Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='bordjon']
All it needed was some white horses running through the fields to say "it was all a dream."
That's what they should have done,
after your squadmates get off the ship, the view zooms out to reveal a shifty-eyed space cow observing the scene. Dun dun DUN!
[quote name='joe2187']
The problem with that is that it's not vague enough to leave it to interpretation, The last 10 mins of the game basically lay it as it is, The star child (which is my biggest problem with the ending) is a two dimensional character that breaks down all the mystery and wonder that the series had built up in three minutes of some of the most retarded reasoning for genocide in history. That's the reason people are angry, the endings being 95% of the same is also another reason, we've come to expect from the series at least a tiny bit of closure on the outcomes of all our hardwork, and we are given 3 awful generic endings with nothing to show for it but joker macking with your girl.

That's basically my feelings on it. For such an Epic series, that expended 3 games, the ending was just plain bad. I've seen better endings in Dead or Alive...
[quote name='Spybreak8']Oh man I promoted my lvl 20 Adept and started with my lvl 1 Krogan Sentinel with a group of team work centric randoms. Shot from level 1 to level 6 in the first match, up to level 10 after that lol. Loving the rage and head butt gameplay.[/QUOTE]

I tell ya, going back to level 1 after getting so used to leveled up characters was disorienting! When I was playing with you and MSUHitman last night, I was all out of sorts. Between the weak character and starting a class I wasn't very familiar with....I sucked! Ha! I faired better with the Engineer I started, though. I'm looking forward to unlocking a Krogan.

That and I'm ready for some MP DLC!
I will not support this game by paying for any DLC.

If it's free I'll give it a spin, I will not be spending one more dollar on this garbage.
[quote name='joe2187']I will not support this game by paying for any DLC.

If it's free I'll give it a spin, I will not be spending one more dollar on this garbage.[/QUOTE]

I will make sure to spend extra so they don't feel hurt that you aren't spending any!
Is Multiplayer just Horde Mode? Or is it also Competitive?

As for DLC, I'm not buying anything, especially if it's a new ending.

The more I think about it, this game's ending has a lot of similarities to another game's entire story, just in terms of what it does to the universe, how it affects the fans and developers as well as the current jam they're in. Of course, people will think I'm mad for suggesting such a thing.
Hoo boy, the
two banshees at the end of the Ardat-Yakshi monastery
was definitely the hardest part of Insanity so far. Took me three tries. Is there any trick to beating them or are they just super hard? I'm rolling with Liara and James and I feel like Warp and Carnage take off like 5% of their armor each hit. And that freaking homing ball of death, geez.

I was trying to cheat on Liara with Traynor on this playthrough, but I guess I messed something up-- Traynor's not interested in me. :whistle2:(
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
I was trying to cheat on Liara with Traynor on this playthrough, but I guess I messed something up-- Traynor's not interested in me. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

Traynor's only available for us ladies to romance. I didn't though, I stuck with Liara (though I wish I had romanced Garrus in ME2). Still would have rather had Ash, but harrumph.
[quote name='goodbyetonight']Traynor's only available for us ladies to romance. I didn't though, I stuck with Liara (though I wish I had romanced Garrus in ME2). Still would have rather had Ash, but harrumph.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, this Shepard is female. I guess it's because I gave her some wrong (Renegade) answers to previous conversations?
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I tell ya, going back to level 1 after getting so used to leveled up characters was disorienting! When I was playing with you and MSUHitman last night, I was all out of sorts. Between the weak character and starting a class I wasn't very familiar with....I sucked! Ha! I faired better with the Engineer I started, though. I'm looking forward to unlocking a Krogan.

That and I'm ready for some MP DLC![/QUOTE]

Hehe yeah, it's alright the rest of the team will pull your weight.;) Yeah I played as a level 1 Krogan with 3 other Vanguards and guess who wasn't pulling their weight haha. I held my own though, surprising as a level 1. Too funny to see the enemy charge me, haha really?! You might want to rethink your strategy.:lol: It's even hilarious to see a Krogan get a grab behind cover (wait Krogans use cover?), seeing my Krogan yank the enemy over the cover and smash an omni blade into their face gave me a huge smile. In one game someone on our team was using Cryo ammo and I would come in and just break that ice chunk to pieces, ha ha (insert Krogan laugh here).

