Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='ChernobylCow']Man, why do people want to spam Metacritic with low userscores. So weird. Anyways, one of the few positive user reviews had a link to this. I found it highly interesting and something to think about.


People just have a huge sense of entitlement these days
Yeah I was able to import my ME1->ME2 character but not the face. I had forgotten what he looked like so I just used the default Sheppard for now. Well I was browsing the medical bay on the Normandy and it looks like you can respec which is cool. So why not have laser surgery to change your face?! lol

Put in 4 or 5 hours, prob 1 hour just reading/(mainly listening) to the codex again. I don't know why but sci fi space stuff fascinates me.
Won't read my ME1/ME2 save. Really stupid, I guess I played ME2 on a different console and did the cable transfer and it broke it. Not even going to play until they get this fixed.
Part of me wants to hold off on single player till they fix being able to import me1 faces. I know and liked how my Shep looked and any other Shep will not feel right.
Had two interesting bugs.

1) Shepard was holding a conversation with a crew member and someone else. Shepard and the crew member were facing each other, but turned their heads to address the other character. When they ended the conversation, the character went behind Shepard. The crew member and Shepard's eye and head movement were still locked to focus on the other character. So Shepard's eyes were "rolled back" and his head cocked looking over his shoulder as far as he could. Made the conversation hard to follow.

2) Feel (like literally fell) behind a barrier/handrail in an area in the Citadel and was stuck behind the it.
[quote name='Donut2922']Did anybody else's preorder code from Origin not include the raider shotgun? I got the Argus rifle code in my email but no shotgun code. What the hell?[/QUOTE]

People on the Bioware forums are now saying the A12 Raider Shotgun is a PC exclusive, despite the fact it was listed on the pre-order page for their 360 version. This smells of bait and switch...
[quote name='reddjoey']Had two interesting bugs.

1) Shepard was holding a conversation with a crew member and someone else. Shepard and the crew member were facing each other, but turned their heads to address the other character. When they ended the conversation, the character went behind Shepard. The crew member and Shepard's eye and head movement were still locked to focus on the other character. So Shepard's eyes were "rolled back" and his head cocked looking over his shoulder as far as he could. Made the conversation hard to follow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've had that one, too. I also had a conversation where the camera started focusing in on the wall, rather than anyone who was actually talking.
Really quick questions,

I got the first war asset but I have since attained 2 more and received no notice. Is it suppose to be telling me that I have attained them?
Fudge! I am victim of the ME1 face non-import bug and I know I won't be able to faithfully recreate 100% so I am waiting for a damn fix. Really disappointing - I've been waiting for this night for months. How the hell did they not test this? And I've been staying away from reviews, but surely this was addressed, right?
[quote name='hufferstl']Fudge! I am victim of the ME1 face non-import bug and I know I won't be able to faithfully recreate 100% so I am waiting for a damn fix. Really disappointing - I've been waiting for this night for months. How the hell did they not test this? And I've been staying away from reviews, but surely this was addressed, right?[/QUOTE]

I came here to bitch and moan. I just sat down to play the game and was hit with the, cant load face error. I felt ill. I will not play this until this is fixed. I have been waiting to play this game ever since I finished the last one. What a major let down. There is a thread a the official forums. I hope some of you go there and let bioware know that this is unacceptable and they need to fix this shit immediately! DEAR GOD PLEASE!
My face from ME1 & ME2 won't import either (nope, never saved to the cloud). Honestly, I might be able to get used to a new face. If only I could MAKE another decent face. I've spent all evening trying to come up with a replacement, but every time it goes to the cut scenes and I see femshep in action, I can't stand to watch her with whatever new face I've made. So I start over. and over.

I've tried looking at faces other people have made and using those codes, but even when I enter the code correctly, the face I get never seems to completely match the face from people's screenshots. I don't know if it's because the face codes I've found (at this point) are from ME 2 or what? I thought ME2 codes/imports were working fine - that the problem was just with ME1 character faces imported into ME2.

