Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

[quote name='Logg']So glad I sold this game, maybe one of the best games their is best this is lame.[/QUOTE]I think perhaps this poster was trying to say, "I'm so glad I sold this game; it may be one of the best games [on this console/of this generation?], but [paying for this armor] is lame."

Not that that's a whole lot easier to follow... I have no idea why one would call ME2 "the best game" but then get rid of it and QQ over the Inferno Armor double-dipping/relatively insignificant headgear.
I'm going to wait for a discount on the Kasumi DLC, but overpriced downloadable content doesn't make the game any less fun.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Miranda's a marvel of character design IMO. Everything about her oozes sex, but stops just short of 'slutty' where you wouldn't believe her as a serious, career-driven woman. Even her sleeves are sexy.[/QUOTE]

I've really been blown away by how great she is. She has one of the best video game faces ever.
[quote name='Filbert']I'm going to wait for a discount on the Kasumi DLC, but overpriced downloadable content doesn't make the game any less fun.[/QUOTE]

It was totally gay until I got the SMGs that you pick up in the chapter. They made it worth it.

This game needs more mini story lines along the lines of bring down the sky. Or go a little further and give us some mystery solving quests.

One of the best side quests in all of history history was from Elderscrolls Oblivion. The Dark Brotherhood quests; I don't really feel like explaining it, do a wiki search if you never played it. Sweet stuff though.
[quote name='evanft']I've really been blown away by how great she is. She has one of the best video game faces ever.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']...One of the best side quests in all of history history was from Elderscrolls Oblivion. The Dark Brotherhood quests; I don't really feel like explaining it, do a wiki search if you never played it. Sweet stuff though.[/QUOTE]

Those were good, but I think on the whole I enjoyed the thieves guild quests even more.
More from the Bioware board:

As i alluded to earlier, you can expect a DLC announcement for something larger next week. Trust me, we're very focused on supporting ME2 with DLC. Micro-content packs are not the only things we're doing.

At least we won't have to wait too long for the next DLC. I wonder what constitutes "something larger" though.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
At least we won't have to wait too long for the next DLC. I wonder what constitutes "something larger" though.[/QUOTE]

I would assume something in the range of Kasumi's DLC for size/length/cost. Presumably we'd get a big, long build up if they were to announce an actual expansion to ME2.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']More from the Bioware board:

As i alluded to earlier, you can expect a DLC announcement for something larger next week. Trust me, we're very focused on supporting ME2 with DLC. Micro-content packs are not the only things we're doing.

At least we won't have to wait too long for the next DLC. I wonder what constitutes "something larger" though.[/QUOTE]Maybe they could do a sequel to BDTS where you'd go after Balak and either bring him in or kill him.

The Liara DLC is of course a hope. :drool:

Maybe something with Thane and Kolyat, something on Tuchanka with Grunt and Wrex, Tali and the Quarian fleet.... Plenty of options to pick from.

Something meatier is always a hope, though 2-3 hours wouldn't be bad. Kasumi-mission length would work, which was 1.5 hours for me.
[quote name='shrike4242']Maybe they could do a sequel to BDTS where you'd go after Balak and either bring him in or kill him.[/QUOTE]

But didn't we have the option in ME1 to go renegade and kill him? I think that would end any possibility of having him in further DLC, considering that he's dead in some playthroughs of ME1.
[quote name='BingoBrown']But didn't we have the option in ME1 to go renegade and kill him? I think that would end any possibility of having him in further DLC, considering that he's dead in some playthroughs of ME1.[/QUOTE]Yes, it was either kill him or save the miners, so for half the possibilities, he's dead. For me, he's not dead.

You could either use him, or one of his fellow terrorists, and do something else with that story arc. Just a thought. I mean, they had it covered if you killed Wrex or not in ME1 for what happens in ME2, so there could be something else there with BDTS Part 2.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']Sorry, I know that this is the Xbox forum, but the PC side of CAG comes and goes really quickly.

A lot of the Cerberus DLC covers PC and 360, but does that apply to the paid DLC?