Multiplayer is a "Horde with Objectives" kind of style and not competitive. It has been a surprising half (1/4th?) of the game which can deliver a deep experience. This is mainly due to the team play so if everyone helps each other out (you know reviving your teammates when they're down, calling out high level targets that sneak up on the group or moving as a group to the next objective) it's a fun experience. I've been prob 80% successful with randoms but yeah it really helps to get people you know or ones that know what they're doing.

For DLC I'm really hoping to travel back to Omega and try and retake it for Aria. There's also a bit more interesting story content in that which is related to the comic that came with the CE so I was a little bummed we never got that in game form. Other DLC like Overlord/Lair of the Shadow Broker/Kasumi, where we get new locations and/or weapons, gameplay (ex flying the car in LotSB chasing the assassin) and backstory on the characters we know/expanding the lore, would be something I'd like to see (and something I'd pay for too).
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Hoo boy, the
two banshees at the end of the Ardat-Yakshi monastery
was definitely the hardest part of Insanity so far. Took me three tries. Is there any trick to beating them or are they just super hard? I'm rolling with Liara and James and I feel like Warp and Carnage take off like 5% of their armor each hit. And that freaking homing ball of death, geez.

If you have it, the Particle rifle is pretty good with the AP mod, just don't forget the extended magazine so that the wide beam can burn longer.

As an Infiltrator, my master plan involved running in circles emptying the Phaston first, then the Temptest with a dash of grenades here and there.

Traynor's only available for us ladies to romance. I didn't though, I stuck with Liara (though I wish I had romanced Garrus in ME2). Still would have rather had Ash, but harrumph.

I dumped Ash
on her deathbed
and hooked up with Liara.


I blame the game.
Some reason it registered my ME 1&2 "no romance" Shepard playthrough as having been with her.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hoo boy, the
two banshees at the end of the Ardat-Yakshi monastery
was definitely the hardest part of Insanity so far. Took me three tries. Is there any trick to beating them or are they just super hard? I'm rolling with Liara and James and I feel like Warp and Carnage take off like 5% of their armor each hit. And that freaking homing ball of death, geez.

I was trying to cheat on Liara with Traynor on this playthrough, but I guess I messed something up-- Traynor's not interested in me. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

That part and some random spots with turrets were the only places giving me trouble.

I tried the particle beam/infinite ammo thing I was suggested for the beginning of my Insanity play through, but I found the power lacking and had to switch back to my Black Widow. I found the ammo to be a problem in only a few spots and I learned to line up headshots pretty quickly to conserve ammo. Also, I took out Marauder Shields on my first try. I don't see what all the fuss was about. Anyways, I'm finally glad to done with that.

Promoted my two characters over the weekend too. I hope that the community was able to reach it's goal. I just want my Black Widow for MP. :(
I'm using the N7 Valiant X, Vindicator X, and Paladin X, all light-weight weapons so I still have a +140% cooldown. The Particle Rifle is a beast though, I'm thinking about dumping Liara for Garrus just so I can have two squadmates rocking it. I was worried about ME3 Insanity compared to ME2 but it is waaay easier. The relative lack of protections on the enemies makes a huge difference.

I'm still a bit worried about the spots coming up later in the game with multiple brutes and/or banshees in a confined space; it's one thing to be able to kite them around but without room to maneuver I'm thinking there will be some close scrapes.
I was very unhappy with the ending. I own Me1 on the 360 and PC. I own ME2 on the PC/PS3/360 and bought every collectors guide and DLC over the years. I also own the 1st series of action figures and bought 2 copies of ME3 CE (my son and I). So needless to say, I've put in the money and the time to play this story out. I early on thought wtf are these guys crying about the ending. That was until I saw the ending myself. My wife and I had a big wtf look that this can't be it. I did every sidequest and had a galactic readiness of 100%, military str over 7500 and so on. Full paragon and all of the nice BS. I did another ending hoping that would be better and for those who have done it also, well fuck. I seriously hope this improves.

PS I have had the same commitment with Dragon Age over the years and love Bioware.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm using the N7 Valiant X, Vindicator X, and Paladin X, all light-weight weapons so I still have a +140% cooldown. The Particle Rifle is a beast though, I'm thinking about dumping Liara for Garrus just so I can have two squadmates rocking it. I was worried about ME3 Insanity compared to ME2 but it is waaay easier. The relative lack of protections on the enemies makes a huge difference.

