Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Ugh, that moment during the beginning of ME2, going to get Joker from the cockpit when you are in the map room and the hull is wide open. The silence of open space was haunting. Brilliant.

And that's a quality entry in spoilers, Sim. Can't forget the funny moments. Ok, do we dare make a big list then start a voting thread to widdle it down to a top ten greatest moments?
That was one of the best moments, that it was silent in the wide open hull area. Just like it would be in open space.

And yes, I think we should make a big list and then vote it down into the top 500 50 25 10 moments.

One of my all time favorites was the gauntlet run to the conduit in ME1. Was actually a little painful on Insanity though.

This whole Mass Effect series article was odd to me. You think IGN has an early build of the "remastered edition" or the office was just talking what didn't get shown off in the ME4 E3 trailer?
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I reed that list yesterday and man oh man did they miss a lot of stuff. I think Sovereign attacking the Citadel was the most incredible moment for me personally.
Awright, fellers. Lets do this then. Tonight I will collect and numerically list the moments we've cited so far. Once we get up to a good number, lets say 40(?), I'll start a new thread in the general gaming news forum with voting options.
Here it is.  The list.  Let's spend a few days adding to it and then we have options.  I can start a new thread with voting options which will then become the Mass Effect 4 hype thread once we have any info to get hyped about.  Or, I can simply do a side thread in the general gaming news forum to accompany this one.  What say you?  Without further adieu, I present to you,

The official CAG Mass Effect Grand List of Epic Moments:

  1. ME1 - The intro w/ Shepard looking out the window
  2. ME1 - Being made a Spectre
  3. ME1 - Your first life/death decision w/ the Rachni Queen
  4. ME1 - Traversing Luna in the Mako and seeing Earth in the distance
  5. ME1 - Feros - Thorian battle
  6. ME1 - Virmire - Talking down or taking out Wrex
  7. ME1 - Virmire - Commander Kirrahe's "hold the line" speech
  8. ME1 - Virmire - Conversation with Sovereign
  9. ME1 - Virmire - Choosing who to save, Kaiden or Ashley
  10. ME1 - Ilos - Conversation with Vigil
  11. ME1 - Ilos - The run up to the Conduit
  12. ME1 - The battle of the Presidium and running up the side of the tower
  13. ME1 - Choosing to save the Council or let them perish
  14. ME1 - Saren's suicide
  15. ME1 - M4 PII by Faunts as the end credits song
  16. ME1:  Normandy speech before the first plot world (NEW)
  17. ME1:  Walking on the asteroid in Bring Down the Sky (NEW)
  18. ME2 - The destruction of the Normandy scene
  19. ME2 - (specific scene) Shepards spacewalk through the Normandy map room in the dead silence of space to save Joker
  20. ME2 - Miranda's "he's a bloody icon" speech
  21. ME2 - Meeting up with Joker and the unveiling of the SR2
  22. ME2 - Visiting the Normandy SR1 crash site
  23. ME2 - Garrus is revealed as Archangel
  24. ME2 - Taking out Harkin during Garrus' loyalty mission
  25. ME2 - Meeting Niftu Cal, the Biotic God
  26. ME2 - First encounter with the Collectors on Horizon
  27. ME2 - Boarding the Collector Ship
  28. ME2 - Joker's flight to rid the Normandy of the Collectors
  29. ME2 - Boarding the derelict Reaper to get the IFF
  30. ME2 - Mordin singing!  You know the words, sing with me!  "I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I study species......"
  31. ME2 - Entering the Omega Relay / The suicide run
  32. ME2 - Infiltrating the Shadow Broker's ship
  33. ME2 - Discovering the identity of the Shadow Broker and the battle
  34. ME2 - Headbutting a Krogan (NEW)
  35. ME2 - Pushing the Blue Suns Merc out of the window in Thane's recruitment mission (NEW)
  36. ME2:  Wrex hugs Shepard (NEW)
  37. ME2:  Thane's entrance (NEW)
  38. ME2:  Tali sees Shepard on Freedom's Progress (NEW)
  39. ME2:  Overlord reveal (NEW)
  40. ME3 - Escaping Earth and the accompanying music
  41. ME3 - Tuchanka - Battling Brutes to summon the Thresher Maw
  42. ME3 - Tuchanka - Reaper vs Thresher Maw
  43. ME3 - Mordin's Sacrifice to cure the genophage
  44. ME3 - Entering the Geth collective and gaining their perspective
  45. ME3 - Rannoch - Battling a Reaper
  46. ME3 - Rannoch - Tali's homecoming
  47. ME3 - Rannoch - Legion's sacrifice / ending the Geth/Quarian conflict
  48. ME3 - Punching Khalisah al-Jiani in the face for the 3rd time
  49. ME3 - Telling Diana Allers to get the hell off the Normandy
  50. ME3 - The battle with and killing of Kai Leng
  51. ME3 - Finding out the origin of the Reapers in Leviathan
  52. ME3:  Surkesh:  The Salarians threaten Wrex (NEW)
  53. ME3:  Shooting that rat bastard Udina on the Citadel (NEW)
  54. ME3:  Returning to Eden Prime (NEW)
  55. ME3 - The humor of the Citadel DLC
  56. ME3 - The party and the picture
  57. ME3 - The 'war of words' between Anderson and TIM on the Citadel
  58. ME3 - The final decision
  59. ME3 - EC - Seeing your crew either put up or refuse to put Shepard's name to the plaque of those who fell in battle
  60. ME3 - Shepard's intake of breath / final scene
  61. ME3 MP - Spending an absurd amount of time with the ME3 MP demo
  62. ME3 MP - Your first successful Gold extraction
  63. ME3 MP - Your first successful platinum extraction

