Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Heck, I did 50 hours on my first playthrough, and only 5-6 hours of that was "extraneous" planet scanning, which included all the DLCs out to date. So, if I did a second playthrough, including this new DLC, I'd be at around 47 hours, at $50 (discounted initial purchase + discounted XBLM points for DLC) out of my pocket for 90+ hours of cost.

I'm not complaining about the costs for ME2, no question there.
[quote name='shrike4242']Heck, I did 50 hours on my first playthrough, and only 5-6 hours of that was "extraneous" planet scanning, which included all the DLCs out to date. So, if I did a second playthrough, including this new DLC, I'd be at around 47 hours, at $50 (discounted initial purchase + discounted XBLM points for DLC) out of my pocket for 90+ hours of cost.

I'm not complaining about the costs for ME2, no question there.[/QUOTE]

50 hours? What the hell were you doing? It took me like 33 and I did practically everything there was to do in the game, except for DLC.
[quote name='evanft']50 hours? What the hell were you doing? It took me like 33 and I did practically everything there was to do in the game, except for DLC.[/QUOTE]There was probably 5-6 hours of "extra" mineral scanning I was doing for minerals I didn't end up needing by the end of the game, so it's more like 44 hours.

I did all of the DLC, paid and unpaid, and that probably added 4-5 hours to the timeframe, between Zaeed's loyalty mission, the Hammerhead missions, the Normandy crash site mission and Kasumi's loyalty mission, so that's down to under 40 hours.

I did every single side quest, N7 mission and every loyalty mission, plus was working between multiple romance options, so there was some back and forth there.

My ME1 playthrough was over 40 hours, and I did every single side mission and N7 mission as well.
You can get through ME1 in a hurry if you want to. My third playthrough only took 10 hours, and that was with doing enough sidequests to get two Ally achievements.
My first ME1 playthrough was 40 hours. My first ME2 playthrough was 46 hours. I just like to take my sweet-ass time through awesome, epic games such as these.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']You can get through ME1 in a hurry if you want to. My third playthrough only took 10 hours, and that was with doing enough sidequests to get two Ally achievements.[/QUOTE]I think after I do my femShep Renegade playthrough, I'll probably do some of those to just pick up the ally achievements as well.
My first ME2 playthrough was 43 hours or so--a lot of extra, unneeded mineral scanning.

Was with doing every thing, including the the included Cerberus network DLC, but not Hammerhead and Kasumi as I did those later.
I just finished my first playthrough. I don't know how long it took, but probably between 30-40 hours. I had all the free DLC, but not the DLC you need to pay for. I had most of the upgrades I could afford and a lot of leftover minerals, except for Platinum since I do not feel like scanning to get enough for the Medical Bay. I have like 25,000 element zero, 50,000 iridium, 30,000 palladium and 25,000 platinum.

I imported my character from ME1 and now am probably going to import the save again but switch class, from soldier to either adept or vanguard. Right now my character is level 29 and would probably get to level 30 if I bought the Kasumi expansion. Very cool ending to the game, and I made all the right choices in my first playthrough (if you listen to what the crew tells you, most selections are simple). I actually had the toughest time with the level flying the Hammerhead and needing to take out the geth.
I probably came in at the 40-50 hour mark. I try to speak with everyone, explore the maps and galaxy, and played on Veteran first time through. Insanity run after that, don't recall the hours off hand.

On those harder difficulties, it just takes longer. Goddamn everything has armor!
Have any of you gotten the Mass Effect: Redemption comics? Are they good? I'm considering getting the hardcover edition. It's apparently going to be limited and I always prefer the Hardcover edition. It's only available online through the Science Fiction Book Club or at Hastings book stores. I'm trying to decide if I need that, or just go with the trade paperback.
Here is a video of Casey Hudson providing some information on what to expect for future DLC. It's hard not to get excited about his comments.