So what's the deal with the face import bug? Is it ME1 & 2 or just 1 that doesn't import right? If 2 works, if when I imported from 1 to 2 and altered the appearance slightly in 2, would that be able to import to 3?

Is this confirmed as a patchable bug or something that we're stuck with?
[quote name='thrustbucket']Won't read my ME1/ME2 save. Really stupid, I guess I played ME2 on a different console and did the cable transfer and it broke it. Not even going to play until they get this fixed.[/QUOTE]

Guess I'm not going to bother until this gets fixed - already know my save files are from old consoles, so unless those prove to be some kind of ridiculous exception, I'm in the same boat.

Shocked none of the testers bothered trying out something as obvious as this.

Let's see how long this takes BioWare to fix. How long did it take Bethesda to fix Skyrim? (Has that even happened yet?)
Wow, are you guys really this bent out of shape from the damn face? Jesus. I was bummed for about 2 seconds, made another face then go over it in 2 more seconds.

5 min into the game you are not even going to pay attention to it.
I hate to bash on anyone's play preference, but yeah, I cannot see letting that stop me from playing this game..., trying to get the second disc out of the fucking CE steelbook...that might...
Well, this game is fucking awesome is what it is. :D

Picks up right where Mass Effect 2 left off. Harder though! And funnier-- I've laughed out loud a bunch of times.

I was able to recreate my character's old face to a degree that I'm happy with it. Hopefully I'll have as much luck with my other old characters, and I'm still gobslapped that such a situation was even allowed to occur.

Yeah, other than that, I don't think I can think of something I don't like about the game. :lol: It's just fantastic.

I did have an absolutely nerve-wracking experience getting that second disc out of the CE case. I've had two bugs come up-- during the intro level where it's teaching you how do melee moves, the script just stopped and I couldn't advance, had to restart from the last autosave. Another time I wound up stuck on level geometry after a charge and got killed without being able to defend myself.
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Lol I watched the tutorial vids again and did you guys notice the erratic third AI in the third video (he just decides he's going left, waayyy left).

Bioware also has great atmosphere with the inside of the Normandy. So dark and feels empty compared to last time, although I quite like Liara's room. Badass
Pretty sure I used default Shepard in ME1&2, but when starting up here there was a customized face that I've never seen. I just switched to default, but it was weird. Game is soooo goooood, and the MP is as addicting as I'd feared. Is anyone going to make a ME3 gamertag so we can play with competent players? Had a pretty good team last night, but they weren't big enough to teamwork to win.

Strange bug in MP: last night someone was stuck in one spot on the map, facing the ground, invulnerable. This came in handy when everyone else but me died, because all of the geth tried to kill him. I just snuck up behind them and unloaded all of my ammo into them. Luckily the next wave when we all died was a hacking one, so when we all died we only had to wait until the time ran out to exit. Even after that, I had to wait a few minutes at the "waiting for players..." screen afterwards, and eventually got my XP & cash. Someone I was playing with payed the 160MSP for a pack, and got a really good shotgun out of it. Wish I had the patience to save up that many credits ;)

[quote name='MSUHitman']Be careful trying to take disk 2 out of the CE tin, I just cracked mine and now it's unreadable.[/QUOTE]
I think you need to push really hard on the hub to get it out. Almost happened to me.
[quote name='shrike4242']Freemason, since you did MP, I'm assuming nothing you did in the demo MP transferred over, right?

Tha X and Lord Kefka have been going crazy in playing SP throughout the day, as they're both up in the higher level 30s for their characters last time I was on XBL a couple of hours ago. :lol:

My ME3 CE is sitting at work waiting for me to pick it up tomorrow. Wrong day to be stuck at home on a sick day under doctor's orders from the flu. :bomb: Damned Reaper plot, it is.[/QUOTE]

yep, noting transfers from the demo.

current opinion on teh game and reviews

I just put another 4 hours into the campaign. honestly, i think many are ragging on it for petty reasons and for it NOT being in the same vein as ME2 with everyone on it, forming your squad, and doing missions... its not that kind of story this time and just "gathering teams and going" is NOT what this plays out as in the narrative.