Mass Effect Moment References for your reading pleasure:




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Pretty good list, a few that I would add.

ME1:  Normandy speech before the first plot world

ME1:  Walking on the asteroid in Bring Down the Sky

ME2:  Wrex hugs Shepard

ME2:  Thane's entrance

ME2:  Tali sees Shepard on Freedom's Progress

ME2:  Overlord reveal

ME3:  Surkesh:  The Salarians threaten Wrex

ME3:  Shooting that rat bastard Udina on the Citadel

ME3:  Returning to Eden Prime

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I'm just going to put the ME disappointment out of my mind for the time being and focus on how sweet Inquisition looks.

Which maybe was the whole plan.
Some EA dude was on the last segment of the Giant Bomb E3 video/podcast & talked about how there were tons of stations setup for BF: Hardline that were sitting unused while there was a huge line for Dragon Age.
Good, fuck hardline, and I'm a big BF fan, it feels like a mod or expansion for BF4.

On topic, and speaking of Renegade

Pushing out the Suns boss out of a high righ's window in ME2. :p

Video of when
Mass Effect - Conversation With Sovereign:
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Good suggestions, guys.  I'll add them to the list.  What's funny is that I completely forgot about Surkesh.  That mission had a couple of funny moments.  Remember that one button you could keep pressing to annoy the piss out of the Salarian?  Heh heh. 

I finished up my Insanity run tonight.  It wasn't bad AT ALL.  I died twice.  Once fighting the Thorian Creepers and once on Noveria in the Mako and that's only because I was being a wiseguy and trying to plow right past the Geth without killing any of them.  Level X weapons + Immunity + Frictionless Materials X = Ain't no thang mane. 

Next up....maybe I'll try to 100% the Infiltrator mobile game on my Windows phone. 

When I did my ME1 Insanity run I think the only times I had trouble were the fight with Jax (Krogan dude) in the Citadel (he just took forever to die) and that planet where you fight 4 Geth Armatures. Didn't even die on the Thorian part.
Yeah congrats Chubby.

The biggest problem I had with Insanity in ME1 was in the beginning as I started the game as a Level 1. Yeah mother fucker, ice runs in my veins lol.

The fight out at Chora's Den on the Citadel (lots of dudes, lots of flanking & yeah lots of grenade uses).
Geth Armature on Liara's rescue mission (I mean if that thing actually moved up and flanked my cover I would have been toast).
Krogan boss on Liara's rescue mission (they're not lying when they say don't let a Krogan charge at you, Insanity = keep enemies at bay).
That one time you have to clear out an underground cave/mine (I basically ran backwards like Han Solo with all the mercenaries in that one lining them all up in the entrance).
That time with the Thresher Maw, fucking one hit kills.