[quote name='erehwon']Have any of you gotten the Mass Effect: Redemption comics? Are they good? I'm considering getting the hardcover edition. It's apparently going to be limited and I always prefer the Hardcover edition. It's only available online through the Science Fiction Book Club or at Hastings book stores. I'm trying to decide if I need that, or just go with the trade paperback.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the series. The writing is definitely there, but the art is pretty mediocre in most parts. It really shows how and why Liara changes into the person she is during the events of ME2. Well worth a read, in my opinion.
At least I have something physical to point to now when I see negative talk regarding the future of ME2 DLC. My boy Casey Hudson always has my back.

It's also nice that he points out how the Firewalker pack was basically an experiment and that they'd use the feedback to create bigger DLC that features the Hammerhead in it - sort of like how I said they would back when the pack came out :cool:
Patch should be rolling out now for ME2 on 360. Just grabbed this from the Bioware twitter (@biofeed)

"Hello Mass Effect 2 Xbox 360 players.

This morning a patch for Mass Effect 2 went live on the Xbox 360. This patch contains the following:

* Scanning for minerals has been optimized

* Fixed an issue with marking all entries as viewed in the Journal

* Fixed an issue relating to text and the menu screen

* Fixed an issue relating to players starting a new game and loading a save

* Fixed multiple issues when loading a save containing DLC when DLC isn't present

* Fixed an issue with ammo flashing when it can't be picked up

* Fixed an issue with crosshairs

* Fixed an issue with Grunt's Fortification power

* Fixed an issue with enemies and cover

* Fixed an issue where players could receive additional talent points

* Fixed an issue where squad members would overwrite ammo powers the player had assigned them

Currently this patch is only for the 360, but a patch for the PC version of Mass Effect 2 is in the works and we will have details as soon as they are ready."
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Patch should be rolling out now for ME2 on 360. Just grabbed this from the Bioware twitter (@biofeed)

"Hello Mass Effect 2 Xbox 360 players.

This morning a patch for Mass Effect 2 went live on the Xbox 360. This patch contains the following:

* Scanning for minerals has been optimized[/QUOTE]

Say what?!?!? Did they fix it? Is it faster now? Somebody needs to check this out and report back.

[quote name='erehwon']Have any of you gotten the Mass Effect: Redemption comics? Are they good? I'm considering getting the hardcover edition. It's apparently going to be limited and I always prefer the Hardcover edition. It's only available online through the Science Fiction Book Club or at Hastings book stores. I'm trying to decide if I need that, or just go with the trade paperback.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for pointing that out. I prefer hardcovers. Might have to hit up Hastings when it comes out.
Sad face for those who took advantage of the infinite talent point glitches I suppose. I didn't expect them to tweak Fortification to work as intended this fast either though for how I recall Ms. Norman's explanation of Armor abilities I won't have much of a reason to use it. Cover and scanning fixes of any sort on paper are nothing short of pure poetry to my eyes so I'm hoping either a kind soul here or on YouTube will experiment with them for me.

All and all it sounds like a damn solid patch to me.
Just tried out the new mineral scanner, and it is waaay better now. The reticle is much bigger and the thing just flies along, even without Miranda's scanner upgrade. With it, it's even faster. Scanning isn't the beating it was before now. :applause:

Haven't tested anything else out yet, but as long as the patch notes are correct and the squad sticks to my damn warp ammo when I tell them to, I'd say this is a great patch.
[quote name='Arikado']Just tried out the new mineral scanner, and it is waaay better now. The reticle is much bigger and the thing just flies along, even without Miranda's scanner upgrade. With it, it's even faster. Scanning isn't the beating it was before now. :applause:

