. Weirdly though I got the game to recognize that I did last night and was able to play. As of recently I can't load my save file?! wtf
bread's done