Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

I figured this is what Ms. Norman was hinting at on an earlier twitter post. Thane fangirls are probably salivating in hopes of actually planning then experiencing that vacation their femsheps wanted. Ack... if it is free or reasonably entertaining then I'm down to drop some points for it. Otherwise I couldn't care less unless of course they threw in a tour of the Migrant fleet for Tali romancers.
Turns out the Collectors' Weapon and Armor code that comes with the PC CE entitles you to the 360 download too. :)

Since I did the 'no one dies' ending in my Paragon playthrough, I'm looking to kill off some squadmates in my Renegade playthrough. Jacob and Tali are my least favorite characters so they are toast. Tali is perfect because I can purposely screw up her loyalty mission, grabbing the EXP and items for myself while still dooming her to death. :) For Jacob, I'm not sure how to kill him off if he's loyal so I may just have to forgo his mission. Those two might be the only ones who need to die, I kind of like everyone else.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Turns out the Collectors' Weapon and Armor code that comes with the PC CE entitles you to the 360 download too. :)

Since I did the 'no one dies' ending in my Paragon playthrough, I'm looking to kill off some squadmates in my Renegade playthrough. Jacob and Tali are my least favorite characters so they are toast. Tali is perfect because I can purposely screw up her loyalty mission, grabbing the EXP and items for myself while still dooming her to death. :) For Jacob, I'm not sure how to kill him off if he's loyal so I may just have to forgo his mission. Those two might be the only ones who need to die, I kind of like everyone else.[/QUOTE]

I assume you realize that it's not so easy to just cherry pick the ones you want to die, right? Unloyal members can cause death for others...
Doing it with full loyalty:
Don't get Tali's ship upgrade and don't use her against the Occulus. She'll die even if loyal. A loyal Jacob can easily be killed by choosing him as the tech specialist at the beginning of the suicide mission, as I recall.
Good call, I had forgotten about her ship upgrade. I was planning to just send her through the tube unloyal, and use unloyal Jacob as the crew escort. Your way, I can get Jacob loyal and still kill him anyway.

The only time an unloyal squadmate causes someone else to die is the biotic barrier, no?

Bad second squad leaders will also do it.

And assuming that someone's score is lowered if they're not loyal during the "hold the line" section, then I guess it would be possibly for a disloyal strong character like Garrus to kill a weaker one like Mordin. But... that's kind of an odd case.
Thanks for the info Crotch. I'll probably get everyone loyal (might still screw Tali over just for kicks) and use your scheme to off her and Jacob.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I figured this is what Ms. Norman was hinting at on an earlier twitter post. Thane fangirls are probably salivating in hopes of actually planning then experiencing that vacation their femsheps wanted. Ack... if it is free or reasonably entertaining then I'm down to drop some points for it. Otherwise I couldn't care less unless of course they threw in a tour of the Migrant fleet for Tali romancers.[/QUOTE]She later revealed that the twitter post you mentioned was about the Kasumi DLC:
Now that Kasumi has been announced, I can clarify that this is the DLC mission that I think will make FemShep fans very happy! 8:15 AM Mar 12th via web
Man, sniping dudes is fun as hell in this game. I couldn't even use the sniper rifle in ME1 until I had a high level Spectre gear rifle, with a couple of stabilizing attachments. There's one aspect where I'm really glad they decided to just make ME2 a fun shooter and worry about the stats later.
Does anyone have a guess as to how long the Blood Dragon armor codes will be included with new copies of Dragon Age? I kind of want the armor for ME2, but it's $10-20 on eBay for a code. If I'm going to spend that much I'd rather just buy the game, but I don't know how long I can afford to wait on price drops.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Does anyone have a guess as to how long the Blood Dragon armor codes will be included with new copies of Dragon Age? I kind of want the armor for ME2, but it's $10-20 on eBay for a code. If I'm going to spend that much I'd rather just buy the game, but I don't know how long I can afford to wait on price drops.[/QUOTE]