Haven't tested anything else out yet, but as long as the patch notes are correct and the squad sticks to my damn warp ammo when I tell them to, I'd say this is a great patch.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. I put in about 26 hours but I've left it on the shelf for the time being in favor of MW2 and SSFIV. It's probably time to go back and finish it.
[quote name='Arikado']Just tried out the new mineral scanner, and it is waaay better now. The reticle is much bigger and the thing just flies along, even without Miranda's scanner upgrade. With it, it's even faster. Scanning isn't the beating it was before now. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks, Arikado.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I didn't expect them to tweak Fortification to work as intended this fast either [/QUOTE]

I'm not familiar with this, what is the change to that ability?
Didn't even look at that Casey Hudson video but here's my response:

Don't get me wrong I love these two games and Bioware, but I'm pretty much now in the camp of I'll believe it when I see it. He made all kinds of grand promises on ME 1 and we got 2 mission packs total, the last one being a total stealth release about 3 months before the sequel came out and almost two years after the original release.

Now we have gotten 4 packs total (if you can call the Normandy one a pack) for ME 2 but only one of them has approached the quality of Bring Down The Sky from ME 1 (Kasumi.) Now the other 3 have been free and I appreciate that, but they had better damn well have some type of DA: O Awakening sized expansion coming out soon.

I'm already level 30 and I'm not going to do a second playthrough of the same character, but eventually will get a male Shepard started in 1 and progress through 2. Until then the only DLC that will get me excited is a major "expansion pack" like Awakening.
[quote name='shrike4242']I wish they had that patch out earlier for the mineral scanning. :wall:

Sounds like a good upgrade. I'll test it out sometime soon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah this does NO GOOD for anyone who bought the game near/at launch. 4 month wait?! If this was a shooter or a sports game, could you believe the outcry if it took that long for a patch from release? I've seen what happens when Madden, CoD, NBA 2K, and The Show take 2 months to release a patch, let alone 4.

Sorry for being a negative nanny, but Bioware is just pissing me off so much lately when Dragon Age gets all the good stuff, and Mass Effect seems to be getting the shaft. Both games should be getting an equal amount of content since I'm sure both have the same size, seperate teams working on them.
[quote name='MSUHitman']...but they had better damn well have some type of DA: O Awakening sized expansion coming out soon.

...Until then the only DLC that will get me excited is a major "expansion pack" like Awakening.[/QUOTE]
Not that I'm singling your post out (as I've seen comments all over the place regarding a ME2 expansion), but why is it that people think BioWare must release a big expansion, ala Dragon Age: Awakenings, for Mass Effect 2 to be an even bigger success post-launch and for X amount of the consumer base to be happy? If anyone could answer that, it'd help me out a lot because I just don't get it really..

I really think watching the 8 minute video will alleviate some of the concerns that some people are having with DLC.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Not that I'm singling your post out (as I've seen comments all over the place regarding a ME2 expansion), but why is it that people think BioWare must release a big expansion, ala Dragon Age: Awakenings, for Mass Effect 2 to be an even bigger success post-launch and for X amount of the consumer base to be happy? If anyone could answer that, it'd help me out a lot because I just don't get it really..[/QUOTE]

You don't want a bigger, more cohesive DLC? I don't mind smaller chunks, but I want a bigger piece as well. And I always prefer expansions on disc anyway, they have resale value and will be preserved forever. Additionally, I think the price to content ratio is much more in our favor when it comes as a retail disc. There's really no reason to NOT have an expansion, unless Bioware is too busy readying ME3 for a release in the next year or so.
[quote name='BingoBrown']You don't want a bigger, more cohesive DLC? I don't mind smaller chunks, but I want a bigger piece as well. And I always prefer expansions on disc anyway, they have resale value and will be preserved forever. Additionally, I think the price to content ratio is much more in our favor when it comes as a retail disc. There's really no reason to NOT have an expansion, unless Bioware is too busy readying ME3 for a release in the next year or so.[/QUOTE]
I get the want aspect of it all - believe me, I'm all for more ME - but I don't get the necessity aspect of it. Too many people (none here that I've seen) feel entitled to an expansion for this game, mostly because Dragon Age got one.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I get the want aspect of it all - believe me, I'm all for more ME - but I don't get the necessity aspect of it. Too many people (none here that I've seen) feel entitled to an expansion for this game, mostly because Dragon Age got one.[/QUOTE]

If you haven't seen any of it here, then why ask the people here?

