Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Yeah, I got up in that on my first playthrough ME2. Glad I made a new file though, when I found out all I get in ME3 is a random "Siha" tossed into the same conversations.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']In fairness on the whole "too video gamey" thing, what they were specifically talking about was
the concept of the Illusive Man morphing into a giant monster and that being the final boss fight.
And I completely agree with that. The non-physical confrontation you get instead is an awesome sequence and a much better representation of what that character is all about than a shootout with a monster would have been.

Besides, ME2 had a conventional final boss fight and BioWare got nothing but complaints about it.[/QUOTE]

I completely argree. The Illusive Man would've made a TERRIBLE boss fight. As it stands, however, the conversation boils down to choosing Paragon, Neutral, or Renegade. Which is kind of sad. There was a problem I had though. BioWare made him the de facto face of the Reapers. He was NEVER the face of the Reapers and BioWare decided to make him just that.

Harbinger was always the one making the threats and telling us about the end of the world and how inevitable it all was. I think that's the boss fight people wanted.

Oh, and as for BioWare getting shit over the Human-Reaper junk?

Let us welcome our new overlord in...Marauder Shields. To say that BioWare isn't getting anything but complaints over that, is just plain wrong.
[quote name='dualedge2']There was a problem I had though. BioWare made him the de facto face of the Reapers. He was NEVER the face of the Reapers and BioWare decided to make him just that.

Harbinger was always the one making the threats and telling us about the end of the world and how inevitable it all was. I think that's the boss fight people wanted.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, so strongly. The Illusive Man was 1000 times more interesting in ME2 as a morally ambiguous ally than in ME3 as a straight-up villain.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Thane is pretty GAR. I've made many different fem Shep characters but he's the only male LI I've ever tried romancing.[/QUOTE]Romancing Garrus is like romancing your brother, with all the stuff you've been through together?

[quote name='IanKazimer']Yeah, I got up in that on my first playthrough ME2. Glad I made a new file though, when I found out all I get in ME3 is a random "Siha" tossed into the same conversations.[/QUOTE]At least there's something there, how about those femSheps that romanced Jacob? Cut off cold, indeed.

[quote name='dualedge2']I completely argree. The Illusive Man would've made a TERRIBLE boss fight. As it stands, however, the conversation boils down to choosing Paragon, Neutral, or Renegade. Which is kind of sad. There was a problem I had though. BioWare made him the de facto face of the Reapers. He was NEVER the face of the Reapers and BioWare decided to make him just that.

Harbinger was always the one making the threats and telling us about the end of the world and how inevitable it all was. I think that's the boss fight people wanted.

Oh, and as for BioWare getting shit over the Human-Reaper junk?

Let us welcome our new overlord in...Marauder Shields. To say that BioWare isn't getting anything but complaints over that, is just plain wrong.[/QUOTE]I have to agree as well about expecting a fight with Harbinger, since all of ME2 was leading up to that being the end sequence and not TIM's endgame.

What I've heard of the endgame with Marauder Shields does sound like it's a huge mess of a letdown. Maybe EC will fix that somehow, even though they said it won't retconn anything?

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Agreed, so strongly. The Illusive Man was 1000 times more interesting in ME2 as a morally ambiguous ally than in ME3 as a straight-up villain.[/QUOTE]Agreed, repeatedly and often. The dialogue was much better for TIM in ME2 than ME3, though there are some pretty good dialogue moments in ME3, without question.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with the squad using a mix of krogan, vorcha, or batarian classes

My time has finally come.[/QUOTE]'s time.
[quote name='shrike4242']Romancing Garrus is like romancing your brother, with all the stuff you've been through together?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='shrike4242']What I've heard of the endgame with Marauder Shields does sound like it's a huge mess of a letdown. Maybe EC will fix that somehow, even though they said it won't retconn anything?[/QUOTE]
Marauder Shields is a badass, respect.
Some kind of final confrontation with Harbinger would have been very welcome though. I know you feel this.

