Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

The sniper buffs are great but upping tha challenge requirements suck. I was so close to completing the reaper mastery challenge but now it'll take me forever to get 450,000 points killing husks alone.
I'm with Ryuu, I'll get the SP weapon pack when Omega comes out. Cool stuff, but I kinda wish they'd do more with squad outfits or new powers for your squad or something. Just to mix it up.
After playing through some of the new hazard maps, I have to say that playing ghost in the acid rain is awesome. So much fun. IMO it's the only one that adds is deep layer of strategy while at the same time not feeling unfair. Also the sandstorm on dagger is my least favorite, especially as someone who enjoys playing sniper. Overall I like the map tweaks they introduced, though I'm still a little bummed they closed off the control room in glacier. I understand why they had to do it, but now where are we going to hide man?!
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I'm with Ryuu, I'll get the SP weapon pack when Omega comes out. Cool stuff, but I kinda wish they'd do more with squad outfits or new powers for your squad or something. Just to mix it up.[/QUOTE]
It was nice that all the alternative outfit DLC was available right off the bat this time instead of coming in batches after the game had already been out for months. That said I would not object to even more. :) But given that they stopped releasing ME2's outfit DLC before all of the squad members even had one suggests to me that the response was not great.
Kind of a bummer. ME2 is one of the few games that I actually ponied up for costume packs in. Thankfully the CE of ME3 added some variety, but I'd never argue with more.

And I would seriously pay 800msp for a Wrex/Grunt skin on James. Hell with continuity. I don't give a shit.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I'm with Ryuu, I'll get the SP weapon pack when Omega comes out. Cool stuff, but I kinda wish they'd do more with squad outfits or new powers for your squad or something. Just to mix it up.[/QUOTE]

Haha what you think this is Capcom?!
This is Biowarrre!

At work so this was the best I could do;)
So I just recently in the past few days finished ME3 and decided to run through it without the DLC endings. Well I hated it and decided to check out the extended cuts on youtube. I just made some observations I wanted to share and maybe get some opinions on.

There seems to be one glaring difference when it comes to the Destroy, Control, and Synthesis options compared to the Rejection one. In the first 3 you see all this stuff about rebuilding and living happily ever after (except the Geth and Reapers in Destroy). Then you get the end with Buzz Aldrin talking to the child and telling stories of Shepard. During this exchange, which I assume takes place long after story, the boy seems to be unaware of other species and other worlds. It's almost like something happened that may have separated the species again after the supposed times of peace.

The reason I think something big happened in the first 3, is because in the Rejection ending we get something a bit different. It is only in this ending does the kid say "And that's why we have peace?" The woman says that yes, and it is because of everything we accomplished and were able to pass this information to future cycles. So in this ending there is peace, but it would seem that may not be the case in the other endings.

In the Control ending it appears that Shepard is no longer like Shepard. He talks of control being power and whatnot, like TIM did. I feel this option is a trap set by the Reapers and the starchild (he even seems to be a Reaper from the Rejection ending where he says "So be it" in a Reaper voice.) Eventually Shepard likely succumbs to indoctrination and the Reapers take over.

Synthesis seems to be the option the starchild favors you choosing. Here it seems to me that we are indoctrinating the entire galaxy. I feel this likely lead to a galaxy wide extermination.

Destroy also would have lead to eventual conflict because we are lead to believe that even if we wipe out the Reapers (and Geth) our future generations would have built their own synthetics and thus creating a similar situation to what we find ourselves in now.

Rejection seems to me like the best choice, and the choice that the real Shepard would choose. He has no reason to trust the starchild and it wouldn't make sense to align ourselves with the Reapers. By picking this option we will fail in stopping the Reapers for this cycle, but as we see we are able to leave behind a message for the future much like the Protheans did for us. However this time we accomplished more than the Protheans and are better suited to advise the future generations how to stop the Reapers. We could spare them the wasted time of building the Crucible.

Anyways it would appear that after picking Rejection, the future cycle does receive our warnings and are this time successful against the Reapers and have achieved peace. Thus, Shepard has fulfilled his destiny in defeating the Reapers and creating a galactic wide peace.