Personally, the direction they are taking it with each of the squad, working in each former party member, and the fantastic visual and storyweaving they have put in so far, I like it better than ME1 and it is on par with ME2 minus a few complaints. This is strongly focused on Shepards plee for help, seeing your years of choices play out, and putting the global scale of the battle into focus. It is bigger than a suicide mission, and is meant to really show off what the ME universe is from each species quarrells and current resolve in the face of annihilation.

Gonna work on it more today, but i think if people would appreciate it for the direction it is going and not instantly rag on it for not being ME2, they would see how much more artistic and fully engrossing it is while showing us all of the things we wanted to see and resolve all those issues we made in the past. it is a tall order considering the amount of content the have to process, and so far i think they are doing a fantastic job!

hope you enjoy!
and i love the extra banter between squadmates and citizens, theres a lot of great storytelling goin on in the background.

VEGA: You find any dinosaurs while you were digging Liara?
LIARA: (rant on difference between paleontology and archeology and realizes its a joke)
VEGA: uhh no.. I just like Dinosaurs...

reading all the build up, i cannot wait to see how this all plays out.
so i unlocked the turian soldier...yeah. marksmanship is awesome + all the stability bonuses for being a turian. I need to find extended clips, this is ridiculous.
My saves would have been from a different console as well since my first 360 got the RROD, so looks like I'd have had issues even if I hadn't had the hacking debacle and sold my 360 and then got the free replacement from MS after they admitted it was their mistake.

So I guess I didn't miss out much by having to redo my playthrough on PS3, and don't have to deal with switching discs, so it was overall a positive development. :D

Got the update installed and downloaded From Ashes last night, so I'm all set to dump some (hopefully) major time into it this weekend.
I'm going to try to stay out of this thread since it will be about a month before I get to play it (busy season), but my limited copy arrived yesterday and was waiting at my front door. Can't wait.

However, why are the users blowing the score up on Metacritic? It currently has a 4.8. Is this just a bunch of punks or are there legitimate gripes?
[quote name='Freemason']and i love the extra banter between squadmates and citizens, theres a lot of great storytelling goin on in the background.

VEGA: You find any dinosaurs while you were digging Liara?
LIARA: (rant on difference between paleontology and archeology and realizes its a joke)
VEGA: uhh no.. I just like Dinosaurs...
That was hilarious. I also can't stop cracking up at
Joker's infatuation with EDI

I am really happy about the fact that Shockwave now detonates Singularities. It's a great fit with Liara and it makes the Vanguard feel a lot more flexible, like there's more to it now than building 100% of your strategy around Charge.

I love all of the new people on the ship, it's just giving me that special BioWare feeling where you look around at a bunch of unfamiliar people and know that each of them has a detailed personality and backstory waiting for you to dive into.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']However, why are the users blowing the score up on Metacritic? It currently has a 4.8. Is this just a bunch of punks or are there legitimate gripes?[/QUOTE]
People object to the existence of DLC. I also read that there are some anti-gay marriage activists or something like that who are upset at the depiction of male-male romance in the game.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']That was hilarious. I also can't stop cracking up at
Joker's infatuation with EDI

I am really happy about the fact that Shockwave now detonates Singularities. It's a great fit with Liara and it makes the Vanguard feel a lot more flexible, like there's more to it now than building 100% of your strategy around Charge.

I love all of the new people on the ship, it's just giving me that special BioWare feeling where you look around at a bunch of unfamiliar people and know that each of them has a detailed personality and backstory waiting for you to dive into.

People object to the existence of DLC. I also read that there are some anti-gay marriage activists or something like that who are upset at the depiction of male-male romance in the game.[/QUOTE]

Yep, for those of you that are worried about Metacritic and BSN folks that are bashing the game, let me ut it this way.