[quote name='shrike4242']Agreed, repeatedly and often. The dialogue was much better for TIM in ME2 than ME3, though there are some pretty good dialogue moments in ME3, without question.[/QUOTE]
Frankly I think BioWare was trying to please all the ultra-Paragons who were disappointed with ME2 because they only wanted to play Shepard as a Real American Hero and didn't want to have any interaction with unsavory characters like Cerberus other than shooting them. God knows that's why Shepard became affiliated with the Alliance again. Personally I found Shepard much more interesting when he was forced to work on the fringes, outside the law and allied with questionable people like TIM, Jack, Thane, Samara, etc.
[quote name='shrike4242']Bad choice to "cheat" on the Shadow Broker, methinks. ;) Be glad she didn't have a pet yagh on-hand for issues like that.[/QUOTE]

Are we all talking about the same canon "I gladly risked my life to save your corpse regardless of where we stand romantically speaking because I'm not so secretly obsessed with you. Oh, and I managed to recover and frame your dog tags. That's not weird... is it?" Liara T'soni?

The worst the version I'm thinking of would do is pout excessively while crying on Feron's shoulder and taking her frustrations out on enemy combatants.

[quote name='IanKazimer']Yeah, I got up in that on my first playthrough ME2. Glad I made a new file though, when I found out all I get in ME3 is a random "Siha" tossed into the same conversations.[/QUOTE]

I never understood the allure of chasing after a man who prefers to call you by the pet name of his dead wife, but that's just me. If I were a woman I'd find it extremely creepy.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I never understood the allure of chasing after a man who prefers to call you by the pet name of his dead wife, but that's just me. If I were a woman I'd find it extremely creepy.[/QUOTE]

More thought than I put into it, really. He breaks necks and doesn't afraid of anything, so I shared my space flower.

I personally don't think any of the romances in the games are very fulfilling, but I appreciate their attempts.
Agreed. I just always found that part about him to be weird as holy f*ck and always wondered how hilarious the explanation would be if I asked a female member of his fan base.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Agreed. I just always found that part about him to be weird as holy f*ck and always wondered how hilarious the explanation would be if I asked a female member of his fan base.[/QUOTE]

I think it needs field testing. It might actually be the most pro move out there, who knows.
[quote name='IanKazimer']I think it needs field testing. It might actually be the most pro move out there, who knows.[/QUOTE]
Didn't Carth Onasi harp about his dead wife a lot? I thought the 'sensitive widower' thing was kind of a romance trope.

ETA: Steeeeeeeeeeeeve Cortez also.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Word.[/quote]Calibrations to your mother.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Marauder Shields is a badass, respect.
Some kind of final confrontation with Harbinger would have been very welcome though. I know you feel this.
[/quote]Agreed. Not expecting it in EC, though you never know at this point.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Frankly I think BioWare was trying to please all the ultra-Paragons who were disappointed with ME2 because they only wanted to play Shepard as a Real American Hero and didn't want to have any interaction with unsavory characters like Cerberus other than shooting them. God knows that's why Shepard became affiliated with the Alliance again. Personally I found Shepard much more interesting when he was forced to work on the fringes, outside the law and allied with questionable people like TIM, Jack, Thane, Samara, etc.[/QUOTE]There was enough shooting of unsavory Cerberus characters in ME1, yes. Even if you were ultra-paragon in ME2, you were using Cerberus as a means to an end because the Collectors obviously needed to be stopped. Some of the decisions along the way were an issue, yes, though you could go ultra-Paragon and work through it to a correct ending, knowing also that you were working these questionable characters into a "right" goal.

I think that Shepard moving back with the Alliance was more borne of the Alliance knowing that they couldn't let Shepard run around the galaxy with what he/she knew and with they suspected might be coming. Probably some hidden olive branch towards the batarians so they could say they have Shepard under lock and key.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Are we all talking about the same canon "I gladly risked my life to save your corpse regardless of where we stand romantically speaking because I'm not so secretly obsessed with you. Oh, and I managed to recover and frame your dog tags. That's not weird... is it?" Liara T'soni?