I'm still a bit worried about the spots coming up later in the game with multiple brutes and/or banshees in a confined space; it's one thing to be able to kite them around but without room to maneuver I'm thinking there will be some close scrapes.[/QUOTE]

I did use Garrus and Ashley so I could have Particle Beam X & Black Widow X (with Cryo Ammo). Made things pretty easy if they could freeze enemies for me.
ran into a bug, i have the CE and got the Valiant in the MP event...mod'd it with 2 sniper attachments in MP...which carried over to SP. Once I cycled through the mods, my thermal scope disappeared. (sighs) If I didn't enjoy playing this game so much I'd have a new coaster.
[quote name='100xp']ran into a bug, i have the CE and got the Valiant in the MP event...mod'd it with 2 sniper attachments in MP...which carried over to SP. Once I cycled through the mods, my thermal scope disappeared. (sighs) If I didn't enjoy playing this game so much I'd have a new coaster.[/QUOTE]

That's the weirdest shit ever. I wanna check my campaign (I have the CE too) but now I'm afraid my stuff will whack out too.
[quote name='tukai'] I did every sidequest and had a galactic readiness of 100%, military str over 7500 and so on. Full paragon and all of the nice BS. I did another ending hoping that would be better and for those who have done it also, well fuck. I seriously hope this improves.

Same, aside from galactic readiness but yeah didn't matter so I went in with 85%.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yeah, this Shepard is female. I guess it's because I gave her some wrong (Renegade) answers to previous conversations?[/QUOTE]
Spoilers about love interests I guess. Figured I'd spoil it just in case.
Have you played chess with her? I seem to remember an option to say something about the shower after the game of chess. Then you will have oficially "romanced" her.
[quote name='matto1233']Spoilers about love interests I guess. Figured I'd spoil it just in case.
Have you played chess with her? I seem to remember an option to say something about the shower after the game of chess. Then you will have oficially "romanced" her.

Traynor response:
I believe that option comes before chess. I think it's a one or the other kind of thing. As I recall, she comments on how cool your cabin is, then the fact that you have a shower. From there, you can offer her a shower and join her. Or you can offer her a shower and refuse to get in, making her all embarrassed and shit.
Right. She comes up to the room and I get the initial dialogue choice, but both choices lead to the chess game instead of the shower. At first I thought it was because I had already "locked in" my Liara romance, but I tried backtracking to an earlier save before talking to Liara on the Citadel, and still I can only get the chess game no matter what I say to her.

I know that I took all Renegade options during my previous conversations with Traynor and I think that's why. On my previous playthrough with this character, I took Paragon responses with Traynor and I was able to romance her later.
Jessica Chobot chimed in on the ME3 ending...and her desire to romance...herself...

(and "NO" I haven't finished ME3 yet. " NO" I haven't sexed Diana Allers (although I plan to) and "NO" I don't want to know anything more about the babsolutly RIDICULOUS whine-fest that entitled gamers are having with Bioware)...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Jessica Chobot chimed in on the ME3 ending...and her desire to romance...herself...[/QUOTE]

all she needs is a mirror...boom.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Jessica Chobot chimed in on the ME3 ending...and her desire to romance...herself...[/QUOTE]I remember her talking about that when they did the VO actor trailer close to launch that she talked about romancing Snooki herself.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Jessica Chobot chimed in on the ME3 ending...and her desire to romance...herself...[/QUOTE]

She also said that she hadn't finished the game yet, but that didn't stop her from saying people that hate the ending are (everyone's favorite words) "entitled whiners" The blog has since been taken down.

Get the fuck off my ship, you shittily modeled and voiced walking advertisement.

EDIT: Saw your ninja edit. Oh well, she can still fuck off.
[quote name='Arikado']She also said that she hadn't finished the game yet, but that didn't stop her from saying people that hate the ending are (everyone's favorite words) "entitled whiners" The blog has since been taken down.

Get the fuck off my ship, you shittily modeled and voiced walking advertisement.[/QUOTE]

I let her on my ship just so I could throw her off

They should have put the Diana Allers budget into Tali's face
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Jessica Chobot chimed in on the ME3 ending...and her desire to romance...herself...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, she'll change her tune once she actually finishes it. :lol: Just like Shepard said about Kai Leng... he's not different, he'll die like all the rest.
[quote name='Arikado']She also said that she hadn't finished the game yet, but that didn't stop her from saying people that hate the ending are (everyone's favorite words) "entitled whiners" The blog has since been taken down.