I own PC, but would rather make the purchase with MS points I already have in the bank over purchasing a set amount of Bioware points. The whole system is pretty much crap, as the points for existing DLC do not even add up.[/QUOTE]

I have seen reports on Kotaku of people buying the Bioware points through the Dragon Age site and getting the amounts they need vs. having left over points going through the Mass Effect site.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I have seen reports on Kotaku of people buying the Bioware points through the Dragon Age site and getting the amounts they need vs. having left over points going through the Mass Effect site.[/QUOTE]Makes sense, since they're the same points. Sort of what MS would let you do on the Zune site for smaller volumes of XBLM points versus XBLM itself.
[quote name='shrike4242']Yes, it was either kill him or save the miners, so for half the possibilities, he's dead. For me, he's not dead.

You could either use him, or one of his fellow terrorists, and do something else with that story arc. Just a thought. I mean, they had it covered if you killed Wrex or not in ME1 for what happens in ME2, so there could be something else there with BDTS Part 2.[/QUOTE]

Yep. It wouldn't take much effort or thought to tie up the loose end for Paragons while providing a new mission for Renegades via a new villain. I just wish they'd get it done already.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I have seen reports on Kotaku of people buying the Bioware points through the Dragon Age site and getting the amounts they need vs. having left over points going through the Mass Effect site.[/QUOTE]

That is awesome! I'll be looking into this option later tonight.

Thank you!
[quote name='shrike4242']Maybe something with Thane and Kolyat, something on Tuchanka with Grunt and Wrex, Tali and the Quarian fleet.... Plenty of options to pick from.[/QUOTE]

I think these situations, especially the conflict between the Quarians and the Geth, are better suited for Mass Effect 3. It's a major situation that could completely change the universe depending on how you settle things.

Also, Miranda sucks. :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Fixed.[/QUOTE]

I approve of this message. Miranda never pulled a gun on my Shepard. She instead secretly yearned to be his primary target during practice if you catch my drift.
[quote name='Arikado']I think these situations, especially the conflict between the Quarians and the Geth, are better suited for Mass Effect 3. It's a major situation that could completely change the universe depending on how you settle things.

Also, Miranda sucks. :cool:[/QUOTE]I know that the Quarians and the Geth are likely to be one point we talk about/deal with in ME3, though I was thinking that there's plenty to be done as DLC that isn't massive plot-point screwups for anything going forward in ME3. Same for Tuchanka.

Just trying to put out some ideas to do for DLC besides the Liara DLC that will be teased ad infinitum.

Also, Miranda doesn't suck. ;) She never had a chance, due to Tali. :razz:
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I banged Jack.

I was shocked by how early in the game the disc swap is. I'm only about 8 hours in, and BOOM! there it is.
[quote name='evanft']
I banged Jack.

I was shocked by how early in the game the disc swap is. I'm only about 8 hours in, and BOOM! there it is.[/QUOTE]
Be warned that having casual sex with Jack early on will prevent you from finishing her romance. And we all know that Jack is the best romance option. :cool:

Only the middle of the game is on disc 2, you'll actually swap back to 1 again before the end.
Sorry, Jack. No armour in combat = -10 points automatically.

Reminding me of that fucking shitty god damn sequel to Pitch Black = -50 points.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']It was totally gay until I got the SMGs that you pick up in the chapter. They made it worth it.

This game needs more mini story lines along the lines of bring down the sky. Or go a little further and give us some mystery solving quests.[/QUOTE]

See this where I believe a holo deck would come in handy. You could complete the missions after the campaign, for people who are done with the game, and due to it being the holo deck you could make it anything. Just don't put a time limit on it or not give me xp for my hard work, cough Pinnacle station cough.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Be warned that having casual sex with Jack early on will prevent you from finishing her romance. And we all know that Jack is the best romance option. :cool:

Only the middle of the game is on disc 2, you'll actually swap back to 1 again before the end.[/QUOTE]Now, I think we disagree on that fact about
Jack being the best romance option, since I think Miss Vas Normandy would think differently. ;)
, though I'm wondering if they did the disc swaps as they did for space reasons and keep it under two discs. It seems like an odd place to switch to disc #2 like they did and go back to disc #1 at the end, and not for much time at that.
It makes sense the way they did it. The beginning and end of the game feature areas that you visit once and can't come back to, while the middle is more open/nonlinear. Grouping the once-and-done areas all on the same disc minimizes the necessary redundancy.
At least they made it so that you can start the game from either disc. Had they made it so you had put in Disc 1 to launch the game, and then swap to Disc 2, that would get a bit annoying.

[quote name='The Crotch']Sorry, Jack. No armour in combat = -10 points automatically.