And when you think of the endings in that way, ME3 actually seems like less of a disappointment (at least for me.)

I am eager to see where Bioware takes this series with future DLC and possibly future titles. Mass Effect is my favorite series and I love the possibilities for more things to come about in this awesome galaxy they have created.

Thanks for reading that long post. I'd be interested in others opinions.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Mass Effect 4: 'There will be no more Shepard'[/QUOTE]

Yup, that's what they've said in the past.

The question is, when can they set it? A prequel or side story set concurrently with the Reaper War would be anticlimactic, but setting it after ME3 could create a scenario where the universe is so unrecognizable it may as well not even be Mass Effect.
Plus for a game set in the future they'll have to pick one of Destory/Control/Synthesis as the "canonical" outcome for the ME universe, which is bound to make a lot of people angry no matter what they do.
Operation BLOODLUST (Oct. 19th – 21st)
The krogan continue to be formidable allies. We will be lending the krogan army assistance in their next series of strikes against the Reapers.

Squad Goal: Earn one gold melee-medal fighting as a krogan on any map at any difficulty.
Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.

Sounds easy enough, but does this mean there is no allied goal? Also, it sounds like only one person on the squad earns the medal and then everybody gets the pack?
[quote name='Feeni']Sounds easy enough, but does this mean there is no allied goal? Also, it sounds like only one person on the squad earns the medal and then everybody gets the pack?[/QUOTE]

That's what it sounds like. I'm just wondering if I can do this solo.
[quote name='sendme']That's what it sounds like. I'm just wondering if I can do this solo.[/QUOTE]

Should be no problem using Kroguard. He's practically invincible on bronze.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yup, that's what they've said in the past.

The question is, when can they set it? A prequel or side story set concurrently with the Reaper War would be anticlimactic, but setting it after ME3 could create a scenario where the universe is so unrecognizable it may as well not even be Mass Effect.
Plus for a game set in the future they'll have to pick one of Destory/Control/Synthesis as the "canonical" outcome for the ME universe, which is bound to make a lot of people angry no matter what they do.

In the news story, they said ME4, or whatever it's called, will be set *after* ME3. They made it sound like, "we've set the stage and we have this vast universe to go wild in". They made it clear it won't be a soldier-story, which makes me wonder where their head is at. I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm just really curious, as I'm sure we all are. There are so many places this could go, but I could go for a Turian-centric game.

On a side note, in real-life, they found a Prothean gold tooth on Mars. ;)
[quote name='sendme']That's what it sounds like. I'm just wondering if I can do this solo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is doable with the Kroguard on Bronze/solo. No squad goal, which stinks, but we get our commendation packs immediately. You could always go two players, one the volus and one Kroguard. Then switch and do another bronze match. Keep in mind, it says nothing about extraction, just the gold melee medal.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Yeah, this is doable with the Kroguard on Bronze/solo. No squad goal, which stinks, but we get our commendation packs immediately. You could always go two players, one the volus and one Kroguard. Then switch and do another bronze match. Keep in mind, it says nothing about extraction, just the gold melee medal.[/QUOTE]

why switch and do it again? Everyone in squad gets a pack for doing it.

Squad Goal: Earn one gold melee-medal fighting as a krogan on any map at any difficulty.

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']In the news story, they said ME4, or whatever it's called, will be set *after* ME3. They made it sound like, "we've set the stage and we have this vast universe to go wild in". They made it clear it won't be a soldier-story, which makes me wonder where their head is at.[/QUOTE]
Not a soldier, hmmm. Maybe the main character will be a police officer or a spy or a professional assassin rather than technically being a "soldier," but I'll eat my hat if ME4 isn't a third person shooter. :lol: Maybe they'll be able to put some interesting spin on it like in Dead Space, where Isaac Clarke is an engineer whose "engineering tools" just happen to also be remarkably suited to the task of shooting monsters in the face.
[quote name='theredworm']why switch and do it again? Everyone in squad gets a pack for doing it.

Squad Goal: Earn one gold melee-medal fighting as a krogan on any map at any difficulty.

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.[/QUOTE]

Oh, duh, my bad! Wow, this one will be really easy.