Get the fuck off my ship, you shittily modeled and voiced walking advertisement.

EDIT: Saw your ninja edit. Oh well, she can still fuck off.[/QUOTE]

I'm going into my save and kicking her bitch ass off the ship right now after reading that.
[quote name='goodbyetonight']I'm going into my save and kicking her bitch ass off the ship right now after reading that.[/QUOTE]

I wish we could give her the Khalisah al-Jilani treatment first. I think I can raise enough points without her. Too bad, I was going to try to see how high I could get it.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I wish we could give her the Khalisah al-Jilani treatment first. I think I can raise enough points without her. Too bad, I was going to try to see how high I could get it.[/QUOTE]

I think she's only worth 5 points, so you won't be losing much. (Which really, says how worthless she is).
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[quote name='goodbyetonight']I think she's only worth 5 points, so you won't be losing much. (Which really, says how worthelss she is).[/QUOTE]

Initially 5, yeah, but I'm pretty sure she can slightly boost your forces from interviews after
Tuchanka and Rannoch.
I don't remember how big the boost in war assets is, but I don't remember it being significant.

Oh, she posted up an apology on her blog, by the way. Quoted so you don't have to give IGN hits:

You know what folks. You're 100% right. I shouldn't have mentioned anything about my feelings about "entitled gamers" when it comes to the ME3 ending (and my work in progress with it). I've done exactly what I dislike others doing and that is to make a blanketed reactionary statement based in passion and love for a series and company rather than actual fact.

Here's the thing, and it's going to sound really weird, but as a Bioware fan, this whole uproar has just made me so sad and a little heartbroken. The petition, the attacks on a female Bioware employee and the reaction I received when it was announced I was a cameo in the game just kind of...well, hurt my feelings. Plain and simple. Listen, I totally get that games are a huge investment of time and money and, as an sales product, they should provide a certain level of expectations and satisfaction for the consumer. I also am totally aware that games are now, after much fighting by the gaming community, finally considered works of art and, as art, should not always bend to what the masses want. So, I'm torn when it comes to which side of the fence I personally (not professionally) find myself standing. All in all, I've become increasingly hyper sensitive to everything surrounding the game and should, in hindsight, just try to avoid any reference to it whatsoever since I find it difficult to be objective when it comes to my personal feelings about it. Either way, this doesn't excuse my ranting behavior. As I grow older, I need to remind myself that I should also act more mature and stepping down to a level of name calling just isn't what I want to do. So, please consider this an, "I'm sorry."

Sad and heartbroken? Hoo boy, just wait until you see the ending, Chobot.
I still wonder who Chobot fucked to get put into the game in the first place.

But hey, we wanted her in the game rather than any meaningful moments with Tali right guyz?
[quote name='Arikado']Initially 5, yeah, but I'm pretty sure she can slightly boost your forces from interviews after
Tuchanka and Rannoch.
I don't remember how big the boost in war assets is, but I don't remember it being significant.

Oh, she posted up an apology on her blog, by the way. Quoted so you don't have to give IGN hits:

Sad and heartbroken? Hoo boy, just wait until you see the ending, Chobot.[/QUOTE]I'd have to check as I just did the post-Tuchanka interview and see how much of a boost she's given from the 5 initial points.

And I think she pulled down the blog and posted an apology because her Inbox, Twitter and Facebook exploded with nerdrage.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'd have to check as I just did the post-Tuchanka interview and see how much of a boost she's given from the 5 initial points.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it shows up under Allers. It should show up as an update of one of the krogan assets, if I remember correctly.
[quote name='Arikado']Sad and heartbroken? Hoo boy, just wait until you see the ending, Chobot.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's pretty disingenuous. For one, lumping in the Jennifer Hepler debacle as if it reflects at all on critics of Mass Effect or has anything to do with that franchise at all, as I'm sure she well knows.

Second, she really needs to shut up about "expectations" and "satisfaction to the customer" until she actually, I dunno, experiences the thing she's been harping about.