I think the ability to use all your powers (something I lacked early on) was the biggest saving grace for Insanity run in Mass Effect 1.
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That whole "Top Moments" thing didn't take off, so I'm not going to bother with the poll and all that. Just enjoy the list as a quick trip down memory lane. I had fun listing it all out.

Also, I saw a post on FB that suggested the Citadel Council chamber is shaped like a Reaper. See for yourself:


I'm not buying it. I mean, kinda sorta, but not really.
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That whole "Top Moments" thing didn't take off, so I'm not going to bother with the poll and all that. Just enjoy the list as a quick trip down memory lane. I had fun listing it all out.

Also, I saw a post on FB that suggested the Citadel Council chamber is shaped like a Reaper. See for yourself:


I'm not buying it. I mean, kinda sorta, but not really.
That's actually pretty awesome. I wouldn't be surprised.

Lol I highly doubt the Bioware team were thinking Reapers in the first Mass Effect gamem
Why would they not be thinking about the franchise's prime antagonists?

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In me 1 the Reapers were already revealed, their purpose, and that the citadel was their key back into the galaxy (their tech). Intention aside, it makes sense their citadel would be designed to have people worship it like old gods, as the geth factions believed.
I know someone here will get a kick out of this....

Last night I stopped in at GS to pick up a preowned copy of ME3 for $4.49 to be my backup copy. Was looking through the cases to see which one was in the best shape and in one of the cases was a Deus Ex manual....

Subliminal messaging much?
They did. Hell, I remember reading an article in OXM when the game was first being talked about and they said it would be a trilogy.
Shepherd's story/canon was always written as a triology. But I dont think Mass Effect was ever meant to only be a triology - EA will bleed any franchise dry.
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And I will be one of the first in line to bask in said bleeding.  EA isn't as bad as everyone wants to make them out to be.  This franchise is in the hands of a great studio and has a damn good publisher. 

And I will be one of the first in line to bask in said bleeding. EA isn't as bad as everyone wants to make them out to be. This franchise is in the hands of a great studio and has a damn good publisher.
I'm 100% with you Chubby, until they make Mass Effect: Hardline.

BF4 has scarred me for life. Call me gunshy of EA.

Okay, I have to agree with that.  If they start to shamelessly milk it, I'll just have to keep looking at the Trilogy and pretend the other stuff doesn't exist.  But, honestly, I was trying to think of a horrible scenario, like Mass Accelerator Kart Racing or a Sims like friend simulator thing....and every scenario I came up with I thought "nah, I'd play that if it was ME related". 

The morale of the story is that I'm hopeless. 

That's because you are assuming "good" or at least "average" or "working" products. When EA even stumbles publishing Titanfall (see patch notes for the things they are adding in after it was rushed out), I'm going to be cautious.

It's unfortunate, because EA publishes things that look thematically appealing to me. But the multi-year trend of technical quality and microtransaction management for everything they touch (develop in house or help publish) have made me pessimistic.

Okay, I have to agree with that. If they start to shamelessly milk it, I'll just have to keep looking at the Trilogy and pretend the other stuff doesn't exist. But, honestly, I was trying to think of a horrible scenario, like Mass Accelerator Kart Racing or a Sims like friend simulator thing....and every scenario I came up with I thought "nah, I'd play that if it was ME related".

The morale of the story is that I'm hopeless.
I have to disagree with you on this.  Sure, they fumbled BF4 and Titanfall has had a few tweaks post release.  But, overall they're no worse than any other publisher and I think they have microtransactions figured out just right.  Heck even look at PvZ Garden Warfare or Titanfall for a solid argument that EA is better at DLC than most publishers. 

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I also kind of don't understand the hate against EA. I don't feel like they are notably better/worse than Activision or Ubisoft when it comes to gaffes and debacles and there seems to be a flavor-of-the-month thing going on where next it's going to be Ubisoft that everyone loves to rip on and then it'll be Activision's turn again and so on. Whatever, I just buy the games from the series I like despite whatever internet people are screaming about this week, and if EA or whoever else happens to be the publisher of that series then it is what it is.

