Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='matrix9280']No reviews yet. What is Bioware hiding?[/QUOTE]

They are trying to avoid having people's minds pre-maturely exploding as they try to comprehend how one game could possibly be so fucking awesome...
[quote name='matrix9280']No reviews yet. What is Bioware hiding?[/QUOTE]

EA's been pretty strict about release day embargo's in recent months. If there's an exception, it's something like IGN getting to release the Reckoning review the Friday before release.

Here's the extended interview by Greg Miller of IGN w/Casey Hudson that aired today on You Tube (and was recorded on Thursday) that I mentioned earlier. For those that don't know, IGN has a channel on YouTube now called Start that is dedicated to original programming M, T, TH, and F. Monday is Greg Miller's Daily Show-inspired show called Up at Noon.
I got an e-mail from Best Buy saying my Collector's Edition was shipped on the third, but for the last 36 hours the tracker has said it's be "en route to Destination Processing Center" by Streamlite's website.

Does that mean it's left the location of origin?

Unfortunately the tracking number they provided for USPS isn't working.

I really hope the "estimated" date of arrival isn't the 12th. :(
Lol I had forgotten I set an alert for the 360 CE at Got an email telling me it's now available and checked it out just in case (I'm getting mine from BB), 107 bucks plus shipping hahaha!

Hey everyone Happy Mass Effect Eve! Is it a holiday tomorrow, it should be! Work is going to cccccrrrrawwwwwl.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Whomever thought of using Emily this way deserves a raise.[/QUOTE]
Man, I am really wrapped up in this Emily Wong saga. :lol: I wonder how long they're planning to keep it going.
Well, Amazon said that the game wouldn't get here until the 9th but the tracking now says

Order #: 103-4647658-7789037
Shipment Date: March 5, 2012
Destination: SIOUX CITY, IA, US
Estimated Arrival: March 6, 2012

So looks like all 3 of my CE's will be here on release... T-Minus 2 hours til I trek to GS to fight back the nerds clammering for some of that sweetness that will be ME3. Safe travels all, I will check back. Any of you lucky bastards that get to see the actors, escpecially Laira, get a recording of her saying something dirty.. i'll pay ya.
Getting ready to head out soon, Good luck and be careful guys/gals! Plus on the twitter feed,
they can't kill Emily Wong!!!
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Hmmm. I may have missed it if it was already discussed, but did EA take the demo servers offline? I assume they did in anticipation for the actual game being released.

Can't connect to the network which means I can't play online. I wanted to get some time in before I headed out. Sad.
[quote name='hack']Hmmm. I may have missed it if it was already discussed, but did EA take the demo servers offline? I assume they did in anticipation for the actual game being released.

Can't connect to the network which means I can't play online. I wanted to get some time in before I headed out. Sad.[/QUOTE]

The Extranet is Down, Earth is being invaded!!

Of course there is no demo!!!
[quote name='Freemason']Well, Amazon said that the game wouldn't get here until the 9th but the tracking now says

Order #: 103-4647658-7789037
Shipment Date: March 5, 2012
Destination: SIOUX CITY, IA, US
Estimated Arrival: March 6, 2012

So looks like all 3 of my CE's will be here on release... T-Minus 2 hours til I trek to GS to fight back the nerds clammering for some of that sweetness that will be ME3. Safe travels all, I will check back. Any of you lucky bastards that get to see the actors, escpecially Laira, get a recording of her saying something dirty.. i'll pay ya.[/QUOTE]

I bet I'd pay more... lol
At gamestop for midnight launch. The nerd nation frightens me immensely, I feel like Emily Wong going into the belly of the beast. Worth it for this game!

Happy ME3 eve!!!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well,
Emily Wong went out like a BOSS

goes to show you that all gloves are off in this one,
RIP Emily Wong
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well,
Emily Wong went out like a BOSS

Hell yes she did! Wonder if she took it out? I can't believe how into that feed I got. Great launch hype stuff.
Hey, now that the game is here, might be a good time for a new call for CAGs to unite on XBL. Send me a fried request if you want in on some MP ME3 action! If your xbla name is different from your CAG nmlame, please send a message.

Aargh, this wait is killing me!
Yeah, this whole Twitter thing has been amazing, and I don't even like Twitter. What a cool collaboration between the official writers and the fans too. Some of the photoshopped pictures that regular people have been posting on #solcomms are really frightening.
So I was finishing up my Mass Effect 2 playthrough and when I got to the Arrival DLC, the reaper clock was at 1:45 and I looked at the time in real life and it was 10:15 o.0

oh well, off to gamestop midnight opening to grab mine
XBL = Insomnia Saint

I am heading out in 10 to go to GS, I'll probably start through campaign tonight, work on a little MP tomorrow, anyone that wants to try out all the new stuff in MP, I'll be down whenever I am on and not on SP as i doubt this will be leaving my DVD Drive anytime soon.
I pre-ordered Mass Effect 3 from CD Video Game Exchange, a local video game store, and got a call today that it came in, but I can't pick it up till Tuesday (3/6/12). So long to wait! :)
FYI, those who bought Battlefield 3 DO get something special for ME3 multi! You get the "fire within" skin for multiplayer but for soldier only. Still, darn cool!

I just got home and redeemed the three codes, I'm surprised that I've gone to MP before the campaign. Mostly out of curiousity to see how many people would be on.