Reminding me of that fucking shitty god damn sequel to Pitch Black = -50 points.
[/QUOTE]She's the biotic badass. She doesn't need armor. ;)

Though, I wouldn't quite call what Miranda's wearing as armor. More like a personal restraint for flotation devices.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Be warned that having casual sex with Jack early on will prevent you from finishing her romance. And we all know that Jack is the best romance option. :cool:

Only the middle of the game is on disc 2, you'll actually swap back to 1 again before the end.[/QUOTE]

I plan on banging Miranda as well.
So I finally broke down and made a femShep for the first time after thinking that I should "try it before I knock it" - even though I've been knocking it for forever. I'm actually liking it more than I imagined I would.

By no means do I consider her being anything close to the Shepard, nor can I take any of what I see to heart (or as canon), but it is still pretty fun regardless. I wish I saw what (many) others see in Jennifer Hale's VA for femShep. She sounds so uninterested half the time and a little too nonchalant. A lot of the Hale fans see Meer's performance as stale and lacking in personality, too, so it's all good I suppose.

Here are some screenshots I took of her so far (with more to come once I hit certain parts of the game):

Sniper Scope:

femShep and Garrus:

femShep and Kasumi:

The femShep "bitch face":

I should also note how much fun I am having with Jacob, and the fact that he nearly shits his pants everytime I flirt with him (aka, everytime femShep talks to him) :lol:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So is that Kelly Strip video online real? I'm so confused...[/QUOTE]The one where she is in an Asari dancer's outfit giving you a private dance in the Captain's Quarters?
So, I'm 29 hours in and level 22. Here's where I am:

- All loyalty missions done

- Only story left is IFF to end game

- 4 N7 missions left

- I was going to bang Miranda, but once the Tali option was available, I jumped all over that shit. Miranda is the hot chick with the horrible personality that you bang until someone you actually like comes along. Tali's just so damn adorable. I love how she gets all flustered when you talk about doing it.

- I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna much if any more probing. I have around 100k of everything except eezo, and I've got a ton of upgrades. The ones left just don't look useful to be anymore.

Also, a question:

Do I need the Normandy upgrades, like armor and cannons?
[quote name='evanft']
- I was going to bang Miranda, but once the Tali option was available, I jumped all over that shit. Miranda is the hot chick with the horrible personality that you bang until someone you actually like comes along. Tali's just so damn adorable. I love how she gets all flustered when you talk about doing it.
[/QUOTE]Good man. You've made a wise decision and earned your place amongst the proud Tali fans of ME2 :cool:

Also, a question:

Do I need the Normandy upgrades, like armor and cannons?
To answer this question: HELL YES.

Get everything except the medical bay upgrade for 50K Platinum (unless you hate any scars you may have) - it's unneccesary.
The scars are AWESOME. Since I'm so renegade, my eyes glow red and my scars form some sort of road map to YOUR DEATH.

I also watched some videos of femShep, and I think Hale is much better. She actually emotes. BUT, I think they made maleShep kinda flat so that the emotions belong to the player instead of the character you're controlling.
I agree that the scars are sweet, my renegade female Shepard looks like death incarnate with that stuff.

Frankly I think both voice actors are fantastic, I don't know why people have problems with either one.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Frankly I think both voice actors are fantastic, I don't know why people have problems with either one.[/QUOTE]

I think Meer is better, personally. Of course, I've done numerous playthroughs with a male Shepard and am on my first with a female Shepard, so I may be biased. I don't like how nonchalant Hale sounds sometimes, but I realize she may interpret the lines differently, so she delivers them in her own way. Nothing wrong with that. I just prefer my manly Shepard(s), no homo. :cool:
Totally sexist opinion :cool::

I just can't take the idea of a female Shepard seriously. I can't wrap my brain around the idea of a female overcoming the Geth, Saren, the Collectors, the Reapers and who knows what else. Even the little things such as
the Renegade interrupt where Shepard headbutts Uvenk on Tuchanka while speaking to the Shaman
the Paragon interrupt in Zaeed's mission where Shepard throws a punch at Zaeed
are absolutely ridiculous to watch when a femShep is performing these acts. In those two examples, it's a lose-lose because either
Uvenk and Zaeed look like complete bitches for letting this tiny woman disrespect them like that; or both Zaeed and Uvenk snap her spine in half for offending them
. Both seem unrealistic to me and actually hurt my experience with the character. God knows what I would have felt like watching a femShep in ME1 get lifted off the ground by Saren in Virmire and seeing her punch him out towards the end of that mission or watching the haymaker get delivered to Khalisah Bint Sinan Al-Jilani.