Chobot +10 Rivalry
[quote name='Arikado']I don't think it shows up under Allers. It should show up as an update of one of the krogan assets, if I remember correctly.[/QUOTE]I'll check it out next time I'm in the game and see, as I would think it would be an "UPDATE:" under one of the entries.
[quote name='ratzombie']I still wonder who Chobot fucked to get put into the game in the first place.

But hey, we wanted her in the game rather than any meaningful moments with Tali right guyz?[/QUOTE]

I hate Tali so I don't mind
[quote name='Arikado']I don't think it shows up under Allers. It should show up as an update of one of the krogan assets, if I remember correctly.[/QUOTE]

You're correct. Her war asset score never goes up past the initial 5. The scores of other assets will increase, though, after the interviews you do with her.

Maybe EDI can "forget" to recycle the oxygen in just her quarters...and lock the door...and cut off all communications...
[quote name='ratzombie']I still wonder who Chobot fucked to get put into the game in the first place.

But hey, we wanted her in the game rather than any meaningful moments with Tali right guyz?[/QUOTE]

Ahh the power of networking.

Yeah I think she's just around too many IGN people day in day out now and we all know how well articulated that bunch is. Plus like she said she's a fan so there will be some passionate feelings due in part.

I love when people disagree with no experience or know how of the opposing points then gives out demeaning name calling in the process. *facepalm*

I was talking with a friend about Wrestlemania (didn't watch it but am aware of wrestling/watched behind Cena/Rock special on USA) and stories in the organization. I claimed they weren't actual stories but more so scripts for TV as in "reality television". Besides though it pretty much stopped there with no pursuing name calling or trash talk lol.
Chobot reaaaalllllyyyy should have kept her mouth shut instead of jumping to conclusions like everyone else. I was barely a fan of hers to begin with so no love loss there, but knee jerk responses like those are why I generally avoid debating the ending. So far the only gaming website I've seen that actually has a brain during all this is Joystiq. As far as I can tell they've remained completely neutral about the situation this entire time.
I really have no idea who this Chobot person is in real life, but on my mother f'ing Normandy, that hoochie better mind her manners and represent the Alliance right. I heard her spouting off a couple times with nonsense I didn't particularly care for. And you know what happens to reporters who upset the good Commander.....

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Chobot reaaaalllllyyyy should have kept her mouth shut instead of jumping to conclusions like everyone else. I was barely a fan of hers to begin with so no love loss there, but knee jerk responses like those are why I generally avoid debating the ending. So far the only gaming website I've seen that actually has a brain during all this is Joystiq. As far as I can tell they've remained completely neutral about the situation this entire time.[/QUOTE]

There were a few articles at Forbes, ME3 Ending, Fan Service and Speculation believe it or not that were spot on.
Wow. I mean really guys, I can't wait for this "I am so angry about the ending and everyone who disagrees with me sux. I ban them," phase is over.

At this point both sides seem pants on head retarded.
I dont know if I can roll my eyes any harder at what Paul Tassi is saying. $$$$a Please.

This reminds me so much of my view of Jocks, I was a 3 sport athletic in high school and a college level soccer player but I HATE jocks. I cant stand them. The same with this...I love gaming but fuck GAMERS.

You guys talk a good game but your action continuously and pathetically speak otherwise 100% of the time. Madden Football has actually gone in reverse in terms of tech for this generation yet they still have cartoon money bags filled to the brim.

Peter M basically lies to your face every single time a Fable game is announced, you could probably make another 4 games out of all the things that have announced and then taken out....yet everyone still bought didnt ya? COD has been the same game for 10 years and it still number one in the world huh? So much for banning it when you were so outraged by it. Hell Nintendo doesnt even have to come up with new ideas to make bank....looking forward to the 87th edition of Mario.

You will all pretend that this is the biggest gaming daft in history yet still most of you have the game, play is continuously, started 2nd or 3rd play through, read about it everywhere AND AND AND AND BUY THE DLC when it comes out.

"they should release the DLC for free" Why? If you are so outraged then you should actually boycott them and not buy/play the DLC no matter what even if its free. But we know gamers dont operate that way.

The bottom line is in 5 months everyone will have the DLC, in a year or so everyone will have the latest Bioware game in their console. So I dont get this "puff your chest out" game everyone seems to be playing. When push comes to shove all of you will be cramming the latest Bioware spunk as quickly as you can get it.
bread's done