I have to disagree with you on this. Sure, they fumbled BF4 and Titanfall has had a few tweaks post release. But, overall they're no worse than any other publisher and I think they have microtransactions figured out just right. Heck even look at PvZ Garden Warfare or Titanfall for a solid argument that EA is better at DLC than most publishers.
Agreed on the micro transactions. I would be embarrassed to know how much real money I spent on the ME3MP. (I still sucked anyway!).

My hatred of EA is not the flavor of the week or "the cool thing in gaming". BF4 broke my buddy's Xbox due to the insane amount of freezing. BF3 was terrible at first but got patched into one of the best mp shooters ever (IMO). And do I have to mention the Extended Cut? All they do is rush the developers to put out an unfinished project and will patch it later. Terrible.

I won't say anything else about it. I promise I'm not trying to troll this thread, just stating that Id rather stop at the trilogy than play some half baked ME side story that doesn't do it justice. I'd prefer to keep my thoughts about Jack...pure :).
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It's not like these companies are static.  Battlefield Bad Company 2 (EA) introduced "Buy New/Project $10", where it's online pass included *all* of the maps as a reward for customers who bought new instead of used. Ubisoft generally bundles all of its disparate preorder DLC into a megabundle near the end of the schedule, so everyone gets everything if they want.  These positive instances are just becoming increasingly rare examples.

I don't want to derail this thread but I've got to conject that EA, Ubi, and Activision aren't the only publishers/developers out there.  Valve, Bethesda, CDProject Red, 2k, TakeTwo/Rockstar, and smaller guys like Paradox, Deep Silver, Devolver Digital generally do "similar but better" business practices (despite technical hiccups here and there, as no one's perfect).  Even Microsoft and Sony generally have more consumer friendly DLC practices with their 1st party titles, where most DLC content is not hypothesized to be anything other than totally optional or additive.

A lot of this stuff used to be "free" to build customer loyalty. Half-life 1 was 'promised' to have TF2 as it's multiplayer mode. When it didn't ship with it, people were upset, but Valve eventually patched in Team Deathmatch, Team Fortress Classic, more maps, Ricochet. All part of the license you initially purchased, and all before Valve even had "Steam money" to fall back on. Unreal Tournament 2k4 had free Official Community Map packs that contained hundreds of maps, officially integrated into servers.

ME3 multiplayer's microtransaction scheme was the best, optional tip jar I've seen. However, if you see where they've extended it in BF4, you'll be pessimistic of how optional or cheap it'll be in ME4. Titanfall's lack of profile naming or private matches are relatively minor, but it's just one more title in a long line including things like Spore, SimCity, Battlefield 3 and 4, Dragon Age 2 (DLC was cancelled due to lack of popularity), Dead Space 3 (which had a coin doubler), PvZ2, etc ( They had a real bright spot back in 2008-2010 with great titles and practices, but it's diminishing.

It's not a flavor of the month to hate EA. It's a disappointment in the last decade if you've been following all of their work.

And with that, I cross my fingers *really hard* that ME4 turns out ok.

It's not like these companies are static. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (EA) introduced "Buy New/Project $10", where it's online pass included *all* of the maps as a reward for customers who bought new instead of used. Ubisoft generally bundles all of its disparate preorder DLC into a megabundle near the end of the schedule, so everyone gets everything if they want. These positive instances are just becoming increasingly rare examples.

I don't want to derail this thread but I've got to conject that EA, Ubi, and Activision aren't the only publishers/developers out there. Valve, Bethesda, CDProject Red, 2k, TakeTwo/Rockstar, and smaller guys like Paradox, Deep Silver, Devolver Digital generally do "similar but better" business practices (despite technical hiccups here and there, as no one's perfect). Even Microsoft and Sony generally have more consumer friendly DLC practices with their 1st party titles, where most DLC content is not hypothesized to be anything other than totally optional or additive.