Stop reading the Bioware forums, god dammit!
[quote name='The Crotch']Um.

If you haven't seen any of it here, then why ask the people here?

Stop reading the Bioware forums, god dammit![/QUOTE]I was being diplomatic by saying that. The truth is that there's not an infestation of it here - like in other places.

I asked here because sharp minds, like yourself of course, reside here and can possibly cough up a better explanation or answer to the question - rather than me walking into "the jungle" (of sorts) and trying to get a solid answer there, which is impossible.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I was being diplomatic by saying that. The truth is that there's not an infestation of it here - like in other places.

I asked here because sharp minds, like yourself of course, reside here and can possibly cough up a better explanation or answer to the question - rather than me walking into "the jungle" (of sorts) and trying to get a solid answer there, which is impossible.[/QUOTE]Would I prefer a large Awakenings-sized DLC at 15 hours for ME2? Of course I would.

Am I likely to get one in any immediate timeframe? Not likely.

Does the 2-3 hours DLC chunks like Overlord every couple/few months that hopefully we'll see going forward fill the short-term bill? Of course it does.

I think a lot of the DA Awakenings was stuff that was left on the cutting room floor to try and get the product to market in time, and that's not quite the case with ME2. Some items weren't ready for being pressed onto the disc for shipment, which was all the free DLC we saw right after release.

The items like Kasmui and Overlord were items that were in beginning development close to the release, needed time to finish up and were turned into DLC.

Will we see a DLC compilation sometime in the future like we did with the PH version of ME1 included on-disc? Hopefully, to drive those second wave of purchasers into the game.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Sorry for being a negative nanny, but Bioware is just pissing me off so much lately when Dragon Age gets all the good stuff, and Mass Effect seems to be getting the shaft.[/QUOTE]
Dude. :) It's definitely Dragon Age that's getting the shaft. Seven months after release it is still a buggy mess, including multiple game-destroying save corruption issues. Return to Ostagar was so messed up it had to be recalled after release, and Awakening has several quests that are flat-out broken and can't be completed, including main story quests.

Mass Effect 2 is getting improved four months after release. Dragon Age has yet to get out of beta testing.
I don't feel entitled to an expansion, but I think it's what the people want. My reasoning is this:

The expansion holds more in one big package and could possibly tell an additional story (Liara-Shadow Broker?). This gives me a more connected feeling to a story/expansion of story...kind of like the ME comics or novels. DLC has felt fairly disjointed thus far. It is what it is...thrown in, tacked on, whatever. The Kasumi one has possibility, but that's mostly for ME3 and what data the memory chip contains. That's still a pretty big "if" since it's hard to gauge if the storyline will continue.

Also, DLC rarely goes on sale. The points cards often don't go above a small discount unless you exploit a sale glitch, which still happens rarely. Retail box items like the DA expansion can get clearanced, go on sale like the $20 off at EA store thing.

Selfish reasons for us, the end consumer. But it gets continued loyalty, they still make money, and I'm more likely to spend my space bucks on costume packs just because.

But I have to agree with Ryuukishi. This game was amazing at lunch and keeps getting better and better. Except for that damn helmet pack which just came out. :p
It's just my big issue is Casey Hudson said the exact same stuff in that interview posted on the last page that he also did in 07/early 08 about ME 1. Then there was hardly any DLC and when the P.H. version of ME 1 came out in early 09 the new interviews on its bonus disk were, "yeah we promised a lot but didn't really know what we were promising but it'll be better for ME 2, honest!" They also teased a second DLC for ME 1 that was the somewhat buggy (no difficulty scaling) Pinnacle Station.