I am unabashedly one the biggest ME fans on Earth. Gamers are a high maintenance bitchy crowd. People are stupid. Don't let other people tell you how you will enjoy the game for you. If so many were pissed about day 1 DLC, they should have ordered the CE, i see it as BW included this as a download for those that WANT to get the
Prothean and the homage trip back to Eden Prime.
Nobody forces you to get it and it is by far not the first game to offer day 1 DLC.

The amount of whiny bitches that inhabit the internet for the sole purpose of crying to get what they want give true gamers a bad name and i am embarrassed by them. They have ruined MMO's to become social networks with swords. (hence why i am back playing in EQ1 where things were actually a challenge) People feel entitiled to everything and spend more time trying to use a game of high profile for their own social, politicial, and ethical outlets they fail to focus on the actual majesty of teh experience of the game itself, which is their loss.

I pity the soured, sad, and spiteful people that cannot allow themselves to escape into one of the most richlly derived and well written forms of entertainment in the last decade that is this franchise. If having a Gay Shepard saving the galaxy apalls you, don't play one and enjoy your blanket of biggotry and ignorance, hope you stay warm. If you don't wan't to buy DLC, don't do it, enjoy what you have.

While the few technical issues are there, I am sure they will be addressed, but this (except the saves issues which i feel for you on) game is to be experienced on your level with whatever emotional vestment you wish to put into it. You get out of it what you put into it. So if you want to be wanting stupid ignorant assholes, or appreciative nerds of enjoyment, or anywhere in between, have at it.

I for one, am gonna enjoy playing the shit out of this game, MP with friends and CAGS, and cannot wait to do it again with teh rest of my playthroughs.

I should go.
[quote name='100xp']favorite quote last night during MP: "wtf is a collector rifle?"[/QUOTE]
:cry: Barnes & Noble still hasn't decided that I'm worthy of a Collector Rifle code.
Yeah, I have no issue with the DLC. I'm glad I can get it without buying the CE as I don't collect games or game knickknacks, art books etc. so I have zero interest in any CEs. So if it was only in the CE I'd just have gone without it.
The content in the DLC is pretty sweet though. I haven't had the chance to take the new squad member out for a test drive but just from a story/lore standpoint it is very cool.

Mass Effect 3 Face Import Glitch Will Be Resolved by BioWare

I'm not convinced. I still think that if there was a simple resolution, the game would have shipped with it working in the first place.

Priestly does say something interesting that kind of agrees with something I was thinking-- the problem may be with ME2, not ME3 per se. The same as the Conrad Verner glitch from Mass Effect 2, where he acted like you had treated him mean no matter what you had actually done. It turned out that Mass Effect 2 was interpreting the import flags correctly-- the error was that Mass Effect 1 recorded the flag incorrectly. So there was no patch or fix for Mass Effect 2 that could resolve that.

Maybe this is something similar. Mass Effect 2 imports the face correctly from ME1 and displays it in the graphics engine, but corrupts it somehow so that it can't be exported, or can't be read from the save file. I don't know, just thinking out loud.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Won't read my ME1/ME2 save. Really stupid, I guess I played ME2 on a different console and did the cable transfer and it broke it. Not even going to play until they get this fixed.[/QUOTE]

They're saying....they're not "fixing" it. Now, whether they do or not....we'll see.

There's an easy fix, provided you have a copy of ME2 around. Just load your old save game up and create a new save.

There was a similar issue with ME2/ME1....especially if you finished the game awhile back and hadn't gotten some of the later ME1 patches.

That resulted in a run on ME1 copies at your local used game store....and an equally large number of returns about 24 hours later. :)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']:cry: Barnes & Noble still hasn't decided that I'm worthy of a Collector Rifle code.[/QUOTE]

that sucks. i feel because I emailed them they sent me the auto response email and then I got it a week later. I do hope you get it soon, but you're playing SP hopefully it arrives just in time for your MP excursion.

i'm pretty certain the collector rifle can be unlocked through veteran or specter packs, it's a gold card wpn. I bought a specter pack last night (I know I know, but I did also win 1600 points through the state farm sweepstates dash board jingle last month) and I unlocked what I'm guessing is a "rare" it's some insane platinum card AR that looks kinda like the mattock but it has a smaller clip, better accuracy and does a lot more damage. Add the armor piercing mod to it..jigga wha? and guardians will have a sad day.