Not a soldier, hmmm. Maybe the main character will be a police officer or a spy or a professional assassin rather than technically being a "soldier," but I'll eat my hat if ME4 isn't a third person shooter. Maybe they'll be able to put some interesting spin on it like in Dead Space, where Isaac Clarke is an engineer whose "engineering tools" just happen to also be remarkably suited to the task of shooting monsters in the face.

Engineer is an interesting angle. Or maybe a C-Sec type officer story investigating something on the new Citadel that leads to something bigger. Like say, oh....
an ancient race of giant water bugs that once ruled the galaxy as an all-enslaving alpha race with a nasty habit of entering other beings minds and staying in hidey-holes for a really long time and is now bent on galactic domination now that the Reapers are no longer a threat?
It will be a shoe-eating party if it isn't a 3rd person shooter/RPG hybrid.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Maybe they'll be able to put some interesting spin on it like in Dead Space, where Isaac Clarke is an engineer whose "engineering tools" just happen to also be remarkably suited to the task of shooting monsters in the face.[/QUOTE]
Got a laser tool that cuts through rock... not so far fetched that it cuts through faces too, monster or otherwise.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Not a soldier, hmmm. Maybe the main character will be a police officer or a spy or a professional assassin rather than technically being a "soldier," but I'll eat my hat if ME4 isn't a third person shooter. :lol: Maybe they'll be able to put some interesting spin on it like in Dead Space, where Isaac Clarke is an engineer whose "engineering tools" just happen to also be remarkably suited to the task of shooting monsters in the face.[/QUOTE]Thing is, if they do set it in the post-ME3 universe and they pick a specific ending from ME3 as the "canon" starting point, there will be factions that bitch about that choice no matter what.

Question is, besides
, which one would they really pick? That one seems to be the "preferred" ending to the story for a ME4 game. If you went with
Destroy, the Reapers and Geth are gone, though are all of the mass effect relays, so interstellar travel will be a bit of an issue for any ship without a mass effect drive.
Control ends up with a benevolent Reaper-Shepard out there and a working mass effect relay network, plus the Reapers still being out there. Ends up being an option for Shepard-ex-machina, I suppose.
Unless they decide that it's
based on Rejection and you're dealing with the post-Reaper harvest cycle where there's not much left out there. Probably be the most removed from the current ME1/2/3 universe, though is it really ME at that point?

ME4 makes as much sense at this point as Halo 4, mainly since things were wrapped up at the end of ME3 as they were with Halo 3. Prequel makes the most sense to me for ME4, like they did with Halo Reach.
[quote name='shrike4242']Thing is, if they do set it in the post-ME3 universe and they pick a specific ending from ME3 as the "canon" starting point, there will be factions that bitch about that choice no matter what.

Question is, besides
, which one would they really pick? That one seems to be the "preferred" ending to the story for a ME4 game. If you went with
Destroy, the Reapers and Geth are gone, though are all of the mass effect relays, so interstellar travel will be a bit of an issue for any ship without a mass effect drive.
Control ends up with a benevolent Reaper-Shepard out there and a working mass effect relay network, plus the Reapers still being out there. Ends up being an option for Shepard-ex-machina, I suppose.
Unless they decide that it's
based on Rejection and you're dealing with the post-Reaper harvest cycle where there's not much left out there. Probably be the most removed from the current ME1/2/3 universe, though is it really ME at that point?

ME4 makes as much sense at this point as Halo 4, mainly since things were wrapped up at the end of ME3 as they were with Halo 3. Prequel makes the most sense to me for ME4, like they did with Halo Reach.[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree with you on Halo 4. I'm actually impressed with how they're pulling this one off and going deep into Halo lore. I'm pretty excited about it. I do agree that the easiest for us to comprehend would be the prequel stories. There are two handfuls of stories I could rattle off right now. But, I have faith in the team at Bioware and I can see where they would chalk up ME1/2/3 as just the "setting of the stage" for the rest of the series simply because of
the giant f'ing leviathan race that doesn't have anything to keep it in check like the Reapers were and we know the leviathan were all about domination. It seems like the Leviathan DLC was a giant postcard of obvious as to what the future threat in the Milky Way is.
[quote name='Pirate331']Got a laser tool that cuts through rock... not so far fetched that it cuts through faces too, monster or otherwise.[/QUOTE]

I know, I'm just poking fun. :lol: I'm an enormous Dead Space fan.