A lot of this stuff used to be "free" to build customer loyalty. Half-life 1 was 'promised' to have TF2 as it's multiplayer mode. When it didn't ship with it, people were upset, but Valve eventually patched in Team Deathmatch, Team Fortress Classic, more maps, Ricochet. All part of the license you initially purchased, and all before Valve even had "Steam money" to fall back on. Unreal Tournament 2k4 had free Official Community Map packs that contained hundreds of maps, officially integrated into servers.

ME3 multiplayer's microtransaction scheme was the best, optional tip jar I've seen. However, if you see where they've extended it in BF4, you'll be pessimistic of how optional or cheap it'll be in ME4. Titanfall's lack of profile naming or private matches are relatively minor, but it's just one more title in a long line including things like Spore, SimCity, Battlefield 3 and 4, Dragon Age 2 (DLC was cancelled due to lack of popularity), Dead Space 3 (which had a coin doubler), PvZ2, etc ( They had a real bright spot back in 2008-2010 with great titles and practices, but it's diminishing.

It's not a flavor of the month to hate EA. It's a disappointment in the last decade if you've been following all of their work.

And with that, I cross my fingers *really hard* that ME4 turns out ok.
I didn't find anything wrong with BF4 or PVZ2 - they're still the same optional tip jars they were in ME3

New ME-Next deets from the panel at SDCC!

Link to Game Informer:

Words from article:

BioWare's San Diego Comic Con panel "Charting a Course: Developing the Next Mass Effect" is underway, and a few details have trickled out onto Twitter. The panelists are a mix of developers from Bioware's Edmonton and Montreal Studios. Carl Boulay (lead animator), Mike Gamble (producer), Noel Lukasewich (senior artist), Fabrice Condominas (producer), and Jessica Merizan (community manager) are giving fans in attendance a few new details, including a first look at the new Mako in action.

Twitter user Nerd Appropriate, snapped a few shots during the panel (pictured above and below) which show the Mako and various angles of the new N7 armor. Twitter user SuperNerdMe also snapped a shot of male and female hero models (which you can see below).

More info found on NEOGAF:

-The Mako is back, they showed video of it, and there are images of it below. It's apparently quite fast now.
-"Building a game about exploring places, so you need a vehicle for that "
-"We learned some things about vehicle frustration"
-"Sounds like the timeline of #MassEffect will be during Shepard's lifetime but won't involve Shepard...hard to tell @GambleMike being cagey!" [Note: Two other tweeters said it sounds like it takes place in another galaxy, though that's not necessarily mutually exclusive with this.]
-"Team reiterates that it is not Shepard's story and that this story one is brand new."
-"no timeline was announced at the panel. Some hints were made but I have to re-listen to the audio."
-"You will see a bit of old with the new (old characters MAY appear) "
-"Competition is critical but cooperation is bigger for us" @GambleMike speaking on multiplayer in #MassEffect / "cooperative MP is bigger for us (than competitive)"
-"Spiritual successor" vibe for the next
-"It's ingrained in us to give players as much choice as possible" - @GambleMike #MassEffect
-"The animation team is now doing stuff we couldn't even dream about before" speaking on Frostbite 3 for #MassEffect
-"it's not called ME 4 damn it! " [I'm going to keep calling it that until they give it a name.]
-No announcements on player race choice of composers when asked

-"Seems strongly implied that new Mass Effect will be set in totally different galaxy, but will contain familiar elements.
-"Not playing as Shepherd, and Shepherd is not important to story - new uncharted areas. #SDCC"
-"Mako is back in Mass Effect! More agile, no cannon. #SDCC"
-"New Mass Effect is focused on exploration of planets, Mako is meant to be fast travel on them. #SDCC"
-[Note]: Nerd Appropriate (one of the original tweeters) also said it sounded like another galaxy but they need to double check their audio recording.




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Wow, nice infodump. Still can't believe they haven't even given the game a proper name yet.

Would a different galaxy mean no humans? Is there any mention in the existing ME games about humans colonizing other galaxies?

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I'm really happy we get a new Mako and the return of co-op multiplayer.  They are throwing me off with the idea of a concurrent story to Shepard's, especially with talk of a different galaxy yet (seemingly) N7 designated humans and the possibility of returning characters. 

My one hope is that this isn't an alternate universe kinda deal.

bread's done