Probably for a little while longer. It depends on the need to press any more copies or if there is an ample amount of stock in the warehouses of the resellers. The codes are good through the end of April so there's only a little over a month left.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Probably for a little while longer. It depends on the need to press any more copies or if there is an ample amount of stock in the warehouses of the resellers. The codes are good through the end of April so there's only a little over a month left.[/QUOTE]
Oh, thanks for the info, I didn't even realize there was an expiration date on those. I'll be sure to pick one up soon.
Looks like we'll have more Mass Effect comics after Redemption finishes its run next month:

According to this, it's going to follow ME2.
(Scott) Allie soon moved to a planned presentation on future Dark Horse projects. Mac Walters, writer of the video game "Mass Effect," is working with John Jackson Miller on an ongoing series for the hit adaptation. The series will follow the second game, Allie explained.
[quote name='Arikado']Looks like we'll have more Mass Effect comics after Redemption finishes its run next month...[/QUOTE]

Sweet, still haven't picked up the Redemption comics (waiting for the graphic novel compilation coming out June-ish), but more Mass Effect is always a good thing. If sales remain strong, I hope they keep coming up with more mini-series, or maybe a regular comic.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Sweet, still haven't picked up the Redemption comics (waiting for the graphic novel compilation coming out June-ish), but more Mass Effect is always a good thing. If sales remain strong, I hope they keep coming up with more mini-series, or maybe a regular comic.[/QUOTE]

Redemption is a good read. The story is definitely there, but the art is pretty hit or miss. It's still entertaining enough to warrant a purchase in my opinion. Definitely looking forward to the final issue.
I was playing some more of my Insanity run today and I realized what it was that I found disappointing by all the "streamlined" RPG elements in the game. I don't feel like there's any consequences for the way I play. The experience and credits are controlled so tightly that they might as well not exist since everything depends on how far you've gone in the story. The N7 missions reward so little of both that they may as well be irrelevant from that perspective. Also, because there's no loot and the reward for not using heavy weapon ammo and medi-gels is only 100 credits, there's little reason not to use them. That lack of cohesion from mission to mission is the biggest negative to me (aside from the heatsinks).
[quote name='blueweltall']What's the reward you get for playing the Mass Effect iphone game?[/QUOTE]There's no direct bonus/reward for playing Mass Effect Galaxy, as there's no way for either the Xbox 360 or PC version of the game to recognize that you've played it. All you get is a more detailed background for Jacob and a little bit more Miranda time.


The Hammerhead/Firewalker Mission Pack will be available for download (for free) on Tuesday, March 23rd via the Cerberus Network.

Can't wait!!!
The "Alternate Appearance Pack" get released on March 23rd as well for 160 points.

[quote name='Arikado']The "Alternate Appearance Pack" get released on March 23rd as well for 160 points.


Lol what a ripoff. $2 for that crap? I like the thane glasses and garrus suit but damn.
Is it just me or is any one else getting stuck in/outside the walls in this game. It's happened 3 times already. Then I have to restart the level or autosave...

I wouldn't be so bad if I didn't freakin dungeon explore so much :p
[quote name='Arikado']The "Alternate Appearance Pack" get released on March 23rd as well for 160 points.


Come on. That's just ridiculous. I don't really care about the DLC (I don't need Jack to look like she's in a street gang that harasses Marty McFly in the year 2015, thanks), but charging for it is just plain stupid.

Why even do the Cerberus Network thing, if they're going to charge for junk like this? Dumb, dumb, dumb.
[quote name='Metalic']Lol what a ripoff. $2 for that crap? I like the thane glasses and garrus suit but damn.[/QUOTE]
I continue to be puzzled by Bioware's decisions as to what content is paid vs. free. Alternate costumes are an obvious freebie (purely cosmetic, no gameplay ramifications). New characters, armors and weapons, even a new type of gameplay with accompanying new missions, that all seems like substantial content that people would not complain about dropping a couple bucks for. Yet they get it backwards.