[quote name='shrike4242']Thing is, if they do set it in the post-ME3 universe and they pick a specific ending from ME3 as the "canon" starting point, there will be factions that bitch about that choice no matter what.

Question is, besides
, which one would they really pick? That one seems to be the "preferred" ending to the story for a ME4 game. If you went with
Destroy, the Reapers and Geth are gone, though are all of the mass effect relays, so interstellar travel will be a bit of an issue for any ship without a mass effect drive.
Control ends up with a benevolent Reaper-Shepard out there and a working mass effect relay network, plus the Reapers still being out there. Ends up being an option for Shepard-ex-machina, I suppose.
Unless they decide that it's
based on Rejection and you're dealing with the post-Reaper harvest cycle where there's not much left out there. Probably be the most removed from the current ME1/2/3 universe, though is it really ME at that point?

Synthesis is supposedly everlasting peace and harmony, kind of hard to have a conflict or conspiracy that the game could revolve around. Similarly, in Control Shepard becomes the all powerful God-Emperor of the galaxy, not much room there for the player character to solve problems or be important and influential. And in Refuse all of the recognizable races and cultures are obliterated so why even call it Mass Effect. I think they pretty much need to go with Destroy. Or they could change what one of the other endings means, like they could go with Control but have Shepard and the Reapers depart the galaxy and leave things as they were before.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I have to disagree with you on Halo 4. I'm actually impressed with how they're pulling this one off and going deep into Halo lore. I'm pretty excited about it. I do agree that the easiest for us to comprehend would be the prequel stories. There are two handfuls of stories I could rattle off right now. But, I have faith in the team at Bioware and I can see where they would chalk up ME1/2/3 as just the "setting of the stage" for the rest of the series simply because of
the giant f'ing leviathan race that doesn't have anything to keep it in check like the Reapers were and we know the leviathan were all about domination. It seems like the Leviathan DLC was a giant postcard of obvious as to what the future threat in the Milky Way is.
[/QUOTE]Though, ME1/2/3 is a completed series with things relatively wrapped up at the end. Unless we go with some other scenario that runs in parallel with ME1/2/3 timeframes though somewhere far removed from the storyline or something so removed from the ME1/2/3 timeframes (First Contact War, Rachni Wars, Prothean Empire), it'll be odd for them to go work something out that doesn't look like Mass Effect Duty 4.

Though, with
the Leviathan race being out there and the creators of the Reapers, they obviously could be the big bad going forward, if there's enough of them out there in any quantity. Problem is, they're close enough to Reapers everyone would assume they're Reapers.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']
Synthesis is supposedly everlasting peace and harmony, kind of hard to have a conflict or conspiracy that the game could revolve around. Similarly, in Control Shepard becomes the all powerful God-Emperor of the galaxy, not much room there for the player character to solve problems or be important and influential. And in Refuse all of the recognizable races and cultures are obliterated so why even call it Mass Effect. I think they pretty much need to go with Destroy. Or they could change what one of the other endings means, like they could go with Control but have Shepard and the Reapers depart the galaxy and leave things as they were before.
[/QUOTE]Sure, changing an ending makes so much sense because they have such good history with that. :D
[quote name='shrike4242']Sure, changing an ending makes so much sense because they have such good history with that. :D[/QUOTE]
Honestly that's the thing that surprises me the most about the endings.
Every possibility (except arguably Destroy) drastically changes the setting, and in mutually exclusive ways. If the goal was to shoot themselves in the foot in terms of making Mass Effect 4 and keeping all the fans happy, they could not have done a better job. :lol:
Oh I can see it now, ME4 no Shepard, he's the enemy now. No no sorry I mean Bioware decides to use a Hanar as the main player character,
, nah wait that's still soldier. :lol:

I can't be more excited with Halo 4, from the wait what announcement at E3 to the way they're bringing back Master Chief. Sorry I think the Mass Effect universe is Shepard.
[quote name='Feeni']Should be no problem using Kroguard. He's practically invincible on bronze.[/QUOTE]