The other reason why I don't like femSheps is because I feel like I lose out on some relationships with the characters of the game. With femSheps:

Garrus isn't my right-hand man
Jacob isn't my bro who's knocking back drinks with me at strip clubs on the Citadel
Samara isn't impacted (possibility of reigniting old, buried feelings) the same as she would be by a maleShep
I don't get as much out of Miranda and Jack as I'd like - both have interesting paths and frames of mind about their place in the universe
Grunt seems weaker for proclaiming some fragile little Human woman as his Battlemaster, when you have the likes of Wrex and co. on Tuchanka
I feel like Thane spends the last part of his life in some fling, while he's spent so long regretting the way things turned out with Kolyat and his wife
...and last but not least...
Tali can't be my love interest

The most I can muster up when it comes to femSheps is the ability to see them as a nice female protegé for maleSheps. I really think femSheps are a great example of what someone like Ashley should be - high ranking officer in the Alliance with excellent commendations and service, who's not only badass but always gets the job done (a semi-Miranda for the Alliance). They (femSheps) just don't belong on top of the food chain, as far as I'm concerned.

Personally, I think there's a reason why a majority of the developers continuously refer to Shepard as he in interviews, why all the trailers shown for Mass Effect has always shown Shepard as a male, and why you see maleShep on the cover of all the boxes and magazines - because canon Shepard is intended to be a man and the game is more suited towards being male.

It's alright, though, femSheps...
the Normandy could always use another cook and a maid ;)
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']*snip*[/QUOTE]

I agree with just about everything you said. I just didn't want to sound like a dick about it. :whistle2:\"

Watching my FemShep put Kaidan in the Torture Rack on Virmire in ME1 made me laugh out loud. :lol:
Well, I just beat the game. I think it's about 7349x better than ME1, and I loved ME1. It just elevates absolutely everything to a whole new level. The UI, the voice acting, the graphics, the missions, the characters, fucking everything. No copy and paste missions, no boring ass characters that I didn't care about, no bullshit. Just 33 hours of straight awesome. Happy it took me about 10 hours than ME1. Resources could have been better handled, though.

Spoiler stuff:
- I let the heretic geth be reprogrammed. I can't wait to see what kind of impact this has on ME3.

- I allowed Cereberus to keep the station

- The final boss battle took about 30 seconds. I used the M-920 Cain, which took off about 3/4 of the health, and then hit it with a few heavy pistol rounds

- I completed my romance with Tali. I really, really hope you can the relationship going in ME3. I was severely disappointed that Ashley didn't have more than one scene and an email. Let's hope that's fixed in the next one.

- The decisions in ME2, outside of the last mission, didn't seem to have much impact within the game. I imagine that they will have a much bigger impact in ME3.

- I also hope that ME3 more or less begins at the end of ME2 instead of "Two year jump, all new character time now!". I really want to see Jack, Miranda, Thane, Legion, etc. again, preferably in major roles.

- Jacob can die for all I care.

- Mordin singing was fantastic.

- No one died, but I was using a guide for the last few decisions.

- I fucking love Legion.

What kinda sucks is that by the time ME3 comes out I'll have a gaming PC capable of running it, so I won't be able to import my character. There are save editors for ME2 now, though, so I imagine I'll be able to recreate what I did in ME2. Or I'll just play the inferior 360 version. Whatever works.
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Man, I have been wanting to sink time into this, but have been so busy and so many games coming out and my small backlog. Just feels like too much in between me and this game. :p
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I can't wrap my brain around the idea of a female overcoming the Geth, Saren, the Collectors, the Reapers and who knows what else.[/QUOTE]
I guess I'm conditioned by all the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" I've watched, because to me the idea of a tiny little girl being a badass and saving the world seems perfectly natural. :)
With regards to most of Xecutioner's complaints about the female Shepard, there is one thing that I always kept in the back of my mind while playing through that character:

Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']It's alright, though, femSheps...
the Normandy could always use another cook and a maid ;)
[/QUOTE]I'm getting out of here to avoid any splash damage. :cold:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So is that Kelly Strip video online real? I'm so confused...[/QUOTE]

Yes it's real.
It's only available after the final mission, if she survives and you have been flirting with her the whole time.
bread's done