What the hell, I'll probably still get this though. Jack and Garrus are two of my favorite characters and I can forgo a couple of Mountain Dews next week to keep my karma balanced.
[quote name='kaypatch']Is it just me or is any one else getting stuck in/outside the walls in this game. It's happened 3 times already. Then I have to restart the level or autosave...

I wouldn't be so bad if I didn't freakin dungeon explore so much :p[/QUOTE]
Grunt got stuck a couple times, and I once got stuck standing on top of an NPC's head.
I have only had a couple of enemies get stuck in the walls, but I would still be able to kill them so it wasn't a big deal.

[quote name='Metalic']Lol what a ripoff. $2 for that crap? I like the thane glasses and garrus suit but damn.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, not happening... I will gladly pay for new missions and stuff like that but not for skins.
[quote name='Metalic']Lol what a ripoff. $2 for that crap? I like the thane glasses and garrus suit but damn.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, not happening... I will gladly pay for new missions and stuff like that but not for skins.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I continue to be puzzled by Bioware's EA's decisions as to what content is paid vs. free.[/QUOTE]


Bioware didn't do this kind of stuff before EA bought them.
Uh yeah... I couldn't care less about the attire of my squadmates since you can't customize it anyway so I'll gladly pass on this one. What a joke.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was only the first Costume pack. Counting Kasumi, Shep has 12 squadmates. That's at least 4 packs there, not to mention the potential for additional Shep armor pieces.
Oh man, good news from Bioware.

From 1UP:

"We're planning for 17 games," joked Dr. Ray when asked how many Dragon Age sequels to expect. "Well, both Dragon Age and Mass Effect are franchises so they have different strategies and different kinds of story arcs but we plan on continuing to make games and worlds and expanding on those worlds in both franchises," the CEO added, continuing, "Both in different ways, but we want to continue to provide content to fans, whether that be separate games or new adventures that have very different kinds of gameplay. So we have some cool stuff for both of them that we're exploring that'll be fun and different for the fans, and yet in a familiar setting at the same time.

Dr. Greg tossed in his thoughts on sequels, as well. "In the case of Dragon Age, it's exciting because there's this whole timeline and geography," explained the Bioware creative officer. "So with Mass Effect, we're constantly thinking about the trilogy. But with Dragon Age, it's more open and you can put more all over the place. Seventeen... Sixty-six? Infinite! Infinite games for the Dragon Age universe! (laughs)"

The devs went on to offer an exceedingly brief tease of what's to come with Mass Effect 3. When asked whether or not the sci-fi sequel -- like Mass Effect 2 before it -- would allow players to change their character's appearance and class from the game's outset, Dr. Ray responded, "We've got some tricks up our sleeves. We have new tricks."

It's really nice to hear that they're planning for the life of the Mass Effect universe to extend beyond the trilogy. I realize that this would have likely happened anyway, due to the money factor, but I still had worries. I have absolutely fallen in love with this universe, and I want to see it live on in many future games and forms of media (books, comics, maybe a movie...).
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If would be great if Mass Effect 3 could come out, like ... next week.[/QUOTE]

Man I wish. Whenever ME3 info starts leaking out, I'm going to try my damndest to stay off of the internet and avoid spoilers. I want to go into the finale completely blind if at all possible.
[quote name='BingoBrown']
It's really nice to hear that they're planning for the life of the Mass Effect universe to extend beyond the trilogy. I realize that this would have likely happened anyway, due to the money factor, but I still had worries. [/QUOTE]

I guess I'm more of the "the glass is half-empty" type then, but I'm not as optimistic anymore. It seems like the free DLC is running out with the announcement of paid costume packs and the upcoming Kasumi DLC. The Dragon Age expansion pack has only 15 to 20 hours of gameplay for $40 - at least from any review or board I've found thus far. As we discussed a few pages ago, the concept of treating DLC like printing money is a sad trend settling into gaming.

I'd really love to see DLC go on sale more often. Maybe after it's been out for a few months.
bread's done