Plus, ME: Infiltrator is up on the app store! Downloading now! I'm so going to be into ME overload!!
I ended up deciding to keep my CE. I can't find the soundtrack link anywhere on the Bioware Social site, does anyone know where it is?

EDIT: I found it, it's in the registered game content section.
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FYI Meer and Garrus' VO actor are on Bioware's Livestream currently and confirmed it is their voices in the Gamestop in-store ad talked about a few pages back. Meer seems to really like this but Garrus' VO actor seems less interested in the proceedings.

And Meer just gave an "I should go" and "I'm Commander Sheppard and Gamestop is my favorite store on the Citadel."
[quote name='MSUHitman']And Meer just gave an "I should go" and "I'm Commander Sheppard and Gamestop is my favorite store on the Citadel."[/QUOTE]

I'd love to see Sheppard knock over a magazine rack and toss some glitter at a GS employee...
Hale came on at the end of the interview with Meer and Garrus and interesting note: she and Garrus VO had never met in person until tonight.

Jack's VO actress is at LA now and she is loving this. She doesn't look anything like Jack, but definately has the same attitude. Said she pulled from her teenage days on how to voice Jack.
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Spoilers regarding the events/choices of ME 1 and 2 that are made for you if you're starting the game fresh straight from the guide:

ME 1: Liara, Tali, Garrus, and Wrex are recruited, but Wrex is killed by Shepard on Virmire. The choice of who dies between Ashley/Kaiden is made by the player during creation. Feros was not saved and the Asari that was taken by the Thorian died. Shepard did not have a romance. Rachni queen was killed, as was the council and the Destiny Ascension. Udina was named Councilor and no side quests/DLC were completed.

ME 2: No loyalty missions were completed (also Zaeed and Kasumi were not recruited.) Mordin never had the chance to keep or destroy the genophage data. Tali was exiled. Shepard still did not have a romance. Grunt was never woken up from his tank. Jack and Thane died. Tali, Mordin, Garrus, Miranda, and Jacob survived the mission. Samara was never recruited, she fought her way off Ilium only to be later killed by Mornith. Legion was never activated and does not go by that name in ME 3. Only non-party crew members to survive were EDI, Joker, and Chakwas (rest of crew liquified.) Shepard destroyed the Collector base. No other side missions or DLC were done, but the events of Arrival and Shadow Broker still happened "off screen."
Good lord, MP is freaking fun! The new maps are a mixed bag, but it just feels like a whole world is open with the new maps, new enemies, new kit. Playing that white map with banshee's and brute's is insane. In a good way!
Hale just got interviewed and she started it by putting a pic of FemShep over the face of the Shepard standee in the LA store. Now Ashley's VO is on and surprising to me (since I've never seen a pic) she's African-American. Sounds EXACTLY the same. In fact, only Garrus VO actor sounds completely different from their character. Hale's voice sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. Meer and Ashley/Jack's VO sound exactly the same as their game character.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If your Shepard was originally from ME 1 you have to totally re-do the face.[/QUOTE]

Boo I couldn't make my Shep look right in the me3 demo vs my me1/2 shep
Did anybody else's preorder code from Origin not include the raider shotgun? I got the Argus rifle code in my email but no shotgun code. What the hell?
I caved in and used my trade-in credit from GS for the Collector's Edition Guide, because it looked so worth it in physical form. :lol:
Has Bioware done "Game of the Year" Editions for Mass Effect before? Do you think the DLC plans are such that they might consider doing it?

When it is probable that a game of the year edition is coming, I usually just wait for that.
[quote name='Spokker']Has Bioware done "Game of the Year" Editions for Mass Effect before?[/QUOTE]

The "Greatest Hits" version of Mass Effect had some DLC on it, but not sure if it was all of it. There was no GH or GOTY edition of Mass Effect 2.

I honestly doubt they'll change form and come out with a GOTY edition this time around, either.

Perhaps...perhaps a "full Shepard trilogy" version at some point, once all the DLC is released for ME3. But I wouldn't expect that until next year, if at all.
[quote name='Sistros']Anybody picking up the Collector's Edition Strategy Guide? If so, tell me if it's worth the $40.[/QUOTE]

Exclusives for the CE guide:
Extra behind the scenes section on Bioware
Token for digital guide with interactive maps and video strategy
"See ME 3 like never before- Discover rich environments and parts of the game you won't see anywhere else. Panoramic views will leave you amazed."
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']FYI, those who bought Battlefield 3 DO get something special for ME3 multi! You get the "fire within" skin for multiplayer but for soldier only. Still, darn cool!

I just got home and redeemed the three codes, I'm surprised that I've gone to MP before the campaign. Mostly out of curiousity to see how many people would be on.

Plus, ME: Infiltrator is up on the app store! Downloading now! I'm so going to be into ME overload!![/QUOTE]

Is it the armor pictured in the insert from Battlefield 3? I hope I don't have to have ME3 on the PC in order to get it. I have my Battlefield 3 on the PC but I'm getting ME3 on the 360.
Met Kylearan (cool dude). Got pictures with Brandon Keener (Garrus) and Jennifer Hale (femshep). Got signatures from them plus Casey, Mac, voices of Liara, Jack, Tali and Ash and the face of Samara. All super nice! Great night.

edit: added femshep picture

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Despite what they claim, the "Ashes" DLC was removed from the main game imo. I'm a few hours in and they way it's integrated into the game doesn't look like a DLC cooked up in a month or two.

think about it, Prothean squad mate? That screams money making DLC
bread's done