The worst the version I'm thinking of would do is pout excessively while crying on Feron's shoulder and taking her frustrations out on enemy combatants.

I never understood the allure of chasing after a man who prefers to call you by the pet name of his dead wife, but that's just me. If I were a woman I'd find it extremely creepy.[/QUOTE]The same canon one, yes. I guess she had visions of Shepard as savior of the galaxy in her head and didn't want him getting misplaced.

And don't mess with the pouting, crying asari with lots of biotics under her control. Hormones, y'see.

I think Thane was a man who saw a lot of his wife in Shepard and it was a kindred spirits type of thing. Plus, he knew he was on the way out with Kepral's Syndrome, so maybe it was some way in his head to try and make peace with his dead wife.

[quote name='IanKazimer']More thought than I put into it, really. He breaks necks and doesn't afraid of anything, so I shared my space flower.

I personally don't think any of the romances in the games are very fulfilling, but I appreciate their attempts.[/QUOTE]What would have worked as a more fulfilling romance?

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Agreed. I just always found that part about him to be weird as holy f*ck and always wondered how hilarious the explanation would be if I asked a female member of his fan base.[/QUOTE]I've seen posts on the Bioware forums that would make me think that a goodly number of female fan base members like Thane as the strong, silent type.

[quote name='IanKazimer']I think it needs field testing. It might actually be the most pro move out there, who knows.[/QUOTE]Dare I wonder what this field testing would look like?

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Didn't Carth Onasi harp about his dead wife a lot? I thought the 'sensitive widower' thing was kind of a romance trope.

ETA: Steeeeeeeeeeeeve Cortez also.[/QUOTE]Steeeeeeeeeve Cortez, yes, and I think Carth as well, though it's been a while since I've played KOTOR.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']In fairness on the whole "too video gamey" thing, what they were specifically talking about was
the concept of the Illusive Man morphing into a giant monster and that being the final boss fight.
And I completely agree with that. The non-physical confrontation you get instead is an awesome sequence and a much better representation of what that character is all about than a shootout with a monster would have been.

Besides, ME2 had a conventional final boss fight and BioWare got nothing but complaints about it.[/QUOTE]

Oh what no Batman: Arhkam Asylum love? ;) lol

Even the boss fight in the ME2 DLC Overlord was cool and not too video gamey. Do something like that and it'd totally fit, instead of
electrical circuits you have to stop, be links from the Illusive Man (who has minions attacking you) and Harbinger
. :bouncy: There you go
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[quote name='Spybreak8']Oh what no Batman: Arhkam Asylum love? ;) lol

Even the boss fight in the ME2 DLC Overlord was cool and not too video gamey. Do something like that and it'd totally fit, instead of
electrical circuits you have to stop, be links from the Illusive Man (who has minions attacking you) and Harbinger
. :bouncy: There you go
[/QUOTE]Genius, that is, for that other ending.

The boss fight in Overlord was a bit different than previous ones like it, though nothing different than we run into with
Legion's information gathering/Reaper code destroying "VR" mission you do in ME3
. I rather liked it because it was different. No Human form digital Reaper, thanks. :D
"doesn't afraid of anything"

...My meme sense is tingling. Someone roll with this shit. QUICK!

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Are we all talking about the same canon "I gladly risked my life to save your corpse regardless of where we stand romantically speaking because I'm not so secretly obsessed with you. Oh, and I managed to recover and frame your dog tags. That's not weird... is it?" Liara T'soni?

The worst the version I'm thinking of would do is pout excessively while crying on Feron's shoulder and taking her frustrations out on enemy combatants.

I never understood the allure of chasing after a man who prefers to call you by the pet name of his dead wife, but that's just me. If I were a woman I'd find it extremely creepy.[/QUOTE]

Except Siha wasn't a pet name for his dead wife. Hell, it wasn't even his dead wife's name, which was Irikah Krios. And one more thing, "Siha" means...

Thane eventually reveals it as the name of "One of the warrior-angels of the goddess Arashu. Fierce in wrath. A tenacious protector.

If Thane was going to have a "pet name" for Irikah, it would've been "Arashu" because he says in ME2...