I really like the demo was truly just a taste, there seems to be so many mods and new wpns it's kinda crazy. I can't wait to try out the armor piercing mod. rounds punch through armor and thin walls at 60% damage...but they pierce through armor and thin walls.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Really quick questions,

I got the first war asset but I have since attained 2 more and received no notice. Is it suppose to be telling me that I have attained them?[/QUOTE]

Let me guess:

You got "Chobot" the reporter and got a message.

You then got Doc C and the OTHER reporter, and no messages?

Same, but when I got to the Normandy....they were both listed on the War Assets page.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']That was hilarious. I also can't stop cracking up at
Joker's infatuation with EDI

I am really happy about the fact that Shockwave now detonates Singularities. It's a great fit with Liara and it makes the Vanguard feel a lot more flexible, like there's more to it now than building 100% of your strategy around Charge.

I love all of the new people on the ship, it's just giving me that special BioWare feeling where you look around at a bunch of unfamiliar people and know that each of them has a detailed personality and backstory waiting for you to dive into.

People object to the existence of DLC. I also read that there are some anti-gay marriage activists or something like that who are upset at the depiction of male-male romance in the game.[/QUOTE]

According to the guide, you can hookup EDI w/Joker once she takes over the Cerberus robot's body.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
According to the guide, you can hookup EDI w/Joker once she takes over the Cerberus robot's body.
That's cool, I will definitely be playing match maker.
[quote name='shrike4242']Yay, something else for people to bitch about. :roll:[/QUOTE]
:lol: I could see
being a little let down that after this big buildup to Tali's face, she turns out to just be a human with glowy eyes. Normal skin tone, normal human hair even. It does seem somewhat uncreative next to all of the other out-there alien designs they've done. I don't really care about Tali one way or the other though.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']:lol: I could see
being a little let down that after this big buildup to Tali's face, she turns out to just be a human with glowy eyes. Normal skin tone, normal human hair even. It does seem somewhat uncreative next to all of the other out-there alien designs they've done. I don't really care about Tali one way or the other though.
[/QUOTE]Don't let X hear you say that, he's likely to go all whoop-ass on you. :lol:

There's always going to be a buildup for moments that we've been teased about since 2007, plus enough fan art out there egging it along.

Oh noes, whatever will we do? :D

[quote name='Anexanhume']
Male Shepard is based off a male model's face. Oh no!

Samara is based on a real person (I met her two nights ago). Oh no!

Miranda is modeled after a real person. Oh no!

Another character is modeled after Jessica Chobot. Oh no!
[/QUOTE]Oh no indeed.

Especially the last two? :D

Lucky bastard that you
met the person Samara was based on.
[quote name='pacifickarma']People on the Bioware forums are now saying the A12 Raider Shotgun is a PC exclusive, despite the fact it was listed on the pre-order page for their 360 version. This smells of bait and switch...[/QUOTE]

One poster said his chat with CS said the code would be sent out ”later” but did not have an ETA.

I want to contact them but i'm having a hard time getting the appropriate contact info.
[quote name='Donut2922']One poster said his chat with CS said the code would be sent out ”later” but did not have an ETA.

I want to contact them but i'm having a hard time getting the appropriate contact info.[/QUOTE]Was that the pre-order bonus for ordering it through the Origin store?
That is a cluster. I admit I thought the shotgun was a PC-only offer because I didn't realize you could even buy console games on Origin.
[quote name='shrike4242']Oh no indeed.

Especially the last two? :D

Lucky bastard that you
met the person Samara was based on.

And you know how her eyes look freaky in the game? Yeah, same in person. They didn't mess up the model. They are very striking.

bread's done