That would be great but all I have is the Krogan Soldier. I also have to start over as I promoted the soldier class the other day.
[quote name='Only One Haze']Quick someone who has never played any of the ME games, would I be wise to start with ME1 or can I just jump in anywhere? Thanks![/QUOTE]

Start with 1. If that's too rough, at least start with 2.
[quote name='Only One Haze']Quick someone who has never played any of the ME games, would I be wise to start with ME1 or can I just jump in anywhere? Thanks![/QUOTE]

yeah at least do 2, has a lot of story and awesome characters, b ut don't start with 3.
Mass Effect 1 is a great, great game, even being 5 years old. It plays differently than 2 & 3, but from a story standpoint, you must play it. You'll be glad you did. :)
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Mass Effect 1 is a great, great game, even being 5 years old. It plays differently than 2 & 3, but from a story standpoint, you must play it. You'll be glad you did. :)[/QUOTE]Gotta agree with that assessment.

That and buy Bring Down The Sky DLC for ME1 and Lair Of The Shadow Broker DLC for ME2, at the minimum.
I would only recommend BDTS because it's a dollar, otherwise it really isn't that pivotal or anything great for that matter.

As for another ME game, I would want to see something on a smaller scope when compared to the galaxy. You still have the races, abilities, terminology, but just set on a single location or something. It doesn't really make much difference in the places you can visit. I still haven't played ME3, but all the major locations in ME2 can very well be placed on a single planet if they wanted to, so you can still have variety and with it being on a smaller scale when compared to the trilogy, they can ignore stuff that they don't want to tackle (Reapers, Shepard).

No matter what, people are going to be pissy about what they do, but I'd rather them just get away from all the more established stuff and do something new in the same universe that I've grown to love.

Or just make a new game entirely. Whichever works.
Anyone interested in some Gold runs tonight? I've failed 5 consecutive gold publics between last night and today. One had two krogans trying to melee everything for the challenge. WTF?
[quote name='snakemaster2389']is the Levitathian dlc worth it? [/QUOTE]

Leviathan is worth it if you play for the story and like some good set pieces. There's not a lot of action to it, but there is some good dialogue and it adds a cool angle to the legend of the Reapers that could be set up for the future of the series.
What are you talking about Willis? Of course Leviathan had lots of action but yeah there is a heavy emphasis on detective figuring out mode, similar to how LotSB started out. The battles on that floating platform ship were pretty intense (there are a few other set pieces that incorporates combat as well), plus you get to rock an Atlas like walker. I'm a bit biased maybe but yes I def think Leviathan is worth it.
I mean, let's say it like it is, CAG or not, if you love-love Mass Effect, you already bought Leviathan. Yes, it's worth it. It's worth it for
Shepard's line about Sovereign and that stupid husk head
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I mean, let's say it like it is, CAG or not, if you love-love Mass Effect, you already bought Leviathan. Yes, it's worth it. It's worth it for
Shepard's line about Sovereign and that stupid husk head

No, if you love-love Mass Effect, you
told Bioware how you didnt support them screwing over the entire series in 10 minutes by buying DLC that does nothing to improve it.
[quote name='GamerDude316']No, if you love-love Mass Effect, you
told Bioware how you didnt support them screwing over the entire series in 10 minutes by buying DLC that does nothing to improve it.

What? Can't tell if still butthurt
[quote name='GamerDude316']No, if you love-love Mass Effect, you
told Bioware how you didnt support them screwing over the entire series in 10 minutes by buying DLC that does nothing to improve it.

Thanks to Bing I have yet to buy DLC for this game. In fact I'm thinking about buying some of the PSP's with my points from Bing.
[quote name='sendme']Thanks to Bing I have yet to buy DLC for this game. In fact I'm thinking about buying some of the PSP's with my points from Bing.[/QUOTE]

Even if you're using Bing points to get MSP codes, it'll still register as a sale on their bottom line. And that's the issue I have with purchasing any more DLC for ME. I've accepted how Bioware chose to end the series, and I'm making the choice to not support their DLC add-ons full of content that should have been in the game at release (ie, Omega)
bread's done