I thought she was the goddess Arashu.

I stand corrected. It's not creepy anymore. Just kind of cheesy and the fact I was mistaken speaks volumes of my lack of interest in the lore since ME2 came out.
I lost all interest after Starchild, so hey. It's all good.

Reminds me of Episode I and that whole "midichlorian" garbage.

And yes, for me, it's on that level of bull.

One last thing:

To be clear, the player group can only be comprised of krogans, vorcha or batarians. If there are humans, geth or quarians in the group, it will NOT count.

You can have an all vorcha squad or a mix of krogans and batarians or all 3 races, just ONLY those 3 races.
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While I am one of very few people on the planet that defends Bioware for the ending they put out and really did enjoy the ending, it would have been pretty badass if
we had a kick ass brawl with Harbinger at the end. Prior to the game coming out, I kept thinking about how we would take on all these Reapers and had visions of running up the side of one, placing explosives or getting inside and what not. Something against Harbinger would have been awesome, even if it slipped into "videogamey". I am very pleased with their decision to not whore out TIM and we had a battle of the minds.
In MP news, Tactical Cloak is on the chopping block to get nerfed next week due to Infiltrators commanding 33% of the lobby make up in Gold games. Enjoy it while it lasts folks.
Looks like Extended Cut drops next Tuesday:

Shall we take a guess on how big it is?

EDIT: Damn you, Ryu, beat me to it.

EDIT #2: FAQ for you:

For the link-lazy:
[quote name='From BioWare EC FAQ']
How much is the Extended Cut?

  • The Extended Cut is available to download at no additional charge.
When does the Extended Cut release?

  • The Extended Cut will release on June 26th on Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 in North America and July 4th for PlayStation 3 in Europe.
How large is the Extended Cut?

  • The Extended Cut requires roughly 1.9 gigabytes of storage.
How do I get the Extended Cut?

  • The Extended Cut can be downloaded from Xbox LIVE, Origin on PC, and PlayStation Network at no additional cost.
What is included in the Extended Cut?

  • The Extended Cut expands on the endings of Mass Effect 3 through additional scenes and epilogue sequences. It provides more of the answers and closure that players have been asking for. It gives a sense of what the future holds as a result of the decisions made throughout the series. And it shows greater detail in the successes or failures based on how players achieved their endings.
Does the Extended Cut change the endings?

  • The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions.
What save game should I load to play the Extended Cut?

  • To experience the Extended Cut, load a save game from before the attack on the Cerberus Base and play through to the end of the game. The Extended Cut endings will differ depending on choices made throughout the Mass Effect series, so multiple playthroughs with a variety of different decisions will be required to experience the variety of possibilities offered by the new content.
Where can I learn more about the Extended Cut?

  • To learn more about the Extended Cut, please enjoy the Extended Cut interview podcast with Community Manager Jessica Merizan, Executive Producer Casey Hudson, and Lead Writer Mac Walters.
Now to spam the Datapad app and try to get my readiness back to max before Tuesday...

Or maybe I should leave it at 50%, since that's where it was for my initial "canon" character playthrough... Decisions decisions...
So, my soul only is only trapped in Purgatory (not the bar or prison ship) for 4 more days? Fine by me.

Let's finish this. And hopefully the correct way, this time.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Purgatory (not the bar or prison ship)[/QUOTE]
I always thought that was weird. Was the bar supposed to be named after the prison? Did the writers just not realize that two unrelated locations in the series just had the exact same name? How come Jack never remarked on it? :lol:
funny. at first glance, Javik in the EC image release on FB looked like Gambit from xmen with an inflated head.

does the challenge mean, your squad just needs at least 1 krogan, vorcha, or bat? or all four squad members must be the beatuiful races?
[quote name='100xp']funny. at first glance, Javik in the EC image release on FB looked like Gambit from xmen with an inflated head.

does the challenge mean, your squad just needs at least 1 krogan, vorcha, or bat? or all four squad members must be the beatuiful races?[/QUOTE]

Entire squad. If even one person isn't one of the three races you automatically forfeit the squad goal.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Entire squad. If even one person isn't one of the three races you automatically forfeit the squad goal.[/QUOTE]

[x] [x]
...time to warm up the ole kickings legs.
Looks like EMS requirements are going to be changed, but details are pretty vague.
People have been asking about the EMS and how it changes in the Extended Cut DLC.