It's nice they've done as much as they have with ME 2, but this second real pay pack (not counting costumes) just doesn't appeal to me. I was all about Kasumi and still say that was great, but this new one is just a redone supersized version of the moon sidequest from ME 1. If this affected the overall Mass Effect universe more (Liara/Shadow Broker) I'd buy it day 1.

I didn't realize there were so many bugs on the 360 version of DA/Awakening. I hadn't played the game in awhile and only got Awakening because I got it for $20 during EA's PAX sale. I knew about PS3 issues but not 360. Given Bioware's track record, I guess fixes could be expected in August/Sept.?

As Shrike has said I just need to wait and see what Bioware has in store for E3 but it just blows my mind at how a studio can be so good at making the retail product but struggle so mightily at making add-on content.

On a lighter note, I got with the times (circa 2008) and started using Flickr so I can post pics (well now that there's an IPhone app since that's my only camera.) So here's Casey Shepard in ME 2:




Maybe it's the story that holds the DLC back. Really the main game is a huge chunk of story and I think they're saving such tales and quests for ME3. So they have to come up with side quests that allow you to do something but it doesn't hamper/enhance the story much. Really imo I'd rather have a great game with decent DLC then a decent game with great DLC. OR you could go the TV route and have a system like a holo deck which allows for anything to happen but not happen. This would allow a lot of flexibility to what possible DLCs could come out.
No reason it has to be an either/or situation.

We can have the great main game/story and still have great DLC.

Just tell a great side story in a 10-20 hour expansion (i.e. Liara's story etc.)--that way they're not wasting plot elements they want in ME3.

Have the outcome imported for people who play it, and pick a default outcome for anyone starting a new game, or importing an ME2 character they never played the expansion with etc.
I do think it has to do with the fact that Bioware wants Commander Shepard's story to be told entirely in the 'main trilogy' (ME 1, 2, and 3). Side stories and fleshing out the history are fine for spinoffs and DLC, but I think they worry about players getting lost if they go straight from ME2 into ME3 without touching any of the optional stuff.

As you say, it seems like there would be ways to pull it off effectively, but still I doubt we'll get any DLC that substantially advances the main plot wrt Shepard.
Agreed, there definitely won't be any main plot Shepard DLC.

Just creates too many headaches with the import system--so we'll see that stuff left to the main games to keep the import/decision carry over system manageable.

For me that's fine, I just want some more substantive plot wise DLC-even if it's spin off, side story stuff. The strength of Mass Effect for me is the story telling, dialogue wheels and decision making. Little 1-3 hour DLC packs are lacking in that, which makes them less enjoyable than the main games.
I had to re-buy the game and therefore have an extra Cerberus Network code for someone:


Please PM me if you use it so I can edit it out.
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[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I wish this wouldn't happen. This is just a bad idea on so many levels.[/QUOTE]


Regardless of how great or terrible the movie turns out if it is brought into production Hollywood will undoubtedly rape and whore the hell out of it. I can only imagine how this will affect future games.
I agree that this is a galactically bad idea.

I can't think of one video game-adaptation or video game-sourced movie that didn't suck in some sense of the word. I'd be happy to say I was wrong if I can think of one that didn't suck, though no such luck.
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imo, regardless if the movie is good or bad it won't change our imagine of the game itself...we'll still play ME and probably still go and see the movie. Look on the brightside, no matter what tali fans can rejoice as there will me action figures, playsets, and costumes.
[quote name='shrike4242']I agree that this is a galactically bad idea.

I can't think of one video game-adaptation or video game-sourced movie that didn't suck in some sense of the word. I'd be happy to say I was wrong if I can think of one that didn't suck, though no such luck.[/QUOTE]

I think there's been so many failures because most of the stories of those games have been piss poor or mediocre ones that would only suffice in a video game. I have high hopes for Mass Effect because it has one of the best stores and dialogue ever written for a video game.
bread's done