The original experience of the game was meant to reward players who did extra work (multiplayer, importing a save, playing the iOS games, etc) with greater levels of success in the end, which is appropriate to a story about a war that needs every possible advantage in order to win. But now that we are moving to a post-launch period and have additional content for the endings, we wanted to make it easier for all players to experience even the best-cast endings. Playing multiplayer is just one component is a sea of variables that can affect your ending. If you don't play MP, you have to find other ways raise to raise your EMS before attempting to retake Earth, including a comprehensive single player play through. Likewise if you suffered some blows to your EMS prior to assaulting Earth, MP is a great way to raise your score high enough for the final assault.

Keep in mind that the results of having a very low EMS rating can have distinct effects on the outcome of the game in teh same way having a high EMS can.
[quote name='dualedge2']I'd suggest NOT holding your breath. You'll be far less disappointed that way.

I know that at this point, I'd rather have that "new endings" DLC.[/QUOTE]

Trust me, I've been hoping for the best, but expecting the worst since this thing was announced. Holding my breath now just refers to me being incredibly nervous about it.
[quote name='Arikado']Trust me, I've been hoping for the best, but expecting the worst since this thing was announced. Holding my breath now just refers to me being incredibly nervous about it.[/QUOTE]

"Better than I feared. Worse than I hoped."

In MP news, Tactical Cloak is on the chopping block to get nerfed next week due to Infiltrators commanding 33% of the lobby make up in Gold games. Enjoy it while it lasts folks.

This doesn't really bother me that much because I've been losing interest in the MP for a little while now. The allure of Ultra-Rares (some that don't even deserve that moniker) simply isn't good enough to keep interest up. Add to that the fact that TC is still broken (breaks every other activation) and this nerf, I won't be around much longer if they keep screwing shit up.


"All Fleets: The Crucible is armed. Disengage and head to the rendezvous point."

Of course, this raises as many questions as it (maybe) answers. When does Hackett give this order? Too late, and it's not enough time for Joker to pick up squadmates on Earth and get away (it takes hours to fly to the Charon relay from Earth). Too early, and the talk of the Crucible being "armed" doesn't really make sense. Remember, his last communication with Shepard was that "nothing was happening" to which Shepard responded that he didn't know what to do. And during the conversation with the Catalyst you can see the battle still taking place overhead, the fleets aren't disengaging. So there is not really a timeframe that this Hackett dialogue would take place that squares with existing events...

I guess we'll see.
does bioware know that the various Infiltrators have some seriously strong abilities and combos? and who doen't want to cloak? ppl like cloaking...and in a game where you're not getting sniped back, and you are the sniper? yeah...invisible finger of god wielder is very popular in games. 33% seems small esp since the Geth infiltrator is just so much fun and powerful.

I suppose since everyone else figured biotic combos were more efficient, that makes up the rest of the statistics.

the only thing I noticed broken or not working as intended re cloak was the dmg bonus while cloaking still applied for a second or two after you popped out of cloak. I think the other problem was it wasn't properly penalized for recharge/weight.
I look forward to watching the extended cut videos on YouTube. As someone who hated parts of the ending I am hoping it at least sorts out some of the plot holes.

Plot Holes. (Spoilers Obviously) :roll:
-Squad Members back on ship at end cut scene.
-Galaxy left to starve (Without Mass Relay to get home) after end battle.
-Why Joker suddenly picked up and left?

These just the plot holes, I am not even going to mention the Space Child. I just can't believe they can leave all these holes and just remark "Artistic Vision".

I will be interested to see where they go with it.
That "interview" was so scripted it put politicians to shame. Carefully marginalizing the legitimate consistency complaints people had while coddling those that remained.
bread's done